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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14177771 No.14177771[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok /ck/, here we go . I have been dating this girl for a minute but we only get so much time to spend irl together.
Yesterday we went to a bbq at my friends house. He had some pretty basic bbq chicken that was good and juicy but I would not say amazing.
They were huge and a bit tough but the sauce was nice.
Anyway , my gf went nuts for them. As soon as she finished one, my buddy offered her another which she demolished in record time and asked for a third.
Bitch ate 4 fucking chicken thighs!
She is not fat in fact she is quite fit but what the hell is going to happen to her when she is thirty?
Am I crazy for seeing this as a red flag?
How many can you guys eat? Remember that are big ones.

>> No.14177799

Sounds like she's too powerful for you. Enjoy her company while you can, because she's out of your league and bound to leave you for someone on her level.

>> No.14177814

I think I could eat 6 thighs before getting too full but I’d eat more later

>> No.14177817

Women tend to starve themselves all day before a food related outing so I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.14177826

I wonder if she’s one of those girls that won’t eat anything before going to a party. Or maybe her cheat day if she works out.

>> No.14177835

How good were the thighs? that's the real question we need answers to in order to tell you if she's weird or not

>> No.14177834

You a bitch op. All women and men will get fatter in their 30s-40s. Seriously though you should end it before she figures out you’re a faggot

>> No.14177839

>pretty basic bbq chicken that was good and juicy but I would not say amazing.
>They were huge and a bit tough but the sauce was nice.

>> No.14177841

They were huge and a bit tough but the sauce was nice.

>> No.14177853
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OP, please break up with her. Not because she ate four chicken thighs, but because you're clearly a fucking weirdo and deserve to be alone.

>> No.14177888

Would you say the sauce tasted like salty milk and coins?

>> No.14177929

Is her name Shaniqua?

If not post braaaapper.

>> No.14178151

Why do you suspect braphog?

>> No.14178172

does she know you're an insecure looser?

>> No.14178181

More like should she drop your ass? Imagine being this insecure about someone you barely even know

>> No.14178196

i could probably down 5-6 chicken thighs if i really had to. are they boneless or bone in?

>> No.14178197

If she is fit maybe she just needed the protien. I could fuck up 5 plus chicken thighs easy

>> No.14178322
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>I could fuck up 5 plus chicken thighs easy
Are you a dude

>> No.14178348

You don't deserve her you dumb faggot.

>> No.14178358

>going to a bbq party and eat chicken

I would leave her only for this very reason

>> No.14178367

People that fill up on meat don't tend to be fat. Mind you I don't support eating meat, but I don't see any reason to think she'd have weight problems.

>> No.14178505

Oh by the way Im vegan, forgot to mention it 12 years now if youre wondering

>> No.14178511

Trip dubs are based and redpilled, you're fucked OP.

>> No.14178519

I usually eat one medium or two small. I have a hard time eating a lot of lean meat/fish, but I could easily eat a couple double cheeseburgers if I wanted to.

>> No.14178646


>> No.14179630
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Thats because you are a human being

>> No.14179638

I've got the damndest feeling this is some kind of cuckold thread.

>> No.14179722

If she is actually /fit/ then a sugary chicken thigh is perfect post lift. Protein, fat, sugar. I could put away 4 or 5 at that point easy

>> No.14179728

OP here, I forgot to mention that he fed her by hand and she suckled the sauce from his fingers. Not sure if it matters.

>> No.14179761


>> No.14179938

I said the same thing about OPs moms tits

>> No.14180285

who te fuck makes 'tough' chicken thighs?
it s mathematically impossible.

and stop hassling your girl

>> No.14180292

you do realise mukbangers don't eat the entire thing in one sitting like a regular meal

>> No.14180314

chicken is lean meat, does she work out? if she does she probably knows her shit and is strong as fuark

>> No.14180316


>> No.14180844

>who te fuck makes 'tough' chicken thighs?
That is not a preparation problem but rather they were probably oversized thighs from chickens that were breeding stock and had gotten too large and tough. The cook was probably cheap and bought them on sale.
When you see those giant chicken legs on sale for 29 cents a pound, dont buy them

>> No.14181253
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but thats wrong

>> No.14181284

Yeah this has been said before but you sound weak and impotent, consider voluntary castration in order to remove your weak line from the gene pool.

>> No.14181347


What has got your spidey senses tingling anon?

>> No.14181465
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ITT: triggered whiteknight chubby chasers

>> No.14181493

It's loser you fucking invalid. OP is a loser, whereas your mother has a looser pussy than a pornstar with 10 years of tenure.

>> No.14181500 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14181506
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>> No.14181511
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>> No.14181517

What were the sides? 4 chicken thighs is kind of a lot, especially if they were large.

If there were minimal sides, I would let it slide, but if she had that with a bunch of other shit I would be worried. Like maybe she is stress eating or something. She could have really liked the food and/or been high and just went all out.

I think overall not a big deal unless this is a regular occurrence.

>> No.14181606

Bumo check

>> No.14181808
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>sugary chicken thigh

>> No.14181815

Bbq sauce is loaded with sugar

>> No.14181821

RIP op

>> No.14181868
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>She is not fat in fact she is quite fit
>Eats a ton of protein rich chicken thighs
>What the hell is going to happen to her when she is thirty?

I'm a tiny bitch but I can put away a LOT of meat.
Here are some things I have eaten in one sitting
1+ lb ribeye steak
6 Chicken thighs (regularly)
8 Chicken wings (tips, drumettes, and everything, even most of the bones)
A whole rotisserie chicken
1+ lb of pork
A full slab of ribs (with sides, picked clean, even broke open the bones for marrow)
A whole large fish
2 smoked turkey tails
12 eggs
And I know I can eat more than that.
The thing is, I will eat only tiny desserts. And very little pastries or cereals. I prefer carbs like homemade potatoes, rice, and fermented oats. made into biscuits. But even then very small portions drowning in fat and served with protein drowning in fat!

I am gonna be 32, weight is below 120, lower weight and more muscle than what I was in high school. bmi well in the average range.
But I also do farm work, lift weights, can do 30 push ups at once (used to do sets of 40, but I slacked on my pushups this spring and I'm working my way back), can do up to 12 pull ups at once.

If you don't like the way she eats thighs send her this way and she can eat mine ;3c

>> No.14182303

four is fine, you lunatic. go watch 'sex and the city' and see yourself in all those lonely, shallow, aging losers who dump people because their second toe is longer than their first.

>> No.14182311

This is entire thread is reddit. remember to sage

>> No.14182351

Oh by the way, I'm gay forgot to mention it

>> No.14182369

>has never had a chicken thigh

>> No.14182892

sounds like shes tired of your chicken thighs and wants a real mans cooking op

>> No.14182901

this is what it looks like when the first post is the best post

>> No.14182954

If she was formally fat and now fit she probably regulates her diet, and knows chicken is very low calories and almost all of them are from the protein. Its almost impossible to get fat eating chicken.

>> No.14183307

>chicken is very low calories

>> No.14183688

I am a skeleton who fasts regularly. I'm not a fan of thighs, but I can eat a Chipotle burrito in one sitting, in under 10 minutes.

>> No.14183693

Dumbest thing I've ever read. One day she'll see a guy, get fucked and then go on a rampage. Literally impossible. Dumb cunt.

>> No.14183701

Asexuality ain't impossible. Plenty of people are. People have different brains and bodies, they're not all wired the way you are. What a daffy twit you are.

>> No.14184911

4 thigh is more than 1 burrito

>> No.14185825

That's really not that much actual meat. I normally get chicken breasts and not thighs but four is the usual number I have for dinner along with other stuff.

>> No.14185991

>slacking on your push-ups
Pathetic. You aren't being the person Zyzz and Scooby know you can be

>> No.14186771

With skin?

>> No.14187124

fucking nasty full house

>> No.14187135

have sex

>> No.14187228

>Absolutely demolished OP
>Trips and dubs

Damn. This thread should be garbage already

>> No.14187754

Lmao this made me laugh

>> No.14187763

30 pushups in a row? Wow you're like a navy seal

>> No.14187771

Thighs are the GOAT. Best blend of texture, flavor and nutrition of the bird.

>> No.14187804
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Damn right faggot

>> No.14188166

>fermented oat biscuits

tell me about this

>> No.14188186

Mate, I can do 30 pushups in a row and I never exercise, ever.

>> No.14188271

Chicken thighs are extremely low in calorie and 4 is just a nice serving

>> No.14188355

32 year old slacker on pushups here.

Fermenting oats (and all grains) is how people around the world traditionally prepared the grains. From what I heard, even in Japan people only ate their rice fermented until the Edo era.
I age oats in water for 7-8 days before cooking. This destroys phytates and encourages growth of probiotics in the oats. They will smell and taste sour and be very sticky and cheesy once you cook them down (water and all).
You can eat it on it's own with butter and salt, it will not have the unpleasant cardboard texture of oats cooked from dry and it will be very thick. The sour taste is not for everyone, but I enjoyed the oats with just salt in the past.

I save this cooked down mixture and use them in an oat biscuit recipe I found online, I replace the dry oat weight with the fermented cooked oats, they are DELICIOUS and you only get a small taste of the oats, which I have fed to very picky eaters and they inhale the oat biscuits, sometimes eating 4 at a time. It's a healthy and delicious way to eat and prepare carbohydrate.

>> No.14188361
File: 94 KB, 459x434, fermented oats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a pic of cooked fermented oats.

>> No.14188398

Damn , I would love to snack on your fermented oats anon

>> No.14188401

very interesting, might give this a shot

>> No.14188452

An entire rotisserie chicken is under 1200 calories.
A person could be as skinny as a rail eating a whole chicken every day.

>> No.14188469
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You should! I like to stir the oats every couple days to make sure they stay submerged under water. They tend to expand after the first day so I need to add a bit extra water. I also only cover them with a cloth or paper towel. A tight cover might not be a good idea as the fermentation causes gasses to release and could cause a tightly closed container to explode. My current method is a half gallon mason jar with a ring and paper towel. And I write the date on a piece of tape

>> No.14188633

I also like to ferment them with my vagina

>> No.14189006

Oats i mean

>> No.14189405

and by vagina i mean vagoo

>> No.14189963

You mean snatch?

>> No.14190352
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use that yeast to make sourdough and tell me how it turns out. Maybe even put some sugar in your meat curtains to speed up the fermentation process.

>> No.14190804
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>sugar in your meat curtains to speed up the fermentation process.
That works?

>> No.14190909

In reality she wants to and has fucked your friend

>> No.14191119


Chickens should only have two thighs.

>> No.14191241
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Why you would say something like this

>> No.14191313
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Idk try it and tell me how it goes

>> No.14193051


>> No.14193144

B8. no one's this retarded

>> No.14193172
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guy guys guys

you didn't even tell the OP to post her tits