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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 760x565, 190125-vanila-extract-mn-1307_e34f43adffafb2534438008b3f9013f1.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14177321 No.14177321 [Reply] [Original]

Why is pure white the color everyone associates with vanilla flavor when vanilla beans are black and vanilla extract is dark brown?

>> No.14177330

Because it's used in small enough quantities that it's more of a cream color in practice, and it's directly compared with chocolate which is dark brown/black.

>> No.14177331


>> No.14177342

because of ice cream

>> No.14177347

This. Vanilla sex

>> No.14177356
File: 31 KB, 458x458, 13F395D2-5DA7-469E-A68C-7CDBB7BC6E99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is black color associated with vanilla when the pods are naturally green?

>> No.14177358

fuck off niggers, you literally gave vanilla away. you mockingly started to refer to white people things you don't like as "vanilla" and now it's ours. go play with allspice or some shit.

>> No.14177365

checkmate racebaiters

>> No.14177368

Considering what's going on right now, this site needs to cool it with the joke-racist stuff. Just a fair warning.

>> No.14177371


>> No.14177378
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Vanilla is an orchid and its flowers are usually white

>> No.14177385

Fuck off, it's a legitimate question. Go back to /pol/, this thread is about food.

That's actually a good question, too. Why don't we use fresh vanilla beans? Why do we only dry them out?

>> No.14177392


based and wokepilled

>> No.14177407

People is stupid, also
You ever looked at them vanilla blossoms?

>> No.14177411
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It's not a joke. Pretty much everyone that isn't white is racist as fuck today. The normies can't put two and two together though because of who owns film, television, and print.

>> No.14177497 [DELETED] 

>Considering what's going on right now, this site needs to cool it with the joke-racist stuff. Just a fair warning.
are you fucking kidding me? go fuck a nigger and get out of here

>> No.14177501

probably for the same reason we dont use fresh cocoa beans, they taste too much like beans

>> No.14177530

The same reason we don't use raw cocoa beans or coffee beans. Being aged, dried, or fermented leads to a superior product.

>> No.14177556

>leads to a superior product.
In most cases it's because it's unusable raw.

>> No.14177570

neither vanilla, cocoa or coffee are beans.

>> No.14177580

ok point dexter

>> No.14177637

good call, free speech was always an overrated part of this website

>> No.14177644

Because wh*Teboys are bland and boring.

>> No.14178309
File: 9 KB, 225x225, learn-to-look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vanilla flower is literally on the front of most boxes dude
>>14177378 only valuable response in this thread

>> No.14179221
File: 1.78 MB, 400x279, AtFirst.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you're posting that on every board and I like it. That's some subtle (you) harvesting anon and I just want you to know that I admire your work.

>> No.14179234

I think there's another reason, which is that Vanilla isn't used in seed form, it's nearly always infused into something like milk which is white or alcohol which is clear.
The extract is only black/brown because it's leeching the pigment from the pod.

I've made Vanilla ice-cream many times and it's white because the vanilla seeds don't go in the ice cream, they're strained out during the infusion process.

>> No.14179312

Woah... this guy meams business....
Bros.... I think we better... cool it for a bit....

>> No.14179353

Anybody here see Rory Scovel's show Robbie that Comedy Central burned off a few weeks ago?

If not, I don't recommend it. But they did a bit about how their ice cream has to be called "white" because there's no vanilla in it. Kinda made me want to churn up a batch of plain old non-vanilla ice cream.

Probably gonna suck but w/e.

>> No.14179373



>> No.14179546
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1560653497061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considering what's going on right now, this site needs to cool it with the joke-racist stuff. Just a fair warning.

>> No.14181056

inb4 all the sheltered coward incels from /pol/ show up.
Also, as an European, the color we associate with vanilla is beige/yellow not white.

>> No.14181061

you're not european, abderrahim

>> No.14181062

Nah, it's pretty alright. It does taste mostly of milk, though.

>> No.14181085

uh oh, another triggered /pol/ coward incel.

>> No.14181795

mfw they whitewash vanilla.

>> No.14182029

plain ice cream's basically just custard.
How the fuck did "vanilla" come to mean "plain" anyway?

>> No.14182037

Looks like some magical flower from an RPG or something. I need 25 of those for my fetch quest to give the wizard the special ingredient for his magical dildo lube spell.

>> No.14182040

>seething polcels

>> No.14182043

I agree, but not because of the same reasons. I think it’s becoming less funny. There’s never any new or original racist content anymore. It’s all pseudo-political conspiritard racebait shit these days. It’s went from being funny and solely to offend faggots to literal stormfag-tier because “muh people muh future”

>> No.14182104

Btw the vanilline from the store is synthetic

>> No.14182106

irrelevant when they look and taste like beans...

>> No.14182129
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... really?
You've never seen an orchid?

>> No.14182133

>How the fuck did "vanilla" come to mean "plain" anyway?
No idea, but as someone who genuinely enjoys the flavor of vanilla it's both good and bad. I like it because it means vanilla is all over the place, but I don't like how unfairly maligned it is as a flavor.

>> No.14182150

Because -everything- is vanilla flavored. It's default. Boring. Uninteresting.

>> No.14182283
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Just Vanilla?

>> No.14182643
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>> No.14182887
File: 31 KB, 400x300, Absolutely Sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plebes don't appreciate vanilla. I remember in high school, our cafeteria started stocking vanislla milk. So many dumb idiots losing their shit because they that thought regular white milk was vanilla already.

>> No.14183078
File: 50 KB, 419x570, cokefloat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because cheap (and I emphasize CHEAP) vanilla icecream is kinda bland and very neutral. As such, a lot of chain restaurants and fast food joints use it as a base for sundaes:

chocolate/hot fudge
fruit toppings
topping for pie or brownies
root beer floats

it's basically "general purpose filler for dessert"

>> No.14183103

so much butthurt, OP never even said anything about race you fragile mayo.

>> No.14184637

>because cheap (and I emphasize CHEAP) vanilla icecream is kinda bland and very neutral
This. High quality vanilla ice cream is nothing like it, it's absolutely delicious and very flavourful.

>> No.14185994

What color is vanilla ice cream? Don't think too hard, don't wanna hurt yourself like you did last time.

>> No.14186062

This is a big reason. It's not even that it's becoming less funny, it's that you're growing up and other people aren't. It was never good humor. "Le bad word" isn't funny.

>> No.14186100

vanilla is not plain icecream!

>> No.14186110

It is, and you boring vanilla fucks need to get over yourselves.