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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14171485 No.14171485 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people drink beer when hard seltzers and hard ciders exist?

>> No.14171486

Because not everyone gay you faggot.

>> No.14171487

Beer is cheaper. At least here.

>> No.14171489
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girl drinks are based. what are some sweet fruity-ass fag drinks i can make at home that will push my shit in?

>> No.14171514

cider is gross

>> No.14171518

cringe cope and seethe

>> No.14171529


>> No.14171537

Ive been mixing a $12 handle of vodka with plain jane filtered spring water and ice for a year now. Its a better drunk all around. The yest or something in beer was making feel like shit for a long time. Switched over, and never felt better. The alcohol in those seltzer drinks is made in the cheapest way possible. It is not traditional vodka.

>> No.14171539

Because beer is great. The sole variety of styles ensures that anyone can find something they'll really enjoy, from complex barrel-aged imperial stouts to simple APAs or sour ales.
Ciders are also great and i'm unsure why you're implying you MUST like one and dislike the other

Hard seltzers are pure cancer though

>> No.14171541

*suckles on your little piggy toes* you like dont you, my little scrumpet?

>> No.14171546
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>> No.14171572

Seltzers are literally beers that have been completely filtered of pretty much everything and flavored lightly. They are charging you 20-40% more for what is essentially still bud light/ natty light / miller lite or whatever else beer they're using.

>> No.14171578

Nice toes, Ma'am

>> No.14171781
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>Why do people drink beer?

>> No.14171799

In the US the cheapest seltzers have neutral grain spirits added but most are made from fermented dextrose

>> No.14171803 [DELETED] 
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fragile masculinity, case in point >>14171486

imagine avoiding delicious things because a charlatan with a magic book told you to stop masturbating or you won't be transported to the paradise in space after you're killed

I feel so bad for flyovers

>> No.14171804

why do people drink beer when vodka with better bang for the buck exists?

>> No.14171807


>> No.14171940

how many meme words can you fit into your sentence? As many as the cocks that fit in your mouth?

>> No.14172027

Real men go for real booze.
That girly shit like cider is only good for one thing, that's a bad hangover.

>> No.14172032
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Why do americoids act like cider is a woman's drink? Why do americoids believe that consuming bacon and estrogenic overly hopped beer makes them men?

Down west country like all the lads drink proper scrumpy cider after an ard day on the fields

>> No.14172035

>hard seltzers and hard ciders exist?
both should be outlawed along with hard liquor.

>> No.14172044

Why are you cucks so obsessed?
Are you so pathetic that you think that we care about you're weirdness about the USA?
You might as well piss the fuck off.

>> No.14172046

u r mum should have been outlawed, then you wouldn't have been in existance and made such a shit poast

>> No.14172065

American cider is generally pretty sweet and sweeter drinks are assumed to be for women. I've heard that European cider is drier, but anything made with honey and fruit (except red/white wine) is usually pretty sweet and assumed to be unmanly. That might change if it became more common to understand that you can ferment out the sugars of fruit and honey and make something dry, but people here consume so much sugar they might not want it like that anyway.

>> No.14172072

We all know that anything from eurofags is fruity and pathetic.

>> No.14172079

I don't like them for how sweet they are.
I drink 5 cans and I have a headache from the sugar.
I drink 5 beers I feel great.

>> No.14172086

Man up and drink a handle of vodka or bourbon instead of being a eurofruit.

>> No.14172091

I guess it could be worse, you could be an aussiefruit.

>> No.14172093

Or even worse, a canadafruitcake.

>> No.14172095

Na I'm Australian so beer is great.
I also like gin, whiskey and most spirits with just ice and maybe some lemon or lime but mixing with loads of soda is pretty shit.

>> No.14172098

Sure you do.

>> No.14172102
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Because in Germany beer actually tastes good

>> No.14172128

Do you goosestep with that while making sure it's merkel and halal?

>> No.14172131

Tastes good to you piss loving halal freaks, that's a pretty low bar.

>> No.14172134

>look at my regional lager with le german words
drop the theatrics thorsten, we're not falling for your marketing anymore

>> No.14172139

>tfw no thot e-gf

>> No.14172170

Beer tastes better and is at the heart of civilization. Drinking beer is enjoying culture.

>> No.14172174

Cider is marketed to women in the U.S. and wasn't available the way it is now until very recently so it has retained that place in our culture.

>> No.14172176

German beer tastes good, but it all tastes good in the same 4 or 5 ways. Purity has its ups and downs, I suppose.

>> No.14172209
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Eurofruit kek, we are not the ones addicted to sugar fatass also bourbon aint whisky, if you cant drink smokey scotch you cant tell anyone else to man up

>> No.14172330
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I like the bitter taste. haven't had hard seltzers because scandinaviafag, but ciders are good sometimes. I make sweet drinks on occasion.
in my opinion, bitterness pairs really well with savory foods, which makes beer a good fit.

>> No.14172335

Ewww, a lame pushback from the fruitcake euros that have merkel controlling their borders. Who in their right mind would take that eurofruit seriously?

>> No.14172340

>smokey scotch
smokey scotch is the ipa of the spirits world

>> No.14172344
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>> No.14172349

A German born and trained brewer came to my small town and opened up a brewery years ago. Mostly to make hefeweizen but also lagers. Very dry lagers. The red lager is so dry I have a hard time finishing a pint sometimes. The helles is slammable yet flavorful if you pay attention to the subtle noble hops. The bocks are so good but always seasonal. They grow most of their own grains on a 90% solar powered farm that their brewery and taproom are located on.

Quality fresh German beer in my shitty town.

>> No.14172350
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>mfw a burger says 'we are not the ones addicted to sugar fatass'

>> No.14172355

beer is cheaper, it tastes better, and there is heritage and tradition behind it. Cider isn’t my thing, and in 5 years hard seltzer will be as popular as it was 5 years ago.

>> No.14172361

It's not heritage you euroscum it was necessary because your water quality was so poor. There had to be alcholol in there or you'd all get sick and die like the hippocrite pigs you are.

>> No.14172366

What? Maybe the "macro" ciders. Most ciders on the shelf at the liquor store I work at are dry to semi-dry with a handful of semi-sweet. Apple juice ferments pretty damn well so it's not inherently sweet.

>> No.14172373
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Because I like beer. Also it's just cider. Hard Cider is a misnomer because all cider is alcoholic.

>> No.14172375

You should have some Kentish cider, it's very dry and astringent.

>> No.14172378

but its definitely true that women are the primary market for cider in the US

>> No.14172382

This isn't true at all. Of course there was access to clean drinking water, stop beliving victorian myths.

>> No.14172383

>There had to be alcholol in there or you'd all get sick and die
actually its not the alcohol itself, its the fact that you boil the water as part of the brewing process killing all the organisms living in it

>> No.14172397

Alkyhol has a side effect as well, to get drunk so the eurotrash can drunk then go raping and pillaging.

>> No.14172399

girls are mean

>> No.14172408


>> No.14172440

There isn't enough alcohol in beer to kill bacteria. The fermentation will stop it from spoiling for a while during storage, but it needs to be a pretty high percentage of alcohol to actually sanitize.

>> No.14172512

i want to take a hammer to her face

>> No.14172552

I must taste her feet

>> No.14172580

I can get 12 types of CAMRA Real Ale, gruit, lambic, witbier, and rogge at my local store

The only cider they sell comes in an aluminum can or a plastic bottle

>> No.14172606

Ok redneck

>> No.14172627

to be fair, cans are inherently better than bottles

>> No.14172628

Keep it topical, a meat tenderiser would work.

>> No.14172644

Too bad that you're not in NY.
We get cider and all kinds of things in glass.

>> No.14172648

Was the last thing you bought some jenkem?

>> No.14172653
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>paying for jenk

>> No.14172689

Hey, I know about that place from EU4. Pls stop allying with Denmark.

>> No.14172787

>real men
beer is 4-5% alcohol usually
hard cider is 8-9%

>> No.14172815

>beer is 4-5% alcohol usually
not if you drink good beer
>hard cider is 8-9%
most of the common brands are lower than this, its the same as beer, the cheap stuff is low, the good stuff is more varied

>> No.14172844

>getting this mad anytime someone you assume isn’t american mentions beer
I’m canadian, and that might make me a faggot, but you’re a bigger faggot.

>> No.14172851

Um....... feet?

>> No.14172902

ive seen plenty of brands that are 8% as cheap or cheaper than regular cider, though they generally dont come in as large a variety of flavours, which is the main appeal of cider
brands i usually go for include
>Cheeky Rascal
>Fat Pixie
>Old Mout
>Mad Goose
>Stongbow Blossom
i like Koppaberg in particular cause the strong stuff is cheaper than their regular,
not just for value, its twice the strength, cans are 1.5 times the volume and the 6 pack is 3/4 the price
theres a few ginger beers around the same strength too, like Stones

>> No.14172906

>drinking for enjoyment and not to get drunk and kill the pain
filthy casuals

>> No.14172909

Fucking answer me you faggots.

>> No.14172911

Ciders are pretty good, they also go well with a lot of different foods

>> No.14172925

Beer has a wide variety and depth of flavours that stimulates my senses more than fruity sugar water could ever hope to.
Cider and especially hard seltzer exist solely to exploit the market gap left for women and children.

>> No.14172929

Beer unironically tastes better, hard seltzers taste like a la croix that a diabetic pissed in.

>> No.14172949

beers good but its carby and gives me the shits. I like the idea of cider but am yet to find a brand I like (too sweet) or commit to making my own properly. It also reminds me of too many youthful vomits. The hard seltzers I tried in the US tasted pretty bad, very artificial. I got a soda machine so I just make my own with loads of ice and fresh limes w/or/out spirits or maybe a mojito with some granulated sugar. Anyone recommend a alcoholic gingerbeer?

>> No.14172990
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Lemonade and vodka. Basically vodka and any fruity juice. Bonus points for tropical. This was the premium shit back in the day to get girls wasted, but I don’t see it anymore.

>> No.14172996

There’s multiple kinds of ginger beer. You do not want alcoholic ginger ale. Basically brown bottle, and look for one that is cloudy due to the ginger. You want the shit with lots of ginger in it. I can’t recommend a brand as it’s so hard for me to even find

>> No.14173052

white rum, mint, sugar, lime, soda water
i put in some malibu as well
>fruit tingle
vodka, curacao, grenadine or red cordial, lemonade
tequila, lime juice, Cointreau and/or triple sec

>> No.14173068
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>> No.14173072

Thank you. I forgot about mojitos. Time to pick up some fresh mint.

>> No.14173076

Totally forgot about that stuff.

>> No.14173082


>> No.14173087

People just got used to that bitter taste, like black coffee or tea drinkers

>> No.14173096


>> No.14173112


>> No.14173118

Hell, I just found a good picture of "tea drinkers" I'd get banned for posting it.

>> No.14173149

Coasties have passports because their lives are so miserable in their coastal metropolitan hellholes that they need to leave the country and travel abroad to escape. Meanwhile, flyovers lead happy lives, content in their smaller communities where they contribute meaningfully to derive a sense of strong community and worth, with no need to look outward or travel to other countries because they have everything they need for mental, emotional, and physical wellness right at home.

>> No.14173155

Chocolate choo-choo for me, friend.

>> No.14173166

Flyovers mostly live in cities man, the midwest is the second most urban part of the country

>> No.14173181

Midwestern cities feel nothing like the coastal urban hellscapes, though. Except maybe Chicago, but it's the black sheep of the midwest anyway (and notice how Illinois has a higher percentage of passport owners than any other midwest state) The far northern states get a pass because they just use their passports to nip up into Canada for some beer or something.

>> No.14173191

You come across as a yammering faggot that can't afford a passport so has to made lame exuses.

>> No.14173198

Hard seltzer is a huge meme. Just get some seltzer water and mix it with vodka yourself.

>> No.14173210

Passports cost less than $150 and last like 10 years. I could have afforded one working my first minimum wage job, fucking anyone can afford them. Cost isn't the issue, the desire to leave the country is. Midwesterners just don't have the same need to escape as people on the coast.

>> No.14173211

I spent one day in Chicago on business scoping out some crappy company for another company. The company was shit and Chicago was and is shit.

>> No.14173218

Neither do most of us "coasties."
It's pretty funny hearing you yammer about us in your jealousy.

>> No.14173219

No arguments here, friend. There's a reason I called it a black sheep. Fuck Chicago.

>> No.14173228

There's a good movie set in Chicago.
Risky Buisness (?)

>> No.14173237


>> No.14173241

Every guy needs a Lana in his life!

>> No.14173242

It's almost always people from the coast who bring up "flyovers" at every opportunity. That's how this whole line of discussion even started.

>> No.14173248

I never have, that would be a waste of my time.

>> No.14173249

Can't go wrong with a good ol tequila sunrise

>> No.14173295

I'm glad that you wrote "almost" otherwise I might have taken that as fightin' werds.

>> No.14173317

>that can't afford a passport
I don't think its about that, its that people who can't afford to fly to Europe rarely just get passports unless they live near the border, obviously like 40% of California's population have family in Mexico

Most Americans spend most of their vacation time checking out parts of America because its huge and pretty affordable to move around, especially with kids, its really expensive to take a family to Europe

>> No.14173692

singapore sling

>> No.14173718

Because craft brew tastes better and doesnt upset my stomach before even getting drunk. Really fruity alcohol is total cringe

>> No.14173721

my nigga

>> No.14173729

Why does anyone bother with any other drink besides kaluha and milk? It tastes like chocky milk.

>> No.14173738

Heart burn, more expensive, and lower alcohol. If I want a sweet drink I make margaritas or preferably an old fashioned.

>> No.14173746

because insecure fags think beer will make their dick bigger or something. if its what you like then whatever, but ive had tons of people tell me they literally only drink beer for the social aspects.

>> No.14173770

>also bourbon aint whisky
yes it is

>> No.14173802

>Bourbon ain't wiskey
That's like saying IPA isn't beer. Scotch and Bourbon are just whiskey made in a particular location.

>> No.14173809

But why you guys all addicted to meth and ignorant of the outside world?

>> No.14174572
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>> No.14174587


>> No.14175400


>> No.14175560

You do know Muslims are lying rats and are drinking alcohols, right?

>> No.14176232
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cope however you deem is right

>> No.14176264

Vodka intoxication doesn't feel good.

>> No.14176387

Collective Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.14176390

Uh-oh, here come the seething mutts.

>> No.14176403

This *totally* true. It depends on where the muslims are from and also where they're from + how much money they have.

>> No.14176409

*this isn't totally

>> No.14176478

"Yeah dude girls, and stuff. I need a reaction from you faggots." - OP

>> No.14176514

Chicago has top notch food. Get an italian beef motherfuckers.

>> No.14176518

Bourbon doesn't have to be made in a specific location, it just has to have a specific ratio of specific ingredients. Look it up.

>> No.14177641


>> No.14177705

Based Americans making logical naming schemes for food that aren't just based on arbitrary shit like locations. I fucking hate all the snobbery around shit like, "Uhm, ackshooalee a carbonated wine-like drink can't be called champagne unless it was made in the Champagne region of France." Fuck off, how does the location where you made it change the recipe or flavor? It fucking doesn't, all that matters is how you make it and what ingredients you use.

>> No.14178273

Cider's delicious, you guys are weird. Though I can understand avoiding it if you desperately need to drink six of something in a night.

>> No.14178274

Some of us grew past childhood and no longer care for soda.

>> No.14178281

why drink beer when you can have wine

>> No.14178317

beer tastes better.

>> No.14178329

because beer is way better tasting, wine is just grape juice for elderly women, grapes aren't even that good to begin with

>> No.14178333

Honey buck. Honey Whisky, pressed apple juice, bit of mint leaf. Simple, deceptively sweet, will fuck you up because it's still whisky.

>> No.14178356

Sex on the beach or a Woo Woo. Real easy, delicious, and sure to give you pre-diabetes.

>> No.14178365

Not fruity but sweet and nice: White Russian or Black Russian.

>> No.14178386

why not both? Here's how I drank last night/most nights recently when I decide to get drunk nowadays

>beers before dinner
>wine with dinner
>hard seltzer while watching TV after dinner
> hard alcohol (either a cocktail or whiskey) after the seltzer if I feel like getting nice and drunk

>> No.14178395

How fat are you?

>> No.14178410

with the wide variety of amazing beer available its hard to find time for shit like seltzer and wine

>> No.14178417
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>> No.14178432


If he recover the usage of his mouth. I know a guy who finished his life so flabby that he was sucked by dicks on a daily base. He never complains but it's sad to see.

>> No.14178689

>Chicago has top notch food.
No food is good enough to risk getting shot.

>> No.14178956

have you ever been to a midwestern city? The crime is extremely segregated into neighborhoods that normal people never have reason to even be near, its pretty neat

>> No.14179401

>filtered spring water

>> No.14179424

For me beer just scratches a different itch than getting drunk off anything else. I can't explain why. I just love beer.

>> No.14179724

The carbs are delicious and the flavors they can pull out of hops and malts are always intriguing. I could replace all my calories with Dovetail Vienna Lager and I'd be happy never eating again.

>> No.14179809

Based muslimchad. I don’t know why I keep drinking it, keeps my belly big and myself lazy. It tastes good though

>> No.14179836

That may be true of most midwestern cities, and it's true of the city I live in, but places like Chicago and Cleveland are particularly high crime shitholes I'd rather not spend any time in.

>> No.14179844

How do I drink more with an upset stomach? I've already puked 3 times today, can't get drunk. Is my body rejecting the liquor? I can drink more after puking but within an hour I puke again

>> No.14179874

>Is my body rejecting the liquor?

>> No.14179920

Sounds like you might be dying, my dude.

>> No.14179921

Maybe it went the way of Zima?

>> No.14179932
File: 1010 KB, 3000x3000, pepto_bismol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down a bottle of pepto and get some sleep.

>> No.14179933

Ill just have to quit tomorrow. I drank a handle of fireball in 1 1/2 days. I never really felt drunk, just shitty.

>> No.14179934

When is the last time you've had bloodwork done? I'm genuinely concerned for you, man.

>> No.14179937

A couple dramamine tablets, a bottle of pepto and I'm OK!

>> No.14179939

I'll drink to that!

>> No.14179941

A good idea. I thought about going out for some antacid earlier but took a nap. I haven't eaten anything today. I've got to stop

>> No.14179943

Fairly recently, in rehab. They said I was in decent shape. What good would blood work do, or what do you think is wrong?

>> No.14179944

Sleep's the best but a bottle of pepto and some dramamine doesn't hurt either.

>> No.14179947

Just don't go wandering around in the streets, falling down, and getting picked up by coppers.

>> No.14179949

Liver enzymes and whatnot. Drink some cucumber water and rub one out. Tomorrow is a new day.

>> No.14179957

They said something was slightly elevated but I was mostly fine. I hope I don't drink tomorrow, it really does almost nothing to me anymore except make me sick

>> No.14179969

stfu fatty

>> No.14180100

Wish I could enjoy beer or wine but I hate alcohol and anything bitter
I only drink soda and almost never soda so it's not like my taste buds have been fried with sugar

>> No.14180101

I mean I only drink water lol, not even juice either

>> No.14180303

there is no shame in falling, but there is in staying down
dont be a slave to your vices

t. vidya all day

>> No.14180756

>hard seltzers and hard ciders
Why drink anything when whiskey and water exists?

>> No.14181374

Angry Orchard yummy

>> No.14181425

Painkiller is my go to
Pineapple juice, coco Lopez, orange juice, pussers rum
4:1:1:2+ ratio
Serve over cracked crushed ice
Garnish with fresh nutmeg on top

>> No.14181427

I have never jerked off to a cartoon before but this one is provoking me.

>> No.14181462

Find me a 9% cider I can buy two cans of and chug on an empty stomach after work for less than $5.

>> No.14181473
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You poor fool. You have no idea what good cider is. Angry Orchard is so fucking sweet you might as well just plop a shot of vodka into a glass of apple juice.

Try to find some of this shit right here.

>> No.14181474

I only drink 60 year old mead that was aged in casks that were produced by the women folk of my enemies.

>> No.14181582

There are so many better cartoons you could be jerking off to than a fucking wojak edit.

>> No.14181791

Some people have a dick, anon.

>> No.14181819
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>handle of fireball
>I never really felt drunk, just shitty.
Probably because you raped your insulin sensitivity by downing 96 teaspoons of sugar, setting aside all the alcohol (which also messes with your insulin sensitivity) and other junk you consumed. Do you have some extra feet you're trying to get rid of? Because that's how you get the beetus.

>> No.14181841

>Why do people drink beer when hard seltzers and hard ciders exist?
because they are men

vodka from the bottle

>> No.14181858

because im not a bitch zoomer and like beer.

>> No.14182203

I used to have a regular come into my bar and order just that, angry orchard and a shot of vodka. Always talked a lot but never said much

>> No.14182245
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I actually love the taste of hops.

If you want to be a cool wine aunt you have to have mimosas with your breakfast. Ignore the girl who gets a bloody mary instead, she's a bitch.

I don't, I am enjoying wild fermentation cider recently, it's got such a complicated, not-all-that-sweet flavor compared to what we're normally told is cider in the states, which is excessively sweet bullshit compared to wild cider. It's only made by only one dude with part time help from his sister, nobody else is doing it yet but they will soon, I think, it's just the sort of thing that will catch on in California.

>> No.14182269


>> No.14182391
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>> No.14182397

>grade under a
really? you come here posting this shit?

>> No.14182400


It was his first videos, and he was right on that point issue. Stopped following him after the e-drama period

>> No.14182401

Pro tip: buzzword is a buzzword

>> No.14182403

lighter fluid notes are unironically what i'm actively seeking out in alcohol

>> No.14182405


>> No.14183913

Look, I understand a lot of people don't actually like beer and drink it because they think they'll look like a faggot otherwise which is ridiculous, drink what you like. But I honestly just love beer. Mostly non-retarded "DUDE BITTER GRASS CLIPPINGS LMAO LE EPIC MANLY BEER" IPAs and stouts thick and dark enough they could be confused with tar.

>> No.14183919

pour in metal cup with ice:
can of any cream soda, even shitty AnW cream soda
1-2 shots of peach schnapps

that's it, you're done. it's good

>> No.14183929

Squashed Strawberry Alley Cat

>> No.14184342

The thing is, 1st and 2nd beers of the evening taste great
At 3rd and 4th all it tastes like is alcohol and becomes unenjoyable

>> No.14184571

>hard cider
Never fucking understood this. Cider is alcoholic in most parts of the world yet in USA it's non-alcoholic so the actual, alcoholic cider needs to have "hard" in front of it. Why is that?

>> No.14184594

Jesus christ, look at this faggot.

>> No.14184652

God I haven't had a drink in 2 days I cant get an erection and my muscles ache. When does this go away

>> No.14184658

233 lbs pure muscle

>> No.14184661

Chill dude

>> No.14184664

Seems they're finally starting to learn though

>> No.14184694

i wanna eat her ass

>> No.14184719

cute feet femjack

>> No.14185040

More sugar than alcohol in can

>> No.14185343

Nobody except french brittany drink cider, and they are a bunch of weak twats. We either drink wine in south/west and beer in north/east

>> No.14185357

Eat protein-rich meals and drink water. You're dehydrated and you need protein to help with the muscle aching.

>> No.14185361

I drink both. One of the good things about Michigan is that there is always a huge variety in beer and cider.

>> No.14185431

>buying anything but regional
>immagine not going to the annual brewery festivity by 5 brewerys
feels good living in the south

>> No.14185440

Illinois has a high rate of passport holders because you can go and get them in person same day in Chicago.

>> No.14185464

i could down 5 in an hour but always have to slow myself down so im not drunk two hours in

>> No.14185592

Normandy also does cider.

>> No.14185596
File: 100 KB, 1024x680, Herefordshire-Cider-Route-1-1024x680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? West Country, the Marches and Kent all have massive cider production.

>> No.14187420


>> No.14187582

cheap vodka unironically makes me feel like shit every time i drink it