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File: 231 KB, 800x533, Tasty-Mediterraneo-multipurpose-dough-olive-oil-healthy-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14171639 No.14171639 [Reply] [Original]

>oh wait im sorry, you're trying to lose weight? well it was never personal..

>> No.14171658

just stop eating so much fatass.

Literally calories in, calories out
your human body cannot overcome or trick the laws of thermodynamics. Anyone who disagrees with this has a BMI over 25

>> No.14171673

oil and flour are some of the denest calorie foods on the planet dumb dumb

>> No.14171704


And Mediterranean cultures which incorporate said foods rather abundantly also have far lower obesity rates than various countries which don't such as America (your bread does not count such is its frankensteinish nature full of ridiculous additives and HFCS). Go cry harder fat fat.

>> No.14171765

so maybe eat less carbs? Is something stopping you?

>> No.14171769
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>blaming fats

>> No.14171784

I eat a small loaf of focaccia every day, and I've never weighed more than 150lb. If you are a fat adult, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

>> No.14171806

It's pretty easy to get regular ass bread here. You do realize that the US is never limited to just one choice when it comes to products, right?

>> No.14171934

Based focaccia eater

>> No.14171943

Fat people should be round up and thrown into the wilderness. If they can make it back to civilized society on their own they've earned their place, otherwise they deserve to perish.

>> No.14171954

Why dont you people work out? You're all on meme diets or are overweight when all you need to do is exercise.

>> No.14171967
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today was focaccia pizza, i split the loaf into two because i am trying out new sauce recipes

>> No.14172007

Looks bretty good

>> No.14172010

but Anon, how do you know that the basal metabolic rate isn't some complicated function of the food you take in?

>> No.14172041
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1440, tomato basil focaccia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last week i made a large tomato basil focaccia and didn't feel like flattening it, for getting a tall bready loaf to slice and share
usually i use jewish flake sea salt for nice texture but that time i used medium coarse pink salt because fucking cunts bought out all the other salt at costco

>> No.14172051

got any pics of the crumb?

>> No.14172053

mayonnaise is my enemy

>> No.14172058
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>> No.14172068
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I'm beginning to think this is not true. Diet calculator target to lose weight is 1255 kcal, which I am well under. I don't cheat at all, I weigh everything I eat to the gram, including vegetables.

I haven't lost weight in weeks. BMI 17.1

>> No.14172071

Including liquids?

>> No.14172075

Oh yes you individual experience definitely contradicts established science

You're likely doing something wrong
Stupid ana moron

>> No.14172085

I drink water only except for a small bit of milk per day, and I weigh that as well.

So it is not just "literally calories in, calories out" then? Explain to me what I am doing wrong. Nothing goes in me without being measured and recorded.

>> No.14172107

You are severely underweight you dumb anorexic simp. There is no fat left for your body to burn. You also brought your metabolism to a desperate screaming halt as the next step for you losing weight is for your body to cannibalize your organs and bones.

But, as a former anorexic I can tell you you have to spike your calories for a day, eating about 2000 kcal to reset your metabolism and then slowly dropping back to 1200.

Good luck not binging your guts out when your malnourished brain realizes that the famine might be over. I'm so glad I'm pretty much over that pro ana shit. 19-21 bmi is fine by me.

>> No.14172109

Your body can't keep that up for too long. At some point you will just have to eat less and less in order to continue to lose weight/fat. It's why anorexia and orthorexia are simply the next step for CICO.

>> No.14172111

See how long it takes you to burn off 1500 kcal.

>> No.14172113

i always forget to take pictures of the crumb

>> No.14172118

Well, no one is actually accurate with their calorie count, but, ironically, having a day where you go over your calories would probably help you lose some of the weight you are trying to shed.

Why? Because your body has gotten acclimated to the amount of calories you have been eating already and/or it's holding on to whatever it can.

>> No.14172133

Calories are for idiots.

>> No.14172186

oils and flours are pure distilled energy, thats why they are so dense in energy

>> No.14172822

Except for your father's 8 inch cock apparently.

>> No.14174292

So in other words, it's not just CICO, there are complex interactions. Got it.

I don't see a way that I could be reasonably more accurate than I am now. Sure, the scale will have some measurement error, but I've tested it with others for accuracy. I don't consume anything that isn't weighed and recorded for calories. I don't just eyeball and guess. How exactly am I not being accurate with my counting?

Binge days is an interesting concept. So you'd pump calories for a day while keeping the same deficit on average?

My holes only accept black dick and my father is not black.

>> No.14174311

Just exist for less than a day, you don't happen to be a 90cm woman or a child?

>> No.14174617

>rather abundantly also have far lower obesity rates
for a fucking long time, this was simply not true

>> No.14174630

>global rule applies for everyone
>it doesnt work for me
>well obviously youre lying

>> No.14174633

What's your activity level? If you're still sedentary it will happen very slowly vs exercising while dieting

>> No.14174640

ahh i see, so its not all about CICO then

>> No.14174663

Well it still is, but if you're not very active you're not burning many calories, therefore you lose weight much slower

>> No.14174671

so what you're saying is, a sedentary person, to lose weight, is required to eat below 1200 calories a day as that anon is doing, in order to lose weight

>> No.14174672

Because you're underweight and probably doing nothing you troglodyte

>> No.14174682

Depends on the person. My mom is 60 and 1200 calories a day is plenty for her since she's 5 feet and 130 lbs give or take

>> No.14174720

1200 calories, in anyones book, is starvation

>> No.14174731

No it's not. Older people move around less, and she's very short.

>> No.14174750

At what point do you stop trying the same thing over and over again expecting a different result? The success rate of dieting (read calorie restriction) is less than 5%.

It's time to drop this idea of CICO and understand that not every calorie is equal, in fact the very idea that a calorie is a calorie only benefits the food industry. We know carbohydrates are a problem, we know sugar is a problem, we know that the consumption of carbs is insuligenic and insulin causes your body to store fat, we know that sugar has equal effects on the body as a toxic drug and we have had been consuming more and more processed foods in the last twenty years alone than in the last hundred years and it has had a correlation with increased BMI world around, when you introduce "western style" diets into developing countries they go from malnourished to fat, diabetic and with tons of heart disease.

Think a bit before going full CICO retard, if it were that simple, the diet industry wouldn't even exist.

>> No.14174753

Any calculator I used accounts for activity level

>> No.14174762

Plenty of people lose weight just fine, like every fucking person doing a bulk>cut routine
That is with plenty of carbs and they use CICO for measuring
>The success rate of dieting (read calorie restriction) is less than 5%.
Because fat people are subhuman, they have no willpower, no brain and no desire for anything but food
Of course they will fail

Anyone failing to lose weight while actually adhering to CICO is just being a sedentary piece of shit

>> No.14174793

>Because fat people are subhuman, they have no willpower, no brain and no desire for anything but food
>Of course they will fail

you're literally talking about most of the world

>> No.14174888


>Anyone failing to lose weight while actually adhering to CICO is just being a sedentary piece of shit
So it's not CICO, you're making up new requirements as to why someone adhering to CICO not losing weight is actually doing it wrong. You've created an unfalsifiable claim

>> No.14174909

I think you underestimate how dumb people are. If they need to diet and refer to it as a diet, they've pretty much already lost and have little to no self control

>> No.14174912

Our bodies are designed to extract as much nutrients from food as possible. Sure there are limits, but generally we will get a fixed amount of energy for each unit of carbohydrate, fat and protein, and we store that energy very efficiently.

>> No.14174919


I was a 240 lbs monster and with just CICO and my sedentary lifestyle I went all the way down to 194. Still way overweight and with a horrible body obviously but it is possible

>> No.14175180

working out doesnt help losing weight that much. Working out is more for building muscle and keeping your heart healthy.

>> No.14175226

>bmi 17.1
that's because you're already underweight

>> No.14176156

>he still doesn't get it

>> No.14176340

I can tell you one thing for a fact that few people even consider. If CICO was an undeniable fact and all calories were the same you couldn’t have the daily variation in consumption without wildly moving your weight every single day, but yet it doesn’t happen your weight is remarkably stable and your gains and losses are translated in lbs by year with normal numbers being in the couple lbs by year.
this is coming from someone who would several times a week have 4000 calories, weight stayed remarkably stable.

CICO is just a form of thinking about this that totally handicaps you and you can’t think of nothing else. It isn’t absolute, It doesn’t tell you why are are calories going in. It doesn’t tell you why are calories going out. The answer to those two questions is more important.

>> No.14176446

>Think a bit before going full CICO retard, if it were that simple
It is that simple, retard.
You have just gone full anorexic and reached the point where you don't have any more fat to burn so your body has to start reluctantly nibbling on your organs. Evidently, it started with your brain.

You need to see a shrink to get over your anorexia.

>> No.14176618

It's not just calories in v. calories out. If it was that easy then no one would be having issues with their weight loss. There are hormones involved as well.

>> No.14176886

>BMI 17.1
You're not losing any weight because there's not much left to lose, you are underweight. That is not healthy, stop it.

>> No.14176967

>f(x,...,xn) = 1 / (x+...+xn)
Idk what your point was supposed to be.

>> No.14176976

Genius Foods
TQI Abascal Way

You're welcome.

>> No.14177039

false, stop lying and go eat a burger.

>> No.14177065


then don't eat so much fucking bread retard

>> No.14177124

Either you're doing something wrong and are retarded, or you are a fountain of free energy able to output more than you take in without losing body mass. We should hook you up to a bicycle and feed you rations so you can power the world because you are a perpetual motion machine creating energy from nothing.

>> No.14177135

>you couldn’t have the daily variation in consumption without wildly moving your weight every single day
That's because it takes time for the burned fat cells to come out as shit

>> No.14177899

You are retarded

>> No.14178110

If you decrease calories in and not allow the body to burn its fat to fill in the deficit, ie. by eating frequently or eating a lot of carbs ( high insulin stops fat burning ) calories out will decrease over time wrecking the metabolism: weakness, constantly cold, no energy, no weight loss. CICO on its own is retarded advice that rarely ever leads to permament, healthy weight loss.

Eat real food, no processed carbs or sugar, if you are a fatass with metabolic syndrome it's best to remove them completely, animal fat and protein provide natural, long lasting satiety, as that is what humans are meant to eat. Health will come with no effort if you eat a natural human diet

Vegetable oil and flour are one of the worst parts of western diet, flour raises insulin and veg oil has inflammatory Omega 6 acids, creating a pro atherosclerotic environment, add sugar ( a source of fructose ) and it's even worse, it fries the satiety circuits, is turned into fat in the liver, and has an extreme glycating power ( corrupts protein and fats in the body ) compared to glucose.

>> No.14178575

I have said time and time again how I record all the food that go in me. No cheating. No estimating. Measured with a scale. How can I be doing something wrong?

>> No.14178582

When I went to Genova and tried the real focaccia I was glad that I don't live there, or I'd be obese.

>> No.14178597

> Conclusions: In prospective observational studies, dietary LA intake is inversely associated with CHD risk in a dose-response manner. These data provide support for current recommendations to replace saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat for primary prevention of CHD.
incoming cope

>> No.14178616

At least for me, on a regular basis it's easier to not eat dessert/extra stuff than to waste one hour to burn those 300 calories.
Though I sometimes exercise before dining out to make sure I can have a normal meal without a huge calorie surplus at the end of the day

>> No.14178644

At a BMI of 17 there's still a LOT of fat to be burned, she probably isn't weighing her food correctly. My BMI is 13 and I'm mainteining that on 1400 calories without any nutritional deficiency or any other issue.

>> No.14178737

>my bmi is 13
lol have fun with your organs shutting down you retard

>> No.14178771

Starting from which one?
'Cause I've been this weight for at least two years and nothing ever happened.
Now I'm slowly increasing my muscle mass, I've already put on a couple kg, and I'll keep going until I've reached a BMI of at least 16, but my point is: that anon is not "too thin to lose weight", not on 800 calories.

>> No.14178856

I'm not retarded, I can use a scale and read nutrition labels.

>> No.14179498
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it really entertains me to read through these threads, and think these are actual femanons, and they fucking nasty, not in appearance, but in speech and behavior

>> No.14179590

I work from home since COVID started. I try to go for a walk during my lunch break every day, try to only eat once a day, but I have still been gaining weight.
Should I start adding in some crunches or pushups or something during breaks? Go for a second walk each day?

>> No.14179604

Absolutely true
... but how much they expend, on the other hand, varies *massively * with environmental factors, including what you ate today, and what you ate over the last several months.

>> No.14179614

I eat bread and oil all the time and I'm skinny af. I just ate spaghetti with meat sauce for dinner and accidentally added too much oil so it was literally swimming in oil. And I'm still not gonna gain any weight from it. Fat people just need to stop eating portion sizes that can feed a family of five.

>> No.14180080

Calorie calculators are an estimate and don't work too well once you're underweight. Depending on how you got to a BMI of 17, your TDEE could be lower than that. Just because your body's caloric needs are different from an estimation doesn't mean CICO isn't true. When I had a BMI of 15.5-16 my caloric needs were only about a 800-1000 to maintain despite online calculators estimating 1500, but I had hard restricted to do so which will fuck up your metabolism if you're underweight.

>> No.14180086

Fucking hell, anon. My TDEE dropped to like 800 once I got below 16. Are you just a long-term ana?

>> No.14180243

Not pro-anorexia, I was depressed and dropped 10kg (I was already slightly underweight), now I'm slowly putting them on again. I'm 5'6, little muscle, and my maintenance is 1400. It used to be 1600 when I wasn't underweight, so 800 sounds unlikely for anyone really

>> No.14180266

>/ck/ (ᵖʳᵒᵇᵃᵇˡʸ)Food & Eating disorders

>> No.14180268

That's /fit/

>> No.14180291

The speed at which your body processes it is the bigger issue
If you digest 800 calories fast, you probably won't burn them up before your body starts storing it.
But if you switch to slower digested foods that slowly release the calories through the day, you'll constantly be using how much you take in.
Your body doesn't keep track of how many calories you ate.

>> No.14180313

I wish stores sold more small breads
sure, there's some, but I really want a 200g sourdough loaf, one you can just rip apart and eat with salty butter
often when I buy a big loaf some of it goes stale

>> No.14180319


>> No.14180534

I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks so I'm treating myself to a nice homemade sourdough today :D

>> No.14180554

It's perfectly normal to be a little overweight when you're 12. Once you get old enough to post here, your weight should start to normalize.

>> No.14180557


>> No.14180570

( ≧Д≦)

>> No.14180764
File: 41 KB, 245x239, 1587782440273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely textbook antisemitism. Breathtakingly racist.

Bread is fattening? I've reported your broke white ass to the JIDF and ADL. Enjoy your court appearance and prison time.

>> No.14181766

>Carbs, proteins and fats are all the same and body doesn't need different enzymes, hormones and chemical processing to make use of them because muh thermal dynamics!

>> No.14181776

>1 calorie of this is worth more than 1 calorie of this because reasons!

>> No.14181805

Calories don’t matter.

You don’t eat the way you have evolved to eat. In a single slice of bread you are getting nutrients in combinations and amounts that don’t exist in nature and you think that none of that matters because CICO.

Take a single table spoon of sugar as an example know where to find sugar in nature? Chew about two feet worth of sugar cane, an actual stick.
There are consequences to processing food the way we do and now it isn’t even required due to refrigeration.

>> No.14181852

This is so dumb it should be in a YouTube comment section

>> No.14181925

Yes because the examples I gave. If you want to get rid of body fat. A low insulin diet is better and more efficient than a hight insulin diet with the same amount of calories.

In take of course is important, but ignoring other factors is stupid

>> No.14182212

how are you this dumb? labels are estimations, your caloric output is a WILD estimation, individual extraction of calories is variable even in a single person, much less by population average that your app gives you, there's shitload of hormonal and other inputs

EVERYTHING you do is an estimate, your perceived caloric input and output is never your real one
if you're not losing weight and want to, simply eat less than you eat

>> No.14182226


>> No.14182250

Did you actually think through that answer before saying it?

Where does honey come from?
What is the availability of honey?
What times of the year does it exist in?
When were bees domesticated to produce honey?
Bee space alone wasn’t figured out till the middle of the 19th century. Sugar consumption in the 1950s was less than half of consumption today.

>> No.14182254

>CICO is all that matters
>you can’t count calories because they’re only estimations

>> No.14182257

Honey does not exist in nature

>> No.14183877

oh sweetie... leave the bro-science at the door please

>> No.14183939

He’s not wrong

>> No.14183941

>SHE'S not wrong
but she is
>Calories don’t matter.
Just blatant cope

>> No.14184077

>not every calorie is equal
Like saying "not every meter is equal", peak retardation. Calories is a measure of how much dietary energy is available to your body. Saying that they are not equal when it comes to losing/gaining weight is wrong (obv. eating 2000 kcal of mac and cheese is not "equal" to 2000 kcal of grilled chicken breast with a light salad, but they both will help you maintain).

>> No.14184083

His point is that it doesn't matter what your metabolic rate depends on. As long as you eat less than it, you're gonna lose weight.

>> No.14184111

>implying implications
You can’t eat 1000 calories worth of broccoli but you easily can eat 1000 calories worth of bread. What’s the difference? One is a natural food the other is man made processed food.

You will never find in nature foods that are that calorically dense while being able to over eat, the only foods you can do that with are man made aka processed foods. Which is why calories don’t matter, if you eat real food, you will never be able to gain weight because you’d have to spend all damn day eating and you’d still not be able to force yourself to over eat, because different foods, different calories have different effects in your body in your metabolism in your hormonal responses, which is why calories don’t matter

>> No.14184132

>You can’t eat 1000 calories worth of broccoli but you easily can eat 1000 calories worth of bread.
>One is a natural food the other is man made processed food.
>Which is why calories don’t matter, if you eat real food, you will never be able to gain weight

What a fucking retarded take. Is oil real food? Is milk real food, but not butter? Does food stop being "real" the moment human hands touch it? It is very easy to overeat on what you cal "real" food as well.

>different calories have different effects in your body in your metabolism
They demonstrably do not. The single most important factor in your metabolism is your weight.

There is an energy intake equilibrium for every person on earth. Eat less than it, you lose weight. Eat less than it, you lose weight. By all means, it's good to cut down on tertiary processed food, but that does not mean that "calories don't matter".

>> No.14184310

>Does food stop being "real" the moment human hands touch it?
that is the definition of processed food, so yes.
oil is not real food its processing of certain foods by man
cow milk is product made by cows
honey is a product manufactured by bees
>They demonstrably do not
diabetes is a literal manifestation of how wrong you are

>> No.14184339

So pasteurized cow milk is processed food so it can make you gain weight, but straight from the udder milk is natural and therefore no weight gain?

Fucking idiotic

>> No.14184647

You’re making a fool out of yourself

>> No.14184802

I bring in sweets all the time to fatten up all the ladies I work with, it's like 80% women here. Some try to avoid sweets, the "meme diet of the month" dieters are pretty easy to sway but with the more disciplined ones you have to be smart about what foods you bring. You can't come in with some pinterest/tasty tier abomination of sweets, it's too sweet. I start out with homemade bread, seems innocent so it piques their interest. Bread isn't that great for you on it's own but once they're drawn in they see all the jams and butter I brought in as well which adds more calories/fat/sugar to this innocent snack. Another good one is banana bread, not really that good for you but isn't too heavy. brought some in today with banana rum butter, it's almost gone.

>> No.14184816 [DELETED] 

How tall are you?

>> No.14184818

Think of all the walking you did before and realize that 1 hour is still not nearly enough to compensate for it.

>> No.14184836

>What a fucking retarded take.

Sorry anon, but:
>You can’t eat 1000 calories worth of broccoli but you easily can eat 1000 calories worth of bread.

This anon is completely correct. It is really hard to eat a lot of whole foods. The less sugar it contains the harder it is to eat a large portion of it. Rather than to argue about it you can just conduct your own experiment. Just try to eat 1000 kcal of each on separate days and see what happens.

>> No.14184840

In reality you and OP should probably be hitting the gym up rather than eating even less.

>> No.14184861

Post pics skeleton sempai

>> No.14185041

>be me
>be fat
>diet and exercise
>become normal size
>miss food
>make conscious decision to eat more and exercise more
>reach equilibrium 20lbs overweight
but you know something? I'm so fucking happy OP. If I see some nice bread I just eat it, I don't give a shit. The other day I bought a bag of cashews, just ate the whole bag.

>> No.14185545
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>> No.14185669

I had never noticed that but it really makes sense. The only foods I easily overeat are sugary treats, bread, pasta and cheese.
Even bananas fill me up after 2, max 3 if I'm really hungry, and that would just be 300ish calories.

>> No.14186157

Samefag retard citing the same argument over and over again when it isn’t applicable in any sort of conversation being had
Incapable of thinking outside your one dimensional view.
If you’re actually another anon admitting they didn’t know that foods with high water content will fill you up, but for a shorter period of time than foods of the same volume with lower water content then I actually feel bad for you and your catastrophic lack of knowledge relating to diet