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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.01 MB, 4032x3024, 1590618590299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14162970 No.14162970 [Reply] [Original]

Things Americucks can't have.

>> No.14162975

we have an a&w about 15 mins. from me.

>> No.14162977

Are you eating in your car? that is sad and pathetic

>> No.14162979


>> No.14162988

This looked like shit when you posted it yesterday.

>> No.14163038

poutine is nasty

>> No.14163043
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We can't have a shitty Canuck burger and fast-food poutine? Guess we'll just have to eat better for cheaper and live with the disappointment.

>> No.14163050

Sub 32 bmi

>> No.14163051

you're just mad you can't have rotten fish from the can on hard tack like we eurochads do

>> No.14163057

I'm from Montreal and even the highest rated places serve bad poutine. I've had good experiences with it but they're vastly outnumbered by the dozens of mushy slobbery poutines I've been served. Homemade can be really good if you use good stock and cheese.

>> No.14163062

Poutine really is dumb, it defeats the purpose fries, and makes them soggy. Hate it.

>> No.14163065

Why do canadifags and europoors think they can out do America on fast food and greasy spoon joins? Just the oddest faggotry ever. . .

>> No.14163073

I have a memory from my trip to Chile, when I finally found cheese that would work well enough to show my local friend what poutine is. Nailed the stock, nailed the fries, added some roaster bell peppers and thin pampa steak slices. Shit was delicious and my friend allegedly still makes it from time to time.

>> No.14163087

You can kind of circumvent that by making a smaller portion and eating it quickly as the cheese curds soften and before the fries soak, when their exterior is still crisp under the gravy. That said, wait 5 minutes too long and it's practically repulsive.

>> No.14163114

>Canadians have maple syrup on their french fries
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.14163122

Caneaf Freog, hates on Americans.

>> No.14163149

Americans will never experience being able to have a pint on a lunch break and go back to work without getting fired. Cheers from germany

>> No.14163166
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Wat kut om een vette amerikaan te zijn.

>> No.14163180

Why having such a negative approach?
You should say "Things I wish my amerifriends could have"! ;)
I'm French and I wish I had amerifriends coming over so I can make them discover our food! :)

>> No.14163189
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Mett. Americuck meat is too polluted.

>> No.14163232

Where the fresh cracked black pepper you faggot.

>> No.14163234

They not only have A&W's, poutine is common as far south as San Antonio, TX.

>> No.14163238

You literaly have some of the shittiest food standards and production in the developed world tho

>> No.14163247

If all you ever eat is the cheapest possible shit from the cheapest possible stores, sure.

>> No.14163579

people who live in border states are basically honorary canucks anyway and absolutely do eat this lame shit. your theory = destroyed.

>> No.14163673

>Americans will never experience being able to have a pint on a lunch break and go back to work without getting fired
who told you this lie?
we can drink during work, anon.

>> No.14163686


Americans have literally everything. That's the whole point of America.

>> No.14164054
File: 22 KB, 440x149, Clearly_Canadian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Canadians so consistently the absolute worst posters on this site?
Is it just the inferiority complex or what?

>> No.14164092

The intimidation of trying to live up to the Aussies.

>> No.14164117

Their foreskins LMAO. Imagine being mutilated within the first few seconds of your life.

>> No.14164124

What gave you this idea?
I drink whenever I go out for lunch. It's also been perfectly fine to hang out in the shop or break room at the end of the day and have a few beers with your co-workers at most places I've worked.

>> No.14164141

We've got a lot of faggoty immigrants who don't bother assimilating and somehow mistake our casual border rivalry with actual hate. Real Canadians appreciate Americans.

>> No.14164245

There used to be an a&w by my old house but it closed. It was aight I guess but I don't really miss it

>> No.14164355

BS. Never seen poutine in murica food videos.

>> No.14164362

So sad. They be such slaves.

>> No.14164383

In my experience that distinction belongs to the Aussies, but maybe I'm just desensitized to Canadian retardation having lived here my whole life

>> No.14164387

Dude, we have A&W's here

>> No.14164440

It's a completely different restaurant here. Not even the same owners. I think it's overrated

>> No.14164447

poutine is (or was?) trendy, there were a lot of places serving poutine near my college

>> No.14164507

Nice bait but that's "poutine sauce" (actually just (shitty) gravy in this case)

>> No.14164522

>fries with gravy n cheese
nigga just get gravy on cheese fries lmao

as american as it gets lol

>> No.14164559
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>This kills the Eurocuck


>> No.14164666
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>fast food poutine

>> No.14164695

A&w is best fast-food by far but its almost the same price as a real burger place. I have one right up the street from me so I eat there way too often

>> No.14164700

you gotta get it from some chip shack at the beach or a place similar to that. Fast food poutine is just like any other fast food; a mediocre meme version of it.

>> No.14164768


>> No.14164781

>eating in your car
Do Americans really do this?

>> No.14164802
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cheese curds are retarded, nobody eats that gay shit

>> No.14164819


>> No.14164830

I travel to Montreal for work quite a bit and I love St Hubert's downtown. How does that rate as far as poutine for Canadians?

>> No.14164875

>he thinks Americans can’t have it
if America doesn’t have it, it’s because they don’t want it. I know our a&w cucks theirs, and our a&w can compete with the best of their fast food burgers if you go to even a pretty good one, but that’s literally all we have, and they have countless burger and taco and sandwich and pizza places and anything else you can fucking dream of. If you honestly think they can’t get a pretty good burger with fries covered in cheese curds and gravy, you are one dumb motherfucker.

>> No.14164891

yuro here. fuck americans 1000 times. that being said, i still salute the american world empire because the alternative would be russia or g*rmoids, so hit me with that corn syrup and faggotpropaganda pls.

>> No.14164906

exactly. half the reason I love USA is because they stop the chinese from taking over the world, and honestly I can’t think of a country I would rather be more powerful than USA. Especially my own. Fuck Canada.

>> No.14165097

>sloppy soggy frieds
>mostly tasteless cheese curds
>bland gravy
Yeah I've never had a poutine I thought was good, it's a slop o' shit.
I wouldn't even bother making it at home. If I have those ingredients I'd rather have something else.

>> No.14165102

There are several different chains of poutine restaurants fighting for the college market.
>America has everything.
We have everything good, and make it better. For example
Taco Bell > Authentic Mexican Food.

>> No.14165131

Merkelreich can't come soon enough

>> No.14165175

the answer is : "what is free health care"

>> No.14165194

>Are you eating in your car
>that is sad and pathetic
Fuck off extrovertfag. Eating alone in a quiet place is and will always be better than eating like a fucking normie.

>> No.14165262
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>> No.14165304

I have the beef and chicken, plus beef cubes.
I'm not supposed to have them, but I do.
Real bovril, not the substitute.

>> No.14165321


>> No.14165349

This is the type of disgusting shit that would start a "DO AMERICANS REALLY???" thread but since it isn't common here it's being treated as a delicacy.

>> No.14165613

Grow up autismus kid

>> No.14165644

hope you get stabbed

>> No.14166477

I am American and have never ate poutine.. I just assumed its one of those over hyped regional foods that everyone pretends to love. I have ate whale.. just not poutine...

>> No.14166626

I remember reading Matilda as a child and having no clue as to what this was.

>> No.14167753

no Canadian worth a shit would ever think to brag about A&W poutine. It's about as shit as McDonalds poutine, this is a clear false flag

t. Canadian

>> No.14168774

Not a place I would think of ordering poutine at. They practically only exist because of their rotisserie chicken.

>> No.14168814
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>> No.14168825
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>> No.14168828
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>> No.14168830

keep paying taxes so mama merkel can redistribute it to doctors and engineers, jens

>> No.14168853

Americans eat junk food all the time, you cretin.

>> No.14168869

Frog-Canadian here, McDonald's poutine is okay, definitely better than that Smoke's trash. McDonald's just doesn't have the right fries for poutine. Also, poutine is some of the lowest class food in existence so these fuckers trying to class it up and complicate it are inadvertently making it worse

>> No.14168968

>fast food poutine
pretty fucking shit, just make your own.

>> No.14168980

Chili-cheese fries > poohtine

>> No.14169022
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A weight of 115 pounds

>> No.14169026

Imagine being this obsessed

>> No.14169029

Aussies can't be the absolute worst posters on the site since they already take the distinction of the being the most shitposters on the site.

>> No.14169040

nasty fat hobbit

>> No.14169090

We have these and they are not good

>> No.14169099

Canadians act superior but know deep down they are inferior. Australians act superior and actually believe it. In reality both countries are culturally devoid shitholes and people only visit them for their nature.

>> No.14169113

>Things Americucks can't have.
I eat two meals by myself all the time.

>> No.14169117

Sorry, we dont want your canned dog food and fries

>> No.14169126

Where are you from where you weigh 115 at an adult age? Fucking Somalia?

>> No.14169134

7th grade

>> No.14169278

>people visiting Australia
>for it's nature

>> No.14169290

Pro top, leafs: if poutine were actually any good, we'd have it in America. The fact that we don't means it's shit.

>> No.14169338

It's only not a thing in America because you weirdos don't eat gravy. Wtf is with that chunky semen-looking shit you call gravy?

>> No.14169409

mutts are. because there's so many of you. they run amuck and free, like wild animals.

>> No.14169413

I'll die mad real haggis isn't FDA approved

>> No.14169442

We eat brown gravy here. I have no idea what you're talking about. There's multiple places that serve poutine within 15 minutes of my house, too, but no one wants fries smothered in gravy, much less cheese curds. More common here is fries covered in any of the following in various combinations: melted cheese, bacon, jalapeños, guacamole, chili, kimchi, fried chicken, and other stuff. Gravy usually isn't preferred, too watery, even if it's thick brown gravy. Might as well do proper chili at that point.

Do Canadians even have Texas style chili con carne?

>> No.14169448

Also steak or pulled pork.

>> No.14169569
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>Eating alone
Incels. When will they learn

>> No.14169572

Huh, you must be relatively close to the border then. Most of my burger friends are from the southeast and PNW and they all think gravy is nasty or eat that white sausage stuff. Not sure about Texas-style but we do eat chili with meat.

>> No.14169629

nothin personnel

>> No.14169669


Been drinking with my bosses plenty. Hell, one of my best interviews for a position I didn't take was at a beer garden and we both drank quite a bit of barley wine.

Was a 2 martini lunch kinda guy on Fridays until I got married. She didn't like me dd'ing home at like 3 in the afternoon.

>> No.14169702

that's funny, I'm a tree frog too. McDonalds poutine is all wrong. You're right, the fries don't work, but that's not all. Poutine gravy is dark, spiced and beef based, whereas McD has this thin pale trash sauce, pretty sure it's chicken based. Also, The curds are like pebbles, cheese curds are bigger than that. I'm assuming you're from MTL, mentioning smokes. On this we agree, though: poutine is a simple, humble, unassuming arena/roadside shack dish and the clickbait-driven international hype is completely retarded.

>> No.14169759
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>these fucking toenails

>> No.14169763

do you like men with nice toenails, anon? do you like sucking on them?

>> No.14169859

As I said, it's okay for what it is. Kind of like what a Hungry Man is to a steakhouse dinner. It's definitely not "authentic" but I find the ingredients at least somewhat capture the essence of poutine. I've had poutines from casse-croûtes where the gravy was fucking sweet. Maybe I was just expecting much worse.

>> No.14169864

>gravy wasn't hot enough to melt the cheese curd

>> No.14169870

Then they lose the iconic squish-squish. The curds on top should be room temp and the layers underneath are melty.

>> No.14170646

>Things Americucks can't have.
>Do Americans really do this?

>> No.14170652

He also bought two entire meals in an attempt to disguise his gluttony from the employees

>> No.14170664

If my local mall was open, I would go to the food court and get poutine.

You have terrible opinions. Taco Bell is garbage.

>> No.14170855

>I just assumed its one of those over hyped regional foods that everyone pretends to love.

Holy shit, I never put it in this exact sentence in my head, but that's literally what it is.

It tastes EXACTLY how it looks.

Which is to say, it isn't one of those dishes that has some weird alchemy where the ingredients become more than the sum of their parts.

It tastes like somone just took fries, threw some cheese curds on them, and then poured some brown sauce on them.

Like at least if the curds were melted you'd have cheese fries. But no, instead it's just ingredients thrown together. And it tastes that way lmao

>> No.14171745

A foreskin haha amiright guys

>> No.14172377

>Things Americucks can't have.
>burgers and fries

>> No.14172578

>0 trans fat
American trannies BTFO

>> No.14173124

>IF the curds were melted
Ask me how i know you've never had poutine done well. At worst it's as you say: bland fries, shreddes cheese (sin but happens a lot because it's cheaper), and a whatever gravy. It's still delicious. Fries: good. Cheese: good. Gravy: goooood.

At best it's good tasting versions of each of those, with hot gravy poured over warm curds and hot fries (which easily melts the cheese) in proportions which balance the salt/richness of the gravy, the fat of the cheese, and the starch of the potato. It's just like any other food served with sauce and cheese on it.

It's not magic yet most places seem to fuck it up in some way. Using watery gravy, using Shredded cheese, greasy fries, etc etc. Even some places in Quebec get it wrong. But places in the states I've been to so far exclusively get it wrong.

>> No.14173142

imagine unironically being canadian. praying for you.

>> No.14173510

Praying is part of the reason you're inferior.

>> No.14173530

America here, why didn’t you guys post any fresh bread? It’s one of the hardest things to get.

>> No.14173539

>Eating alone in a quiet place is and will always be better than eating like a fucking normie.
c o p e

>> No.14173548

>vendor makes some c level fires, takes a shit next to them, hurrr merifats can't have THIS !

>> No.14173552

lmao what the fuck is this disgusting shit

this thread is just making me glad I don't live in some shithole country

>> No.14174170
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>> No.14174176

Everyone knows that one faggot who doesn't like these because they're too flavourful.

>> No.14174197

You realize there’s like 30 fast food threads a day on here right?

>> No.14174309
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>it says kilograms
That’s over 250 lbs

>> No.14174334

elon's so lucky

>> No.14174369

I cant think of a more useless and shit nation than Canada. This is your national dish? Fries covered in cheese and gravy? Even Mexico has room to talk, but you leaf faggots are easily the biggest faggots on the face of this earth.

>> No.14174371
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Ironically, McDonalds.

>> No.14174534

If you have someone with a culinary degree make it, its not too bad.

>> No.14174713
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>imagine the exotic yeast cultures you could cultivate

>> No.14174910
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>> No.14174965
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politics aside, this is just hockey stadium diarrhea

>> No.14174981

What does that even mean? Stuff like Chili and Curry looks way more like diarrhea.

>> No.14175109

Why is it raw? I thought Germany had plenty of ovens?

>> No.14175123

Canadian A&W is a separate company, and the food is *much* better.

>> No.14175307

fuck off Ontario

>> No.14175411

Coffee Crisps

>> No.14175440
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>cant have
what cant i have?

>> No.14175446

>Things Americucks can't have.
Racial equality.

>> No.14175477

You disgusting sick faggot of an OP. We have A&W in the states and it fucking sucks. You're a bisexual swinger and you enjoy being anally penetrated by root beer bottles.

>> No.14175556
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sorry i prefer my jugs

>> No.14176240

That’s not a picture of a city not burning

>> No.14176545

Lol stfu u projecting lardasses, i got two coz i had the coupon, i had no choice lol
Murika btfo

>> No.14176550

Into the trash it goes

>> No.14176696

Same company, though I don't dispute that the food is probably better.

Now let's fuck.

>> No.14176739

I once shoved an entire bag of these into my ass.

>> No.14176749

wow this threads still up.. I think I am a food "Doomer" maybe too pessimistic. But every time I have went around the world to eat some Michelin starred or "YOU HAVE to eat this if you come here food!" it was never that great. I mean the stuff is above average but I have never went WOOWOOWW with food. I expect if I went to Canada and went to some super famous place I would just think the poutine was alright.. and check it off the list. I did love the chicago italian beef sandwich is was pretty dope even if soggy. Osaka, ate at this awesome locally recommended non tourist restaurant that was 10/10, first time eating raw fugu, had a great time. I ate at the "best" ramen place in osaka.. 5/10 and 1 hour wait in line. Ate ramen in Fukuoka at some shitty hole in the wall 10/10 and no wait. I am weird though, one day realized I would rather have mac and cheese with hotdogs in it than lobster so I dont know.. blog over.

>> No.14176759

>higher education without 50k+ debt
>infrastructure that isn't crumbling
>phone conversations without NSA listening
>internet browsing without FBI monitoring via built in backdoors
>healthy BMI
What am I missing lads?

>> No.14176761

That's a lot of text just to say you're a hipster. Faggot.

>> No.14176775


>> No.14177468
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Poutine and hawaiian pizza are the ultimate pleb filters

>> No.14178503

Hachee of niet?

>> No.14178838
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>must be shit to be a fat american
>posts this literal shit
Fuck you and your disgusting "language"

>> No.14179565
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Things eurocucks can't have

>> No.14179621

a high population of somalian and syrian refugees

>> No.14179647

>Things Americucks can't have
>exclusively posts things that Americans are known for having
unless you are referring to poutine? i live in the best place in the states you could possibly hope for in order to get decent poutine (Wisconsin) and i have only ever been disappointed. Just like I'm disappointed in you, Canada.

>> No.14179727

Oof, way to out yourself as a pathetic loser. Anon made no mention of eating alone, their disagreement is with your decision to eat in a car, which is messy and gross and makes ones care smell like shit. But, you went an sperged over being a lonely loser. Yikes.

>> No.14179733

what us this and why would i want it you twat

>> No.14179872


>> No.14179877

Go to La Banquise

>> No.14179883

Had it yesterday, unless you mean fizzy drink with HFCS.

>> No.14180110

They exist. They are garbage but they are a thing.

>> No.14180133
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>Fuck off extrovertfag. Eating alone in a quiet place is and will always be better than eating like a fucking normie.

>> No.14180139

No for real, A&W in Canada has no ties to A&W in the US. US A&W is kind of gimmicky while Canadian A&W lives and dies by burger quality alone. Unless thy're in a place with a sub 10,000 population, in which case they're a fried chicken joint.
Though I'm still down to fuck.