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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, 1-Welcome.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14165024 No.14165024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you doing today, Anonymous?
Feeling down, depressed, out of wack, or otherwise lonely due to the pandemic?

I'm holding up okay, and I've prepared a delicious but simple meal for you tonight <4
A home cooked meal always makes me feel better <4

That said, if you still feel lost, in pain, like you can't handle it, or have any problems at all, please, come talk to me.
I'm here to listen; you don't have to suffer in silence <4


>> No.14165033

Fuck off tranny. Nobody cares about your shitty chicken breast or your twitch.

>> No.14165036

I care, kill yourself.

>> No.14165037
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 2-TodaysDish.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not making chicken today dear <4
And g-given people often email me about these threads...well, I disagree <4

Today's dish is a simple herb and butter linguini!
This is a simple and quick side dish you can make to go along with many of your other meals!
The whole dish took less than 20 minutes to make.

Leaves us plenty of time t-to talk about your problems, Anonymous <4

>> No.14165041

I'm going to monitor this thread while I take a shit. I'm pretty constipated, so I'll be on the pot for a good twenty minutes at least.

>> No.14165042

imagine simping for a tranny on a fucking imageboard

>> No.14165048
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 3-Ingredients.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking a woman is a tranny <4

B-best of luck!

- 6 oz linguini
- 1/4 c butter (melted)
- 1/2 tsp parsley
- 1/2 tsp garlic (minced)
VERY easy!
You can't fuck this up.

>> No.14165051

go away faggot

>> No.14165055

I hate you and I would enjoy watching your life end on camera.

>> No.14165056

>20 minutes to cook linguini
>people often email me about these threads
You deserve a permaban, faggot. This isn't food or cooking, it's just an advertisement for your tranny stream or whatever. Eat a bullet.

>> No.14165061
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 4-MinceGarlic.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why d-do you hate me, dear? <4

Sorry, I don't see a stream and I'm not a tranny <4
Someone specifically requested t-this thread.

Moving on~

So in this step, you're going to mince the garlic that you have set aside and melt the butter!
You can mince the garlic to whatever size pieces you prefer.
I like really small pieces in my food.

>> No.14165062

>This isn't food or cooking

It's literally food and directions for cooking. You huge dumbass.

>> No.14165067

Trannies or Toxoplasmosis
Which way /ck/ man?

>> No.14165071

>literally food and directions for cooking
>20 minutes to cook dry pasta
At least use a trip so everyone can filter this shit so we don't have to look at your samefaggotry until your thread gets deleted.

>> No.14165075

Christ you're fucking unbearable you attention whore

>> No.14165076

what kind of cute bois do you like?

>> No.14165078

This just baffles me so much how people get so angry about this. It's literally just someone cooking just ignore it if you don't like it.

>> No.14165079

It's literally the same person, just in these he wears his girl clothes

>> No.14165080

It's like they forget the "return" button exists!

>> No.14165083

Fapping to this thread

>> No.14165084

>just ignore it if you don't like it.
i will not stand by and look away while evil occurs

>> No.14165085
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 5-BoilWater.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I d-dislike attention, sorry <4

Not a tranny, sorry <4

I l-like ones who can do knife tricks~

There is no evil here. Don't exaggerate.

Moving on~

Bring the water to a roaring boil.
It should be boiling faster than what is shown here before you put your pasta in.
Also make sure you salt the water!

>> No.14165088

trans rights are human rights

>> No.14165089

Go to another thread then idiot
you fucking moron

>> No.14165092

God, you even type like a tranny.

>> No.14165094

Pretty flat DFC flat flat flat I love your flat chest, can we see your butt?

>> No.14165095

/ck/ has unanimously decided that we don't want you here. i can only assume this is a raid by some foreign board or discord.

>> No.14165096

>I dislike attention
Which is why you make these shit off topic threads, bother to put on cosplay and cover your face and put on a cutesy uwu act up. Cut the fucking crap.
I hope you get cancer.

>> No.14165110
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 6-AddPasta.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your lack of imagination is n-not evidence, dear <4
I do not do what I do for attention, and I dislike attention <4
Add the pasta to the water.
The trick to making long pasta work in a shorter pot is to let it kind of melt down in the water and push down with your spoon or pasta ladle to get it all in there.
Or you can snap it in half.

>> No.14165125

Bro your shoulders look very manly.

>> No.14165132
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 7-CombineButter.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add the garlic to the butter. Also add in the parsley.
Give it a good mix.
Set aside for just a moment.

>> No.14165139
File: 134 KB, 610x894, preop op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i'm totally cooking guise!

>> No.14165146
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 8-DrainPasta.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're going to drain the pasta, but don't rinse it!
This lets the butter and herbs stick to the pasta.
If you're planning on storing it without the butter, toss it in a little olive oil.

>> No.14165163

Isn't it a good idea to mix in a little bit of the pasta water to help everything stick to the pasta?

>> No.14165165

Answer this >>14165125

>> No.14165168

Why are you asking him an actual question about cooking? This guy has no clue what he's doing. He literally made buttered noodles, a favorite dish of 4 year olds everywhere.

>> No.14165176
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 9-Gattai.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, not a man <4

Very much so <4
That said, I found it wasn't needed for such a simple recipe; the butter works just as good!

As you'll see now!
Combine the butter, garlic, herbs and pasta together!
Give it a good mix up, and drizzle a little lemon juice on it if you feel so inclined!

>> No.14165181

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.14165192
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 10-Serve.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank you <4 It's my thread, after all.
And with that, dinner is served!
This dish is a side dish, but it's good enough to eat on it's own!
Like I said before, this whole thing took only 20 minute, so there is no excuse!

>> No.14165195

Hi Celty! What's up with the strange covid help recently? I think you should just focus on cooking

>> No.14165199

Wow, carb and melted fat. women can't cook.

>> No.14165200

>20 minutes to cook linguine
For once you're right. There is no excuse.

>> No.14165204

kys degenerate tranny. sage

>> No.14165214

I...have always been here to help Anonymous <4
Usually with mental health problems.

>melted fat
>not cooked

>not cooked
Okay boomer <4

Not a tranny, try again~

Jeez, it's like /ck/ is obtuse <4

>> No.14165224

>a woman
God. Everyone including the sane trannies like Blaire White understand that you're not fucking women. You're trannies. You're mentally ill.You desperately wish you didn't have manly attribute syet here you are, overcompensating and trying to pretend that you're somehow better than someone who was actually born with a pair of ovaries.
Kill yourself already and get the fuck off my board with your shitty cooking. Go cut down a tree.

>> No.14165225

How much do I have to donate to your twitch to get a face reveal?

>> No.14165229

Learn 2 cook incel

>> No.14165231

it's boiling pasta now?

>> No.14165233
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 11-Outro.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, your lack of imagination is not evidence <4
Prove I'm trans, and I'll leave forever <4
Until then, I'm not going anywhere.

Alright Anonymous, that's it for my thread <4
Thank you for joining me! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it <4

That said, I know this pandemic is taking a huge toll on a lot of people, so I am always here to talk if you want to:
Email: loveoverwhelming@gmail.com
Discord: Alice#8225
Chat: https://anekiho.me/chat2/

If you have medical needs, food insecurity, or even just need a game to get you through the day, please contact me, and I will do my best to get pay for it.
Yes, even if you hate me.
Yes, even if you spend the entire thread trying to tear me down.
Yes, no matter what, I am still here for you.

Have a great night, Anonymous <4
See you tomorrow, because I'm not going anywhere~

>> No.14165241

>See you tomorrow
You get banned every thread...

>> No.14165244

And yet, I come back as well <4

>> No.14165271

I love this costume! Thank you for doing one of these today. It's been a very bad week and this will improve it!

>> No.14165275 [DELETED] 

I want to make lots and lots of babies with Alice!

>> No.14165276

*smiles* It's m-my honor, Anonymous.
I unfortunately am s-streaming now, but I hope you liked my thread.

>> No.14165277

you talk like a man its super obvious

>> No.14165279

>samefagging this hard just to advertise your tranny stream
Fuck off.

>> No.14165280

ok retard

>> No.14165282

>talk like a man
prove it dude

>> No.14165289

OP always types like a tranny. It's not like pretending to stutter in half his posts hides the fact that he's replying to himself.

>> No.14165294

This looks dry as fuck and yet overcooked. At least attentionfag with some effort, you mentally ill faggot.

>> No.14165297

Anons are extra mean today. Please go back to /pol

>> No.14165298

those are some manly hand you got there "Alice"

>> No.14165300

Seek professional help

>> No.14165301

>exactly one minute and one second apart
Yeah, totally not a samefag...

>> No.14165307

You're a gloomy Gus. This Fumo-matching costume almost makes me cry it's so cute. Try and appreciate the kindness that's available. It gets rarer.

>> No.14165310
File: 20 KB, 633x758, uFFAfJc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really just want an anime gf

The thought alone of a girl genuinely talking to me makes me cry. I haven't spoken to a woman I have any interest in in over 7 years, and haven't been touched by a person in over 4 years.

>> No.14165322

Fuck off you dumb tranny

>> No.14165323

Do you also think that the BA intern who makes daily Claire braap threads does so out of the kindness of his heart? This shit is low quality advertising, plain and simple.

>> No.14165353

alice you stopped replying to my emails, it's okay i still love you!

>> No.14165366

Alice I plagiarized one of video recipes and submitted it as my own work for a school assignments thank you. I love you

>> No.14165367

Simple but delicious! Thanks!

>> No.14165373

I’d shake your hand.

>> No.14165385


>> No.14165420

Fuck off, you pathetic attention whore.

>> No.14165726
File: 51 KB, 248x450, 1371462318283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-sorry, I dislike attention <4

Ah? Send me another d-dear <4

Sorry, it can't be advertising, I actually r-run this at a loss <4

My pleasure!

>> No.14165740 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 488x768, Alice pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based my man. Fuck trannies and fuck tranny jannies.

>> No.14165743

your father resents you

>> No.14165745

Your hands are even more masculine than mine

>> No.14165748

Luckily, I'm not a tranny.

Unlikely <4

>> No.14165754
File: 424 KB, 1844x871, IMG_20200504_221645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see here, they are actually quite t-too small to be a mans hands <4 I'm below average in size, even for a woman.

But I mean, maybe t-talk to your doctor?

>> No.14165757

>I d-dislike attention, sorry <4
T-That's why I post the same shitty threads showing how I can't cook on 17 boards and give out my socials and email address

>> No.14165767

Correct <4
Sorry, but your lack of imagination isn't evidence

>> No.14165780

nobody likes you, imagine going through all this effort for nothing.

>> No.14165788

Evidence disagrees.
Is reading not your strong suit?

>> No.14165810

You're going to have to show more skin if you want more people in your threads

>> No.14165855

I don't want more people in my threads, I simply w-wish to help Anonymous however I can <4

>> No.14165869

Can you help me jerk off then

>> No.14165870


>> No.14165873

It's time to let go.

>> No.14165876

Make me

>> No.14165878

Well you did say you want to help however you can
Very disappointing

>> No.14165880

Your hands look exactly like mine and I'm a dude.

>> No.14165891

You've kept this up across multiple boards for years and you're always told to go away. You will never recreate the brief moments of positive response you had on /b/

>> No.14165892
File: 793 KB, 2285x1088, IMG_20200504_221453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you check the actual measurement?

>> No.14165899
File: 50 KB, 1776x215, 4FQ3G8Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not actually. This wasn't from /b/, for example <4

>> No.14165904

I-I'm reporting you to the dean <4

>> No.14165912

This isn't proof of shit and you know it. Everyone knows you are a man. I would have more respect for you if you would just be honest about your mental disorder for once. Sage

>> No.14165916

It's proof that my hand is smaller than the average womans and vastly smaller than the average mans.

I don't want your respect; you literally assert something wrong with no evidence and cannot conceive of your viewpoint being wrong.
You aren't worth getting respect from <4

>> No.14165923

pretty obvious you posted this yourself. get raped, faggot.

>> No.14165927
File: 40 KB, 704x250, cook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't, but okay <4

>> No.14165974

fake and gay just like your """""""""womanhood""""""""""

>> No.14165978
File: 88 KB, 1752x176, cooking2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis man is mad

>> No.14165982

god i hate germans so much

>> No.14166001

Because they prove you wrong?
Face it. I get positive moments even on /bant/.
And they literally say I steal childrens organs and sell them on amazon.

>> No.14166005

/bant/ sucks, you suck

>> No.14166011
File: 15 KB, 1068x95, b234STi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about /ck/?

>> No.14166013

>I steal childrens organs and sell them on amazon.
wtf, I HATE alice now

>> No.14166017

/ck/ sucks the most of all. anybody reacting positively to you is a bonafide faggot and the opposite of cool.

>> No.14166018


>> No.14166048

they're gay

>> No.14166050


>> No.14166053

I like these threads. I even stopped ordering take out and just make food at home instead.
It's funny seeing /ck/ seethe.

>> No.14166063


>> No.14166087


>> No.14166111
File: 8 KB, 784x33, IFY3a3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14166167

Post this picture again while keeping your hand and wrist straight, please.

>> No.14166171

Can you just cook and not pretend to be a 2hu?
Might just be better that way, desu.

>> No.14166176

Of course I do it all the time <5

>> No.14166181
File: 661 KB, 2304x1088, IMG_20200504_221533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are straight, it's the camera that is at an angle.

>> No.14166182

Then make videos without all the cosplay stuff
Just film the cooking range and your arms doing the work

>> No.14166187

No thank you <4

>> No.14166205

Then how about
Wear some cooking uniform, I like that
absolutely no 2hu
I can not let you perverse my favourite thing

>> No.14166208
File: 47 KB, 622x289, average_joe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear, I've been doing this for a decade.
I'm not "perverse"ing anything.

Pic related.

>> No.14166232

>Dear, I've been doing this for a decade.
Concerning, but alright. You do what you do, dude.
This world is as terrible as it gets right now
No point in bickering over trivial things

>> No.14166236
File: 469 KB, 756x984, 508035 - alice_margatroid blonde_hair hairband hands heart purple_eyes ribbon short_hair smile touhou uro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will <4 No worries.
The reason I'm posting this way is explicitly because the world is as terrible, and I want to help Anonymous <4

See here:

>> No.14166376

make some food for marisa

>> No.14166410

Since no-one mentioned it, the TNG engineering background's great! You been watching it during downtime?

>> No.14166419

Also, what's your favorite dish?
unrelated, but post your scores in PCB and MS

>> No.14166442
File: 93 KB, 313x462, 1590160510230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to lose weight right now so a cup of butter in my pasta probably isn't the best idea. Very cute cooking tutorial though, hopefully you'll make a healthier option next time. I enjoy your threads a lot either way

>> No.14166458
File: 7 KB, 276x177, 1590624464177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pasta's honestly more harmful than the butter! Use real butter and cut the carbs and you'll see positive results. I certainly did!

>> No.14166483

I think you're cool and all alice, but your behavior makes it seem like you have very little in terms of boundaries. I hope irl people don't try to take advantage of that. That being said, thank you for the recipe :)

>> No.14166485

What's your onlyfans?

>> No.14166545

Anon I hate to break it to you, but it's voyager.

>> No.14166587

OP is a man so he doesn't have an onlyfans.

>> No.14166599

Oof. Oh dear. Alright, thank you.

>> No.14166829
File: 1.89 MB, 960x540, ri.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry alice but marisa is clearly better

>> No.14166836

Men can have onlyfans

>> No.14166838

there are transwomen on onlyfans

>> No.14166844

>lack of imagination isn't evidence
So post your genitals with a time stamp to show you aren't a mentally ill tranny

>> No.14166845

how big is the benis?

>> No.14166850

A-Any boi who doesn't mind my penis in his butt

>> No.14166855

So post this mans onlyfans.

>> No.14166861


Doing it for 10 years almost makes me think it's not a tranny. What's the life expectancy post-transition?

>> No.14166863

Literally anyone is better than this clueless idiot, tranny or not

>> No.14166871

Holy shit, you got a hotplate! Nice!
Thanks, Alice <3

>> No.14166875

Only the 1% can afford hotplates, not trailer park trannies with AIDS and who are on disability so that's a relief

>> No.14166876

no, i'm the one who's asking for it

>> No.14166877

Honestly, your voice sounds biologically female, or someone recorded it for you, but doesn't really matter. The fact that you put effort in filming and posting this, I appreciate. But I do think the format is a bit... odd. If you're going for waifu-like, I suggest wearing less frilly clothes. it gives a forced feel or as if you're hiding something. Over the top cute-ness also becomes repulsive in some ways. Even if it is with good intentions.

>> No.14166882

OP is the one who doesn't create one because he wont ever show his face.

>> No.14166928

Alice I want you to bear my children

>> No.14166970

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but men cant bear children.