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File: 51 KB, 600x600, sherbet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14157214 No.14157214 [Reply] [Original]

Is sherbet better than ice cream? What's your favorite kind? I like the plain flavors, but I also think the Rainbow Rocks.

>> No.14157229
File: 116 KB, 1096x731, 1502839786265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rainbow being a flavour

>> No.14157267

Orange sherbet is my fav

>> No.14157274

that midget has an amazing physique

>> No.14157411

The flavor is lime, raspberry, and orange

>> No.14157440
File: 44 KB, 696x474, GettyImages-98570403-696x474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blonde elven Jeff Buckley

>> No.14157472

Wait do you guys seriously eat fucking tubs of sherbet?

>> No.14157531

Not all at once, you moron

>> No.14157619

But you eat sherbet on its own?

>> No.14157630

yeah of course

>> No.14157633

I'm sorry, how are you SUPPOSED to eat it?

>> No.14157665

Normally you have a lollipop or bit of liquorice you dip in to, it isnt really something I would compare to icecream since it isnt a desert.

>> No.14157674

What kind of a bizarre dweeb eats sherbet by dipping liquorice in it... ?

>> No.14157687
File: 34 KB, 567x567, sherbet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14157688
File: 298 KB, 1368x1974, 21933_-_kingsway_flying_saucers_drum_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also pretty commonly come in flying saucers, your saliva dissolves the rice paper and the sherbet inside comes out, pretty common sweet for children.

>> No.14157709

Right, my bad.

>> No.14158108

These are crap

>> No.14158159
File: 175 KB, 960x960, 1583850166483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but they contain sherbet so I was just wondering if it was common to eat sherbet alone in the US

>> No.14158222

>they contain sherbet
what the fuck are you smoking? those things have little round sprinkles in the middle.

>> No.14158686

That's sherbet

>> No.14158736

WTF is this faggotry

>> No.14158852

Is this cocaine?

>> No.14158854

Yes they contain sherbet...

>> No.14158880



>> No.14158881

What does this have to do with sherbet ice cream?

>> No.14158888

What the fuck is sherbet ice cream do you mean sherbet flavoured icream?

>> No.14158897

bongs can't get real sherbet, so they have to settle for sprinkles and licorice

>> No.14158904

That stuff literally contains sherbet you retard

>> No.14158916

Sherbet is just a type of ice cream, really a type of sorbet since it doesn't contain any dairy. But sherbet isn't a flavor. You can have orange sherbet, lemon sherbet, lime sherbet, or rainbow sherbet (a combination of the others), but in all cases "sherbet" just refers to a particular frozen dessert that can be any of those flavors. Whatever that powder shit you're posting has nothing to do with it and I've never heard of it in my life.

>> No.14158920

I don't see any frozen dessert made from milk products in those images, you must not 'ave yer dessert loisence yet.

>> No.14158959

Ok so apparently "sherbet" in Americaland is some type of sorbet
but In England sherbet is a white fizzy powder found in sweets.
I would just call the American stuff a milk sorbet but in all honesty I have never heard of it at all over here, seems like it would taste good though. Sorry for the confusion

>> No.14158971

a frozen dessert made with fruit juice added to milk or cream, egg white, or gelatin.
a frozen fruit juice and sugar mixture served as a dessert or between courses of a meal to cleanse the palate.
(especially in Arab countries) a cooling drink of sweet diluted fruit juices.
a flavored sweet effervescent powder eaten alone or made into a drink.

>> No.14158990
File: 767 KB, 4920x2767, sherbet-dib-dab-lollipop-and-sherbet-powder-128313963-584437363df78c0230bca3e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are they even remotely alike?

>> No.14158994


>> No.14158998

Lol what fucking country is this from?

>> No.14159002

That's not what sherbet is

>> No.14159008

So they mean to say sorbet?

>> No.14159014

Is this some Mandela effect shit?

>> No.14159016
File: 74 KB, 1000x750, 32d4c2a0f555bf348e424d8c45d04cb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit was dealt like crack in school

>> No.14159021


In Burgerland
Sorbet= Frozen ice with flavourings without milk
Sherbet= The same but with some milk

In Bongland
Sorbet= Frozen ice with flavourings without milk
Sherbet= normally white powder that is often found in sweets or as a dip for a lollipop
In the rest of the world
Who cares lmao

>> No.14159026 [DELETED] 

>milk products
>milk sorbet
Sherbet is dairy-free.

>> No.14159033

In America, we call that Pop Rocks, and it's not sold in tubes like that it's sold in bags. However we have identical tubes, but they don't contain Pop Rocks, they contain Pixy Stix, which is just like Koolaid Powder or some shit

>> No.14159038

So you have sherbet but call it pixie sticks?

>> No.14159048

Yeah we have pop rocks over in bongland too, although sherbet is a far finer powder.

>> No.14159056

Do Americans really call a thing something different than what we call it over here? How queer! How odd! How peculiar! Surely Americans couldn't truthfully do such a thing!

>> No.14159360

I had no clue about it being called anything different, would you have prefered I just went DO AMERICANS REALLY and left the thread?

>> No.14159492

I, for one, am glad we got to the bottom of it. I learned something today.

>> No.14159555

Yeah it is interesting, both the fact we have different words for it and honestly I learned that sherbet (American version) actually exists.

>> No.14160006
File: 21 KB, 480x270, Sherbet-3-square-480x270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14160131
File: 13 KB, 280x149, Life Savers Sherbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14161734

It's not to late to leave the thread, or 4chan in general