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14156137 No.14156137 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14156160

this is basically the reason why Las Vegas is fucking based, along with open container laws being non-existent and sex workers being completely ignored by hotel security and law enforcement.

>> No.14156163
File: 28 KB, 384x384, 1583173701139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw you walk out of the beer store at 9:01 AM and crack a cold one on the walk home

>> No.14156287

Nothing a brick through a plate glass window can't fix. You *are* living in a valueless atheist society right?

>> No.14156328
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>> No.14156339

I don't drink anymore but not allowing 24 hour liquor sales is fucking stupid.

>> No.14156371

No. The values aren't just religious bullshit but based on protecting people from too much harm. Values are actually ethical, not some bullshit some guys wrote couple of thousand years ago.

>> No.14156385

Fuck you faggot, nothing you say or any one of the pussies that follow your bullshit ideology mimic has any more meaning then a single verse in the bible.

>> No.14156386
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state your stance on abortion (murdering of children) before I engage you further

>> No.14156393

Fuck you.

>> No.14156398



>> No.14156404
File: 120 KB, 1080x360, IMG_20200419_104232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vacuums ur fag son out of ur whore wife and puts him in a blender to be sold as stem cells

nothing personnel kid

>> No.14156408

Right. Neither have any intrinsic value. Think for yourself sheep

>> No.14156410

fuck I can't tell if you're 14, retarded, both, or trolling. Are you under the impression the people that pushed for liquor laws were progressive atheists? Tell me about your social engineering plans for the unwashed masses

>> No.14156419
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, angry pewdiepie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fags can get "married"
>retard parents can give their underaged kids female hormones and invert their penis
>sluts can kill the children in their womb and call them parasites with no remorse or repentance
>I cant buy alcohol at 3am

Its like we combined the worst parts of christian morality and atheistic nihilism. I fucking hate the modern world so much.

>> No.14156422

Right then the modern world has no values otherwise we would be proscribed to them which is the opposite of what you're saying in this post.

>> No.14156425

Funny that you post a picture of a man who supports every single point you hate.

>> No.14156435

he's swedish so obviously he's kind of gay but where did he support tranny shit or baby killing shit you retarded nigger?

Also he's a based whiskey reviewer so he'd probably side with me on alcohol.

>> No.14156438

Of course not. But the laws still stay in place in order to remove harm for people. It's an ethical thing to do even if these laws were originally based on religious bullshit. Even religious bullshitters can make laws every now and then that are ethically right. They pushed those laws on religious grounds BUT removing harm caused by alcohol is a right thing to do. But because the law is based on religious people's bullshit, it doesn't work very well. But it still somewhat works as proven by studies worldwide.

>> No.14156443

Lol no.

Okay paedo. Not looking at your fantasy videos.

Ideology. Nah. I'm not an atheist or any ist. But atheists are most of the time right because they actually think morals and ethics instead of quoting some book.

>> No.14156462

cause people keep buying alcohol and getting hurt
restrict it to the day so they cant get unlimited refills
make the crackhead plan ahead at least
you too OP

>> No.14156466

Please tell me what times alcohol should be available for purchase, from a free thinking, not any -ist or anything, super smart point of view, no quoting of any book bullshit

>> No.14156469

Because a bunch of drunk cunts couldn't contain their shit and ruined it for the rest of us.

>> No.14156473

not him
but not at all, i dont see why we are so concern with drinking poison

>> No.14156522

Yes obviously according to ethics its okay to kill babies and give children female hormones but its not okay for me to drink a fucking beer.

>> No.14156526
File: 510 KB, 726x968, 1586232796869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean?
I can go buy booze at wal mart 24/7
i've bought booze from grocery stores at 0100 and later/earlier on multiple occasions
in my state, we can have our own stills and make guns in our garages then carry them without a piece of paper giving us permission.
You should move.
p.s. gigabit internet is $100/month

>> No.14156527

i did this all the time when i was in japan lol

>> No.14156530
File: 7 KB, 250x241, annoyed pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not any -ist but my brain is clearly stuck in a specific worldview
>not an atheist but atheists are more right then the bible, the book that you're supposed to believe is the word of God if you're nbot an atheist

unironically kill yourself, nothing of value would be lost

>> No.14156537

Coward, that vid is the great world that the atheists you praise created, yet you can't even bring yourself to watch it.

>> No.14156542

Well how come theres nothing stopping fat fucks from buying Mcdonalds at 4 am? A beer is no worse the a fucking Big Mac.

>> No.14156558
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>> No.14156653

Maybe the kid had it coming.

>> No.14156656

based determinism poster

>> No.14156661

>sparing babies of the human condition
well yeah obviously abortion is ethical
its breeders that are the evil ones

>> No.14156665

>You should move.
this, i can buy booze whenever i like. what kind of backwards nanny state shithole does OP live in?

>> No.14156676

You can't just eschew hypocrisy. It's not a legitimate fallacy, and you, the one guy who keeps resorting to this argument on this board for like a month now, need to start having actual counterpoints.

>> No.14156699

He lives in a red state with blue laws. I spent about half a decade in Tyler, TX unable to buy beer at Walmart since Smith was a dry county controlled by a megachurch who owned everything from the city council to the mini golf course. You had to drive to the county line to overpriced liquor stores to get drunk at home. It was there that I learned an adage:
>Take 1 baptist fishing
>They drink all your beer
>Take 2 baptists fishing
>They're too busy watching each other to drink any beer
And don't get my started on my time in Utah with the damn Mormons. They have a surprising amount of Chinese there but somehow the worst Chinese food I've ever had.

>> No.14156713

This is the reason: too much of the tax base desires quiet during certain periods of time (night). You may be the most responsible motherfucker ever but cutting off homeless drunks at 2am means they’ll mostly just fall asleep rather than stab each other at 4am.

This is where the concept of citizen vs subject could come in handy. Let’s say if you have paid a certain amount of taxes and have been generally productive say 90% of the time, you should get citizen status and be able to do what you want. Mr arrested 13 times pushing a shopping cart or illegal Jose no way. Also “I have 13 kids and have cost the government $130,000” no way. Hate all you want but the Romans had some shit figured out.

>> No.14156724

But it's not an ethics thing, or anything to do with "values".
The purchase of alcohol in the late/early hours is put in place for the safety of ordinary citiziens against dregs.
You can't just think "Oh, it's just a bottle, I want to take it back home and drink". The majority of customers will be street rats, the unemployed and small time criminals, people who'll get piss drunk and become dangerous for normal people.

A normal person doesn't just run out of the house to get hammered at random times.
Someone who's not dangerous and just wants some booze for personal use can easily drink what they have home.
Because a functioning human being can stock up on booze without accidentally drinking all of it in some insane binge.

>> No.14156726

i was just about to comeback with a Utah story
fuck mormons, and Utah

>> No.14156752

If I go to the Sydney CBD and see a play or orchestral performance, the local bottle shops are closed by the time my train brings me to my suburb. It's bullshit designed to disadvantage westies.