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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14147878 No.14147878 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Meme purchases you fell for

>> No.14147896

I quite like mine
useful for shallow frying

>> No.14147913

Cast iron is not a meme, you dumb cunt.

>> No.14147933

It is a meme. My non stick pan does the job just as well without having to spend 5 minutes cleaning it

>> No.14148258

>needing to clean a pan
do you even deglaze?

>> No.14148265

Yea, in a proper steel pan.

>> No.14148267

>searing in a non stick
So you're brain dead

>> No.14148412

There's literally nothing wrong with searing on non stick you fucking cuckold

>> No.14148427

Imagine being so wrong and thinking you are still right. I feel bad for you.

>> No.14148439

>It's a "I'm Such A Shitty Cook I Blame The Pan" episode

>> No.14148456

Meat thermometer

>> No.14148524

There is objectively something wrong with heating teflon to the temperature you'd need it to be in to sear, it literally damages the teflon coating and generates off gases that literally poison you.
This is why cast iron is a thing.

>> No.14148559

No it's why stainless steel is a thing

>> No.14148574

I don't know anyone with a stainless steel pan, at the price they cost you might as well buy cast iron

>> No.14148575

>buying new "cast iron"
is this what Jesus meant when he said the devil is deceitful?

>> No.14148601

Stainless steel is the real meme, everyone pretends it's nonstick even though it's really not. Once meat gristle or some other shit gets burned onto the pan the ability to be "nonstick" is gone.

>> No.14148613

>plays piano badly
>"i don't know how to play a piano"
>"wow what a stupid fucking instrument"

>> No.14148709

Works on my machine :-)

>> No.14149342

Wait, literally?
Anyway if it's so dangerous then why aren't retards like me who use 1 pan for everything dropping dead in droves?

>> No.14150735

Big green egg, I've never had food so undercooked

>> No.14150845

It poisons your brain, that's why you're retarded.

>> No.14150849

imagine thinking an extra 2 minutes to clean a pan is worse than consuming Teflon flakes

>> No.14150892

>he doesn’t know how to use his cast iron pan
you didn’t fall for a meme. you’re just an idiot.

>> No.14151052

I have 2 i got from work. They're definitely good but my roomate perma-fucked one.

>> No.14151364
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>he has a non stick pan
I bet you drink tap water too

>> No.14151400

And I bet you haven’t read a book since high school but go around posing because you saw some informational posts online one time

>> No.14151412

Haha I was thinking the same. All these NPCs are the same, who cares if they get sick. They will have a vaccine for that too.

>> No.14151417

first reply best reply.

I have one I inherited, and it excels at pan roasting, and browning meat before I put it in the oven. It's also great for pancakes or if you have a shitty electric stove because of it's thermal mass

>> No.14151732

actually, it's enough to kill small pets.
Also, most people don't sear. Heck, most people don't cook at all, they reheat.

>> No.14151740
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The Ion is harmless, but equally largely useless.
If you ever came into contact with elemental fluorine you would, well, be no more. And depending on the quantity and temperature, nothing around you.
I wouldn't drink US tap water for a completely different reason. If it's acidic, it has lead.

>> No.14151868

>Lodge cast iron pan
>allchad stainless steel pan
>pressure cooker
>slow cooker
>300$ Japanese chef knife
I fucking love purchasing cooking memes.

>> No.14151932

all legitimate purchases I use often too. except my chef knife wasn't that expensive haha maybe one day.

>> No.14151963

why no kitchen aid?

>> No.14152083

>bought an alex jones water filter

>> No.14152087

Will buy once I start working again and find an extra dank one without plastic gears.
I'm curious about Le Creuset, sous vide, Chinese cleavers and many other things you wonderful people meme about.
I regret buying the slowcooker since it leaves a nasty aftertaste and the eggslicer is a waste of space. The other stuff is great.

>> No.14152101

I use my slowcooker all the time, as well as my dutch oven. Slowcooker usually for pulled pork and stews.

>> No.14152360

he's right you know.

>> No.14152373
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>> No.14152393

It's literally made to stick and create and fond you fucking retard. No one thinks it's non-stick. It is the stickiest. You fucking coon.

>> No.14152405
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>get a cast ion pan
>be told you cannot use soap on it

how the fuck do you clean a cast iron pan? do people really just never wash them? thats so disgusting

>> No.14152413

It's literally cleaned the best way possible, with fire.

>> No.14152426

>Sous Vide
I only use it for making pasteurized eggs and mini cheesecakes at this point

>> No.14152453

i clean mine with dawn and copper wool just dont cave man it and its fine

>> No.14152580

You can use soap on it, if your “seasoning” comes off with soap it is shit and not a true polymerized layer of hydrocarbon.

>> No.14152954

the soap thing is a shibboleth from when soap still had lye in the finished product, unless you make your own that's not an issue in 2020

>> No.14152962
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700 degrees sterilizes any surface
except the mind
"That which has been seen, cannot be unseen" -Mike Tyson

>> No.14152967
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>fell for the meme
>unironically love them now

>> No.14152974

uh oh
i smell a deenz bread a /cook/in

>> No.14153382

Make cornbread

>> No.14153387

Not as much damage as that tinfoil hat is doing to you, schizo.

>> No.14153603


meat thermometers are great, wtf you talking about?

I have a bluetooth one for my grill. It is great, perfectly cooked meat every time, and I don't have to babysit it. Just put the probe in one of the steaks/burgers, fuck off until halfway done, flip, and then fuck off until it is completely done. Perfect results every time.

>> No.14153633
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>meat thermometers are great, wtf you talking about?
>I have a bluetooth one for my grill. It is great, perfectly cooked meat every time, and I don't have to babysit it. Just put the probe in one of the steaks/burgers, fuck off until halfway done, flip, and then fuck off until it is completely done. Perfect results every time.

>> No.14153667

My only issue with my cast iron is that i bought too big of one (15") and it's really fucking heavy and just hard to deal with. Might get a smaller one and just use the big one for camping or something

>> No.14153694

>got it from granddad
>over 100 years old
>have used it for over 20 years
kys you dumb fucking mongoloid.

>> No.14153815

Do any of you use non-enameled cast iron pans on glass top stoves? I want a gas stove but it's just not in the budget right now.

>> No.14153917

Yes, but it adds a couple minutes to the time to heat it up because the glass has to heat up before the cast iron even starts. It's mildly annoying.

>> No.14153924

Berkey is Legit mr know nothing.

>> No.14153967

how poor are you?

>> No.14153973

other than that you haven't noticed any other downsides? thanks btw.

>> No.14153991

Crappy non-polished cast iron from lodge is indeed a meme. Polished smooth cast iron is terrific though.

>> No.14154031
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"meat thermometers" suck.

Spending money on a decent instant read and using it will change the way you cook forever.

>> No.14154037

>non stick pan
Seriously nigga?

>> No.14154046

Instant-read thermometers are great for cooking and baking. Remote thermometers are great for smoking and long cooks.

>> No.14154050

I stopped using my slow cooker once someone got me an Instant Pot style cooker for my birthday.

I was a snob about them before but they're really great devices.

>> No.14154070
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When most people think "meat thermometer" they think these fucking stupid things that hardly work.

>> No.14154075

Agree with you anon. The coils on the mechanical ones often wear out too and give faulty readings.

>> No.14154077

The only alternative to cast iron besides steel pans is boomer memes like teflon pans.

>> No.14154096

Other than it can scrape the glass if you drag it across it. I wouldn't recommend getting a glass top if you like using cast iron (or anything where you shake the pot) but it's possible to use.