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14148120 No.14148120 [Reply] [Original]

Is garlic the ultimate meme?

>> No.14148145

No, bacon is.

>> No.14148151

Your pathetic life is the worst meme ever. Grow up.

>> No.14148168 [DELETED] 
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It's just another dilate cope seethe pushed by today's liberal gender studies professors. In first world countries we have modern sanitation so there is no need to kill the germs with overwhelming spices. But you can't say that anymore because it makes you racist.

>> No.14148204

Garlic isn't a spice.

>> No.14148206

No, life is

>> No.14148211


>> No.14148217

op where do you live? I would like to fight you bareknuckles

>> No.14148226
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Sure it is stephOn. And I sexually identify as an attack helicopter

>> No.14148245

We know, average authright

>> No.14148270

The amount of it that is used by anglos to give "extra italian taste" to the dish surely is.

>> No.14148279

>so there is no need to kill the germs with overwhelming spices
wtf are you talking about?

>> No.14148281 [DELETED] 

>>lgbt you oppressed homosexual avatarfag

>> No.14148286 [DELETED] 

>>>/lgbt/ you oppressed homosexual avatarfag

>> No.14148290

Go to >>>/lgbt/ you repressed homosexual avatarfag.

>> No.14148293

Garlic is the GOAT you whore.

>> No.14148299

last time i ate indian food i got the worst stomach pain i've ever had in my life
that's how you know it's authentic

>> No.14148384

>drinks liquid estrogen
lmao, unaware and subverted sheepy

>> No.14148512

>liquid estrogen
You’re thinking of beer.

>> No.14148563

The estrogenator is alcool, retard.

>> No.14149326


>> No.14149330
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>> No.14149352

Garlic is essential for warding off vampires (Jews) and pests in your gardens. Also helps filter out heavy metals in your blood

>> No.14149718

Onions will ward of the evils of soy
Garlic will ward off the evils of women

eat both in large quantities.

>> No.14149773

Jesus how do you get filtered by garlic

>> No.14150665

>warding off Jews
They’re literally attracted to that shit

>> No.14150850

It is. But it is an example of a good meme.

>> No.14150854
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Actually this is strange, the worst and most sadistic women in my life have always disliked garlic.

>> No.14150977


>> No.14150990

I feel like the bacon meme is pretty dead. It has been for a few years. But you're right that while people sometimes push the "there's no such thing as too much garlic hehe" narrative, it never has been as big and obnoxious as bacon

>> No.14151528

I can guarantee you that if you make a garlic necklace and wear it in public, no women will ever approach you!

>> No.14151537

They might if you do it at a farmer’s market and the garlic is nice enough.

>> No.14151563

This. Garlic has such a strong taste that you don't have to put plenty cloves in most dishes. It just overpowers anything. But many recipes are too spicy in general and have no nuanced flavours anymore.

>> No.14151576

Yes and they'll attach to the garlic in your blood instead of your blood.

>> No.14151630


>> No.14151632


>> No.14151640

Maybe but I have eaten 60 some cloves, mostly raw (chopped and mixed into my meals as seasoning), in the past 48 hours

My brother complains that he can it coming through my pores at this point.

>> No.14151676

yeah i know that feel. It's when people start looking at you and going BRUH WTF? then ya just sigh and hold off for awhile. I once had to go on a plane trip and my bro was next to me and on touch down he said "i am NOT sitting next to you again!" "i almost fucking chocked to death!"

>> No.14151679

It can be used as a spice, or as an ingredient.

Thank god for the quarantine.

>> No.14151688

Is it just a genetic thing to not like its smell? I've thought it to be rather pleasant for about as long as I can remember. The same goes for parmesan

>> No.14151705
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>all these white people complaining about the delicious fragrance of garlic
Caucasians = vampires confirmed

>> No.14151731

No, fresh garlic smells quite nice and few people mind it. It's digested garlic, or secreted through pores, or coating your mouth, that *reeks*. Seriously, eat two heads (not cloves, heads) of raw garlic, and wait a couple hours. And don't leave your house for next 2-3 days.

>> No.14151733

I have excess amounts of garlic, what do i do with it?

>> No.14151742

its the processed sulfates that do it.

>> No.14152180

I guess if you go back to the origins of the word "meme" garlic is one of those things that almost everybody uses in almost every dish.
Salt's more of a """meme""" though.

>> No.14152898

oh, so this is just idiots who don't know what being a meme actually means.
ok then.

>> No.14152922
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>Garlic is a meme

>> No.14153012

Wouldn't it be the opposite, you massive retard?

>> No.14153057

You think you can fucking take me? I’m 233 LBs of pure muscle, shrimp, I’ll fucking kill you with my bare teeth tied behind my ass

>> No.14153071

you're not Stacey
calm down

>> No.14153092


>> No.14153099

>I’ll fucking kill you with my bare teeth tied behind my ass
>teeth tied behind my ass
was this meant to be sexual?

>> No.14153137

Where the FUCK do you even think you fucking are right now, CUNT?

>> No.14153352

Nope. It's delicious and nutritious

>> No.14153394
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imagine not using the garlic only diet to achieve nirvana

>> No.14153398

I’ve been trying but I have to cut my garlic with shallots or else it’s just too much
How do I achieve the full garlic?

>> No.14154595


>> No.14155852

Calm down, kid.

>> No.14156096

Without their horrendous food they wouldn't be able to meet their daily human shit quota for the ganges river

>> No.14156120

So this...is the power of the nigger intellect

>> No.14156136

No, wtf, garlic is based af

>> No.14156681
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>eat literally anything marketed as """Italian""" in the anglosphere
>disgusting, overpowering garlic stench that covers up any other taste
>try to teach some anglo friends how to make sauce
>"wtf anon that little garlic??? Shouldn't you put like one head of it in there??"
>even though you could flavor enough sauce to feed 30 people with an entire fucking head of garlic

It's all so tiring

>> No.14156706

I'm French and I kinda feel the same, anglos actually eat a lot of garlic, much more than we do. Garlic is only used in sauces and for seasoning here, we don't have garlic bread or anything like that. It's never a primary ingredient.
I know that most italian immigrants are from souf italy (terr*ne), maybe you're from the norf (polent*ne) and you don't eat as much as garlic as they do in the souf? no idea
Glad they like it though, garlic is delicious.
KYS Italibro (Keep Yourself Safe)

>> No.14156733

I'm originally from the souf, been living norf for 6 years.
Not even the souf uses nearly as much garlic as the anglos do.

>> No.14156798

im american and i love watching europeans interact with each others
kinda based desu

>> No.14156816
File: 7 KB, 250x226, 1484484614193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Spanish and we actually use a lot of garlic, especially in things like garlic soup or garlic chicken/rabbit
garlic is always used in sofrito, which is the base for like half the dishes in my province

I love garlic

>> No.14156839

Where are you from?
I noticed that in Catalonia (i live next to the spanish border). i remember eating an aioli that was completely white with only oil and garlic. It was sensational. We make aioli too in France but it's always with an egg yolk.
Spanish cuisine is extremely based and underrated. also based escargot eaters

>> No.14156856

>garlic is always used in sofrito, which is the base for like half the dishes in my province
Here in Italy soffritto (same thing) is done with onions.
A "complete" soffritto is made of finely minced onion, carrot and celery.
Garlic is added when the specific recipe calls for the taste of garlic, but more rarely as a simple aroma.

>> No.14156865

>A "complete" soffritto is made of finely minced onion, carrot and celery.
The same in France, we call it mirepoix. Garlic comes next too.

>> No.14156872
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>three countries united by half-frying onions and celery

>> No.14156873
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I live in catalonia close to french border
yes, traditional allioli is just salt, garlic cloves and olive oil, it's a lot of work to get the texture right with those basic ingredients so most people don't bother and use an egg yolk, or straight up mix it with mayo.
We use allioli as a sauce for grilled meats, most traditionally botifarra sausage and lamb, also with fideuà. It's a top tier sauce desu

>Spanish cuisine is extremely based and underrated.
thanks lad, I love the variety we have with so many different regions, climates and cultures
french food is really good too

>also based escargot eaters
my grandfather used to make cargols a la llauna, I haven't tried them since I was a kid but I didn't like them back then, they're not very popular desu nowadays

a catalan sofregit is garlic+onion+tomato, anything else is extra depending on the recipe.

>> No.14156883

>go to spain
>full of dirty people and niggers
>the food is shit

>> No.14156885

>a catalan sofregit is garlic+onion+tomato, anything else is extra depending on the recipe.
I need to add that the base of a sofregit/sofrito is of course quality local olive oil, which is a literal gift from the gods and I struggle to imagine how other countries can live without it

>> No.14156890

>yes, traditional allioli is just salt, garlic cloves and olive oil, it's a lot of work to get the texture right with those basic ingredients
Yeah, any idea how they manage to emulsify it? do they just mix it like motherfuckers? I find it much better than with the egg yolk.

>cargols a la llauna
Care to describe it? I remember seeing some kind of escargot stew in a restaurant in your country.

>a catalan sofregit is garlic+onion+tomato
Interesting, i had no idea

>> No.14156904

what a master troll! straight out of /pol/!

>> No.14156939
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>Care to describe it? I remember seeing some kind of escargot stew in a restaurant in your country.
they are pic related, I last tried them like 15 years ago as a kid so I don't remember the taste just that I found them gross, probably more because of the texture and the idea of eating snails than the actual taste though, as it happens with many things like these.
they're cooked with garlic and parsley, similar to escargots I guess but with red wine and pepper and olive oil instead of butter, and are served with alioli
also they're called "a la llauna" because they're traditionally cooked in a tin

>Yeah, any idea how they manage to emulsify it? do they just mix it like motherfuckers? I find it much better than with the egg yolk.
ok so when I'm not feeling lazy I do it like this, you need pestle and mortar to do it properly
>roughly chop up 2-3 garlic cloves
>throw them in the mortar with a generous pinch of salt. this acts as an abrasive, so coarser salt is better, thin table salt is shit
>mash everything up with the mortar rigorously, the more mashed it is the easier it will absorb the olive oil, it should be a uniform paste
>this step probably takes around 5 min
>time to work out your arm: slowly stir the mixture in any direction while pouring a small drizzle of olive oil
>it's important that you don't change direction once you have started and try not to stop at all, it could "cut" the sauce
>keep slowly incorporating the oil, your sauce will grow in volume and should have a similar consistency to mayo, but less firm
>the optimal consistency is demonstrated when you lift the pestle from the sauce and the sauce sticks to it, it should not drip down or it should drip extremely slowly
>you can keep adding oil as long as you maintain this consistency, but bear in mind allioli done this way is already quite strong
>this can take around 20 minutes
the result is a yellowish sauce, dunno why the one you tried was white, maybe they added milk or smth

>> No.14156947

>they are pic related
that's not escargot that's a frog!!!

>> No.14156948
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>they are pic related
wrong pic

>> No.14156960

are you from north catalonia, btw?

>> No.14156962

Thanks for the tip bro i'll try it tonight with mackerels and saffron rice

>> No.14156966

No I'm from Northern Provence but I've been living in Perpignan for some years

>> No.14156969
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based mediterranean french bro
don't care much for those northern germanized ones

>> No.14156996

united we defeat the world cuisine though

>> No.14157373
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I hate getting the smell of garlic on my fingers after preparing it, so I exclusively use garlic that comes in tubes now. Still 90% as good.

>> No.14157382

Nice, this cream gives you the smoothest hands.

>> No.14157389

>not just rubbing your fingers on a lemon wedge
Why are people so incompetent

>> No.14157397

i like it, but it causes painful unrelenting headaches that won’t go away until i completely shit it out, so i try to avoid it

>> No.14157425

>he doesn't put 12 cloves of garlic into his 'zza
Are you babies afraid of taste?

>> No.14157666

its incredibly toxic

>> No.14157670

Congrats, that's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen posted on here. And that's saying something.

>> No.14157820

I put 5 cloves in tzatziki that I make. In my country we make a sauce with water salt and crushed garlic, used to eat rotisserie meats. Sour cream is optional. I couldn't imagine a life without garlic it's so good.