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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 851 KB, 617x894, fagricultral diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14140243 No.14140243 [Reply] [Original]

carbs are not real food.

>> No.14140246

They give me heartburn.

>> No.14140259
File: 73 KB, 1086x992, 4rewfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started getting pretty overweight (like 30 pounds over what i shouldve been)
>cut carbs to 1 a day or 1 every other day
>literally lost all that weight in like half a year
explain to me how carbs aren't heavily regulated???

>> No.14140262

>nations of conquerors and warriors and empires were built on breat, oat, wheat, rice eating people
>some millennial hipster with a pompadour who's only interest in life is "tinder thots" and watching the newest meme tv series is going to tell me what's what

not a chance, lance

>> No.14140263

why is soy industrialized by definition?

>> No.14140270
File: 86 KB, 214x226, 1550284317548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget quinoa, brah

>> No.14140276

yeah nations of manlet conquerors and manlet warriors and empires of cope lmao

>> No.14140298

I don't play Final Fantasy

>> No.14140303

It's just that tons of processed and industrial foods use soy for all kinds of things, from substitutes to thickeners to fillers.

>> No.14140306

>real food
What does this even mean?

>> No.14140319
File: 981 KB, 800x468, 81d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the industrial revolution was humanity's biggest mistake.
there's almost 8 billion humans on earth and the vast majority of them can only survive by consuming grain and other deadly slave "food's".
We simply don't have the capability to provide sufficient quality animal products to most of the earths population because it's been artificially inflated way to fucking high now.
we unironically NEED a virus to wipe most of us out.
Sadly corona-virus wont suffice it's just a slightly worse then average flu.
what we need is a second wave of small pox maybe something even more deadly then that.
if it doesn't happen then humanity is doomed nuclear annihilation will be the ONLY good option.

>> No.14140334

So you really think the wealthy elites of the world secretly don't eat grains? Take your meds. They eat as much bread as anyone else, and I eat steak multiple times a week and most of my breakfasts are fruit and eggs.

>> No.14140347
File: 173 KB, 960x593, carbs=bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italians absolutely destroyed

>> No.14140358

landed serfs and general plebs since the neolithic period lived in malthusian poverty, grains were way cheaper to grow compared to raising livestock and hunting is unsustainable for large settlements. turn back your estimate by 10000 years. of course its hard to generalise across that time period and across the world, but i think youll find way more reliance on stable crops then compared to today

>> No.14140363

How are potatoes, rice and bread not real food? Those have been staples in multiple areas of the world for thousands of years, they're not some modern-day processed thing like Lucky Charms.

>> No.14140373

>be retard with stupid diet
>do fad diet without developing any understanding of nutrition
>durrr, I had "one carb" today!
We just need better nutrition education.

One piece of knowledge you could use is that carbs aren't uniquely fattening, but different carbs satisfy your hunger differently. The more fiber (a type of carb), water, and protein in the food, the more satiated you'll feel after eating it. If you eat beans, whole grains, and veg with minimal processing and no added fats and sugars, it's almost impossible to become overweight. If you industrially process out the fiber, water, and protein and just eat isolated starch and sugar, it's easy to overload on calories, just as it's easy to overload on calories when you refine fats and add them to other foods.

>> No.14140407
File: 61 KB, 1000x600, diagram-showing-leaky-gut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ancestral eating
>carb restriction
>high fat high protein
>high protein
>no gluten

I think the one commanlity is they reduce the lectins in the diet - the recent lectin restricting diet might be the unifying theory behind all the above.
I don't even think it's quaky at all you can eat things like beans in fact if you break it down through fermentation... so it's far from being dogmatic.

>> No.14140435

quality over quantity
every processed food has it now
cheap and fill up the slaves
animal products
everything you said is 1000% true
no they do but only because they're retarded. like how everyone smoked including the elites when they didn't know smoking causes cancer you jumped to conclusions like a r*dditor, he never even said anything about a conspiracy.
>rasing livestock, grains
already past the point of 99% of human history. hunter gatherer tribes make up the vast, vast majority of human existence

because carbs cause all kinds of health problems because our bodies are not optimized to consume them. you don't need them to survive, and further, you will most likely feel better in general if you stop eating them. the "me who ate carbs" and the me now is practically 2 different people
>Those have been staples in multiple areas of the world for thousands of years
yeah, since the agricultural revolution. quality over quantity

>high fat, high protein, low carb, ie. what our ancestors ate for the majority of human history
>fAd DiEt

most of those are bogus imo, e.g. paleo vastly overestimates the amount of nuts and shit hunter gatherers ate. that's why carnivore is king. carnivore is an emulation of the best possible environment our ancestors could've expected to live in - one where meat is plentiful and they didn't need to subsitute with carbs and exit ketosis. fruititarian is extra retarded seeing as the fruits we eat today are hyper-selected mutants and contain insane amounts of sugar.

>> No.14140437

Serious question. Does anyone on this board exercise?

>> No.14140451

op here, yes i exercise (weight lifting, i don't bother with cardio beyond walking) however i had to take a prolonged break recently seeing as they made leaving the house illegal.

>> No.14140467

nothing's heavily regulated because corporations & politicians don't give a shit.

>> No.14140484

except things like psychedelics that could reduce oversocialization and shift people into low-time-preference modes, which would be bad for da ecomomonomy
you can have weed though and "space out" though lol

>> No.14140491

>durrr, I had "one carb" today!

so anon how many carbs have you had today. one. so anon, is that grams, miligrams, kilograms or portions. nah just one, one carb. all you need is one

>> No.14140495

>Serious question. Does anyone on this board exercise?

i get my dick sucked alot. do you consider that sexercise?

>> No.14140539

either a 15 year old or a 45+ year old made this post

>> No.14140553

you're underestimating what sprouting, fermentation, and soaking can do to make carbs safe to digest. some combination of ancestral eating, eating what you can tolerate and lectin avoidance makes the most sense to me.
i eat plenty of organ meat and I think carnivore diet is bunk. if it works for you great but it's no universal prescription.

>> No.14140554

gasp. anon that is age-ism. its the current year meme. you should be acceptng of people and their dicks being ducked regardless of their age. be more progressive anon or antifa will get you.

>> No.14140557

again, >>14140539

>> No.14140576

>sprouting, fermentation, and soaking
you could do all that shit.... ooorrrr you could just eat meat lol. do you think the average person is getting their carb intake from fermented foods or something? no they eat donuts bro.

>i think carnivore diet is bunk
oh, you "think" it's bunk. even though the vast majority of humans ate it or something very much like it, that's the way you "feel". very cool anon, unless you have any actual point to make, i'll just note down here that "anon thinks it's bunk" and we can move on

> if it works for you great but it's no universal prescription.
sure as shit is a good place to start if you have any sort of general health issues at all. you can reintroduce other foods later one at a time, keeping a book where you note the impact they have on you. there's no carnivore police waiting to arrest you for breaking meat law or anything. it's not a religion like veganism, don't know where this impression comes from

>> No.14140577

So by your definition, "real food" only means animal products?
Nothing is real food unless it is an animal product?
No exceptions?

>> No.14140579
File: 48 KB, 387x420, 1535650761370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbs are not real food
>your brain literally runs on glucose
try again

>> No.14140584


>> No.14140599
File: 8 KB, 220x229, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14140604

ketosis has proven health benefits. you will have more energy, i guarantee it. try it TODAY.

>> No.14140609

You can synthesize glucose though

>> No.14140614

also for anyone reading who decides to try the diet, salt your meat heavily at first, otherwise you can experience fatigue as your body switches to burning ketones. remember to get plenty of fluids

>> No.14140619

You mean starches. And resistant starches are OK. Remember to soak those grains and beans!

Meat is best though.

>> No.14140623

i don't understand why you guys want to waste time soaking crappy carbs when you could eat meat instead... more power to you i guess

>> No.14140624

>don't know where this impression comes from
from arrogant posters like you. seen you "carnivores" all over boards like /fit/ and /biz/ (which is already a bad enough place to be)
I love meat and fat but there are several issues I can tell you:

constipation and adaptation to new diet; the way around that is you have to supplement with ways to grow gut flora. usually that means stuff like yogurt and fermented food, even hippy shit like kombucha

>muh eat da liver and make stock
there are missing nutrients like silica, boron, potassium that are found in higher proportion in vegetables than organ meat. plus there are things nobody really quantifies like antioxidants or flavanoids - whatever they are - that just aren't in meat

>> No.14140635

>ketosis has proven health benefits
like fucking up your lipids and clogging your veins

>> No.14140636

I eat plenty of meat but I also enjoy other foods.

>> No.14140654

>all over boards like /fit/ and /biz/ (which is already a bad enough place to be)
my condolences you feel a need to visit such hellholes. as a sidenote my /biz/ advice for you is to buy physical gold (well, if you still can)

never experienced this, people keep talking about "lack of fiber" like it's a problem when you have no carb intake. newsflash: i have no carb intake. why would i need fiber, and why would i have constipation? it doesn't seem impossible, but it's just so strange people keep bringing this issue up

>adaptation to new diet

>usually that means stuff like yogurt
yogurt is an animal product, as is kefir, and fermented cheeses. kombucha is probably a non issue. i drink tea every day, remember it's not a religion but a guiding principle. you can even have cheat days if you really want, as long as the vast majority of your diet is animal products.

>silica, boron, potassium
then eat a small portion of whatever you need to eat to get those things if you're lacking them. this is the part you guys aren't getting. do you think people eat fruits, museli, cakes, donuts, burgers and all that other crap so they can get potassium and other shit? no. they eat it because they don't know any better. nobody is even thinking on the level of individual vitamins and minerals, most of the population just shoves food down its mouth as soon as it lays eyes on it. the carnivore diet is good because you can't fuck it up easily

why would either of those things happen unless you go out of your way to eat a literal shitton of fat

i don't enjoy eating

>> No.14140669
File: 25 KB, 711x802, 1497653272755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, is something wrong is avocado? Or does that article imply something dumb in it, like dump sugar on it?

>> No.14140758

>carbs are not real food
but you get carbs from the potatoes, op.

>> No.14140773

>why would either of those things happen unless you go out of your way to eat a literal shitton of fat
because keto is about eating fat you fucking retard. Your brain switches to ketons instead of glucose. If you're not eating a lot of fat it's no longer keto. Eating meat almost exclusively will fuck up your gut due to iron overdose.

>> No.14140774

>our ancestors
Unless you're an eskimo, your ancestors ate grains, fruits, beans and potatoes.

Before that, they ate vegetables, fruits, nuts, and insects. Only small pockets of humans for scarce moments in history in few places in the world relied on "high fat, high protein, low carb" diets during periods of desperation. Your metabolism is fundamentally designed around digesting and utilizing carbohydrates, and you're so ill-adapted to avoiding carbohydrates that to do so for even less than a week will cause your body to go into ketosis, which is a metabolic disorder caused by a build-up of toxic waste products that result from not having the carbohydrates necessary to efficiently burn fat. Ketosis also occurs during prolonged periods of general starvation, vomiting and digestive illness, alcoholism, and extreme cases of diabetes. This doesn't happen to creatures that are adapted to high fat, low carb diets naturally.

>> No.14140778

feels like people who say stuff like this can't see how technology continuing to develop will improve the situation, so they resort to "everyone needs to die lol" like some zombie apocalypse fantasizer

>> No.14140787

First of all, I'm not even the anon you replied to.

>my /biz/ advice for you is to buy physical gold (well, if you still can)
why are you giving advice when you're not even sure of what you're talking about?

>i don't enjoy eating
Why are you here?
Other than to troll.

>> No.14140837

Because not everyone is a fat retarded frog poster who needs mommy to tell him no more breaded tendies.

>> No.14140886

>limited fat intake to below 45g per day
>went from borderline obese to well within normal weight limits in a few months
>don’t wonder how fats aren’t heavily regulated because I’m not a retard

>> No.14140967
File: 7 KB, 312x162, wild banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keto advocates low protein intake, keto is a diet for people with severe issues like diabetes or seizues, NO ONE ANYWHERE in this thread advocated the keto diet idiot.

yeah they ate whatever they could to survive. do you think cavemen routinely turned down wild game in favor of bugs and tiny wild potatoes or something? and do you think your modern diet of hyperfarmed grains and fruits is somehow equivalent? pic related, it's what the caveman's banana looked like.

>Your metabolism is fundamentally designed around digesting and utilizing carbohydrates
>even less than a week will cause your body to go into ketosis, which is a metabolic disorder caused by a build-up of toxic waste products
>Ketosis also occurs during prolonged periods of general starvation, vomiting and digestive illness, alcoholism, and extreme cases of diabetes
you've combined ketosis and ketoacidtosis into one thing. one is a healthy function of the body, one is a metabolic disorder with the symptoms you described. stop being retarded and misleading people when you can just read like 3 wikipedia pages and get everything right.

>why are you giving advice when you're not even sure of what you're talking about?
what do you even mean by this? do you mean that i'm not sure of gold as an investment? if i was "sure" about investing in any asset, do you think i would waste time here talking to you?

>Why are you here?
durp dur

>> No.14140974

>he doesn't know about muesli and yogurt

>> No.14140975

>durp dur
see, this is how I know you have no idea what the fuck are you talking about.
Obvious fucking troll.

>> No.14140984
File: 107 KB, 960x960, 1589524716358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good one adding nothing to the thread. i'll continue to troll you all by advocating a diet which 99.9% of humanity ate which is also bad because you'll have no fiber and get constipated, get too much fat and iron overdose, and then develop ketoacidtosis and die according to the critics in this thread. waiting for a SINGLE logical argument in favor of carb consumption by the average person, jesus christ.

>> No.14141002

i know that it may cause bloating, tiredness, has almost no nutritional value, and is not real food (the muesli, that is)

>> No.14141003

>i'll continue to troll you

>> No.14141009

I feel bad for people still falling for meme diets in 2020

>> No.14141010

>if i post one word responses i won't look angry, but i still need to respond to prove i'm right and won le internet argument

you have nothing to contribute. leave my thread loser.

>> No.14141013

i feel bad for people who think the diet eaten for most of human history is a meme. the only meme diet is the post-agriculture one

>> No.14141018
File: 493 KB, 704x528, vlcsnap-2019-12-06-23h17m07s845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, look at how much you're reading into this.
I'm staying in your thread. Seethe more, r9k fagwad.

>> No.14141025

>you're an obvious troll but also i'll keep replying
looks like the carbs got to your head bro. go take a nap
weird but so is your diet

>> No.14141034

>too dumb to avoid obvious junk food like sugar, kid's cereal, and beer
>blame all carbs
I agree it's good advice for dumb people

>> No.14141035

>assuming I eat carbs
The fuck? Where did you even get this from?
I'm on a low carb diet. Just because I find you annoying doesn't mean I disagree with you, stupid fuck.

>> No.14141036

vegetables and fruit are junk food

>> No.14141040

guess you got #trolled again bro.
how are words on a screen annoying just close your eyes dude lol

>> No.14141049

>how are words on a screen annoying just close your eyes dude lol
you're quoting a guy who came out as bi and then got bullied for it and had to humble himself and now no one respects his music.

>> No.14141052

actually it's quite the opposite seeing as RYM, reddit and other fag sites all rate his recent stuff very highly. i'm pretty sure he's more popular now than ever

>> No.14141070

how come you know what they say on other fag sites like those?
you have shit taste in music, that's why.

>> No.14141080

i don't care about that. having good taste in things is a major waste of time and energy. i used to follow music trends closely but now i just listen to very basic stuff desu

>> No.14141083

shut up you back pedaling whore.
Bet you're dying to suck Tyler's dick.

>> No.14141092

yikes, go eat a steak sweetie

>> No.14141109

you sound like a vagina and I bet you smell.

>> No.14141125


>> No.14141171


>> No.14141187

Testicles sounds like the name of a Greek hero, don’t you think?

>> No.14141194
