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14125996 No.14125996 [Reply] [Original]

Which country produces the best beer?

>> No.14126004

Burkina Faso

>> No.14126007
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>> No.14126010

America. How is that even a question?

>> No.14126037
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*blocks your path*

>> No.14126057


Fuggin duh

>> No.14126065


>> No.14126078

honestly beer is never really good

>> No.14126095

Faggot, that country obviously has great beer. But you can find endless varieties of that country's style in the US, many of them improvements on the original.

>> No.14126133

beer is for chugging not for savoring

>> No.14126146

10 years ago I would have said Belgium, the modern brewing industry in the US is giving it a serious run for its money though. Big name brands are obviously dogshit-tier but local breweries are giving traditional beer juggernauts some pretty stiff competition.

>> No.14126883


>> No.14126887


>> No.14126903

obviously USA. Any top beer from europe has had their recipe "appropriated" and improved by american craft breweries. i still drink domestic macro lager mostly

>> No.14126907

Every country has shit beer and good beer.
I just moved to Corvallis a couple months ago from Denver. Oregon has so far been underwhelming. Cider game is on point though. And Henry's has been a good go to replacement for the Yuengling I grew up with on the east coast.

>> No.14128130

Germany can't brew abnourmos beers, because of the reinheitsgebot so the overall quality will be better.

>> No.14128578

I agree with you. But you come off as a pretentious hipster with abnourmos and reinheitsgebot. Just say variant beers and purity law. Also, lambics from belgium are fucking fantastic and are abnormal but have a strict rule set that goes along with.

>> No.14128696

UK and Belgium, also Germany/Czech region.
America and Japan are noteworthy, but spiritually they are inheritors of the wisdom of those three countries I mention, and as yet neither have attained their own heart to be considerd true great beer country.

>> No.14128736

If its in terms of mainstream/common or big breweries? Belgium then Germany. If it's in terms of the craft scene? America. Hands down. We've a million beers in every style imaginable, some of which are fucking phenomenal.

...of course I say this after having a can of Pabst. Oops.

>> No.14128742


>> No.14128771

Depends on the type of beers you like. I say the UK as I like traditional cask ales.

>> No.14128786

English ale
Czech lager
English bitter
Honestly have never had an american beer that is decent

>> No.14128789

This. American beers are almost always too tryhard. They lack the subtlety required for quality.

>> No.14128800

Honestly the US has ruined the whole beer culture over here.
Shitty over-hopped meme beers everywhere now, fake sour beer larping as lambics, incomprehensible labelling for people with ADD.
Just want a nice pint of bitter ffs.
And of course the yanks all think it's great, this is the same people who don't see a problem with cheese from an aerosol can.

>> No.14128804

daft cunts. name a style and i'll name you an excellent american brewed beer.

>> No.14128824

Anyone who says America makes good beer is either a liar or retarded. As an American myself this is the one thing I don't feel bad taking an L on, there's at least a dozen countries that make better booze.

>> No.14128847

The people that say that are a: Americans who only know American beer because they've never been elsewhere, and b: Only like American versions of beer (and have never tried things like bitter, altbier, geuze, etc).

It's just another form of arrogance. I'm a brit and like cask ales, but overall Belgium definitely has the best quality and most interesting beers.

>> No.14128849


>> No.14128859

Flanders Red

>> No.14128897

Belgium followed by USA USA USA

>> No.14128916

If it makes you feel better i think bourbon is the best spirit in the world

>> No.14128922

Scotch is better

>> No.14128936


>> No.14130082

America is a continent, not a country

>> No.14130087

It's two continents actually.

>> No.14130091

>They lack the subtlety required for quality.
Prime example of critique without substance, purely based on butthurt.

>> No.14130101

I'd go for a well brewed California pale ale over an English one any day.

>> No.14130123

There's no continent named, "America", retard.

>> No.14130129

Of course there is: The double continent of America.

>> No.14130131

Enjoy your excessive hops

>> No.14130135

That's IPAs not pale ales. You can get lightly hoped ales over there.

>> No.14130138

Belgium for traditional beers
Czech for lighter easy drinking pilsner
USA/Italy/UK for modern (Hipster) hop focused brews

>> No.14130159

>USA/Italy/UK for modern (Hipster) hop focused brews
Why do you even bother to post when you're so ignorant about the subject under discussion?

>> No.14130189

America does have its own heart?? We’ve created numerous styles of beer, not as many as Germany I’ll agree. However, there’s a lot of beer that you can get only in the US while we can get any kind from Germany.

>> No.14130205

Where would you suggest is producing better IPAs/Pales?

>> No.14130206

I can understand, but keep in mind how large we are as a country. One regions way of brewing a type of beer can be 100% different than what happens on the other side of the country

>> No.14130211

I had a great regular pale ale last week. The variety is insane in America. There are lots of places that are popping up that are like bars with 50-60 different beers of every variety. I've even seen some with even more that have enough to regularly fill growlers. Belgium is second and might be better if you average all the beer consumed, but there are so many craft brweries in the U.S. producing good-phenomenal beer that you have to be not trying in order to not get any. My favorite is Great Lakes, from Northern Ohio. They have a great variety and lots of cool seasonal brews.

>> No.14130221
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Not him but this

>> No.14130234

Nowhere is, but America is producing a lot more than that. Belgian styles, stouts and porters, tasty pilsners, sours, barleywines, saisons, there's so much variety.

>> No.14130243

Yep, it's one of the 4 continents.

>> No.14130244

>Great Lakes
>Columbus Brewing Co.

>> No.14130245

That's my favorite Cinci brewery. I've never had a bad beer from them.

>> No.14130248

And none of them done properly

>> No.14130252

Fuck! I forgot about FatHeads! I used to get the Hop Juju when I lived in Cincinnati whenever it would come around. One of the best IPA's I've ever had along with Enjoy By.

>> No.14130257

Panama Canal, bitch.

>> No.14130261

By your seething ass measurement?

>> No.14130266

Granted, but are the Belgian styles better than the best Belgian ones, are the pilsners better than Czech ones?

I’d argue that although there are some very good US examples of these, everything is done a bit better by somebody else. Other than IPA or Pale style beers

>> No.14130272

America is the China of beer. Steal everyone else's shit and pretend you're the best at it.

>> No.14130280

>man-made waterways break up continents
Nah, natural waterways only. (You didn't mention Suez either nigger). By your logic Britain is mainland Europe cause you can take the tunnel to France

>> No.14130326

Comparing to the best is irrelevant. The real question is whether a U.S. or Belgian person who is only getting beer in their country will have a better experience. The best Belgian, probably a Trappist, might be better than the Best U.S. belgian ale, but the high variety and ease of getting high quality beers in the U.S. is by far the best experience.

>> No.14130353
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we've finally done it bros

>> No.14130364

I take back everything I said about the superiority of American beer. Jesus Christ.

>> No.14130388

The midwest can't really into beer. They think they can, but they don't travel so don't know any better, just like every other 3rd worlder in this thread. I mean, you can't put "hop" in the name of the beer if it's only 60 IBU.

>> No.14130397


>> No.14130417

This is silly. Beer is all about availiability of water, hops, and malts, nothing else. There are lots of great midwest breweries and beers. Plus, they weren't affected anywhere near as much as the coasts (west especially) by hop race in the 2010s.

>> No.14130420

>Stores are located in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, and North Carolina
Would it have made you happy if I'd just said "flyover" instead?

>> No.14130435

either Gergium or Belmany, depending on one's personal taste

>> No.14130448

Honestly, it would've made me even happier if your mom decided to abort just before birth.

>> No.14130455

american sours are fucking awful.
>just throw some lactics in there bruh
it's fake like their cheese

>> No.14130463


>> No.14130483

You do know that Ohio is the only state listed that's Midwest, right?

>> No.14130573

Corn - Palace, AL

>> No.14130582


>> No.14130590

Don't listen to him he's a retard. It was actually brewed in Neshaminy, PA anyway. He had to Google where the stores were located.

>> No.14130597


>> No.14130962

Corvallis sucks and smells like poop. Go to Portland/Bend instead for beer.

>> No.14130977

As an American I gotta say Belgium is the clear winner here

>> No.14130986

>muh Stella Artois

>> No.14130992

america...im not even american

>> No.14130998

UP-MI is basically god tier.

>> No.14131009

...said no one ever but you

>> No.14131028

Rightful Wisconsin property

>> No.14131059

Quebec has some good beer too, not best in the world but still worth mentioning when talking about NA beers

>> No.14132991

This. They keep using the name of the continent as their own, that's just cringe. They are the United States, not "amurica".

>> No.14133022
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>> No.14133702
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>> No.14133707

Nigger modelo is pretty top tier

>> No.14133812


>> No.14133973

American beer tastes like frozen piss for the most part. Iv tried quite a few American 'craft' beer and most of it is substandard. I'd say German, Czech and British ales (Brit lager also tastes like piss)

>> No.14134003
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>> No.14134004

America for hop forward beers
UK for ales, porters, stouts

lager is all the same

>> No.14134460

That's like asking what country produces the best carrots. Good beer can be found in dozens of countries and there are literally thousands of good beers.

>> No.14134493
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Not a country but a region. Central Europe

>> No.14134897
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Germany, UK, Belgium, USA, Czech Republic.
There is some excellent stuff coming out of tge Nordic countries too like Amundsen, Lervig and Omnipollo.
The truth is almost every country has at least a couple of really good craft brewers at this point.

>> No.14135270
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>lager is all the same
Absolute plebe

>> No.14135277

American hands down. I just love super hoppy lemon flavored beers.

Euro beers taste all malty and yucky yuck yuck! It's like if you put toxic masculinity in a can. Um, can you not be so fragile even with your gross beers?

>> No.14135307

Michigan is the undisputed king of Stouts and it's not even close

>> No.14135348

Turkey, a literal muslim country, makes better beers then america

>> No.14135429

Why do Americans get really uppety and have to push their own beers so hard? Clearly they're not the best at all.

>> No.14135435

Not him but new belgium la folie. Yep

>> No.14135442

i see what you're saying.

>> No.14135462

I live in the IPA capital of the world, but IMO no one makes better beer than Belgians.

>> No.14135988


>> No.14135999
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>> No.14136009

you come off as a pretentious hipster

>> No.14136012

>all these yurofags false flagging as americans
can we just range ban these annoying retards already?

>> No.14136023

Belgium or Germany. Baltics are pretty good too.

Czechs have the best Pilsner though.

>> No.14136098

Americans make some of the best and some of the worst beer in the world. Our ceiling is higher than any other country's. Unfortunately, our floor is lower than most others' and that seems to be the stuff we export on the largest scale. That said, taste is subjective so the real answer is whichever country produces your favorite beer.

>> No.14136120


>> No.14136127

it's the hipsters who are drinking all the meme beers you spastic, they don't drink fucing real ale.

>> No.14136131

By Quality: Belgium
By Quantity: USA

USA has far, far more excellent beers than any other country but the best of the best are Belgian, Trappist, or both.

>> No.14136136

is there beer that tastes really rancid and offensive but delicious at the same time?

>> No.14136140

maybe geuze? i love that shit. the real stuff, not the american knock-off crap

>> No.14136148

Seconded, but take a miracle berry tablet and geuze just tastes amazing.

>> No.14136209

This is a good way of putting it. America simultaneously produces some of the greatest and most vile beers on the planet, and unfortunately the vile stuff is the most popular.

>> No.14136238

Its been said here multiple times but by sheer quantity America has the highest volume of quality beer producers.

They also have the most piss-tier beer, which also happens to be the most popular. Craft breweries are becoming more popular every year though.

>> No.14136246

Belgium, Denmark, England

In that order

>> No.14136247

Are we comparing "euro" beer or craft beers.... in terms of quantity, CZECH beer is the best for me, in terms of quality(craft beer) I would still say Czech Matuska or Nachmelena Opice is really good... but there are more good brands for sure, this is just my opinion and taste. I really Love german wheat beers, they are better then czech one, but pilsners are best in czech republic

>> No.14136249

Name one single good beer from England

>> No.14136257

Samuel Smith Russian Imperial Stout

>> No.14136263

Nice try but you just made that up

>> No.14136271
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>> No.14136342


great joke. we all have decent craft beers in our nations now. sadly that does not mean your beer is anything special.

im a uk fag and its gotta be Poland or Germany.

>> No.14136357


the best is from microbreweries so not worth mentioning. Camden Hells is a decent larger. brew dog make good beer also.

lots of great beer in the uk. i would not put it in top 3 though, probably not top ten

>> No.14136380
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America is on a level no one else even approaches but it's not because of hazy IPAs.

>> No.14136384

Although I will say our lagers are shit with a couple of notable exceptions

>> No.14136398


are you american? have you traveled Europe?

Id guess most Americans ITT who think this have tired quality local beers and then beyond that whatever European imports the can get. the vast majority of which are mass produced trash.

>> No.14136518
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Yes. I was only shitposting, I know we can't compete in any of the traditional styles. I'm just an adjunct babby, pic related.

>> No.14136532

holy shit OP two things tell me you have zero knowledge in beer 1- you have no German beers 2- you have to ask

>> No.14136589

FL might have you beat between J. Wakefield and Angry Chair. It's been a while since KBS was any good. Also don't sleep on Bottle Logic, Three Chiefs and Horus Aged Ales in Cali.

>> No.14136598
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Australia's kinda like the US in that our mainstream beers (Swan Draught, Carlton Draught, XXXX, Tooheys) are shitty.

However, (a) our import game is getting better, you'll find American and German beers popping up all over the place (personal favorite is Blue Moon). (b) Like America, our craft beer industry is booming and imo very very good. Pic related is amazing as far as beers go.

>> No.14136636
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The answer is Belgium if you know about brewing, America if you are a fan of caricatures of various international styles with gay ass quirky names. I say this as an American. Microbrews as they were are gone, replaced by regional swill factories pumping out disgusting IPAs and fruit goses. All of these retarded "local breweries" will be making alcohol seltzers by this time next year. The issue is these places are chasing trends to drive sales. They are not developing an interesting style or perfecting a recipe. It's not really their fault either since they are trying to run a business but there is very little soul in American brewing. It's near impossible to find a nice lager from American micros for example. They would rather crank out high ABV IPAs named HOPSTROSITY or I'M NOT AN ALCOHOLIC I'M A CICERONE. Shoutout to Allagash for being the biggest brewery I know that actually makes beer that seems like there is a creative force behind it.

>> No.14136645

as a Canadian I can 100% guarantee it’s not Canada

>> No.14136658

>mfw people ITT shilling German beer
Yeah I like generic pissbeer too :)

>> No.14136666

Nobody read this

>> No.14136990
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>maybe Europeans will accept me if I self-flagellate and take incorrect and unoriginal shots at American products
>Allagash is creative
Your need for acceptance is cringe-inducing and your analysis of the American beer scene is straight out of 2009. If you think juicy IPAs and goses are the best we have to offer, and if fucking Allagash is your best example of a diamond in the rough, you're a casual at best. We are now making lagers that compete with nearly anything you can find in the Czech Republic (pic related) and our stouts are unmatched anywhere in the world. You're just not looking hard enough.

>> No.14137303

For me it's belgium. I went US a few times, tried a lot of import here in Europe but nothing compare to the top like cantillon, De dolle, De struise etc.

Every time I've argued with american here about that opinion, people end up saying "yeah but the best is new glarus", which you conveniently can't find outside of Wisconsin.

>> No.14137405

Japan has some decent commodity brands. Anything is good compared to bubbly American pisswater

>> No.14137426


>> No.14137758

modelo is pretty drinkable when your only other choice is American pisswater

>> No.14138042
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>> No.14138054
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close, but no cigar

>> No.14138073
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Ich erhöhe!

>> No.14138316

based upstate new yorker. Honestly the best beer ive ever had, i hate the tiny glass shit they do though.

>> No.14138328

Well, Steel Reserve and Natty Daddy come from the US, so the rest of the world can pretty much accept defeat.

>> No.14139849

Yeah I wish you could go in and get a tankard of Palatine or Crispy Little but oh well. I live in Queens btw, originally from Hudson Valley.

>> No.14140028

What in the fucking fuck does that even mean?

>> No.14140056

I saw a post from some American fucktard on a homebrew thread here who had decided on the first two beers he was going to brew. One was a spiced pumpkin hazelnut ale and the other was a chocolate mint dessert stout.
That’s the problem with American microbrewery in a nutshell. Can’t brew a simple fucking pilsner or lager, so make up beers with just fuckawful retarded ingredients to hide their lack of skill.
If I’m going to have a beer, I’ll have a beer. If I want nine different flavours I’ll buy a bag of fucking skittles.
Every single American micro beer is either a gimmicky pretentious can of masturbatory multiflavoured wank juice, or an over hopped IPA that tastes like pine-sol and earwax. Change my mind.

>> No.14140103

I want this on a T shirt.

>> No.14140466

You're a fucking misinformed idiot spreading minfo
See >>14136990

>> No.14140470

America is the America of beers. Steal everyone else's shit and do it better.

>> No.14140546

Nice nice dude, I live in Cincy now near Sharonville

>> No.14140759

Absolutely this. My favourite beer is a traditional English bitter. It's nothing fancy, but absolutely delicious when done well, with loads of subtle flavours coming together to make something amazing.

Yanks would likely be adding random shit like peanut oil and tripling the hops for no reason.

>> No.14140764

>tripling the hops for no reason.
currently the trend is decatoupling the hops

>> No.14140922

>we make the best beers in the world
Says who? An American beer award?
You guys don’t do well anywhere outside America. No need to be upset, it’s just a fact of life.

>> No.14140981

>Mamma Mia Pizza Beer
>doughnut chocolate peanut butter banana ale
>Rocky Mountain oyster stout (yup, testicle beer)
>coconut curry banana hefeweizen
>lucky charms beer
>cucumber saison
All actual American beers. Your entire industry is like a retard with a brand new box of fifty crayons.

>> No.14141735

The American beer industry is mad science. You gotta be willing to try crazy things to innovate

>> No.14141819


I used to live next to Camden Town Brewery, always a great selection on tap. I love the Black Ink, worth trying if you can find it.

>> No.14142071

For what it's worth I thoroughly enjoyed molson for what it is

>> No.14142075

>says who?
Actual humans. Not incels on 4chan

>> No.14142156

as a Canadian I can 100% guarantee it absolutely is Canada. Sure our macros are trash, but man there is this microbrewery next to where I live that BTFOs every midrange foreign beer I've ever had,

>> No.14142157

These opinions are stale and incorrect. As previously mentioned once you get away from the gimmicky shit and find the serious brewers in America (Suarez was mentioned above for Pilsners), American beers are on par with European or better.

>> No.14142169

Dude you ever have that smoked lager they did? It was the best. And What part? I’m from new paltz living in Brooklyn now

>> No.14142519

I think you might be talking about Bone Shirt? That was good stuff! They're doing delivery by the way (suareztogo.com), but they only put stuff up very infrequently, it was like 2 weeks between the last two boxes they posted. I'm from Rockland County living in Astoria.

>> No.14142790

Maybe I’ll get some sent to me. You wrote that pretty well anon, you wouldnt happen to work for them right?

>> No.14142794

We have some good breweries it’s just the macro scene that’s lame. Here in Quebec there’s some rad breweries and I’ve had some great stuff in bc

>> No.14142824

La folie is an oud bruin style not flanders red

>> No.14142840

You really think the best beer coming out of Belgium is Trappist? You ever heard of Cantillon, or 3 Fonteinen? They have some of the most sought after beers in the world.

>> No.14142852

Cantillon and the other real lambic producers destroy all other breweries.

>> No.14142938

>Which country produces the best beer?
At this point, for about a decade, probably the US has enough to balance out the old really big guns in Europe, but good beer isn't rare.
It's a shame the hateful terms like "piss water" and anti-lager exists so strongly. There is delicious lager throughout the Americas and Caribbean as much as anywhere else. Climate and food pairing, seasonal moods, even. Not everyone wants a heavy craft beer, flavorful, nutty or roasty, or hoppy. To each their own.

>> No.14142946

I hate this meme.

The United States of America is the only country in North AND South America that has the word America in its name. America is shorthand for USA.

Calling USA America makes sense, even if you hate the country.

>> No.14142959

The country that produces rhe best beer has to be between Belgium, Germany, Czechia, and England. No other countries can match the local traditions and influence these countries had.

However.....the United states in recent years has the best diversity. You can get a wide variety of styles from thousands of breweries nationwide, which do very wildly in quality, but there are much more experimental styles and just a ton of unique things. The US doesnt have a long standing brewing tradition though, and our legacy is still of cheap adjunct grain shitty lagers.

>> No.14142970

Its not about the beer being a lager, I love a good lager, but the macros are watery and flavorless

>> No.14143028

It's a Latin American thing, they get really pissy about it and even refer to Americans as "United Statesians" (estados unidenses), claiming this to be totally normal and not at all a product of butthurt even though Colombia has almost identical connotations but nobody there refers to Colombians as "Republicanos"

>> No.14143065
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At least post some Zwettler or Murauer

>> No.14144644

I do not work for them, I think it's Dan Suarez, his wife and a few employees. I live in the city.

>> No.14144674
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>the usa
pic related is the best beer on the planet

>> No.14144700

It is the United States of America, we also have the best wine. Also it's not an international dick waving contest, we simply learned from Europe and have an entire continent to scrounge around and source the materials from and find the optimal conditions for what we want. That being said the best beer I have ever had in my life was a guest beer featured at a local brewery the beer was from Belgium, it think it was a double IPA (this was many years ago before IPA's were a turbo meme) I was probably in the 7%-9% abc range but it was dangerously drinkable very refreshing, it was hazey most likely unfiltered but what has always stayed with me and I have never found it in another beer was that it was a citrus IPA. Everything about it was hoppy beer but at the very fucking end after every sip, your mouth tasted like how an orange smells. It was amazing.

>> No.14144723

Don't be a cheap cunt buying rice-macrobrews. Go to a good booze store and pick up several different styles of top craft brews. American craft breweries outshine all other countries right now.

>> No.14144818

>are you american? have you traveled Europe?
I don't know man, maybe I'm not cultured enough to appreciate the high marks of german beer, but I tried a bunch of stuff over there and it didn't seem like anything special.

>> No.14145131

Not even a top 50 beer from Vermont

>> No.14145153
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my local grocery started stocking Russian beers and I made the mistake of trying one. honestly the worst shit ive ever tasted, and i've sampled most of the american trash beers lol. pic related

>> No.14145594

My current favorite beer is Einstock’s White Ale for summer from Iceland. I also like everything Hitachino.

That said, the best beer I’ve ever had was touring Munich drinking local selections on tap.

>> No.14145893

The Reinheitsgebot is not a law. Breweries can make whatever they want.

>> No.14145917

But they can't call it straight beer than.

>> No.14145919

Mississipi Gespenst
Gebraut in Iserlohn
Picture of a can of beer wearing a bedsheet
Bier nach Seattler Art

This can is a mess of marketing.

>> No.14145930

Disputed Zone?

>> No.14145937

British bitters > everything else

I don’t get how yanks and continentals can drink that fizzy flavourless water

>> No.14145941
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>They also have the most piss-tier beer, which also happens to be the most popular.

Isn't that always the case, though? Most people just want to get wasted with a cheap six-pack. They'll pick that over two bottles of quality beer any day.

>> No.14145944

I'm pretty sure they can. They just can't put "brewed according to the German Reinheitsgebot" on the bottle.

>> No.14145958

No, you have to call it mixed beer or things like that. They're only allowed to call everything beer if it's not for the home market but for export.

>> No.14145984

not really, your average cheap Czech lager will be much better than any mass produced American lager
I think Czechia has the best macro lagers in the world desu

>> No.14146161

Same for lagers everywhere. Cherry picking the best craft beers isn't representative for me. The average czech, german, austrian or polish lager will be better than the avergage american ones.

>> No.14146394


>> No.14146451

America has 2 tectonic plates, the North American Plate and the South American Plate. It's 2 continents.

>> No.14146495

>india is a separate continent
>middle east is a separate continent
>caribia and mesoamerica is a separate continent
>europe and asia are not a separate continent
>new zealand lies on two different continents
nice logic nigger

>> No.14146745

Anyone who's opinion actually matters in regards to beer will tell you there is only one answer: Germany.

>> No.14146800

>They also have the most piss-tier beer, which also happens to be the most popular.
There are historical reasons that Americans have such a hard-on for bad beer, lots of them really. We didn't start to swing back the other way until the late 80s and 90s and don't have a solid beer culture and identity like Germany, England, or Belgium. Given all this, the availability of great beer in the U.S. is miraculous when compared to other countries. Yeah, there's lots of piss water and shitty adjunct lagers, but even small gas stations usually have something worth buying where I'm at. I think 20 years from now things will have settled down and the U.S. will be seen, as it still as, as a bastion for IPA's and Stouts, but pretty strong elsewhere too.

>> No.14146810

You can get that in the U.S. They have a couple other varieties as well. It's ok.

>> No.14146921

>Blue Moon
Jesus Christ.
Just pay the play dollar for Erdingers or Hohenstephaner.

>> No.14146930
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Texas. Duh.

>> No.14147241

Top 3 are Germany, US, and Belgium.

>> No.14147293
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>traditional English bitter
Based. Can't beat a nice ruby/amber bitter on cask. Simple as.

>> No.14147336


>> No.14147531


>> No.14147536

Walks around you and pushes you down.

>> No.14147876

USA, Germany, and Belgium are the top 3. After that I guess England.

>> No.14147882

The weird thing is English beer is great but their food is trash. Conquered a huge portion of the world for spices but never used them. Weird.

>> No.14149640

Canada has great breweries though
>Dieu du Ciel
>Central City
>Black Lab
>Collective Arts
>Great Lakes
>Indie Ale House
Hell Toronto alone is full of great breweries and Montreal is even better. America has more but Canada still has great beermakers.

>> No.14149651

USA isn't known for its good beer anywhere outside of it. In fact, when a non muttshart hears the phrase "American beer" they automatically think of something bad. Yanks aren't even in the top 30.

>> No.14149672
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The country that produces this

>> No.14149685

You're delusional if you believe this. A good number of famous breweries are American from Trillium to Evil Twin.

>> No.14149695

Ah fuck I miss Rhinegeist.
I moved to New England after living in Cincinnati most of my life and I miss the brewery itself - a cool spot to hang out.

Mad tree was super cool too

>> No.14149698

No one has ever heard of them outside of the USA. USA is known for bud.

>> No.14149702

Not that anon but the one who moved out of Cinci.
I used to live in Montgomery and then East Walnut Hills. Miss Cinci a lot

>> No.14149708

Who called all these weird places?

>> No.14149720

America, obviously, nothing is even close

>> No.14149728

most people outside the US don't know shit about beer. To be fair most people in the US don't either, but the US has a lot more people that are into drinking high end beer than any other country

>> No.14149732

>I'm not educated on this subject so my opinions are definitely right

>> No.14150443


lol good 1

>> No.14150446

yo fuck germany - holland & belgium are better

>> No.14151025

No need for high end beers if the average beer in your country is more than just decent. If you only have trash, you obviously have to buy hipster stuff.

>> No.14151149

Denmark and the US probably have the most interesting microbrewery scenes right now.

>> No.14151156

Dutch beer is abhorrent, don't talk shit if you don't know shit.

>> No.14151161

Evil Twin is Danish, mongoloid.

>> No.14151170

you just havent had the best they have to offer, Boulevard is top tier and Three Floyds makes good IPAs, and Bells and Great Lakes are also good

>> No.14151286

>there’s a lot of beer that you can get only in the US while we can get any kind from Germany.
Doesn't that just mean the world is not interested in American beer?

>> No.14151299

thats the texas flag. Dumbass

>> No.14151313

Because no one wants your swill

>> No.14151507

It might be you, I cant remember

>> No.14151515

Fucking told and lol’ed.

>> No.14151534

Only American beers i've tried were light beers, because we don't have that style in Germany. The closest you can get, are southern European lagers, but those still have a stronger taste.

>> No.14151536

Just out of curiosity what is it about malty beers you don't like?

>> No.14151589

Most of them.

>> No.14151650

Austria then Ghana then India. Facts.

>> No.14151997

English food tends to be pretty simple and unpretentious but filling. desu traditional pub food and bitter work perfectly together.

>> No.14152432


>> No.14152581

lmao, this is notorious beer in Russia almost a meme, cause its strong and tastes atrocious, only people who want to get fucked up quickly buy it and its not even good among other strong cheap beers

>> No.14152757

Dude I worked at a restaurant up there that would have their beer and I’ve met Dan a few times, good guy

>> No.14153009

Screw the haters, I like a good 'ol american or mexican light beer when I'm grilling or doing shit outside in the summer. Crisp and refreshing to me. Recently got a shit ton of Dos Equis for like $7 a case on clearance, good shit to me.

>> No.14153025

100% based and redpilled post

>> No.14153629

I'm going on a date with a 10 on friday, what sour beer do i get to impress her?

>> No.14153684


>> No.14153740
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>iit: Americunts who think their meme "craft" beer microbreweries are something innovative
Clueless burgers.

>> No.14153777

Do they play cornhole at breweries in New England?

>> No.14153781

Shiner Bock is comfy as hell.
Blue Moon is refreshing as hell and a great summer beer. It hits me the same way mexican beers with a lime do.

>> No.14153795

Call me when you burgers can into proper Märzen, Altbier, Helles or even just something as basic as a good Hefeweizen or Schwarzbier.
Fuck your vile, gimmicky shit. Archetypical American, all style, no substance.

>> No.14153808

I work as a barmen in a busy Old Town bar which sees lots of traffic from foreigners and I can personally say that all the tourists I've talked to say our beer is God Tier (Latvia)
This comes from Brits, Dutch, Germans, Swedes, Italians, Norwegians, etc.
I'm inclined to believe them, our beer is really fucking good. Import beers (Heineken, Carlsberg, Budweiser) taste like piss garbage in comparison to our local breweries.

>> No.14153867
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>American beers are on par with European or better.
I could water my fucking breakfast cereal and forget it behind the radiator and it would be more palatable than american swill
Already dismissed for cluelessness.
Bitch, German beer is nothing like Belgian is nothing like English is nothing like Irish is nothing like Czech. Fuck even within these countries beer varies so wildly in styles and tradition regiom by region, most much older than your fucking upstart of a country.
But please come and explaint to me how US states are much more different than various European countries. I bet you don't even have a passport, faggot.

>> No.14153889

America of course.

>> No.14153914

>light beer when I'm grilling
I can get behind that even if I agree that most American "beer experts" here a cringy, clueless retards.
Sitting outside and/or grilling, something light and inoffensive usually goes very well. Like most corn based beers.
That being said, the best I had in that regard came from Spain of all places.

>> No.14153919

Recommend me some good Latvian beer.
How are your dark beers?

>> No.14153923

Same for bread, sausage, wine, cheese, pastries, pasta and barbeque.
Is the rest of the world even trying.

>> No.14153927

1. Belgium
2. USA
((((power gap))))
4. Germany
5. England
6. Mexico
7. Tie for every other country except
last. South Korea (Hite is awful).

>> No.14153932

Shit, forgot Czech. Insert at #4.

>> No.14153979

My guy, you are seething. Also you're exposing your ignorance.

>> No.14153986

Well, I'm waiting.

>> No.14154003

You're going to be waiting a while if you think anyone gives a fuck to list a bunch of acceptable beers for you.

>> No.14154094

>reading comprehension

I guess I hit a nerve.
Exploiting Amerilard insecurity will never not be funny. And you fucks will never not fall for it and seethe.

>> No.14154105

Enlighten us, o, ye king of cunts

>> No.14154114

This is embarrassing. What is it about /ck/ that makes the euros seethe so much?

>> No.14154352

Poland, Ukrain and other west slavs produces the best cheap beers which are actually nice

in other countries cheap=dogshit

>> No.14154416

>No need for high end beers if the average beer in your country is more than just decent
unless of course if you like having good things

but yes, the fact that US macro beer is so bad is probably part of why they now have the best beer in the world, had the US's shit beer been simply mediocre like in Germany or the UK, there probably would never have been a push to make good beer

>> No.14154659

I typically drink wheat beer, so Belgium in first, USA and Germany tied behind them, and if it's from somewhere else I haven't had it.

>> No.14154749

I think the US is the place for wheat beer, you get great Belgian style ones, great german style ones, American style wheat pale ale, and big ass wheat wines

>> No.14154762

Moved to Oregon from California. The best beer at any bar in Oregon is from Cali. Beer game here is weirdly weak, or perhaps California is simply a titan of beer.

>> No.14154783

San Diego anon here. Beer scene is great. Love visiting Portland which has a better sour scene (Cascade), but besides that there's little up north that we don't do better down here.

>> No.14154792

Oregon is the classic plight of the early adopter, they were one of the best a long time ago, but those guys became entrenched and didn't really keep up with the times, but there were so many people doing it there than there was no room for new innovative breweries so its basically stuck in "90s Craft Beer"

>> No.14154796

Modelo is pretty based

>> No.14154904

>live in Wisconsin
>Have relatives in Michigan
I am truly blessed when it comes to beer

>> No.14154916

Belgium, but its not a country.

>> No.14154992

this might be the perfect troll thread because it incites national differences and literally nobody has had enough beer to have an opinion on an appreciable number of countries. Jesus christ I drink my fair share and can barely tell you which of the fifty breweries in my state are better

>> No.14155013

Based, fuck belgies

>> No.14155023

They're probably all shit

>> No.14155037

It's easy, just pick one, doesn't even have to be the best tasting one it can produce utter swill, but you just pick one and fight someone if they say anything else.

>> No.14155054
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I'm a 25 y/o who doen't get in to a relationship like: ALWAYS

I'm a the middle child of my family ANDDDDD THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESN'T GET NO ONE


>Kill myself
>Kill everyone else

Sorry I'm a bit drunk and I don't know if here is the right place to post that, i mean, I just saw a image of drinks and click on it.

>> No.14155056

>and literally nobody has had enough beer to have an opinion on an appreciable number of countries
nah man, if you have even a basic understanding of beer its pretty obvious that US is 1 and Belgium is 2, after that its more of a crapshoot with UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Canada/Aus/NZ, maybe Ireland depending on what you specifically are into, and basically no one else is even relevant
The top is super easy to figure out

>> No.14155071

how many of those have you actually tried though? I didn't even get in to import/export makes it a giant pain to try beer from other countries

>> No.14155086

USA obviously, Pennsylvania beers alone knock the shit out of boring Eurojank swill.

>> No.14155117

Quite a bit. If you good to any beer centric place its pretty easy to find good exemplars from these places (besides the Aus/NZ I was just guessing about them because I know some really good hops come from there)

Personally I have tried about 50 Belgian, 20 Czech, 25 Irish, 25 German/Austrian, 25 UK, many when I was traveling in these places but some elsewhere, in addition to 2000 American ones, its really not too difficult to get a feel for what a place's beer is like

>> No.14155981

You've had 2000 different american beers?

>> No.14155988

Not him, but for a few years buddies and I had a beer club where we would get together on the weekend and each bring a bottle. Probably went through ~15-20 beers each weekend, so over a year we would have gone through somewhere around 1,000 beers.

>> No.14156057

That's crazy, good for you. Is the best you've ever had readily available to you? For me, it's more about can you get good beer at the cornerstore than who makes the best beer in the world, and fortunately the answer is yes.

>> No.14156074

Tastes change over time. 7 or 8 years agoo I used to think Ballast Point's Victory at Sea was amazing. Now it's everywhere, but I rarely have it.

Westvleteren 12 was great when they released the 4 packs ~6 years ago or so; sad to not be able to get it any more.

Beyond that... I'd have to go back to my notes. But I'm happy enough I honestly just generally go for an Alesmith .394 (local beer since I live in San Diego), which is a good standby and omnipresent here. Never really feel like I'm lacking good beer. Most of my drinking budget goes towards wine and spirits though.

>> No.14156123

Haven't really gone to any but I went to one in central Mass and they had it so I'm just going to assume off this extremely limited sample that they do

>> No.14156344

I'm from Quebec. There are enough good breweries around that I don't ever feel the need to buy imports. Wine and spirits are different though. No wines worth mentioning and no spirits either, although recently everyone and their grandmother think they can make gin. Sometimes it's interesting, they'll use spruce to flavor the gin. Still, it's more of a novelty than anything else.

>> No.14156354

I like German beers, I don't get a hangover with them. Why?

>> No.14156378

Blackhops, burleigh brew, balter, yep checks out

>> No.14156409

unironically this (iceland a close 4th though)

>> No.14157221

I live in Romania and we drink blonde beer which I don't know what it translates into, maybe pale ale? Some german guys I know told me our Timișoreana tastes like german beer. We buy in 2.5L pet bottles and drink many a night.

>> No.14157240

Since you enjoy them you probably savor them and/or pair them with other things you enjoy? So your body has more time to deal with the alcohol and your sinuses don't dehydrate as much?

>> No.14157301

Those will more likely be lagers than ales. Many eastern European beers are just lagers. Often pilseners, but also less bitter varieties.

>> No.14157318


thats one of the worst beers you could name

>> No.14157530

In my country we call Stella Artois wife beater. It’s beyond cheap here and only poor people drink it. Usually trashy people. I laughed my ass off when I went to America and saw how it was perceived in that country

>> No.14157550
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>> No.14157582

ameristan is the worst country on earth

>> No.14157697

Soju mix: very crappy South Korean beer
With beef: North Korean beer
With lamb: Tsingtao
With fried chicken: Fill-Lite (some another crappy beer with fragrant hops)

>> No.14157755

I better ask Marge

>> No.14157760

name one (1) good beer from binland

>> No.14158382

This is absolutely true.
Local place by me has a "lager" that is literally just an IPA because they jammed as much hops as the could into it. Another place did the same shit with their "Porter", and everywhere else makes several types of IPAs, because if you didn't like the first "HOPICIDE DOUBLE HOPPED HOPSPLOSION" maybe you'll like the next one.
But Why? Lagers are supossed to taste like savory bread or buscuits with maybe some malt or something not like I'm sucking off a pine tree. 99% of American craft beer is over hopped poorly made shit. "B-but muh super secret local ultra micro brewery that only produces ten bottles of beer a year and charges $50 a bottle actually makes good stuff but it's in Whitehall New York and we have a population of ten" doesnt fucking count.

>> No.14158391
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>> No.14158526
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Cloudwater are great

>> No.14158551


Blame rapid industrialisation, rapid urbanisation and World War 2.

I'd also point out that like everything in the UK class is a major factor. There is incredible food being made in the UK but you have to pay for it.

>> No.14158659

I liked this when I was in Texas but I had it elsewhere and it was kind of shitty

>> No.14158677



>> No.14158687
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>> No.14158721

pro brewer here who has traveled the world for beer + breweries for the last 15ish years.

happy to announce that there is world-class beer in every country I've been to.

"best" depends on what you like. since beer is perishable, freshness is paramount in overall quality so if you haven't been to the source, you may not have the complete picture. anyone who makes sweeping generalizations about a region's beer usually hasn't learned this yet.

happy to answer any brewing/beer questions if anyone cares

>> No.14158853

Pirkka beer

>> No.14158907

Add Unibroue

>> No.14158935

This isn’t video games dumbass; you don’t know what that word means

>> No.14158941

lique my nuts francois

>> No.14159063

love me some Rhinegeist as well. Their Zango beer is one of my favorites

>> No.14159142
File: 150 KB, 620x387, realale_2337750b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Northern monk
>Saltaire brewery
>Kirstall brewery
>Sam smiths

I'm yorkshire bias coz i live in Leeds but they is a myriad of brewery in the UK, that's where countries like US, Japan and a load of other places took inspiration from British real ales to make craft beers.

>> No.14159146
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>he drank Heineken once

>> No.14159202

>one country making the best beer
>not enjoying each country's differing areas of specialty
Why be obsessed with one country when you could try the best of everything?

>Lager: Czech
>Wheatbeer: Belgium
>Generic Ales/Bitter Ale: English
>Amber ales: Ireland
>Session/"Juicy" IPA: USA
>Blonde ales & Dry hopped/bitterness-forward IPA: Canada
>Gose: German
>Porters & Stouts: English
>Adjuncts, extra-fruit sours, pastry stouts, etc: Sweden

The only thing that's extremely subjective for taste is Saisons and Sours, which differ highly and have many styles according to region. Pick your favorite region and have at it!

>> No.14159278


Proper Job
Big Job
Ringwood Best
Sussex Best
Fuller's 1845

>> No.14159599

When will their delusions end? One of the biggest macro beers here in Iceland is better than half the beers I tried in America and I was in one of the cities /ck/ always claims is a food city. Sad!

>> No.14159818

Yeah, probably about 2200. I track my beers on Untappd, and I have done a little over 2000 American beers since I started using that, probably had a hundred or two before that

>> No.14159824

What non-macro American beers did you try that are worse than your macro beer?