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14127896 No.14127896 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys kill lobster before boiling them? I never do

>> No.14127912
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>> No.14127919

I like to kill the animal as fast as possible. I'm not a huge fan of cooking stuff while it's alive because it's cruel, but more importantly killing it through a painful process stresses the animal out and releases a lot of adrenaline and cortisol which makes the meat taste worse.

>> No.14127931

It's just a lobster, its not as if they feel pain or know anything. You shouldn't anthropomorphise a fuckin' lobster.

>> No.14127937

I see you got a dictionary, Chang

>> No.14127945


Are lobster even capable of producing adrenaline?

>> No.14127946

I'm not gonna tell you how to cook your food brother, but I'm going to try to cook in the most delicious and humane way possible, regardless of the ingredients

>> No.14127957

Piss off Todd!

>> No.14127960

Butter and garlic is good for lobster.

>> No.14127961

Not 100% sure if it's adrenaline but I know they get stressed

>> No.14127973

i chill them in the freezer to put it to sleep and then sever the nerve ganglia to kill them as quickly as possible before putting them in the boiling water

>> No.14127974

Call out the ASPCA for lobster stress, they'll get right on it.

>> No.14127993
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I get the whole "killing things humanely" thing, but who came up with the idea that freezing is less painful than boiling?

>> No.14127996

I think they're a bit preoccupied with bat stress. Heard they've been taking a bit of heat after this whole Covid thing

>> No.14127997

because lobsters are cold-blooded, lowering their body temperature slows their metabolism and slows their movements. it doesn't hurt them

>> No.14128006

Enjoy your karma

You will be boiled alive in the next life, or maybe this one even

>> No.14128007

That's pretty interesting. I'll look into it and might start doing that. Thanks for the tip

>> No.14128009


The science on whether lobster even feel pain is inconclusive

>> No.14128013


Do you kill clams before eating them too?

>> No.14128024

How are you sure that doesn't hurt them but boiling does?

>> No.14128027

Do people do the same thing for crawfish? Wouldn't slicing their head in half ruin the head suck?

>> No.14128030

I don't give a fuck about lobsters they probably aren't even conscious. I wouldn't boil a mammal or anything alive but fuck lobsters they're just bugs

>> No.14128034

no problem

you are correct. while they demonstrate nociceptive responses their nervous systems are very simple, so it's likely that they don't feel pain (even though we have no real way of knowing). however killing them this way is not a lot of extra effort and doing so makes me feel better about it

it's mostly because i feel bad about boiling anything alive, see above

>> No.14128077

Well, you’re not freezing them solid, you’re just cooling them down.

>> No.14128082

>bail on your point 100% when pressed
Absolutely based.

>> No.14128094

my point was never that it's better or more moral to kill them the way i do, it's a matter of personal preference. i simply answered OP's question. i am based though thank you

>> No.14128097

So you're torturing them before you kill them? That's pretty metal.

>> No.14128100

Oh we can all tell that your based.
Based in bullshit giving a shit about lobsters.

>> No.14128107

They literally do not have the type of nerves that produce pain. They literally do not scream in pain.

>> No.14128108

But for all you know they suffer worse than mammals. It doesn't take much effort to kill them before cooking them.

>> No.14128111

California weirdos think they do because it's just a steam release.

>> No.14128113

What about CO2 chamber?

>> No.14128114


I agree they probably can't feel pain, but I always thought the meme that they scream is stupid. They literally cannot possible scream even if they did feel pain

>> No.14128119

you can continue boiling them alive anon. it's your choice, unless you live in switzerland in which case it's illegal

>> No.14128126

That's not a scream, it's a steam release that tree hugging california morons claim to be a scream. Its just a fucking lobster.

>> No.14128129

I'm not a eurofag and that's not illgeal in the USA.

>> No.14128143

If you're morally conflicted about boiling them alive, why aren't you conflicted about eating them in the first place?

>> No.14128144

What can be more stupid than a tree hugging california san diego cultist type worrying about lobsters?

>> No.14128160
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i don't think there's anything wrong with killing and eating animals but ideally they should be kept in the least stressful conditions possible before their death and not be slaughtered inhumanely. being boiled alive is not a nice way for anything to go even if we presume they don't feel pain

>> No.14128162

Can't speak for everyone but the way I look at it is if I am going to eat it, I should treat it with respect and give it a quick death rather than drag it out and be cruel. The lobsters you buy from the stores will die anyways, at least this way it is quicker and won't be wasted

>> No.14128165


I can respect that

>> No.14128170

An apathetic nobody who gives no thought to his actions

>> No.14128178

I'm quite careful of my actions but really dont give shit about lobsters. Are you such a moron as to think that they consider their actions?

>> No.14128180

Why don't you post a postitive reason as to why you care so much about lobsters?

>> No.14128186

I take the rubber bands off, and give them a chance to fight their way out.

>> No.14128191

robster craws!

>> No.14128197

I never said they gave a thought to their actions. And you clearly have strong feelings about lobsters, seeing how you continue responding
I do my best to care about all animals and plants. They are amazing in their own right and deserve respect, even if the are not as cognitively developed as people. I'm not trying to force you to accept my beliefs, but don't berate people for caring about something you don't

>> No.14128259

I do that and let two lobsters fight to the dead. Then eat the dead one. Most natural way.

>> No.14128561

the real question is butter or lemon?

>> No.14128619
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a reminder that when you eat raw oysters they are still alive

>> No.14128645

i don't eat oysters ew gross

>> No.14128662

Does the live one earn the right to live till your next lobster night? Have you ever had a champion lobster that survived every entry to the gladitorial arena?

>> No.14128666

I bet you don't eat your boogers either. Pleb.

>> No.14128682

And theyre still alive when they come out the other end and return to the sea. Whats the problem?

>> No.14128686

I return him to the ocean where he lives free and bangs shelobsters.

>> No.14128705

oysters are retarded tho, barely more alive than plants

>> No.14128714


>> No.14128778

cooking things alive is what chinks do.
are you a chink anon?

>> No.14128787

veggies are actually alive before you cook them

now what?

>> No.14128837

they're comatose, they won't feel anything.

>> No.14128844

>In times of intense stress, people sometimes let out their angst with a squeal — and a new study suggests that plants might do the same.

>Unlike human screams, however, plant sounds are too high-frequency for us to hear them, according to the research, which was posted Dec. 2 on the bioRxiv database. But when researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel placed microphones near stressed tomato and tobacco plants, the instruments picked up the crops' ultrasonic squeals from about 4 inches (10 centimeters) away. The noises fell within a range of 20 to 100 kilohertz, a volume that could feasibly "be detected by some organisms from up to several meters away," the authors noted.


now what?

>> No.14128864

So are most posters here, but you wouldn't eat them

>> No.14128928

vegans were never alive, that's why they're vegans

>> No.14128929

oh yes I would

>> No.14128949

For all we know ants might suffer worst of all when someone steps on them

>> No.14128999

As oysters lack a central nervous system there is a lot of debate as to wether they are even considered an animal.
There is even a large group of vegans who will eat oysters on account of them not being true animals

>> No.14129004

Worked chef lobster restaurant. Killed thousands. They feel no pain. Put in water and they dont really react to it. Cut tail off one and forgot its head in fridge 5 hours later and it was still alive and tried to pinch me. We made lob sashimi w the tails. (south Korean restaurant).. Once cut lob head in half and it was still alive for an hour. The chance of you cutting its less than pea sized brain is impossible. Like my old boss said "Just kill it once."

>> No.14129015

It tried to pinch you because he knew you cut him in half.

>> No.14129030

Imagine worrying about the possible suffering of an arthropod. Lobsters are vile bugs just a few small steps removed from roaches.

>> No.14129052

I give as much of a shit about a lobster as I do a dingleberry.

>> No.14129060

weak times create soft people who cry over the smallest of things that dont matter in the universe

>> No.14129069
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>> No.14129271

Put them in the freezer or on ice, they go to sleep

>> No.14129277


>> No.14129288

same thing with raw carrot

>> No.14129291


>> No.14129304

Whatever you think doesn't mean you must be intentionally cruel to the thing. I don't want to cause any suffering to even a bug, so I put lobster (or crab) on ice to put them asleep. When I catch a fish I knock it out rather than just let it drown in air. I do this also to protect myself from feeling as though I'm being cruel.

>> No.14129538

I gave u r mum the raw carrot last night

>> No.14130298

Respect, bro!

>> No.14130323

>eating oyster because not an animal
By that logic they should just stay vegetarians and still partake in dairy/eggs. Fucking retarded.

>> No.14130602

You probably de-nerve the animal faster by just boiling it honestly. If you stab it's face, it's nerves are still reacting by the time you put it into boiling water. It's kind of like trying to convince me that I should stab a fish's head with a knife before cutting its head off. It makes no sense, the animal dies, you shouldn't have a sense of humanity for creatures that don't contribute anything to your own humanity besides their meat. This is why niggers are lower than animals, you can't even eat niggers.

>> No.14132196


>> No.14133290

why would they do that?

>> No.14133302

ants are very strong

>> No.14133537

what about letting it drown in freshwater like that one anon did awhile back? seems like a more humane method than live boiling, but how does it affect the flavor?

>> No.14133641

I don't believe you heard him correctly...he said ROBSTER CRAWS!

>> No.14133665

Reminder that lobsters are sacred immortal creatures and you will all be punished in the next life for your crimes.

>> No.14133673

Once I gave one a knife and let it fight my cat.

>> No.14134006

I put mine on a leash and run around the house frantically dragging it along behind me, taking sharp turns and letting it helplessly slide across the floor and smash into walls continuously
I just keep going, letting the thing get violently banged up, and slammed into almost everything in my path. It takes a good while for it to completely stop moving but it does the trick

>> No.14134719

since lobster brains are so tiny, I've always wondered how many well meaning people tried to kill a lobster humanely only to miss the brain and end up causing significantly more pain to the lobster

>> No.14134743

lobsters do not have centralized brains.

>> No.14134827

I like to dismember them a little at a time while forcing them to listen to Neutral Milk Hotel. Then I drop em in boiling water. Gives me a woody and makes the meat taste so much better when I see that it suffered tremendously.

>> No.14135181

Who the fuck is going to pay for a CO2 chamber for a bunch of mudbugs? Restaurants in the business to make money, not lose it unless its a money laundering operation.

>> No.14136543

Make sure the water is very hot so they can die instantly, they must turn red very quickly

>> No.14136549

My Aunty does that with freshwater crayfish, she puts them in a bucket of water and adds salt so they spit all the mud out.

>> No.14136579

You are right it's "just" a lobster.
Killing it is "just" a knife stab to the head.

So "just" stop being a faggot and kill it, there is no benefit to cooking it alive. Only subhuman Chinese people do that.
You're better than Chinese people aren't you?

>> No.14136607

This is the same fake science as scientology machines

>> No.14136637

I love that episode of Masterchef where the Indian girl didn't want to kill the crab by putting it in the water, meanwhile the Chinese girl is ripping hers apart alive.

>> No.14137404

That Snibeti Snabber is pretty funny looking.

>> No.14137419

Live me some oysters with a nice cold spic beer

>> No.14137431

Your aunt got big ole black titties?

>> No.14137433
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Made a bunch last night- just 1.5 pounders... Couldnt get larger sadly. Had my 10 year old daughter drop them in the steaming pot. Fuck animals we're the top of the food chain

>> No.14138297
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he won the hole thread, hands down.

>> No.14138369

Rent free.