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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.44 MB, 1299x2048, Screenshot_20200521-132421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14124546 No.14124546 [Reply] [Original]

Well cu/ck/s, its been a good run. RIP.

>> No.14124550

brb gonna go buy lots of meat

>> No.14124555

you can't, it's gone

>> No.14124556

What if I don't care about the working poor, racial justice or climate change?

>> No.14124558

I don't care about any of those things.

>> No.14124561

>He is the son of Esther Foer, former Director of Sixth & I Historic Synagogue

God damn it.

>> No.14124564
File: 381 KB, 1000x1498, film1-1-f5ac0bf0bb9177fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just, like, Jonathan Safran Foer's opinion, man.

>> No.14124570

The "working poor" in the meatpacking industry are mostly illegal immigrants. Deport them all and the unions will come back to guarantee a living wage and dignified treatment. And fuck "racial justice" and "climate change" while you're at it.

>> No.14124572

I come from a family of bleeding heart liberals, who were both radical children of conservative hick families. My family also obsessively eats meat, so this confuses my position. I love meat, but I associate with liberals. Why are liberals so fucking gay about some shit?

>> No.14124585

Stock is a plenty where I live, but then again I'm not in a containment center.

>> No.14124595

>working poor, racial justice and climate change

fantastic, i don't care any about any of that stuff

>> No.14124600

>huge push in the media for worldwide veganism
>covid hits
>oh by the way goyim, there's no more meat, really sad but yeah it's gone lol

>> No.14124605

They're deported regularly, often with the cooperation of their employers. Said employers just get more illegal immigrants and call up ICE again when people are due for raises. A big part of this is that corporations are not held accountable for perpetuating problems like this. And a big part of that is that big gov't needs to justify itself and its exorbitant spending.

>> No.14124611

Forcing people to be vegan is not the way to go about it.

>> No.14124613

the problem isn't with the morality of meat consumption but the fact the industry is built on the back of "slave labor". we could restrict economic immigration and enforce living wages which will bring jobs to americans but then where does the money to do that come from? the cost of meat at the check out stand OR from the profits of the billionaires who run the meat and agriculture industry. guess who will be left holding the bag. fuck billionaires and the elite class sucking the life out of this country.

>> No.14124631

I do care about "racial justice". Me and mine first. Fuck everyone else.

>> No.14124647

I agree. A few owners and managers jailed for violating labor laws would go a long way towards solving the problem.

>> No.14124661
File: 713 KB, 1024x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you care about the working poor
>racial justice
>or climate change

whew that was a close one but I don't give a fuck about any of those things

>> No.14124670

Ideally a slug to the back of the skull. We're running out of alternatives at this point.

>> No.14124672
File: 55 KB, 718x960, 1586634509197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw eating meat is racis

>> No.14124673

I guess support family run farms if you can. I temporarily live in a small town with access to products from local butchers and farms in the area. Billionaire elites will continue to run America until fundamental change happens. I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.14124677


>> No.14124682

I just bough a pound of ground beef for burgers, I can confirm that meat hasn't magically disappeared.

>> No.14124824
File: 5 KB, 204x204, into the trash it goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear [propaganda publication]:
Sincerely, anonymous.

>> No.14124832

I don't care about any of those things, so looks like it's the meat train for me.

>eating meat is racist, killing the environment, and hurting poor people

Is there a giant vegan lobbying body I'm not aware of that's paying for this literal nonsense? This is like arguing that beans are bad for the environment and social health because they cause gas.

>> No.14124835

>yfw Kamerad Johnathan is trying to prime blue state men for iron deficiency and weak muscles for DOTR

>> No.14124869

is it just me or does "racial justice" sound like the name for something that is similar to justice, only you get different outcome depending on your race. Isn't that racist?

>> No.14124874

Today was the last day. Most of it is gone now. You might be able to find some scraps if you're lucky but it will all be gone soon.

>> No.14124879

Just shot my neighbor, there's more meat now.

>> No.14125301
File: 137 KB, 526x436, LkARIDr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck does eating meat have to do with racism? Is it the fried chicken stereotype? Might as well ban fruits since people are still eating watermelons.

>> No.14125331


>Foer is the middle son of a Jewish family; his older brother, Franklin, is a former editor of The New Republic and his younger brother, Joshua, is the founder of Atlas Obscura. Foer was a "flamboyant" and sensitive child who, at the age of 8, was injured in a classroom chemical accident that resulted in "something like a nervous breakdown drawn out over about three years," during which "he wanted nothing, except to be outside his own skin.

>> No.14125351

there is no person who actually cares about the working poor and racial justice simultaneously. racial diversity and multiculturalism has an aggressive negative impact on the working poor.

>> No.14125361

companies aren't help accountable because it's intentional. immigration and diversity are about keeping wages down and avoiding unions, they literally admit as much in internal papers and shareholder reports.

>> No.14125497

>companies aren't help accountable because it's intentional.
What did you think my last sentence was about?

>> No.14125791

>Oy VEY!!!

>> No.14125885

As long as there's egg im fine

>> No.14125962

I saw the image, googled the writer, and came here to post this.

>> No.14126062

>care about working poor
>stop supporting the industry that employs them

>> No.14126083

>you have to stop eating mass produced factory meat

>> No.14126092

>was injured in a classroom chemical accident
inb4 ate glue

>> No.14126112

can i use this for my album art plz

>> No.14126114

Worst superhero origin story I ever heard.

>> No.14126118

What exactly is "racial justice" and how is it in play in the meat industry?

>> No.14126136

if you're serious, mass produced meat facilities hire illegal immigrant workers to process American cheap meat and threaten them with ICE while not paying them - same deal for the agricultural industry. it's a practice to artificially lower the price of product for deal-hunting consumers.
how you feel about it is your choice.

>> No.14126137

It's a vague buzzword used to dogwhistle people to support or buy any cause or product you want.

>> No.14126153

Did they kidnap these illegal workers from Mexico and force them into labor?

>> No.14126160

why is that specifically racist? what does their race have to do with it? if they were exploited white people, would it still be racist?

>> No.14126277

all leftists should get a bullet to the head

>> No.14126290
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>If you care about the working poor

Good I thing I fucking don't.

>> No.14126339
File: 41 KB, 640x640, long pigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still the sweetest meat of all...

>> No.14126338

Bullshit. Bullshit. More bullshit.

>> No.14126357

the article is assuming you're white and therefore you are automatically a racist since according to some mentally ill people you're responsible for this

>> No.14126361


>> No.14126371

Just got back from the store - shelves are packed. Try going outside anon

>> No.14126431

A modest proposal: why can't the poor people just eat the dead covid-19 people? They're already in refrigerated trucks in their neighborhoods, so the distribution system is already highly efficient. There's definitely a demand for food, human beings don't have any dignity anymore, fewer resources would be wasted, etc. All this stupid shit about eating bugs when the answer is right there in front of us.

>> No.14126670

>New York Times

>> No.14126677

Not for long. Supply lines are fucked.

>> No.14126723
File: 62 KB, 600x600, shermy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about muh libtards giving kids tranny hormones
>lets their kids eat meat

>> No.14126741

>care about climate change
>care about the working poor
>dont care about """racial justice"""
get fukt

>> No.14126746

>The working poor
Only whites
>racial justice
For whites
>Climate change

I'm not eating bugs so Africans can chow down on steak.

>> No.14126753

>The working poor
>racial justice
>Climate change

*incoherent amerimongrel squealing*

>> No.14126761
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>> No.14126770

Yes, that's the face the amerimongrel """""man""""" makes as it sharts.

>> No.14126791
File: 964 KB, 350x278, EC2450DB-1F01-4604-B0DB-2A727545CDDB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14126803

I fucking hate these people that have to try to make all of their social justice pet projects work together. Fuck them. I bet the rich in NYC and LA will always have their meat.

>> No.14126854 [DELETED] 

>Corporations won't bre

>> No.14126861

It's common practice. IDK what you even think is unbelievable about corporations breaking laws or governments bending rules to validate burning through taxpayer money.

>> No.14126862

Liberals like A.O.C. LARP as leftists to gatekeep.

>> No.14126871

We voted for folks who propose literally taking our money and giving it to you guys in free healthcare and education
>Fuck ur commie BS!
We voted for reasonable regulations around emissions and environmental protection
>You rich assholes never end up paying your share!

You're right that elites are trying to screw you guys; you've just mostly misidentified the elites doing the screwing.

>> No.14127025

I can see an argument for ending factory farming of pork and beef. Meat will still be available just much more expensive. There are clear environmental impacts of factory farming to fill the demand of fast foot restaurants for example.

>> No.14127207

quit feeding africans to breed billions of worthless niggers and it wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.14127262


Yeah, you lost me at that point. If you want me to give a shit about your "opinion", Andrew, you better be prepared to listen to mine in return.
>Like that's ever going to happen.

>> No.14127276

I believe corpse-to-living transmission is possible.
Don't quote me on that, though.

>> No.14127298

Nah, it's time for amerimongrels to eat a salad, even if it (hopefully) kills them all.

>> No.14127336

nah, we should just stop exporting meat to the rest of the world.

>> No.14127352

Just wait until the (((glomohobos))) take away your coal roller and make you (((walk))) to the nearest Jeezum Chick-ee for your corn syrup ration. I figure you waddle about 450 meters before succumbing to a massive coronary.

>> No.14127353

So only poor people are allowed to eat meat?

>> No.14127477

We're not talking about carb laden fast food. We're talking about the easiest source of adequate nutrition, when people are already so deficient. I'm sure the fortified bug-powder is going to improve things though. Only yokel alt-righters disagree.

>> No.14127495
File: 5 KB, 234x215, CC244579-7433-4048-8E55-942A028B43CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to eat soy food and bugs to save the environment.

>> No.14127536
File: 984 KB, 2327x2980, Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the working poor
I'm pretty sure the working poor would be fucking completely eviscerated by the absence of the meat industry.
>racial justice
>climate change
LOL, should be called "Human-Adverse Climate Change", because retards really only care about it when it starts affecting their everyday lives. Unless part of the "cure" to climate change includes bulldozing the millions of acres of sub/urban sprawl and concentrating all bugmen into a singular tartarusesque megacity while us grandeurchads are allowed to live in peace in our wilderness arcologicabins, I couldn't give a single fuck about "climate change"
You can't eat your cake and have it too. You either completely restructure sauciety or let the world burn.

>> No.14127560

>One meat processing plant shuts down on the west coast
Also ever heard of a local butcher dumb fuck? Animals are plentiful still, talk to your local farmers and just buy one.

>> No.14127569
File: 14 KB, 500x275, withnail-and-i-1987-paul-mcgann-richard-e-grant-pic-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't want to have to butcher anything more complicated than a fish.

>> No.14127573

>don’t care about the poor, climate change, and minorities
>continue eating meat
checkmate vegan secular feminist trannies

>> No.14127588

They've been saying that for a month now

>> No.14127589

People like you are unironically going to need to be executed if we want human civilization to persist another generation or two.

>> No.14127593

I'd like to see you try, you limp wrist emaciated faggot

>> No.14127598
File: 106 KB, 928x960, 852DD868-7739-4E5E-BA6E-2B4F9D723035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try it faggot. See what happens. Make my day.

>> No.14127603

Nothing would please me more than to watch the life leave the eyes of a climate change denier. You are less than a sub-human, you are an anti-human.

>> No.14127621

You sound like a very compassionate and good hearted human yourself

>> No.14127629

Do it faggot. Oh wait you won't do shit because you're a weak retarded faggot.

>> No.14127631

It's pragmatism at this point. You are actively and willingly contributing to an existential threat to my progeny and humanity as we know it.

>> No.14127636

Nice try, poor nigger without AC and central heating.

>> No.14127652

>ignoring that the meat industry provides jobs to under educated, largely minority folks sjw nazis claim to care about

>> No.14127658

Eating meat doesn't cause climate change. Building gigantic concrete cities, unregulated manufacturing in 3rd world shit holes, and keeping billions of useless niggers alive has more of an impact that any retarded progressive idea your kike owner force fed you.

>> No.14127690

>strawmen, strawmen, (((strawmen)))
You're literally brain poisoned.

>> No.14127700

Eating meat has an impact, but travel and the whole 3rd world jizz is definitely a larger contributor

>> No.14127707
File: 3.08 MB, 274x274, 45EA589F-2154-4E3A-A9F9-FAAF7FA11A82.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, retard.

>> No.14127709

But "climate change" isn't a threat. Carbon dioxide isn't gonna hurt anyone.
The myth of man made climate change has been debunked, throughly, many times. It only persists through social pressure and monetary control. It's purpose is to expand government control, regulate competition in old markets, and create new markets for the people with political and capital control.

>> No.14127710

Not really. One person being apathetic doesn't do much. You'd have to kill most of the world to appease your unrealistic goal of...whatever you're trying to achieve

>> No.14127711

The fault does not lie with consumers, but with industries that allow negative impacts from raising cattle/pigs etc.

>> No.14127723

I agree it has an impact, but it's not even close to other types of food production. Take rice for example. Rice production produces a massive amount of pollution. I'm not sure about corn and soy but it's probably up there.
The main cause of pollution is over population.

>> No.14127725

There needs to be international cooperation on an unprecedented scale in order to fight this, but unfortunately that's doing a Z.O.G. glomohobo N.W.O. if you ask right-wing retards (and don't even get them started on addressing other existential threats like renewing arms limitation).
The fact that this astroturfed bullshit is still being pushed almost 50 years after Exxon's own research showed otherwise is precisely why actually executing the deniers is increasingly looking like the only solution.

>> No.14127733

The final redpill is that human civilization cannot survive capitalism anymore, but that's so far out of the realm of discussion at this point, I don't really see much hope.

>> No.14127741

Well it sort of is. You would have to infringe on people's personal freedoms at that level and you'd be asking A LOT from developing countries. You'd probably put a ton of people out of work too. It really is unrealistic.

>> No.14127744

The alternative is the collapse of the biosphere and human civilization as we know them. Simple as.

>> No.14127748

Capitalism is the only reason we have the technology to combat our impact on the environment though. Remove competition and you remove motivation in the overwhelming majority of humanity

>> No.14127751

You're such a whiny retarded faggot. I bet you're a virgin living off of daddy's money while crying about wanting to kill people that have a different opinion. Take your fucking meds Jesus Christ.

>> No.14127756

Not necessarily. With how far we've advanced in even the last decade I see our end coming at the hands of a catastrophic natural disaster that is completely out of our realm of prevention, like an asteroid or one of them fancy solar blast things everyone keeps talking about. Society has risen and collapsed more times than we think from a plethora of natural and human made disasters

>> No.14127764

Why do you deny science?
Science tells us the that CO2 isn't a threat, only fraudulent models and retard faggots suggest it. And yet the've never found the mythical compounding factor that is required to create the scary graph projections in all the decades of looking. And then the data that is entered into those models would have to be valid, but you people have never shown any signs you are capable of integrity.

>> No.14127766

Capitalism was progressive in the era of feudalism and led to many innovations, even Karl Marx said as much. It's just too advanced now when we're at the point where it's possible (and even "desirable") to destroy the future prospects of human civilization for short-term profit in the present. We can't even try and reel it back in with some sort of neo-Keynesianism at this point, and even if we could, we'd just get a neo-neoliberalism further down the line.

>> No.14127771

Utter drivel. Exxon-Mobil has known conclusively since ~1979-1980 that anthropogenic gas emissions are causing the greenhouse effect. The time for "debate" was 40 years ago.

>> No.14127776

Carnists are going to forced to evolve from their caveman ways. This is progress bitches and there is nothing you can do about it flesh eaters.

>> No.14127779


The problem isn't any abstract societal system, but the mass lack of virtue. People don't live by principles and are completely unmoored from any morality.
It's how evil can be called good and righteousness called bad. Woe is the world for the judgement it deserves is a harsh one indeed.

>> No.14127791
File: 99 KB, 700x964, 1370294064-296cf9c40bdfb67efafc6f4d399c776b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akchyually it is the other way around. Hitler was a staunch vegetarian and animal rights activist, while Jews have elaborate animal slaughter rituals in their holy books. Therefore not eating meat = antisemitism.

>> No.14127792

Fair point. I think with more access to information however we're seeing more companies being held accountable for irresponsible and short sighted behavior, including governments themselves. We're simply in the infancy stage of this whole information revolution so people can't really handle or comprehend it fully and are going off the deep end in one area or another

>> No.14127798

Cringe, my dude.

>> No.14127801

So you don't know anything about the research you reference, you just believe (((certain people))) when they tell you the sky is falling? Cause the oceans regulate the CO2 levels in the atmosphere to a degree that humans couldn't change the global temperature with emissions if we tried our hardest to do so. The most that happens is some smog in the cities, but that's a local problem, not a global threat.

>> No.14127807

Being not a neo-marxist NPC is never cringe.

>> No.14127816

My gf told me about this article today (shes been vegetarian for 3 years) and how it "reaffirmed her beliefs in staying away from meat) She hinted that I should consider it too but i told her nobody is going to tell me what I can and cant eat, and she stopped talking about it. I wish she would just eat meat, shes actually fatter now as a vegeatarian than she was before.

>> No.14127828

She's eating too many carbs and probably not working out enough, if at all. Women are bad at taking care of themselves

>> No.14127838

If you're talking about forcibly de-industrializing the third world, and instituting eugenics I'm there with you.

Oh wait, you're not? OK, continue to impotently fantasize about putting boolits in chud brains. Fag.

>> No.14127926

Government is in on it dumbass.

>> No.14127933

Bootlick. Bootlick. More bootlick.

>> No.14127934

>I agree it has an impact, but it's not even close to other types of food production. Take rice for example. Rice production produces a massive amount of pollution. I'm not sure about corn and soy but it's probably up there.
We grow a lot more crops than humans would need to feed livestock though. Trophic levels are a bitch

>> No.14127951

My experience with vegetarians is they don't replace other foods with more vegetables but instead with vegan packaged options that aren't necessarily lower calorie. Case in point, I compared regular mayo with vegan mayo and the vegan option is double the calories.

>> No.14127959

I wish she would stop. we've only been dating a year and shes gained weight since then.

>> No.14127970

Sounds like a bullet you can dodge.

>> No.14127971

I think a high enough cooking temperature would be effective. Another great idea: turning covid victims into soap. They would be heroes who help eradicate the virus through handwashing.

>> No.14127985

Tell her to alter her diet. I'm guessing she eats tons of bread, pasta, and fruit. Dairy as well or no?

>> No.14128005

thats exactly it, and wine, but shes been drnking less ever since i told her im not a drinker and i dont like seeing her tipsy or drunk

>> No.14128026

>what is ocean acidification
i hate boomers so fucking much

>> No.14128035

Again, what did you think my last sentence was about?

>> No.14128037

Yeah she's not doing anything good for her health. I knew a broad like that in high school and she's about 230 lbs now

>> No.14128047

ive struggled with telling her. unlike men, i cant just tell her 'youve gained 10lbs since we met, can you control your diet' without her flying into a fit

>> No.14128053

what better way to show you're an advocate for racial justice than to deny ethnic people their traditional cultural cuisine and force them a white privileged plant based diet

>> No.14128061

I live in NY and the shelves are fully stocked just like they were the day before the shutdowns happened

having a surplus of meat is actually bringing the prices down because the companies are having a sell off
the same thing that's happening with gasoline

>> No.14128083

fuck the poor, fuck minorities, and fuck the planet

>> No.14128084

Good thing they're getting trillions of dollars in corporate bailouts to keep the prices up while regular people are taking paycuts. Go team free market!

>> No.14128091

oh look, a jew telling me i need to respect all cultures except my own

>> No.14128102

>fuck the planet
No, humans are shit, all the races. The planet and wildlife are great and should continue to thrive and compete long after we've killed ourselves off.

>> No.14128128

What I did with my broad was just got her into hiking and plant identifying. Now she's balls deep and goes on her own and started a big ass garden. She's not super in shape but better than she was

>> No.14128282

Ah yes poor Africans are the main consumers of fast food

>> No.14128290

Overpopulation is a greater contributor to climate change than fast food could ever dream of

>> No.14128301

>ocean acidification
Sure, once we burn all our oil and gas, and wood, and found a few more things to burn up, that might be a slight issue.
But we'll fuck the oceans up with plastics long before that becomes a worry.

And you seem to hate a lot. I would guess there's not much love in your life at all. Is that why you have no real friends?

>> No.14128332

there are 1.2 billion whites on the planet
but only 1 billion Africans

>> No.14128347

What does racial justice have to do with this?

>> No.14128349

what about what you just said seems like free market to you?

are leftists really that retarded, that when their own ideas are implemented and don't work they pin it on the other guys?
don't' answer that. obviously the answer is yes

socialism failed once again?? it was the capitalists fault! they got in the way!

>> No.14128351

Africa had 1.2 billion half a decade ago. Asians are the real problem on the overpopulation front anyways, but that doesn't address Africa's sustainability issues. We gave them vaccines but didn't provide contraception or tell them that they no longer needed to have 9 kids so 2 survive.

Not him BTW.

>> No.14128357

Yes and white birth rates have dropped significantly while Africans and Indians are reproducing like rabbits

>> No.14128523

Which wouldn't be a problem if the white countries would keep the masses out of their territory. But instead wanting to kill the (((few))) who are causing the problems and preventing the solutions, OP would rather kill everyone who isn't falling for (((their))) tricks.
Really gets the noodle almonding.

>> No.14128575

Basiert und Rotgepillt

>> No.14128597

It's just an USA problem, there were no meat shortage in europe and the lockdown was worse.
You will just rearrange your farming network after the crisis and everybody will get their burgers again.

>> No.14128604
File: 19 KB, 196x229, 1585337414660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>story about meat
Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
We are nearing a point that people would rather agree with the racism then tolerate any more bullshit.

>> No.14128931

Who the hell do you think works in the fields 24/7 to produce fruit and vegetables? Spics. Guarantee it

>> No.14128950

food stamps can be used to purchase meat you know

>> No.14129036

>if you care about the working poor, racial justice, or climate change
sweet, i can still eat

>> No.14129115

As much as I wish this were true we're probably still a ways off, OP. I'm really happy to see more people taking it seriously tho. At the risk of sounding like a huge tool, the fact that people who eat meat defend it so adamantly sometimes, means that the vegetarian/vegan ideals are reaching even those who don't care for it at all. People are starting to take more thoughtful stances on the issue and that's good for us.

>> No.14129287
File: 74 KB, 600x511, meatind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all a conspiracy. just look at how vegans are reacting as if God himself has come down to pat them on the head.

>> No.14129307
File: 52 KB, 1092x583, 4chanalexa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threads actually about food/cooking reach page 10 with 2-3 replies
>/pol/bait op-ed article gets 150+ replies

Reddit containment board has killed this site.

>> No.14129310
File: 1.36 MB, 342x316, cringebonbi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dude

>> No.14129324

get out now, anon. being so different from each other on such basic things as food and drink is going to cause it all to come crashing down one day.

>> No.14129405

Try it then. I’ll die a happy life and my grandchildren and their children will be blessed. Oh I’m also freezing myself when I die faggot so I’ll still be making you cry for years to come

>> No.14129428

I unironically care about animal cruelty more than any of those things except possibly climate change. I don't see why the article had to frame it as though that weren't the biggest incentive to go vegetarian/vegan.
Also I still eat meat because it tastes good but people who have to have meat for every meal are culinary plebs.

>> No.14129460

>my dude
chapo detected

>> No.14129542
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Type that again without crying this time

>> No.14129693

not a bad idea

>> No.14129756

>working poor
fucking loves meat
>racial justice
nonwhites fucking love meat
>climate change
admittedly worse than veg by a small amount but contribution is still ultimately insignificant

>> No.14130754
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>> No.14130851


>> No.14130937

This. Supply lines are being disrupted, no fresh meat, only canned and only until some boomer hoarder find a way to take everything.

>> No.14130950

>there are 1.2 billion whites on the planet
That is simply not true. Try 600 million, if that.

>> No.14130978

>there are 1.2 billion whites on the planet
america has like 350 m people and it's 60% white
europe with russia has like 700 m people with huge non-white populations all across the continent (yes, also in russia, which is slowly turning into a muslim majority country)

what other white countries are there left? multicultural cucknada with its 40 million people? ausnz that together have fewer than 30 million people, with millions of chinks constituting national minorities?

do the math retard

>> No.14131153

There has been an impact, it has reduced our processing capacity by about 35%. The shuttering of restaurants had a much larger impact, as they made up the bulk of meat purchasing in this nation.

>> No.14131174

You realize that your figures account for about 1.2 billion people worldwide right? You get 1.05 billion just combining the US and EU/Russia. Only need to account for 150 million more people, and you can find that scattered around the world including Australia, South Africa, and expat communities in various latin and asian countries.

>> No.14131183

You can't read

>> No.14131189

Well they butcher it for you since that's a butcher's job

>> No.14131193

lol, tranny

>> No.14131232

You underestimate how out of touch coasties and city dwellers are with their community

>> No.14131247
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>Jonathan Safran Foer
reminder that this dude destroyed his marriage with Nicole Krauss (with whom he has two children) because he couldn't suppress his boner for Natalie Portman. He separated from his wife and declared his love for Portman, but she did not reciprocate his feelings. So now he is a divorced loser and a cuck, and a highly mediocre novelist.

I would die from shame if I were him

>> No.14131272

Trannies are irrelevant. Denialist shills are irredeemable enemies of humanity.

>> No.14131276

Not true, by the way.

>> No.14131376


>> No.14131390

While we're at it, what the fuck does this term even mean?

>> No.14131398

Stop tedposting

>> No.14131404

I'm French and could get chicken and pork all day during our lockdown, why are American supplies low? Let me guess, not all states raise cattle?

>> No.14131526


>> No.14131550


>> No.14131567
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>if you care
>you have to stop

>> No.14131575


>> No.14131596

>Opinion Discarded

>> No.14131661


>> No.14131681

>government directly interfering with market competition and pricing mechanisms via bailouts
>free market

>> No.14131685
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This is what climate warriors say, then they die at age 25. (Praise KEK)

>Raphael Coleman

>> No.14131716

I see you prefer the Somalia model.
>Praise KEK
This is an 18+ site.

>> No.14131737

Wait, this guy isn't related in any way to the food or health industry? He's a fucking novelist?! Why the fuck is NYT printing his OPINION then? I never even heard of him. Fuck off, NYT really has gone to shit in recent years.

>> No.14131742

i don't care about any of that

>> No.14131834


>> No.14131882

The amount of times people have been bewildered by the idea of buying a pig or cow right from the farm leads me to believe otherwise

>> No.14131915
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he wrote Everything Is Illuminated and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. he's pretty mediocre but got success nonetheless. since then he hasn't been able to really get the same attention and success. he wrote the pro-vegan book Eating Animals.

>> No.14132043

look at that fucking face

>> No.14132206

>i cant argue so im just gonna whine

>> No.14132212

owners/employers of that nature deserved to be stripped of their titles and fired

>> No.14132221

Gonna go eat a bbq feast thinks to this article.

See ya guys.

>> No.14132543

how are vegans going to cope with lab grown meat being a thing, and being more efficient than fake meat?
probably cry like usual

>> No.14132548

Why? Seems like a good thing for vegans.

>> No.14132723

I'd assume they will eat it

>> No.14132829

Is it really my choice how I feel about anything? Isn't it much rather my choice how I rationalize it?

>> No.14132876

The one I asked said she'd eat it.

>> No.14132949


>> No.14132965
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>Stop tedposting
Not him but fuck you

>> No.14132997

A mom lost her son and you’re laughing

>> No.14133179

Then you're in good company anon

>> No.14133204

it's not funny if you explain the joke

>> No.14133214

>racial injustice
Well I guess instead of eating meat tonight, I'll rape a POC

>> No.14133218

that's actually a very fair point.
but you knew what I meant lol.

>> No.14133272

Nothing would make me happier than to see a liberal angloids anguish as my people finally overtly take over your country, nd you learn that your attempt to ingratiate yourself with us is a failure, because I fucking hate you cunts. I do. You're not my hero, cuck.

>> No.14133289
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Opinion rejected, meat is delicious.

>> No.14133333
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Americans aren't angelos, the correct term is "mutt" for they are a debased form of white.

>> No.14133398

>The end of meat is here
>and the era of hunting has begun

>> No.14133464

The local butcher closed shop, RIP

>> No.14133646
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There is a butcher 4 doors down from us and he is doing ok, we buy faggots and dog meat from him.

There are no gays in our village.

>> No.14134079

It used to mean some specific phrase only known by those of an ingroup (like whistles that only dogs can hear) but now it serves as a buzzword to associate and discredit your opponent with more nebulous causes through control of rhetoric.
Like how gaslighting used to mean a pervasive psychological phenomenon of questioning reality, but now it just means repeated disagreement.

>> No.14135160

I also don't like Mexicans working with my meat, they're dirty and probably piss in it because they think it makes it taste better.
I fully agree, we need to send all those worthless garbage people back and eat delicious meat made by White people only!
Great Post, thanks for your valuable insight on the meat industry's actions against our people!!
Also the billionaires will not increase prices except for as much they know the American can still afford it. The worst possible outcome for the industry would be if the American found out how the industry has been fucking him over for years. He will never forgive them and they're scared to death for it.

>> No.14135283

Okay I'll bite, what exactly are they using to argue against meat this time?

>> No.14135397

Something, something, racism.