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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14119865 No.14119865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was your worst restaurant experience?

>> No.14119875

i ordered a pizza in spain, and when i cut into it, an actual live cockroach came out from the cheese bubble.
it had survived the heat of the oven unharmed.
fuck spain

>> No.14119899

A company I used to work for owned a place in New Hampshire. I made a corporate visit and they had a hole in the wall blowing snow on myself and the two customers there. It had been complained about on Yelp for two months.

>> No.14119970

Got invited to a work dinner that I "had" to attend. It was at a location that has had a ton of turnover, and no restaurant lasted more than a few months there.

Halfway through dinner, I see multiple roaches running up and down the wall of the dining room. Stopped eating

No, I don't want dessert. I just want out of this nasty filthole. Stop badgering me.

>> No.14119984

I sat down to enjoy some delicious applebees and I decided to comment on the waitress's eyes, it came out the wrong way and she got very offended and they wound up kicking me out of the restaurant as I had gotten my food, if I show up there now they can file trespassing charges on me

total horseshit

>> No.14120005

honestly I'm pretty lenient when it comes to the quality of food and service because 99% of the time you get what you pay for. The only times I've had bad service was when I've sat down at a table/bar and straight up didn't get served or even approached for 15+ minutes. Not even a menu or a water. At that point I just walk out and never look back.

>> No.14120117

went to a bar after their foodservice hours were over, i brought my own food (most bars in my area explicitly allow outside food, it's definitely the norm). the cleaning staff lady told me to throw my food out if i wanted to stay, which would've been fine except she was a massive cunt about it.

>> No.14120145

Went out to eat for Mother’s Day. Grandma ordered an omelette, the toppings were on the outside of the omelette instead of folded inside. Grandma asked if they could redo the omelette with the toppings inside. Waiter told us that the chef said they “don’t do omelettes like that” instead of remaking it. It’s a fucking omelette, it’s not that hard. The place went out of business not too long after that

>> No.14120164

>getting upset over being banned from applebee's
relax, they did you a favor, applebee's is fucking trash
my worst was at a breakfast place too, had shit service, frozen meat, overpriced as shit ($1.50 for a piece of toast) and they didn't know how to poach an egg. breakfast is the easiest meal to make, it takes some mega retardation to fuck it up that bad

>> No.14120170

I ate at a local chinese place and the shrimp had such an overbearing, powerful ammonia taste. It was inedible.

Or the time I went to a Cheddar's and the stupid bitch bartender gave me a diet coke with a dirty bandaid stuck to the inside of the glass. Didn't apologise, just took it and silently replaced it. Fucking gross.

>> No.14120172

(US omelet)
>A dish of beaten eggs cooked in a frying pan and served plain or with a savoury or sweet topping or filling.

chef technically not wrong?

>> No.14120174

i told her that her eyes looked similar to a lolikon image I look at frequently, when she asked me what lolikon was and I told her she freaked out

>> No.14120269

The old dude a booth over shit his pants before he could make it to the bathroom. Now the smell of geriatric shit is forever associated with pasta for me

>> No.14120304

>Middle school
>Go to new Chinese restaurant
>Had to pee
>Urinal falls off wall as I'm standing in front of it
>Move to stall
>Door falls off as I close it
>Leave restroom
>Some guy is trying to fight my dad because he thinks he insulted his wife in the parking lot
The food was OK though. Also when I was in college I often went to a buffet because the cafeteria was trash and some old dude at an adjacent table died.

>> No.14120602
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I was sexually harassed by an employee of a Japanese restaurant. I actually watched the server remove my portion of tuna from his underwear and place it on my plate. I insisted to see the manager and it turned out it was a little person.

>> No.14120694

i went into a subway in NYC and a nagger and a pagjeet started pooping inthe middle of the queue while moaning like fags. and then they kissed while scooping up their poop in cups and eating it.
and i thought: "ah so, this is what american tradition is all about!"

>> No.14120700

so this is mexican moor culture!

>> No.14120776

>using the word lolicon around normies
I hope you learned how to hide your power level anon

>> No.14120853


I would expect nothing less from Spain lmao.

>> No.14120919

I waited over an hour in a restaurant with almost no people and got no service. I overheard what was going on, they had staff but couldn't operate without a manager and none of the twats wanted to come in.

I would've cooked at home but a water main broke.

>> No.14120997


>> No.14121027

holy shit this actually happened to me today in Whole Foods

>> No.14121047

>Walk into Denny's
>Seat myself of course
>Full of basketball Americans
>Oh boy here we go
>Light up cigarette
>One of the last places on earth you can smoke anymore
>Basketball aficionado says I can't smoke until after 10pm
>Look at watch says 9:45
>Get up to walk out because Denny's is shit anyway
>Waitress says "it's okay it's dead inside"
>Basketball fanatic buss"boy"(he's like 50) says I can't smoke
>Stand up to walk out again and tell him "fuck niggers" and walk out
>Bussboy happy because he doesn't actually have to work
>Waitress is visibly upset because basketball American cost her a $10 tip on a dead shift
>Drive through Taco Bell

>> No.14121716 [DELETED] 

waited an hour for some chinese dumplings, then got into a full blown arguement with the chink server to get my money back

>> No.14121746

Waited an hour for a burger when there was literally nobody else in the dining room. When I got it the bottom bun was totally soaked in grease and there was some weird bubble of grey fat in the patty.

>> No.14121770

I ordered a Chicago style pizza and the waitress dropped it on the floor about 2 feet from the table. I still have nightmares about that pizza falling to the ground in slow motion.
Also the waitresses name was Olga and whenever I hear that name I immediately think “pizza ruiner”.

>> No.14121772

i'm pretty sure at least 1/5th of guys who are younger, than 35, have at least jacked it to roricon once. It might even be higher, maybe like 1/3rd.
Not doing it though is a surefire way to tell a normalfag apart. Ironic that the side that doesn't do such a shameful act is the one that seems to lack soul and humanity.

>> No.14121850

A chinese buffet in my little town. The general cao was so fucking nasty I spit it out and left. It is the one and only time I've ever fucking walked out of a restaurant. I mean I eaten food I disliked or thought was nasty but this shit made me revolted.

>> No.14121853 [DELETED] 
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For me, it was when I walked in and saw a family of niggers. It was absolutely disgusting and I left.

>> No.14121855

Jews eliminated that 50 years ago. Are you my great grandpa?

>> No.14121862

Don't reply to trolls

>> No.14121895

>Whole Foods
Vegans deserve shit.

>> No.14121957

Kudos to you for calling a nigger a nigger. I live in Atlanta, and have this urge on a daily basis. But there are so many, I would be overwhelmed by a mob of nigs.

>> No.14121959
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One time when I was a kid my dad took me to a new restaurant that had just opened near his work.
When we arrived we noticed that it was a sport bar instead of a restaurant, since we commuted a good 40 minute walk to get there we entered anyways.
As soon as we got in one of the waiters literally stormed us saying "I'm sorry sir but you cannot bring children here", I replied "hey man, we're hungry, I won't cause no troubles".
He looked at me with a pure disgust expression, as if he was a slave owner and one of his field negroes just trash talked him.
My dad immediately noticed this and we left the place, as we exited the door my old man said in a firm but calm voice "It's a shame when a restaurant is stupid enough to not want people's money.
Time passed and we never ate on that place, from time to time I still go to other places near that awful "sports bar" with even worse waiters.
When me and my parents pass near that place he often jokes about the incident by saying: "hey champ, do we still hold our vendetta against these idiots?".
To wich I tend to reply, "I don't forgive food biggotry pops" with the same calm but harsh tone of voice my dad used to make.

>> No.14121975

now this is epic

>> No.14121978

And now your dad has 32E tits and moans like a woman.
Based dad.

>> No.14122058

I had an omelette in a restaurant in Mexico 17 years ago. It had loong black hair zig zagging all through it. I broke in half, picked it up and the two halves stayed together.

>> No.14122067

That happened to me a couple times. I made note of those places and went back to use their wifi in peace whenever I felt like it.

>> No.14122074


>> No.14122077

Anon, noooooo-

>> No.14122212

post the image anon

>> No.14122220


>> No.14122226

I went to a restaurant alone. I was, 22, overweight (still am), balding (now fully bald) and had basically no friends (still don't at 29). I just wanted a meat lovers pizza and some chicken wings. I brought a book too. The waitress, a really attractive blonde lady maybe in her late 20s was mean. Like you could tell from her tone of voice that she was mocking me.

>will anyone else be joining you this evening? With a smirk on her face
>oh wow what are you reading there you must be smart!
>We have a beer special only 2.99 a pint are you sure you want a sprite refill?
>meat lovers pizza huh? Do you like veggies though?
>Have any special plans after dinner tonight hahaha?

Then I saw her looking in my direction while laughing with another waitress. It was the only time in my life where I felt like committing suicide. And I should have. This world is so cruel.

>> No.14122282
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For my brother's birthday my family decided to check out a restaurant with very high ratings and tons of praise for both it's dining experience, food quality, service, etc... . You know, the type of place you'll see featured on magazines and where some celeb or another has eaten.
I already expected it to be a letdown as many such places are, but I wasn't ready for this. Literally the most overpriced shit I've ever eaten in my entire life, and I say this with both 100% certainty and 0 hyperbole. Even McfuckingDonlads has better cost benefit. Imagine paying around 600$ for a "16 course meal" except 12 of those are the size of office party snacks and the main dishes each amount to 2 snacks. Then imagine receiving a slip of paper at the end of it all detailing the courses and the ingredients in them, with 95% of them being vegetables and by vegetables I don't mean expensive stuff like artichokes no I mean broccoli, carrots and so on (supposedly grown on their own garden on the building's roof) and the meat was just a small piece of Filet Mignon. 600$ hundred for that. Plus beverages. Service was decent but nowhere near enough to make up for the food.

Did I mention they only have 2 options on the menu, with the other one being the same meal but for twice the price because it has wine alongside the dishes? I wasn't the one paying but I still felt ripped off.

>> No.14122293

I'd eat pizza with you, anytime.

>> No.14122308

>22, overweight (still am), balding (now fully bald) and had basically no friends (still don't at 29)
Christ, anon. You didn't even need to keep going after that.

>> No.14122382

im just curious, how tall are you and how fat are you now?

>> No.14122390

Me too

>> No.14122393

I am a little under 5'6. Sucks. I weigh 304lbs. At 22 I was about 190lbs. I've basically just given up. I was planning on losing weight during quarantine but I actually gained an extra 30lbs in the last 4 months and have basically given up

>> No.14122400

thanks broys

I lost at life, basically was cursed the moment I was born

>> No.14122428

ok Karen

>> No.14122436



>> No.14122441

You can still make it. Just lose weight, it's way easier than you think.

>> No.14122446

Fucking hell, you can’t change your height but stop being bitchy about your weight and change it anon.

>> No.14122479

Why the fuck would you give up? The best part of being a fat fuck is that it's relatively easy to drop large amounts of weight with modest lifestyle adjustments. Start very small, then keep making bigger changes. You could easily drop 100 lbs and be a whole new person by next year. Maybe even ass fuck that blond waitress that was mean to you.

>> No.14122501

This. I lost 30 pounds taking a year off drinking and more from intermittent fasting and having workouts transitioning from walking to jogging for a set time to running for a set distance

>> No.14123019

This is Upstate South Carolina, niggers still know their place for the most part. My partner at work calls them all "boy".

>> No.14123040

Waitress being a bitch to me for no reason when eating out with friends, when asking everyone what they wanted she just skipped over me like I was invisible, never got asked for a refill had to call out for one. Never ate there since.

>> No.14123050

waiter put his penis in my food LOL haha

>> No.14123064

In that situation you were being the nigger, though. I don't care what color your skin is. That's nigger behavior.

>> No.14123073
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New Orleans, fourth of July.

Was out chilling with my boys, I'm sober this night but my friends aren't. We go to waffle house. My roommate is sloppy blind fucking drunk.

We sit down, everyone around us is black. My friend says "nigger" and we all tell him to shut the fuck up because we don't want to get our food fucked with or get jumped as soon as we walk out.

I get the hash brown bowl all the way. I eat it, it's pretty good.

I come down with strep throat over the next week, it fucking sucked. I have no definitive proof that it was waffle houses' fault, but I had been eating my normal work lunches and breakfasts that I've been meal prepping for years earlier that day, the waffle house was the only variable changed in my diet that night.

Fucking niggers.

>> No.14123093

I bet it was worth it and you were simply too crude to know how to appreciate it.

>> No.14123105

I forgot to add, the nigger called me "buddy". As in "you can't smoke here buddy". He should have been lynched. You don't cop that attitude with the public when you're in the service industry.

>> No.14123108

decided to try en "El Salvador" restaurant.
Food looked like it all came out of a can. everything was grey, brown, and overcooked. Waitress looked proud as fuck to server it. How the place was in business I never knew, it closed some time later.

Went to an Indian restaurant (I love indian food).
sat down and opened the menu. Live baby roaches fell out. nope.jpg

Ate at a Kona grill on Friday night with co-workers, they all got completely shit faced drunk. Ran up a $250 drink tab (not counting food). then when they got cut off they tried to stiff the waitress and tipped her $12. I went back in to the kitchen and found her crying because she was told to cut us off. I gave her $50. When my boss sobered up on Monday he reimbursed me he and another chick that were there got lost in the parking lot for an hour *wink*

>> No.14123139

>comment on the waitress's eyes
What compelled you to fucking do that lmao? In what universe would that not seem creepy?

>> No.14123152

$12 is more than enough. What an entitled bitch.

>> No.14123155

i thought it would be mysterious and flirty, they do it in movies all the time and it works perfectly fine

>> No.14123162

>I love indian food
i too like eating feces

>> No.14123168


>> No.14123298

Just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's good anon and being willing to pay hundreds of dollars to eat mostly boiled and grilled vegetables doesn't make you sophisticated. I've eaten at plenty of expensive and high class restaurants before even a couple Michelin stars and in many cases what I was served and how I was served justified the price and in those cases I was more than willing to pay. I know what good food is worth, I know what good service is worth that's why I don't tolerate mediocrity being sold at high prices because critics praised it.

>> No.14123302

niggers definately fucked with your shit, or at the very least didn't follow food handling guidelines.

>> No.14123321

thanks for turning a decent thread into your racist bullshit, you fucking faggots.

>> No.14123330

you have to go back

>> No.14123352

I know, but looking at his basis of assessment I bet it was good and he didn't even realize.

>> No.14123369

I paid $9 at KFC for two small pieces of fried chicken, some pretty bad mac and cheese, and a biscuit that wasn't actually a biscuit but the top half of a sandwich roll, which sucks because the biscuit was what I was looking for to redeem the whole thing

I know it's fast food but goddamn $9 for that shit

>> No.14123370

The waitresses at the Shisha bar don't mind.

Basically just don't come across like you're trying to fuck them and they'll take the compliment. Girls like being told they're pretty.

>> No.14123468

A few Chinese restaurants in my hometown busted for human trafficking. The waiters never spoke english and always looked afraid. Their crawfish was always buffet style and cold and undersized.

>> No.14123490
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got a big "salad" at a japanese place served with chopsticks and I was physically incapable of eating it but I was too anxious to ask for a fork

>> No.14123496

>not just using your hands to dab on the nips

>> No.14123498

My sister sneezed on my food, and the restaurant would not get me a new plate.

>> No.14123559

That's your problem not theirs

>> No.14123617

I went to a portuguese restaurant with some coworkers for lunch last summer, it was a very hot day. There was only 2 other tables with people. It took about 10 minutes between getting seated and getting menus & glasses of water. The water was warm. They tried to take our orders way too fast then when we did order, they dissapeared for a good 15-20 minutes. Even the other tables didn't get any service. Finally after 20m we got our soup/salads and barely 5 minutes after they were bringing the entrees. The soup was room temp and the meals were all around terrible. Everything was soggy and too cold. They dissapeared again and 10m after finishing we had to go in and shout to get the bills. They didn't even seem stoned or upset or anything, it's like they were just apathethic.

>> No.14123636

Have you ever heard the concept of just keeping things to yourself while in public you fucking autist?

>> No.14123734

I'm the person who made the initial post. I didn't go into more detail because the post was getting pretty big already but I assure you, it wasn't worth it. Leaving the ingredients aside, the preparation had nothing special to it: as I said most of it was boiled or grilled, lots of creams purees and foams too but nothing that demonstrated skill beyond the basics. And while the courses themselves (if you can call them that) did taste good, there was no harmony or contrast between them, which is the least I'd expect from something labeled as "an experience".
Again it was an overall mediocre experience completely undeserving it's praise and I wouldn't go back there even if I was invited.

>> No.14123780

Ignore the other guy anon, the only real reason most expensive restaurants charge that high is a matter of class separation. They don't want poor people coming in. That's all there is to it.

There's good reason to charge high if you're using genuinely rare ingredients, of course, but I've been to restaurants that do that for a few items on the menu while still maintaining reasonable pricing for the rest.

>> No.14123804
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Went to a local pizza chain a few weeks ago and their curbside delivery service was so asinine that I sat there for 45 minutes waiting for the pizza I ordered 20 minutes before leaving, just to have that bring out the wrong pizza, then say
>oh whoops yours is inside I'll be right back
take the wrong pizza (that I totally would have eaten) then come out and say
>uhhhh I guess we gave yours to someone else, we can make a new one but it'll take around 30 minutes
so I got a refund and left without my pizza after sitting there for an eternity for no reason. This was the first time I ever went there too.

>> No.14123819

They should have given you the wrong pizza as well as a refund.

>> No.14123850

I asked and they said they already gave that one to the person who ordered it and that they had nothing for me, I was so fucking mad

>> No.14123868
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Non sequitur. Indian food is not feces.

>> No.14123879

He's under 5 6 and bald. Might as well be fat and enjoy eating and drinking at that point.
Him suffering and failing to lose weight or succeeding and it getting him nowhere will just depress him.
Forget about women, hang with the boys and order in next time.

>> No.14123980

New restaurant popped up in a high traffic area. Went for breakfast. Place was full, but we got seated fairly quickly. Took 10 minutes for a waitress to arrive at the table. Another 10 for drinks. Took a dip and then left after another 10 minutes with the waitress nowhere in sight.

>> No.14124028

who gives a fuck what some waitress thinks dude. Theyre literally one step up from a hobo

>> No.14124038

how is this even possible?

>> No.14124099 [DELETED] 

I went to a restaurant full of fucking niggers. Rude loud niggers.

TRUMP 2020.

>> No.14124128 [DELETED] 

Reported for racism....fucking asshole

>> No.14124296


>> No.14124308

a Red Robin that couldn't understand I didn't want mayonnaise on my burger.

>> No.14124320

having to stand in an inflatable bumper the whole time to ensure social distancing

>> No.14124363

Did you still eat the pizza?

>> No.14124426

Most recent bad experience I had was at some restaurant that my parents sword was amazing. It was a restaurant that catered to rich white older people. It was bland as fuck. I ordered the Filet Mignon, and the first time it came out it was overcooked and took fucking forever, the 2nd time, it came out completely undercooked but because it took so long I just ate that version. It was still tough and was expensive. The place has good reviews.

>> No.14124507

>He's under 5 6 and bald
So is Joe Rogan.

>> No.14124541

ure such a fucking bad ass
u teel em
so cool
i wish i were you

>> No.14124569

I had this happen to me at a cozy diner with crappy food that I used to stop in once a week after work. The kind of place where the service and atmosphere make up for the eats. The middle aged waitress just targeted me for abuse. I said hi when I walked in and she turned away without a word. She came over with water when my friend and I sat down, and gave my friend a regular glass, but gave me a plastic soda cup and said "here's your big boy glass", sloshing water on the table as she set it down. I was so baffled I didn't react. There were some other small shit like that that amounted to no tip for the nasty bitch.

I sometimes wish I'd confronted her and asked what her problem was, but I realize it's just that she's a middle aged woman working at a diner.

>> No.14124610

Old people can't taste anything.
retsaurants aren't legally allowed to discriminate, anon. What you mean is non-whites are too stupid to save their money and eat out on occasion.

>> No.14124623

So you and your idiot dad got upset at a bar that didn't want to risk fines and/or losing their liquor license by allowing a minor inside?

>> No.14124641

>t.Neurotic Cowardly Jew
It must give you such a thrill molesting all those helpless children, rabbi.

>> No.14124643

you're a disgusting piece of shit

>> No.14124652

go back, please

>> No.14124693

By far my worst restaurant experience was working at one. Here's one example:
>Young couple with a baby, probably 1-2 years old
>They order a chocolate souffle
>The chocolate souffles at this place are really good, they're nice and fluffy with some melted chocolate straight on top
>Serve it up
>Later, hear that their kid climbed up onto the table and stuck his fist in
>And they let him do it
>He obviously got burned
>They complained to my manager because I "should have told them it was hot"

I've worked as a bouncer too, and the customers at restaurants are way worse.

>> No.14124696

the smoker racist hick also believes in pathetic conspiracy theories. no surprises here.

>> No.14124701

ITT: karens

>> No.14124711

Shut up niggaboo

>> No.14124746

the ethics of lolicon itself aside, when is it ever a good idea to tell woman "you remind me of what I beat off to last night"?

>> No.14124752

>Wife and I walk into a Spanish place
>It's totally empty at 5pm on a Friday
>Bar TV playing news in Spanish quietly
>No music
>Waited 10 minutes to be seated
>left completely alone for another 20 minutes while nobody else walks in
>some of the wait staff is gabbing at another empty table
>just stand up and walk across the street to a pub
>have a great meal
Not my worst experience but empty restaurants creep me the fuck out, and it being otherwise completely quiet with no music or any kind of atmosphere is even worse.

>> No.14124779
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>conspiracy theories
Don't you have a baby to mutilate and suck off, or an old lady's pension and social security to steal rabbi? Maybe some black or Puerto Rican tenants to evict, Metzitzah B'peh?

>> No.14124788

this nigga was like, "your eyes look delicious" or some creepy gay shit.

>> No.14124807

I literally just told her ”your eyes are big and robust like the lolicon I look at”

>> No.14124819

Lol who cares

>> No.14124887

It works only if they find you attractive.

>> No.14124900

Well I’d say I’m pretty attractive, I’m 33 years old and 5’7 and I only weigh 240ish pounds...I’m no Brad Pitt but not ugly

>> No.14124979

you can if you are white. again, you are the nigger here

>> No.14124984

there is this place in my city that boomers love. It's been around forever. It has a banquet hall for weddings as well. It's not considered fine dining per se but you're looking at $80-$100 per person not including booze. You're appetizer is at a "bar". Buffet style but not like a cheap style it's the ones that are like catering services at weddings. This part is usually decent. I got a rare steak and mashed potatoes last time I was there and it was medium, didn't seem like great quality and the potatoes were a small scoop of the blandest shit I've ever had. I've been there a bunch of times but the last time I was an early teen and had no idea whats what. Boomers still rave about it and its still considered the place to go to on special occasions.

>> No.14125059

Your friend is retarded

>> No.14125176

I was once told that there's usually good reason for a place to be empty during busy hours and so far it has held true. Excluding places that just opened, it's very rare for an empty place to be a hidden gem (found on of these during a trip to Peru) and not just bad.

>> No.14125208

>go to red robin
>seated next to kichen
>11 fries in a basket
>soggy burger
>waiter refills my drink once
>11 more fries
>told to pay with touchscreen at table then waiter walks away
at least you don't have to tip when you're paying a machine

>> No.14125220

literally homer simpson

>> No.14125236

who the fuck leaves a $10 tip at dennys

>> No.14125245

I wish more businesses didn't serve children. the grocery store would be 10x better no doubt

>> No.14125260

This but also

>ask for well get medium which is shocking because the patties are so thin
>dirty bathrooms

I did tip tho

>> No.14125268

she was figuring out if you were single. she really did think you looked smart. she wanted to liquor you up a bit. she was gauging you with that veggie comment. she wanted you to eat her downstairs pizza after her shift (she's a vegetarian, so that would make it a veggie pizza). she and the other waitress were talking about how she thought you were cute. you blew it

>> No.14125305

why would you tip

>> No.14125310

Your grandma sounds like a picky bitch as are you for even thinking your story puts the restaurant in a bad light instead of you and your family.

Imagine getting exactly what you ordered and wasting everyone's time asking the kitchen to redo it because of a meaningless presentation issue. Your grandma could literally have folded the fucking omelette herself. The folding is done after the omelette is finished anyway, its the last thing you do before taking it out of the pan.

>> No.14125345

Joe rogan isn't 300 pounds and he's also a famous millionaire

>> No.14125373

I was at one Brazilian BBQ place that was phenomenal. It was always empty. It was in a beautiful 200 year old building (a historic site in my city as it was the place of the first hotel that housed workers that came far and wide to work at the new mill and steel foundry at the time). However the reason it was empty was that this beautiful part of the city was smack dab downtown near all the homeless shelters and safe fix facilities so it was rampant with hobos and drug addicts. Not the kind of place the kind of people that could afford that would want to travel to for the most part. It was also directly across the street from the biggest bus terminal in the city. A real shame what politicians did to this place in the last 20 years or so. The restaurant lasted about a year and a half. I went there three times in that period, once for my first anniversary with my wife. I came from a blue collar background and own a small construction company so I'm used to dealing with undesirables but I can certainly see how some lawyer or doctor wouldn't want to be walking around there with a sport coat and his wife an evening dress.

>> No.14125380

wow you are such a dick, wonder how many women actually take interest in you with that attitude

>> No.14125391

imagine being a cook and not wanting to make your customers happy. Especially an old woman on mothers day

>> No.14125406
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>> No.14125459

eat my asshole faggot, no one cares about your shitty wagie existence and wanting to “go the distance” for your customers

>> No.14125611

>I'm the wagie and not the cook
I own my own business, you scrub

>> No.14125636

What makes me happy is a chef that sticks to their culinary guns and refuses customer request if they think it'll make the dish worse.

>> No.14125687

Uh huh, and fairy tales exist in real life too

>> No.14125739

>be me
>be 7
>still shit and piss my self
>get taken to restaurant for family event
>pooped my self before i even got there
>have to eat and sit in chair with shit in underwear
>spend hours in shit
thought this was normal for everyone because i was still shiting and pissing my self into 4th grade because parents never potty trained me properly
>6th grade stopped shitting and pissing my self
>now 10 grade learned to properly wipe and shower myself because parents never taught me
>anal sphincter still messed up from years of this and constipation
if you have kids please potty train them early and teach them the proper way to clean themselves.my sphinter is still messed up to where when im clean i still reek of shit .and will probably need diapers when im older

this is not a troll post ,this really happened to me

>> No.14125779


>> No.14125787

>order a british delicacy
>chip bits and curry sauce
>literally just the tiny bits of fries that fall to the bottom of where they're kept
>feel instantly sick
>throw it all back up and instantly feel better
>squatting in my friend's house
>there are viewings for it to be sold after weekend
>order chip bits in curry sauce again
>throw up again
>the fucking sink still has the plug in the drain hole
>have to submerge my hand in a sink full of vomit to take out the plug
>no soap to wash my hands or the sink

never bothered eating curry sauce again. still have the odd kebab though

>> No.14126090

Could you imagine being as offended at everything as this fucking faggot?

>> No.14126552

That sounds fantastic, you massive homo.

>> No.14126647

Cockroaches can survive a nuclear bomb. These motherfuckers are impossible to kill.

>> No.14126656

You sound like fun.

>> No.14126662

you have to order your pizza "sin cucarachas"

>> No.14126681

>order a sandwich
>just a pile of ingredients on the plate
>"you're being a picky pitch you could put the sandwich together yourself assembly is literally the last they thing they do"

>> No.14126692

honestly your fault if you waited longer than 10 minutes before leaving

>> No.14126698

Ironic that everyone in this thread complaining about niggers were the ones who were acting like niggers in public and causing a scene. Literally every one of your bad experiences were because you were acting like a nigger. White people who act like niggers are basically as bad as niggers because you should know better

>> No.14126705


>> No.14126733

Holy fuck you are a soyboy. Get your shit together. Stop being a pussy. You sound like a whining little bitch.

>> No.14126742

Before this COVID thing I was at Applebees sitting at one of those high tables near the bar and before my waiter came to my table, he walked by three or four times and kept winking at me. I was a little bit confused but I thought maybe he had something in his eye. When he came over to take my order, after every item he winked again. At the end of the order, he winked one final time and I made a huge mistake-- I winked back. This little faggot fuck just reached down and grabbed my dick! I said
and he just winked again then walked away! I was fucking shocked and concerned but I was also hungry and I wanted my food, so I figured I would address it on the way out. The food was really good, btw. After I paid, I started walking over to the manager, and this faggot walked up behind me and slapped me in the back of the head! Fucking outrageous. I walked up to the manager and told him what happened and he just winked at me then ignored me. I'm never going back to that place.

>> No.14126859
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>New restaurant opens in town.
>Mom decides to take me and my brother.
>Go on a Tuesday night
>No other customers except some homeless guy sitting in the back.
>Thought it was strange it was so empty but since it was a new place we didn't put much thought into it.
>Brother orders spaghetti
>Mom and I order whatever.
>30 mins go by and still don't have food.
>Chef comes to our table and says he brunt the my brother's spaghetti.
>Gives us free baklava for our trouble.
>Another 20 mins the food comes out.
>Wasn't that great.
>Leave and never come back.

The restaurant shut down a 6 weeks later.

>> No.14126880

How was the baklava? Fucking love that shit

>> No.14126885

>t. Messi

>> No.14126893

At first I was like kicking someone out for coming on to them is a bit extreme.
Then I read the rest of the story.

>> No.14126904

it doesn't take 30 minutes to make a pizza
that would have made me go fucking bonkers

>> No.14126908

why would you wear nice clothes to a barbeque joint

>> No.14126909

nice lol. I hope you high fived him.

>> No.14126933

Most recent bad experience I had was at some restaurant about 10 years ago when I ordered a bottle of vodka.
I walked into the restaurant to have my food ordered, when I went to the beverage manager to make sure the food was getting cold, the girl who looked like she was about 16 years old took my glass.
She then asked me if I would like some ice, and I started to laugh, and said no. She made a 'okay' gesture with her hand and told me I could either pay for the drinks or leave. I would of just made up some excuse to leave but she had my information and I was still forced to pay. Needless to say, I left.

My experience in the evening drug alley was just one of the experiences that my child was having that weekend. Like all groups of children, we were easily distracted, wild, childish, and had our typical emotional outbursts. When others were not looking, we would help each other hide. When others were not looking, we would give each other rides home. And when we did take walks together, we behaved as a family. My daughter had a great time at her birthday party and was still tickled with the idea of a birthday party in a different neighborhood.
We went to the park. We had a great time. We visited the vending machine to get a Spiderman purse.

>> No.14126934

I have a friend who does this kind of shit

>> No.14126943

She knew what kind of person you were and that she would get away with it.

>> No.14127012

he's talking about a churrascaria, not a sloppy southern bbq sauce tub

you see, bbq doesn't refer to the sauce. it refers to cooking meat with flame. dipshit

>> No.14127028


>> No.14127099


>> No.14127171

Faggot, be honest and take your beating.

>> No.14127175

When they tried to seat my fat ass in a booth that I could barely fit in. Like wtf you doin lady, you got eyes you know I'm not gonna fit in that shit.

>> No.14127234

buffalo wild wings
>waited way too long
>shit service
>food was soggy
>waitress wrote a heart on the receipt
>gf flipped out
Fuck chains.

>> No.14127253

Atlanta isn't your soft faggy suburbs you dumb bitch.

>> No.14127270

working a punjabi restaurant. owner would save lightly used dipping sauces and put em back in the pot. would mindlessly scratch his ass now and then.

>> No.14127455

>cooking meat with flame
BBQ is cooked with smoke though HAHA

>> No.14127499
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anon are you drunk?

>> No.14127708

Waitresses are dumb whores, generally

>> No.14127860


I can relate to this. Had to wear diapers at night, and I couldn't hold my pee through elementary school. In my case though, I was just a little too bullheaded to want to do what others tell me to do. Still am, but I like to think that I've given myself some clarity of why I would do some things for some people and not so for others.

What saved me was a simple tip I never got from a family friend. She told me, "Why not just pee before you go to bed?"

Since then, I had hardly any problems with pissing my sheets.

Man, all this time I thought I forgot about that but this post reminded me of that. Funny what you find on a Congolese hay baling site.

>> No.14127874


Actually no. Roaches are resilient, but the Darkling Beetles are the critters that can survive nuclear war. Roaches aren't beetles, and are cousins of the Praying mantis and other mantids oddly enough.

>> No.14127884
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>Be 13
>Family checks out burger chain joint for my birthday dinner
>Birthdays are always shit so expectations were already low
>Family stands around for 10 minutes before a waitress comes by to seat us
>Waitress walks away with drink order
>30 minutes pass and no drinks
>Some other waiter comes by asks what we ordered and gets it for us in a minutes
>Waitress comes back and apologizes. Gets food order
>10, 20, 30, 40 minutes passed
>Waiter from before delivers our food, waitress nowhere to be found
>Ordered a half-pounder, got a kids 1/8 pounder in an absolutely destroyed kids meal box
>10, 20, 30 minutes pass
>They come out with a full pounder
>Decide fuck it and eat the whole damn thing
>Waitress found crying in the bathroom
>Manager explains they had to do a full new hire as everyone but the waiter failed a drug test and had to be canned
>She takes care of the tab
>Go home and throw up for half an hour

>> No.14127942

>because parents never potty trained me properly
If it makes you feel better, my parents never taught me how to tie my shoes and I still don't know how to do it right. I'm 28.

>> No.14127949

>who the fuck leaves a $10 tip at dennys

>> No.14127955

Had a similar situation. My parents never taught me how to brush my teeth, hold a knife and fork properly, that it's not okay to fart in public, and so many other things. Like I didn't even really get the concept of brushing your teeth until I was almost in my early teens. Had to learn a lot of stuff in very humiliating ways.

>> No.14127992


>> No.14128001

You only give the drug tests to people you want to fire, not everyone. Geeze manager sure is green.

>> No.14128025

>as everyone but the waiter failed a drug test and had to be canned
Reminds me of my last company that sent out a drug test to fire one guy but it turned out almost the entire office smoked pot so they had to fire everybody and they went under

>> No.14128065

Were you fired too anon?

>> No.14128155

i went to wrestlemania 32 in dallas. huge gate, like 100,000+. tried to find food before the show around the stadium and despite there being plenty of places it was like none of them had any idea there was going to be a huge show that saturday. go to a burger joint, they tell us we'd have to have burgers without buns. chinese place next door is just plain closed. go to a restaurant-bar place and the hostess is like "yeah sorry it'll be a thirty minute wait since there's only one waitress here". eventually find a buffalo wild wings and eat mediocre food there. genuinely shocked to learn that dallas business owners are allergic to money

>> No.14128157

Some might think this is bullshit, but I showed a girl in highschool my Candydoll folder.

>> No.14128212

What is it about blue boards that attract these people

>> No.14128235

Nimarcos pizza in flagstaff. had great yelp reviews like all 5 star. it's supposed to be new york style. each slice has tons of cheese and is soggy and undercooked. like each slice had a whole pizza's worth of cheese on it. i mean i like cheese but this was fucking ridiculous. it's what an idiot would think new york style is. at least it was cheap. ate 1 1/2 slices and got diarrhea 10 minutes later. clean bathrooms i guess

>> No.14128244


just look at that bullshit. i've made better pizza when i was 15

>> No.14128270

What is a Spanish restaurant? I just realized I have no idea what kinds of food Spain is famous for.

>> No.14128277

Jesus fuck, anon.

>> No.14128284

like tapas and shit

>> No.14128302

>ask for well get medium
Frozen patties.

>> No.14128304

>he's also a famous millionaire
He was still short before becoming famous and rich.

>> No.14128318

Why would lie on the internet?

>> No.14128331

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understand this post.

>> No.14128338

Thanks for reminding me how many ultranewfags we have here anon.

>> No.14128404

tell that to the cunt I found my bathroom yesterday

>> No.14128426

Youre ugly and your friend is handsome. Women do that.

>> No.14128522

Went to a burger king and waited 45 minutes for my order to be done.

>> No.14128744
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I always wonder how that place is still in business. I never see people inside BK and a good majority of people I know say they haven't been to one in 10+ years. Looks like they're still trying to use the fact that all their burgers are burnt to a crisp as a selling point too.