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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14115881 No.14115881 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think of the club sandwich?

>> No.14115885

too many vegetables

>> No.14115887

Too big for my mouth, needs more bacon. Otherwise, a good sandwich.

>> No.14115901

Can be pretty tasty, but some of them are a bit overpriced sometimes.

>> No.14115907

I clubbed a chinaman last night and then ate his sexual organs.

>> No.14115910
File: 19 KB, 658x183, chinahistory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based fuck china

>> No.14117444

I love a club but it's easy for people to mess it up. Those tomatoes look too thick.

>> No.14117482

>be me
>going out to eat with fiance
>we search the menu to find something normal with no ingredients that make me choke
>settle on "turkey club" even though i never had it before
>"wow anon look at how big it is, that's a great value!"
>just smile silently and nod thinking how smart i am to order it
>go to eat it
>a fucking third slice of bread in the middle
>realize it's literally 60% bread
>heart sinks
>barely muster the strength to eat
>we go straight home instead of the shoe store
>i do some quick math in my head without a calculator
>just paid $6 entirely for bread
>that's $2 per fucking slice
>could've bought 3 entire loaves of bread for that
>suddenly remember the deli had a vaguely jewish name like "zitzi's" or something
>start tearing up with rage
>vision is blurred from tears
>start punching the furniture
>all the while i'm repeatedly shouting "PASTOR FREDDY" at the top of my lungs for some reason
>don't even know why
>couldn't stop saying it despite not even having seen him since 2nd grade when he left for another parish
>fiance starts yelling something behind me but can't hear over ringing in my ears
>i only calm down enough to regain control of my smashing hands when she lets me have one of the switch games i asked for christmas early
>go to play it
>she locks herself in the bathroom to bitch to her annoying mother on the phone for an hour like she does every other fucking day
>try not to worry about it and focus on my game
>it's actually full of bullshit artificial hardness and i start getting mad again because i keep dying and don't know where to go
>plus still thinking about being ripped off by the fucking turkey club
>hear a cracking noise
>realize i'm twisting the controller so tightly it's starting to break
>try to do what the therapist my fiance made me see taught me and channel my anger
>sort of works until i remember i'm going to have one less christmas present because of this ordeal all caused because of the fucking turkey club

>> No.14117492

Not worth the membership fee.

>> No.14117499

literally the most based sandwich in existence

>> No.14117563

I love the club sandwich, I used it as a barometer for restaurants/hotel kitchens.

It's a great way to judge the quality of ingredients, consistency and prep time, and overall how much the cooks give a shit. If someone slaps together a club sandwich, or made it 3hrs ago and it's been sitting under heat lamp, it will be very apparent.

No hiding on the CS, you gotta do everything right, and care just a little bit.

>> No.14117573

On the off chance you're the guy who originally wrote that pasta, it wasn't funny the first time.

>> No.14117604

It's fine occasionally but it's not my go-to sandwich. I eat few enough sandwiches that it's been years since I had a club.

>> No.14118176
File: 73 KB, 960x720, club_poutine2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14118196

>literal child

>> No.14118210


>> No.14118214

much more intense than a knuckle sandwich

>> No.14118221


>> No.14118222

Checked and unironically thispilled

>> No.14118496

That club sandwich looks really good.

>> No.14118511

no it doesn't, the chicken looks like it was boiled to shit

>> No.14118673

I didn't take the picture but I've had their club. Honestly the best I've had but my experience is pretty limited. Chicken wasn't dry at all. Also really liked the crumbled bacon vs strips.

>> No.14118683

>but my experience is pretty limited
yeah I can tell considering you think that slop is good, it barely even looks like a club, forget the fact they used chicken instead of turkey like a proper club should have

>> No.14118693

>club sandwich

>> No.14118703

>there is no wrong way! everyone is a winner!
I know your mom taught you that when you made "experiments" in the kitchen but that doesn't fly in the real world, kid

>> No.14118710

>all this posturing over a sandwich


>> No.14118723

>just a sandwich
it's the food board, if you aren't passionate about stuff like this then you don't belong here. Try reddit.

>> No.14118732

It is actually literally just a sandwich, and with how pretentious you're being you'd probably fit better in reddit anyhow

>> No.14118735

Breath of the Wild is hollow and boring. I don't blame you.

>> No.14118741

yup, can confirm you don't belong. Sorry kid.

>> No.14118758

It's just hotel stuff and has way too much bread. I'll go for a cubano myself.

>> No.14118775

have sex incel

>> No.14118787

too long and really not funny, I prefer the image versions

>> No.14118806
File: 25 KB, 759x551, 1551127167340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat one right now

>> No.14118832

what kind of clubs do they serve these sandwiches at anyways? the OP just looks like a regular sandwich with some bread removed, it has the same ingredients on both bits and it's triangles. that's not a proper club sandwich, a club sandwich needs to be made with conviction

>> No.14118838

>bread removed
What? It literally has more bread you fucking ass clown.

>> No.14118840

I don't like the extra slice of bread. I think that works better for something like a big mac honestly. Something light like turkey doesn't have the oil/fat to stand up to an extra slice of bread I think. I like a club without the middle if everybody stopped reading.

>> No.14118863
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, Club_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it is a two square slice of bread sandwich that was cut into triangles, they stacked two of the triangles and removed some of the bread. notice how the ingredients above and beneath the middle slice are the same and that is also only half of a club sandwich

>> No.14118865

not a fan of tomatoes on sammiches. lose the tomatoes and i think they're great.

>> No.14118883

There is no bread being removed you moron. It has an extra slice of bread in the middle. Three slices as opposed to two. That's more bread, not less.

>> No.14118887

I don't even know whether it was chicken or turkey. Frogs are cryptic and just call it "white meat".

>> No.14118890


>> No.14118892

if you stack two triangle sandwiches you end up with two slices in the middle, they removed one so it just has one slice in the middle. this way it looks like a "club sandwich" when it's just a regular sandwich stacked up

>> No.14118901

You're either retarded or terrible at math.

>> No.14118905

but normal sandwiches aren't stacked, so to make a club you need to ADD bread to it

>> No.14118923
File: 258 KB, 1000x1000, Club-Sandwich-SQUARE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you order a club sandwich and they give you that, you only got half of a sandwich. club sandwiches have 3 slices of bread in them, not 1.5

they modified a normal sandwich. club sandwiches vary the ingredients. what you have here is a sandwich made with one and a half slices of bread. at best it's half of a club sandwich, but it wasn't originally assembled as a club sandwich

>> No.14118937

There are three slices of bread in that picture. Most sandwiches have two. Three is more than two.

>> No.14118942

I only count 1.5. there are three quarters of a slice of bread on the left, and three quarters of a slice of bread on the right

>> No.14118963

I don't understand how any of this is relevant to the extra slice of bread in a club sandwich.

>> No.14118978
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>> No.14118979

that's a real fucking club right there!

>> No.14119002
File: 12 KB, 1148x812, sandwich vs club sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this will make it easier for you to understand why it's just not the same

>> No.14119012

The top-left sandwich uses two piece of bread, the top-right sandwich uses three pieces of bread, and the bottom left sandwich fell into a wood chipper.

>> No.14119022

the OP is an example of that. they took a normal sandwich, sliced it into quarters, removed two quarter pieces of bread and stacked it up and tossed out the extra half slice of bread (quarters). like I said, it's a half of a club sandwich at best, and a frankensandwich at worst.

>> No.14119044

>be me
the original mark of the redditor.
sadly it has been normalized here, just a sad reality that follows the endless onslaught of faggotry that site sends our way

>> No.14119057

I ssseeeeeeeee. I thought you were talking to that guy about how ALL club sandwiches have bread removed.

>> No.14119058

Why is some extranious useless slice of bread in something relevant to anything?

>> No.14119063

He was explaining to us about why he thought there was a piece of bread removed from the OP's club sandwich, and I wasn't following.

>> No.14119066

I refuse to join a club sandwich that would admit someone like me as an eater.

>> No.14119072

That club crap is easily destroyed by either a Reuben or Cubano.

>> No.14119086

That's half of a sandwich. They don't "toss out" anything. The other half would either be served to someone else when they order it, or it isn't shown in the picture. Either way it's a fucking stock photo, 99% of the time when you order a club sandwich you are getting 3 slices of bread. Also you claimed there were only "1.5" slices in this picture >>14118923 so don't try to damage control you faggot, we can all see your retardation plain and clear.

>> No.14119095

>middle bread
Just like the Big Mac, unforgivable.

>> No.14119163

no I was posting a picture of a proper club sandwich. that has different ingredients on bottom and top and is all four pieces instead of two halves of a regular sandwich slapped together into some shitty kind of club sandwich. you won't find examples like OPs because it's not a club sandwich

>> No.14119207

imagine the smell of your vinegary shits after eating that

>> No.14119224

I hope this isn't real. If it is real holee shieeeet.

>> No.14119231

Chicken on a club? Who does this?

>> No.14119253

There are way too many legitimately great sandwiches in the world to waste time with a club. You should never be paying for one, and if you're making one it's because you don't have the ingredients to do anything else.

>> No.14119255

what? it's a sandwich. what the fuck is wrong with your intestines?

>> No.14119264

>all four pieces

>> No.14119267

hello, new friend

>> No.14119293

>>14118923 is cut into quarters. OP is four quarters of a regular sandwich just assembled into two "club" quarters

>> No.14119456

I'm gonna go make a delicious, moist, flavorful CHICKEN club sandwich just for you, bitch :^)

>> No.14119460

There's good ones and bad ones. The combination is hard to fuck up though. Very solid.

>> No.14119483

So you're making it worse on purpose? Okay, have fun.

>> No.14119502

There are a ton of great recipes out there! Sadly, it doesn't look like you have taste or know what good cuisine is, sad!

>> No.14119938

I don't know why people are saying it's not funny, I'm genuinely crying with laughter right now

>> No.14119959

Love them but I am sadly not even a member

>> No.14120085

For me, it's the tuna club with no tomatoes and add onions

>> No.14120273
File: 30 KB, 700x466, mh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love ordering club sandwiches. And I'm not even a member. I don't know how I keep getting away with it.

>> No.14120362


>> No.14120372

Lol, based comment. Very cool, anon.

>> No.14120379

mayo is disgusting

>> No.14120418

Best cold cut sandwich

>> No.14120472

Should have wrapped it up after "started punching the furniture." No need to get into all that cuck shit.

>> No.14120486


>> No.14120499

I thought I was the only one who thought this. It's just a big boring world that's 95% uninhabited with little to do

>> No.14120563

fat nigger. its lettuce and tomato, delicious

>> No.14120626

fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you


>> No.14120635

>have a few too many drinks
>go to a 24 hour diner
>order the club and some fries

Simple as

>> No.14120867

legit got a switch this year before lockdown to play acnh and all the games I've missed. i don't really follow gaming culture so i get to experience most of the games blind. it's nice.
botw has some nice technology but it's empty and repetitive without a real sense of reward to anything and the writing is shockingly lazy.
i remember wind waker being repetitive at times but not gratingly so. maybe I'm blinded by nostalgia but I've never been a huge fan of the zelda series tbf.

>> No.14120903

i also got this weird vibe from the Japanese voice actors that i really only feel in anime when it's obvious a voice actor is trying to get something for their demo reel and overacts their simple lines. still better than the god awful English voice they gave zelda, which made me switch the audio to Japanese like a fucking weeb.

>> No.14120928

i order it all the time but i'm not even a member

>> No.14120990


i thought this was funny. sorry

>> No.14121044

Smacks of effort

>> No.14121490

>Canadian "cuisine"

>> No.14121655

It's nostalgia. I played the remaster of wind waker and thought it was as good as I remembered. I later learned that they cut out a big chunk of the second part of the game where you search for the triforce maps. Wind waker was so gratingly repetitive that they just axed half the game.

>> No.14121810

It's the GOAT

>> No.14122547

at least it was only half the game lol

>> No.14123904
File: 70 KB, 550x550, roast_beef_w_swiss_on_rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs a roast beef w/swiss on rye.

>> No.14125129

havent had one in a minute, cause usually its something thats meant to be the inoffensive option. I end up getting a burger rather than that.
but I like them, might just get that next time

>> No.14125136

who fucking cares how you think clubs should be made, loser. guess youve never heard of a chicken salad club

>> No.14125160

top kek

>> No.14125165

t. manlet

>> No.14125287

>barely any lettuce
>no even a whole tomato
>too many

>> No.14125347

Ill never understand the appeal of triple decker or open sandwiches. If you eat these you should KYS

>> No.14125371

This isn't funny because I am a joyless fucking liberal personally offended by the s0i joke because it hits too close to home and associate this with /pol/

>> No.14125416

cuckoldry was never mentioned, sounds like you're projecting. Is there something you need to get off your chest anon?

>> No.14125630
File: 94 KB, 800x600, 1578073518376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first time I made a club sandwich at home I walked to the local Kroger to buy frilly toothpicks because that was a requirement per Mitch, and on a whim I bought some lotto scratchers and won 200 bucks. I even did the circle with chips per Mitch in order to join the club.

>> No.14125647

It is in my top 3 foods. I evangelize it when able - I've confirmed that it is one of the favorite foods of 2 of my friends also. It really is the perfect sandwich.