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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14117579 No.14117579 [Reply] [Original]

This is a salad.

>> No.14117582
File: 456 KB, 2448x2448, Fluffy-Egg-Salad-Sandwich-in-Hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, and?

>> No.14117586

You're correct

Thread officially /

>> No.14117596
File: 273 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Russischer_Oliviersalat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A salad isn't defined by its ingredients, retards, it's defined by its composition.

>> No.14117606

russians are like the sharts of euro?

>> No.14117609


>> No.14117612

So if OP poured the pile of fries in a bowl and covered it with ketchup and a sprig of herb, would it then be a salad?

>> No.14117618

A salad as quite literally defined by having salt.

>> No.14117622

sounds pretty good ngl

>> No.14117627
File: 179 KB, 1280x758, 1280px-Wurstsalat-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has nothing to do with your bizarre geopolitical obsessions. This has to do with the definition of a salad.
You're misinterpreting the origin of the word.

>> No.14117645

>posting grey german slop to try and defend terrible american ''''cuisine''''
the cope is reaching hitherto untold levels now

>> No.14117658

Yes it does

Couldn't I just say it's a French fry salad? How is it any different than a potato salad? Or does salad also imply a large number of ingredients tossed into one meal?

>> No.14117668


>> No.14117687
File: 38 KB, 394x259, Mimoza_salata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This has nothing to do with your bizarre geopolitical obsessions.
You're not really fundamentally changing the dish into something other than french fries, though.

>> No.14117693

Ah I see your argument now.

>> No.14117695

looks like a bowl of cold sick

>> No.14117696

>Ah I see your argument now.
Which was?

>> No.14117701

>fundamentally changing the dish into something other than french fries


>> No.14117708

Where French fries can be interchanged with basically anything.

So then a bowl of lettuce isn't a salad then, right?

>> No.14117709

What if you cool the fries down and then mix them with the sauce (and the green stuff)?

>> No.14117873
File: 241 KB, 600x900, caramel-apple-salad-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snickers caramel apple salad. From the land of the free.

>> No.14117891
File: 341 KB, 642x428, WatergateSalad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watergate salad, also from the land of the free. Made with Jell-o pistachio pudding, "whipped topping" (Some highly processes cream-imitation), marshmallows, crushed pineapple and pecans.

>> No.14117899

>fundamentally changing the dish into something other than snickers
>fundamentally changing the dish into something other than watergate
checks out, these salads legit

>> No.14117906

Imagine being a fucking salad snob.

>> No.14117962

So if you chop the french fries, add the greens and ketchup, it turns into a salad.

>> No.14117981

Some people are just passionate. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.14118019

A salad is one or more items “dressed” and seasoned. That is literally all it is. It has nothing to do with greens or the chop size or the composition of the dressing. A dipping sauce is not a dressing. A dressing is intended to be uniformly distributed, joining together the often disparate members of the salad.

>> No.14118024

>A dressing is intended to be uniformly distributed, joining together the often disparate members of the salad.
Ketchup can pull that off.

>> No.14118054

It can, but I’d argue that is not the intent. It’s not common to evenly coat fried potatoes with ketchup and eat as a salad, although I have no doubt that ‘chuppers here do so. It’s just not widespread practice.

>> No.14118069

So then you agree that ketchup is a dressing.

>> No.14118096

No, I don’t. In the context of fries, it is traditionally a dipping sauce, not a dressing.

>> No.14118110

So something is only official if a certain amount of people adhere to it?

>> No.14118116

Yes, that’s how language works.

>> No.14118133

That's contradictory to my life experience.

>> No.14118137

You come into a den of autism and spergery, and complain when people are being spergy autists?

>> No.14118140

Well then, fuck your life experience and fuck you. I mean that in a kind way.

>> No.14118143

I thought we posted burgers and chicken sandwiches here.

>> No.14118150

No offense taken. I love you too.

>> No.14118151

inb4 confused europoors thinking these are the same thing

>> No.14118154

>two handed heart hand sign
ck is best board

>> No.14119115

Where are the Olives????

>> No.14119388

Anyway I could deep fry a salad? I was thinking maybe balling it up, freezing it, putting batter on it and frying it could work

>> No.14119489

Dude, make a wedge salad and fry that.

>> No.14119508

Who the fuck puts potatoes in a salad?

>> No.14119509

Put it all on a stick and it just might work.

>> No.14120868

Never had a caesar?

>> No.14121061

Yes, a fry salad

>> No.14121074

Based and saladpilled

>> No.14121085

Yes. It's called a "dry potato salad" otherwise known as a "hot carl"

>> No.14121095

>nothing but starchy tuber vegetables slathered in mayonnaise
that's not a salad, that's a heart attack

>> No.14121894

With the dressing already in?

>> No.14121897

who the fuck puts potatoes in a caesar salad?

>> No.14121900

Connaisseurs do.

>> No.14121914

cereal isnt a soup!

Oh sorry whats the one we're doing now?

Ah, a hotdog isn't a sandwich!

Oh flipping heck I just can't keep up with all these reddit memes, you guys sure are funny though.

Stay safe <3 Auntie Carrol

>> No.14121934
File: 11 KB, 201x251, download (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast salad

>> No.14121942
File: 16 KB, 300x149, 89huy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14122313

But he's right.

>> No.14122917

>salads have to be healthy
Dohoho, no... Silly colonials...

>> No.14123539

Why else would you eat one?

>> No.14123815

Thought that was lucky charms at first

>> No.14123846


>> No.14124089
File: 68 KB, 878x1105, Swabian-Potato-Salad-1-words-edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salads aren't inherently "healthy". You've probably grown up associating the term with green or garden salads, but the definition of a salad is actually pretty broad.
Most salads made without a base of leafy greens are of central or eastern european origin, though.

>> No.14125578

That salad looks delicious anon, but it's missing bacon