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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14108523 No.14108523 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your stupidest cooking opinion so we can all fight about it?

>> No.14108546

If you order a burger anything over medium well you are a dummy

>> No.14108557

*medium rare

>> No.14108559
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candy corn is alright

>> No.14108564

Cooking meat with salt dries it out...only salt meat when done cooking,

>> No.14108577

You can choose:

-Black Pepper makes everything taste better
-Spicy food is best food (must be edible)

>> No.14108579

Bruv, I love that shit. It tastes good and makes good sling shot ammo.

>> No.14108584

I fucking love candy corn.
Nobody liked it as a kid during our Halloween parties so I used to eat literally all of it than feel sick the rest of the day.

>> No.14108592
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Spam is a good and versatile meat

>> No.14108596

None of my opinions are stupid, you fucking cuck.

>> No.14108601

Gravy makes any dish better. Includes sweet things too

>> No.14108608

None of my opinions are stupid, you fucking cuck faggot.

>> No.14108616

People use too little salt in their cooking. Salt is God's gift to humanity

>> No.14108651

If you order a burger anything under medium well you are a dummy.

>> No.14108657

I don't like to eat pussy

>> No.14108679

I instantly mistrust someone who says they prefer white meat chicken over dark meat.

>> No.14108700

I usually get it medium, but rare or medium rare ground chuck is bad. It's not a nice cut of beef that you'll cook the flavor out off, it just sogs up your burg

>> No.14108939

Candy corn is ok. Candy corn mixed with dry roasted peanuts is 10/10

>> No.14109049

Anyone who cooks and bakes in anything other than cast iron can't be taken serious.

>> No.14109057

Not one of my opinions are fucking stupid, you neckbeard fat fuck faggot.

>> No.14109064
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You don't need to salt pasta water

>> No.14109077
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are we literally reposting /r/cooking threads word for word now

jfc i cant wait until quarantine is over so you faggots can get the fuck off my board

>> No.14109080

Candy corn is delicious and I genuinely do not understand people's dislike for it

>> No.14109081

it's too salty

>> No.14109087

it's not salty enough

>> No.14109097

This but unironically

>> No.14109100


>> No.14109117

Cast iron is the stupidest shit

>> No.14109119

Sous vide is dumb

>> No.14109151

You fucked up by admitting to reddit use, dummy.

>> No.14109157

i have never ever had good turkey and it has led me to believe turkey is irredeemably shit

>> No.14109168

Chicken is better than beef, all things considered.

>> No.14109173

It's easy to chase tranny asspussy on Reddit though

>> No.14109174

Garlic is shit. It makes you smell like a trashcan for days on end and turns your stomach upside down so you every time you puke a little in your mouth you're reminded that you're retarded for eating Satan's poisoned cloves.

>> No.14109253

Garlic is literally the best thing to ever come out of Gods greasy asshole and you are a kike for thinking otherwise.

>> No.14109268

Garlic is known to be good for your stomach and if you eat enough of it or take a garlic pill every day you'll build up your immune system and other shit. Mosquitos hate garlic blood too.
Oh yeah, and garlic tastes fucking delicious you cuck faggot.

>> No.14109271

Not a bad opinion, considering that chicken is a healthier protein option too.

>> No.14109279

Unless you cook for a living, a home cooked meal is not as good as going out or ordering in besides a few specialty dishes.

It's also not a combination of tasty and cheap. You're all fucking liars.

>> No.14109283

Sounds like you're just shit at cooking. Homecooked bolognese sauce and pasta should be better than some Olive Garden shit every fucking time you make it, and no, that shit isn't a "specialty" dish. It's a staple.

>> No.14109309

I mean it tastes better and is used for better dishes

>> No.14109321

>Sounds like you're just shit at cooking.
Probably, but it's also not worth the time. If you have your grandma's special recipe that you spend 10 hours to make, I'm sure it's great, but if you're a smug cunt about everyone needing to make their own sauce from scratch, I bet theirs ends up awful.

>> No.14109327


>> No.14109340

I'm the smug chad who makes a sauce from scratch yet doesn't take ten years to finish it. That's my entire point. Cooking from home should taste good and should be as easy/quick as calling for delivery. It's sad that fags like yourself can't seem to grasp that.

>> No.14109364

Don't ever call yourself Chad. It means you're not.

The shittiest assumption you make is that everyone actually knows how to cook, or that every person has been taught how to go find the best seasonal ingredients at the best prices - or that they have the time. Most don't. So home cooking turns into a garbage medley of expiring foods you didn't want in the first place.

If you're a good cook, props to you, but it doesn't mean that a home cooked meal is better for *everybody*.

>> No.14109389

I takes like 10 minutes to make a damn good sauce from scratch, just put some olive oil and chopped garlic on medium heat, i like to add my seasoning into the oil but you can also add it after you add a can of crushed, diced, or whole peeled tomatoes. Put in some pasta water, maybe some butter if you're into that and let it simmer until thick

>> No.14109394

Michelin Star restaurants are a stupid concept

>> No.14109406

Chicken is healthier and tastier than beef so you're right

>> No.14109410

Sorry that you're just another cuck who's mommy didn't teach you proper kitchen skills. Now go gobble down some bagle bites or some canned bullshit fatty

>> No.14109411


>> No.14109414

>a home cooked meal is not as good as going out or ordering in
You must suck at cooking LMAO

>> No.14109415

nice reddit spaces
go back

>> No.14109426

None of my opinions are stupid, you neckbeard fat fuck faggot nigger.

>> No.14109427

You think your shit is better than it is.

I've been here longer than you, fuck off tourist. reddit spacing is only a thing if you came here and thought it was a le epic meme in 2016.

>> No.14109440
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arguing about who's a tourist is exactly what a tourist would do, now quit being a double nigger about cooking and learn a new skill already.

>> No.14109444

How would you know unless you're also a plebbitor?

>> No.14109450

>turning everything into an argument
time to go back

>> No.14109537

tourist faggot

>> No.14109563

black pepper is the shit
ill have buttered bread with salt and pepper


>> No.14109589

there's an additional completely subjective level of enjoyment in having a well made meal prepared at home.
my pizza probably isn't actually really any better than dominos but I still like eating mine more.

>> No.14109617
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Pasta dishes are an inferior food option that only fools buy at restaurants, it's only good for when you'r too drunk to cook anything complicated at home.

>> No.14109623


>> No.14109628

You have to go back

>> No.14109631


>> No.14109638

Induction is the best stove top

>> No.14109643

Candy corn rules

>> No.14109648

i wish i had an induction. i have coil stove burners which fucking suck ass.
im thinking of either getting one of those copper diffusers or a stove top griddle to cope

>> No.14109666

I have induction and I hate it. It's so unreliable and doesn't give consistent heat.

>> No.14109730

Precisely! Pasta is just senceless stuffing with dough

>> No.14109801

Gumbo should always be seafood

All burgers should have onion and iceberg lettuce (not because it's good but the essential cool crunch)

Crab cakes should be deep fried

Mexican food should never have dairy

That's all for now

>> No.14109809

tex mex is a million times better than real mexican food, i'll have extra sour cream on my taco thank you vm

>> No.14109843

Agreed. Mexican is cool and all but tex-mex is way better. And every Mexican in America agrees.

>> No.14109849

Usually to appease the aggressive guy with a gun that he wouldn't be allowed to own in a sensible system.

>> No.14109852

Onions as well. Some simpletons think garlic and onions belong to every single dish

>> No.14109856


I'm in Australia, never had Mexican food until this year. Never even heard of Tex Mex and realized there is a restaurant near my area that does it. I'm checking that shit out.

>> No.14109873


yyyyep. the best tex mex places usually have a dozen "authentic" dishes too like cochinita pibil, carnitas and a couple moles and street tacos to please everyone too

>> No.14109917

Gravy is boomer tier sauce. There's nothing interesting about it, it's literally made from the inedible remains of the worst poultry.

>> No.14109930

you can't cook for shit can you

>> No.14109933

sounds like someone doesn't know how to make fond into a good pan-sauce/gravy from roasts. Shit-tier bad cooking opinion

>> No.14109936

water is the best ingredient

>> No.14109974

No, heat is. Heat beats water.

>> No.14109980

but moisture levels determines the reaction when an ingredient hits the pan, as well as temperature, it is a balance no?

>> No.14109988

Its a holy trinity!

>> No.14109996

His shit is pretty good. Your palate is just fucked up from constant overloading with flavor enhancers, which are in everything pre-made.

Learn to cook if you can't believe that fucking tomato sauce needs a professional chef. That's like thinking you need a car mechanic to change tires. It's that basic.

>> No.14110003

Salt prevents osmosis so it literally gets drier if you don't put it on before cooking you absolute retard I have to eat a blood pressure pill now

>> No.14110004

Sweet stuff is best with savory dishes. It's legitimately why pineapple on pizza is so good. Same with cranberries or honey drizzle on a pie with onions and bacon

>> No.14110015

it also draws out surface moisture (which should be dried off) which prevents the meat from boiling when it hits the pan, moving straight to mallard reaction and better flavour

>> No.14110036
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>His shit is pretty good. Your palate is just fucked up from constant overloading with flavor enhancers, which are in everything pre-made.
>Learn to cook if you can't believe that fucking tomato sauce needs a professional chef. That's like thinking you need a car mechanic to change tires. It's that basic.

>> No.14110057

if you didn't eat so much salt your blood pressure wouldn't be so high

>> No.14110244

If it's my opinion then it's not stupid you dumb faggot because the moment I cease to exist the universe is done making everything I say or do objective fact. This thread didn't even exist until my subconscious willed it so I can laugh at your retardation for even THINKING such a thread is an okay idea.

>> No.14110365

Goes completely the opposite way, people are convinced dominos is good because they order it? I think you just like to get delivery and don’t know how to control your flavors and ingredients

>> No.14110415

celery is pointless and adds nothing but water content
there are tonnes of better vegetables that add the same flavours and more without wilting and rotting before you even get to put them in your fridge

honey improves most soups whether vegetable or meat based when used in the right amounts

coarse salt has no place with steaks, standard table salt is more consistent and that consistency leads to a far better end product

the smell of flour is gross whether or not it's rancid

plant based oils are convenience ingredients and animal based oils should be used whenever and where-ever possible, not just as a replacement for plant oils.

that's not a dumb opinion at all, they're already lying to you

stop eating the sprout in the middle of your slowly decomposing garlic
you're supposed to eat the flesh
if your garlic is old roll a clove between your fingers and it'll peel away, separating from the shoot that can cause indigestion
keep in mind sprouting happens before you can even see the sprout so if it feels a little soft it's started

i've had some pretty bad home made pizzas and some really good ones but dominoes is a pretty reliable mid-tier, so for people that suck and don't want to get better it really is their unironic high-end option

>> No.14110443

I don't know how you've done it but every single thing you said is wrong

>> No.14110457
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>> No.14110459

Try it man, it's better than any canned sauce

>> No.14110461


>> No.14110471

I'd rather have tamales, birria, and authentic tacos then tex mex iceberg lettuce slop salad

>> No.14110479

It takes ages for celery to go bad in my experience.
>animal based oils should be used whenever and where-ever possible

>> No.14110508

Sure dominoes is an okay baseline but obviously people who don’t properly cook and refuse to learn are wrong when they say it’s impossible to do better and only bias has people thinking otherwise

>> No.14110512

Haha this guy cant make red sauce. Holy fuck.

>> No.14110513

Based. All ck is, is reddit reposts, alcoholics and mcchicks. You can pretend to hate pleddit, ck. But you are literally their sloppy seconds. If you hate it so much, please stop taking it's content.

>> No.14110671

>The shittiest assumption you make is that everyone actually knows how to cook
>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
If you're applying this to the average person then fair enough, but it's a fair assumption that anyone using a cooking board is going to at least be someone skilled at cooking.

>> No.14110686

>cooking is bad because I don’t know how to do it
We are trying to teach others to cook, anon. Every recipe is an easy concise instruction how to cook correctly, it is not a difficult feat, nor is it an insult to recommend a recipe

>> No.14110733

i dont even hate celery i just hate dealing with it's shelf life, and if it lasts long for you thats good but i've never had any luck, it must be getting shipped from the other side of the country or some shit before it gets to me
>animal fats
in reasonable amounts of course, a little goes a long way
fats improve other flavours, and animal fats are not only tastier in most cases, but also better for you than many plant oils, not that health is a big concern of mine

then lets fight about it isnt that the point of the thread wiseguy

>> No.14110754


>> No.14110789

but it does taste better if you do. the salt being inside the pasta is indeed superior.

>> No.14110795

I think vegans/vegetarians are on to something because if you need so many spices to make meat palatable you might as well use them on vegetables instead and spare yourself the cholesterol.

>> No.14110805

Kind of agree, but I still cook at home because I can create unique tastes that I get get anywhere else. There will never be any bread that tastes exactly like the bread I've made, so that is culinary experience in itself. But that's not to say I make it often.

>> No.14110816
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cholesterol is the chemical starting point for most human neurotransmitters. increasingly I think we know little about nutrition beyond too food much bad, exercise good.

>> No.14110818

Meat is good with just salt. Most people don't use enough of it.

Pretty much the only food that doesn't need salt is fruit, so there's a point for the fruititarians.

>> No.14110846

Your body makes its own cholesterol in sufficient amounts.

>> No.14110858

vegans/vegetarians have nothing to do with it
people who eat meat can eat vegetables just fine, but please go ahead and pepper your salad I don't give a shit

>> No.14110874

Beans are only good for their sauce. The actual beans themselves are bland shitty and ruin the texture of other foods.

>> No.14110878

Lamb is better than both

>> No.14111030

same frens, if you never built your own cobs out of candy corn you had no childhood

>> No.14111033

What culture are you basing this off of? If it’s Indian, then you’re correct because most Indians are vegetarian (but there’s gonna be dairy, you better fucking believe it kid). If it’s Chinese, you’re correct because they have been a slave race for generations upon generations and have had to subsist on shitty diets using poor ingredients and thus they learned to cook them with large amounts of vegetables and spices/sauces. There’s certain cultures where you’re correct, but it’s entirely cultural, and I would assume you’re a faggot that thinks you can mash your rectangular solution into a circular problem without any regard for proper thought paths.

>> No.14111038

Well fuck, that is indeed stupid.

>> No.14111044

I drink coffee, beer, whiskey, and wine for the taste.

>> No.14111523

Medium-well is perfect anything more or less is just retarded.
Wendy's is the greatest fast food chain. It has surpassed McDonalds and Burger King on all levels:
Burgers - Baconator is better than anything (Burger King might have an argument here, but McDonalds is dead)
Fries - Wendy's fries are now better than McDonalds sorry. Sea salt wins my friend.
Desserts - The frosty is miles ahead of the mcflurry. Also McDonalds shitty ass ice cream machine always broke anyway except during St Patricks.
Italian food is the best food and it's not even close, that's why those wop fucks are always fat as shit.
Garlic and Onions are the greatest seasoning and toppings ever. Literally all you need besides salt and pepper.

>> No.14111527

Yes to coffee and maybe wine. The other two taste like shit.

>> No.14111573

Beer is weird because I enjoy drinking it a lot. I actually don't know if I enjoy the taste or moreso the actual physical feeling of drinking it being refreshing.

>> No.14111649

>salt prevents osmosis
no, it does the opposite

>> No.14111657

all cheese is vile unless it is on pizza

>> No.14111705

There's nothing amoral about breaking spaghettis
Fish is better when slightly undercooked
Meat is better rare (bloody)

>> No.14111840


>> No.14111928

>what is crema
>what is queso fresco

flyover detected

>> No.14112084

For me it's a little to sweet and slightly sickening. The texture can also be odd when chewing.

>> No.14112134

When i eat alone every meal takes me like 10 min max because i think it is a waste of time to spend more time in the kitchen for a regular meal without guests.

>> No.14112279


>> No.14112355

I hate a bacterial infection in my stomach and I ate nothing but garlic and broccoli. Was better in a couple days.

>> No.14112412

Wow, nothing else in this thread got me upset except for this. Good job.

>> No.14112416

Nearly everything that uses noodles is improved by substituting rice.

>> No.14112454

damn right

>> No.14112700

pr*testant detected

>> No.14112733
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This exact same question was posted on reddit yesterday.

>> No.14112742

it's the Nickleback of candy it's shit but doesn't deserve it's worst thing in the world repuation

>> No.14113250

Do you only drink fine wine and whiskey? If so i 100 percent agree.

>> No.14113257

This site is 18+

>> No.14113266

>these words arranged to form this precise sentence was used on another site that i think about a lot so i have to point it out

Shut up.

>> No.14113292

Ketchup is good for Spaghetti salsa

>> No.14114051

I get pissed off every time I see this fucking thread. Motherfucker. If someone asked my about my """"""stupid""""" opinions in real life, we'd be fighting. My opinions aren't stupid, or they wouldn't be my opinions you stupid faggot FUCK

>> No.14114340

Wrong. Mangos require chili salt. Get mexicanpilled already

>> No.14115111

Pasta is completely worthless. Why anyone would put a whole bunch of bland, tasteless trash on their plate is beyond me.

>> No.14115989
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Taco tuesday is on friday.

>> No.14116035


>> No.14116082

try salting the water next time

>> No.14116193

I can pour a tin of deenz over some pasta with pechorino cheese for under a dollar and its fucking delicious

>> No.14116297

>tin of deenz
I think you mean 'chovies, fren.

>> No.14116738

Pls elaborate

>> No.14116850

Can agree pasta 8s garbage amd has a stupid name

>> No.14116869

Fruit is awful for you because of the sugar content

>> No.14116876

not all sugar is the same you dumb fuck.

>> No.14116880

white pepper I think you mean

>> No.14116886
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Candy corn is the next best candy to these bad boys

>> No.14116888

They all taste different, anon.
Or don't you know?

>> No.14116889
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salting your pasta water doesnt add anything to your dish and is completely unnecessary

>> No.14116894


You'd rather have a salty pasta exterior and bland interior?

>> No.14116901

authentic cuisine is meaningless. if it tastes good, it tastes good. i'm canadian and the italian food we eat here is 50x better than the shit i had in italy.

>> No.14116904

Its trivial to make something that tastes better and is more interesting than literally anything you can buy at any restaurant. The only benefit to going out is convenience.

>> No.14116922

someone screenshot this reddit will be confused
4chan LIKES candycorn which reddit HATES... infact everyone BUT 4chan HATES candycorn!
i love this place!

>> No.14116925


>> No.14116928


>> No.14116939

Nah, I even it out with potassium supplements

>> No.14116943

I can't say I've had celery go bad quickly on me.

>> No.14116989

This isn't an opinion it's literal fact.
Literally all sugar consumption is harmful.

>> No.14117122

not /fit/. not /hiit/
get out

>> No.14117154

>Literally all sugar consumption is harmful.
youre fucking retarded. you've never exercised a day in your life, have you

>> No.14117164

t. nobody who knows shit about nutrition

>> No.14117184

The perfect steak
>seasalt and black pepper sprinkled onto either side and then pressed into the meat
>put in frying pan with Olive oil
>put on stove with a high heat
>wait 2 minutes exactly
>flip the steak over and wait another 2 minutes
>put steak onto plate and then cover it with more black pepper

>> No.14117199

Oregano sucks. Just use basil or thyme instead.

>> No.14117225

mexican oregano though

>> No.14117259

Almost all seafood is trash

>> No.14117282

most condiments are shit and only exist because people can’t season their food. very few actually compliment a well made meal.

>> No.14117284
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I know this is a stupid opinion thread but get the fuck out

>> No.14117294

Fruit evolved to be enticing for herbivores and omnivores so that they can spread their seeds. Since early humans weren't used to eating it they kept craving the sweetness and ate more of it

>> No.14117314

Aioli, mustard, and thousand island disagree with you

>> No.14117317

You have no place on this board, leave underage

>> No.14117325

Answered to wrong guy but I hope he gets the message

>> No.14117331

plz break down the logic here.

>> No.14117333


>> No.14117337

Who is Adam?

>> No.14117340

it adds... salt

>> No.14117400

git gud

>> No.14117435

That sounds gay. But humans like nearly all primates ate fruit at just about every stage of their evolution.

>> No.14117550

Oh good, so if a mosquito bites me and I happen to come across that exact same mosquito at a later date it might remember me and stay away.

>> No.14118940


>> No.14118984

crack candy, i can't stop once i start eating it

>> No.14118997

I know deep down pescatarianism is probably the healthiest diet.

>> No.14119020

you have to go back

>> No.14119099

biggest cringe post in the thread

>> No.14119141
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you ever take a blast from a 20 piece? i promise you its better than fuckin candy corn

>> No.14119147

i've never had spam, but from what i heard, it's god-tier in terms of struggle foods

>> No.14119463

I have never gotten buns or cinnamon rolls at a restaurant that are better than mine, and I made baklava once and it was better than any other I have had, probably won't do that again since rolling out 50 balls of dough into thin sheets is hell on my back.

>> No.14119526

>inedible remains of the worst poultry.
you do know that there is more that just turkey gravy? chicken gravy is the better of the 2 but you can use almost any broth to make a gravy, its just meat juices and flour (some people use cornstarch) or you can use butter and make a roux for jambalaya or gumbo.

>> No.14119537

Pretty much any good cut of meat from any animal (i.e. not offal, or things considered to be discard that were adapted by poor/peasants) will be delicious with nothing more than a grill and salt (optionally black pepper/garlic).

>> No.14119547
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You don't crack black pepper onto protein until it is resting.
Best steak grill cooking is cross hatch marks (Place-Turn-Flip-Turn)
Rice is better dry and a little crunchy.

>> No.14120548

You don't need much water to boil pasta. Just enough so it doesn't boil dry. I also turn down the heat and barely simmer it or sometimes turn off the heat altogether.

>> No.14120637


okay grandpa

>> No.14120706


>> No.14120802

Certain ethnicities do.
I think Northern Europeans especially don't, and that's why their prone to overeating saturated fats when available.
I remember reading this from a site that cited the US government so grain of salt I guess.

>> No.14120805

It’s pretty good but the flavor diminishes after a small handful and becomes too sweet

>> No.14120816

>Rice is better dry and a little crunchy
Crunchy from the fry is one thing. Raw is another.

>> No.14120829

based and SPAMpilled

>> No.14120974
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yes and choppers and 7 years on opioids all of which i was able to stop...except candy corn, it's like when you run out of dilaudid and your gf starts eating spoonfuls of raw sugar

>> No.14121011


there is absolutely no reason to boil vegetables ever. buy a fucking steamer

>> No.14121039

Mosquitoes won't even land on you. I got rid of fleas that were in my leg hair that way.

>> No.14121064

Is butter not welcome on good bread to you?

>> No.14121072

Dude no one even mentioned Reddit what is your damage

>> No.14121075

Having fun cooking at home can be just as important as the final result.

>> No.14121091
File: 51 KB, 1024x904, 1803E42B-2FE4-459E-82D1-3CECD4AC93A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good food by country tier list goes

>Everything else

>> No.14121423

have you heard of recipes???

>> No.14121847

I pretty much ignore any directions in a recipe to knead the dough for x minutes at the start, right after combining the ingredients. It’s a pain in the ass to do while the dough is still sticky or crumbly. I just do it for about a minute or until everything looks more or less combined, the rest comes after letting the dough rest.

>> No.14121885

Coffee is the worst tasting shit on that list. Kill yourself.

>> No.14121912

No thanks, I’ve got some delicious decaf to drink.

>> No.14121917

niggers are humans is my stupidiest opionion lol

>> No.14122028

1:Hold the salt, double the pepper.
2:Orange does everything lemon does better
3:In a recipe, anything "grilled" should be smoked instead, Anything fried should be citrus cured instead.
4:Decent mushrooms are better than potatos in almost every situation.

>> No.14122038

>both flavorless

Wowee look out someone wants extra sour cweam!

>> No.14122044

Cooking is overrated. Just get top ingredients and eat them raw. Better than anything you can cook.

>> No.14122057

but you sure know how to gargle cock.

>> No.14122065

ground lamb is a waste of better meat.

>> No.14122095

>Decent mushrooms are better than potatos in almost every situation.
How the fuck are those two interchangeable in the slightest

>> No.14122175

Forgot to put Greek on top

>> No.14122182
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Steak is good without condiments.

>> No.14122198

Black pepper is a shit seasoning

>> No.14122871

cope more

>> No.14122919

>Fresh avocado is better than guacamole
>Blanched is better than traditional boiling/steaming
>Liquorice/aniseed is not good
>Vegan meat/dairy products are disgusting

>> No.14123202

Medium rare for meat, medium for burgers. You want to make sure the ground beef is cooked throughout for health reasons

>> No.14123206

>there are still people out there spouting this nonsense

>> No.14123210

Wait have I been lied to?

>> No.14123216

it's alright
damn right it is

>> No.14123231

Depends on the pasta imo. My homemade bolognese and fettuccine alfredo are better than most restaurants but I can never get an arrabbiata sauce just right

>> No.14123237

Have you never had burritos and tacos? Its a solid B tier country for food so good but not great

>> No.14123241

Depends on the beer. Search around and you will find one you like

>> No.14123244

I hate neo-/fit/ nobody knows what they are talking about and everybody is just fat trying to lose weight

>> No.14123245

Are they still all closeted homos

>> No.14123248

What are good french foods? I've gone to France a few times but basically ended up eating nothing but steak and fries

>> No.14123268

It has always been 90%+ straight and less than 10% gay. People have polls every year about this and other things and it has been consistent for the last 5 years at least. Most of the gay shit used to be tongue in cheek but now its just people new to the board thinking that pretending to be incredibly gay = funny.
As I'm typing this out I'm realizing that I am probably going to stop going there entirely. There isn't that much to actually discuss and all the people that actually lift can only be found on /plg/ where they post anime pictures more than stuff about lifting. Most of the people who used to browse have left with the influx of r9k, pol, and reddit so most people either haven't ever lifted or have lifted for 3 months and try to give advice. Fuck it really is a shit hole when I put it out into words

>> No.14123342

These are pretty mainstream opinions that 90%+ of people agree with

>> No.14124149

And now it is here so it is less gay by default.

>> No.14124187
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Cast iron is great. Never had an issue with eggs and shit sticking because I know how to cook.

>> No.14124244

Its whatever. Get into B-Boying.
Those fags don't know what do do with it if its not a barbell.

>> No.14124284

What's that? I have a home gym so I'm part of the barbell crowd but I'm interested

>> No.14124638


disregard the dude's annoying voice, he knows his shit.

>> No.14124817

Seems interesting but I think I'll pass and stick to hypertrophy training and running

>> No.14124831


>> No.14124851

How do you do eggs in cast iron? I've just never tried

>> No.14124865

ketchup on hot dogs is edible.

>> No.14124911

Fuck salt, everything always have too much of it. I'm convinced most people have disabled tongues and can only perceive strong basic flavors like salt and sugar

>> No.14124940

Happy to see my posts rustled as many jimmies as they did. I thought this thread died days ago.

>you have to go back
I don't have anywhere to go back to. I was here first. You leave, tourist.

Like I said, if you're a really good cook, good for you. For your average person, it's not better. 95% of people who don't work in food & cooking are just overconfident in their abilities. Maybe you have a couple of good dishes, but home cooking is not de facto better.

>> No.14124943

it's how you smell, dude
mosquitoes can smell blood and detect mammals by the carbon dioxide they exhale
mosquitoes fucking hate garlic because of the natural sulfur but you have to eat a lot of it fresh and often

>> No.14124963

>if your garlic is old roll a clove between your fingers and it'll peel away, separating from the shoot that can cause indigestion
is this real? ngl i just cut up the shoot with the rest of the garlic out of laziness but i've been keeping my aromatics stored properly and they haven't been sprouting lately

>> No.14124965

I used to be like you. It went on for way too long, probably until i was around 13. You have the palette of a child. So glad I'm not this way anymore

>> No.14124999

>it's a fair assumption that anyone using a cooking board is going to at least be someone skilled at cooking.
boy is it your first day here?

>> No.14125006

French press coffee is shit

>> No.14125022

Coriander is disgusting
Mexican food is shit

>> No.14125026

don't trust an online recipe that was created past the year 2010 but read them anyway to laugh at the poor techniques

>> No.14125124
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i like to just eat it straight out of the box

>> No.14125132

get the low sodium one

still really salty, but more reasonably so

>> No.14125146

I just set my burner a notch below medium, put a half Tbsp of butter on the skillet, then I cook 3 fried eggs like usual. People think that frying eggs on cast iron is hard because they either don't take care of their skillets or they are not using oil. I've had non-stick folks on this site come at me about cooking my eggs using butter like they don't use any oil at all. If you aren't using any oil to cook your fried eggs, even on a non-stick, you're cooking some shit eggs.

>> No.14125147

a steak is not a burger, a pit of pink is fine, but not only is it dangerous, it's kinda gross and leaves uncooked pieces of beef in the middle as it doesn't cook throughout like a steak. you can get away with it with fresh ground beef, but even then anything under medium is just gonna taste raw, a burger needs all that fat rendered and to have juiciness.

>> No.14125199

More of a scrambled eggs guy. I found a gordon ramsay video about it when I was in early high school and have done it his way ever since. Fried eggs are good too though, my second favorite egg and I'll try that out sometime

>> No.14125214

I think a big problem is that the factory seasoning is often shit and doing it properly, while not hard, is too much of a bother for people.
That and temperature control, holy fuck s many retards just put it on max and burn everything

>> No.14125215

I love gravy and cottage cheese mixed together

>> No.14125228

>mexican food should never have dairy

Get out

>> No.14125237

Based and texmexpilled

>> No.14125304

yeah, used to do the same as you but didnt make the connection on the sprouts and minor discomfort, i think the sprout itself might just be harder to digest or something because as far as I know they're not actually toxic.
you gotta squeeze pretty firm but its easy to roll it, sometimes the batch you buy is just an old one and you can't help it if it starts to sprout on you a bit
since i started doing it i haven't had any issues no matter how much garlic i use, and i use a lot

>> No.14125440

I actually cook my scrambled eggs the same way, but on a non-stick. It might be harder to do with cast iron because cast iron retains a lot of heat even when you lift it off the stove. I know that method requires lifting your skillet to cool so you don't over cook them.

>> No.14126193

It's good

>> No.14126258

humans did not evolve to eat any sort of food whatsoever

>> No.14126321

Found the brit.

>> No.14126330

fuck off tripfag, i wasn't asking you

>> No.14126350

Medium-well is an acceptable compromise.

>> No.14126373

yeah you were dipshit

>> No.14126387

>t. peels all of his potatoes if their skins are even slightly green
mommy's lil man has a sensitive tummy wummy
it's ok, he's a speshul boy, he gets a speshul name for his speshul exceptionalism

>> No.14126426

>t. eats tidepods to prove how tough he is on the internet

>> No.14126602


>> No.14126619

Imagine sucking at a basic life skills. Holy fuck this post is cucked.

>> No.14126624


>> No.14126629


your cooking isn't that good bro

>> No.14126631

this is incorrect.

>> No.14126644

This is correct. "Food" is in fact harmful; the human digestive tract is evolved to process sunlight only.

>> No.14126798

I'm not a fan of sauces/dressings

>> No.14126852

I actually cook my scrambled eggs with half an egg. The half egg pushes it over the top a bit, while a whole egg just falls flat, no matter how many times I scramble it. Honestly, not a huge deal for me, but other people may react differently. Your mileage may vary, but what I have been discovering is that using the perfect amount of egg is the trick!

Plus, sometimes a small bit of olive oil goes a long way when cooked in a skillet or an egg pot. So I tried this out on scrambled eggs (with sausage and black beans) the other day, and I definitely need to do a post on this. In the meantime, I just use a little extra olive oil on top of my eggs every morning.

>> No.14126857


>> No.14126875

Worst opinion in this thread, anything and everything should be covered from top to bottom in garlic salt, garlic powder, and fresh garlic.

>> No.14126917

Add cummin to the pasta water together with some salt
Thank me later

>> No.14127008

I mean you dont have to in the same way that you dont have to season anything if you dont want to. But salting your pasta water is LITERALLY the only way to season pasta

>> No.14127377

chili shouldn't have beans

>> No.14127612

Nigga pasta in unsalted water just tastes like pasta. I get you got too used to excess salt in everything, but it doesn't make pasta "bland".

>> No.14127675

i'd rather have a grilled chicken breast over a steak. it's not that i don't like steak and it isn't even that expensive since i live in texas. i just find that it's hard for me to get in the mood for steak while i always like grilled chicken

>> No.14128395

It is very much correct. Dietary cholesterol is entirely unneeded. All you need is regular fatty acids, your body uses them to make cholesterol. If you cease to consume exogenous cholesterol your body starts to make a little more.

>> No.14128402

I eat off brand spam. I don't even want regular spam.

>> No.14128541

I did a lot of sexual stuff with my little sister when she was 10 and I was 15 and I feel completely awful about it.

>> No.14128681
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Based. Pasta is only good as a side to something else.
Stuff like lasagna is an exception because the proporion of pasta to other stuff is better. Just noodles with sauce is shit tier nutrition.

>> No.14128728

Cheese by itself is disgusting and only good as an ingredient/melted on top of something.
Cranberries are shit and only belong in cocktails.
People whining about "muh diarrhea" bc of fast food / mexican food/ w/e are either have a horrible diet in general, are huge liars, or a very small minority with sensitive ass digestive systems.

>> No.14129418

you have to rinse off slimy chicken
Frozen pizzas come with a flavor wrapping so taking it off is a waste of money and food engineers hard work

>> No.14129612

>muh leddit

>> No.14129618

in your honest opinion anon
do you consider yourself a seething insecure faggot?

>> No.14129636

these are the worst i think
correct way to make pasta
>huge fucking casserole
>rolling boil
>salt it until its about as salty as the mediterranean sea
>pasta IN
>undercook it(<8m, depending on the type)
>either transfer the cooked pasta into the saucepan with the sauce thats done already or strain it and reserve some liquid for mixing
>continue cooking together until pasta is done

>> No.14129643

it is

>> No.14129657

I like my steak well done
I wasn't aware liking candy corn was an unpopular opinion until years after I grew out of Halloween and just wanted to buy some for myself cause I missed them. Why're they so hated?

>> No.14129670

white people be like

>> No.14129681

Canned tuna, ketchup, mustard, mayo, and chicken salad are all disgusting. Chicken is only good because of how it's seasoned, the meat itself is awful.

>> No.14129695
File: 34 KB, 375x375, 279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Candy corn is hated because it uses two of the shittiest colors (yellow and orange), it tastes like wax, and the texture of the candy itself is literally just wax.
You have all these candies to choose from, especially on Halloween, and you fags choose candy corn??? Just kill yourselves, why live when your tastebuds obviously don't work correctly.

>> No.14129715

My father took a garlic pill everyday during his homeless "pity me" stint and it helped with not only warding of mosquitos but the apparent bedbugs as well. Bugs that like blood just do not like garlic, fresh or in garlic oil pill form. Just take it regularly and you'll hopefully notice a difference.

>> No.14129733

>people can't season a pan
Pretty fucking accurate considering that it isn't a hard task whatsoever. Doesn't help that people wash their cast irons in hot water with direct dish detergent on it, scrubbing away...
>temp control
I have the shittest stove and even on medium low heat my cast iron still ends up smoking sometimes. It sucks but you manage.

>> No.14129800
File: 134 KB, 400x270, 1454101266635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously don't understand people who think you can undercook GROUND BEEF. It's basic food safety/high school education (If you didn't take a cooking/food science class in high school you're a grade A retard, even my continuation high school for the fuck ups had a food science class) to understand why ground beef cannot be eaten rare/medium rare like a goddamn steak.
If you seriously don't understand why, it's because a steak only has bacteria/microbes on it's surface area. Beef is too tough for parasites to penetrate unlike ground beef which literally is put through a meat grinder and can easily be exposed to anything in the air or surrounding surface area, dangerous or not.
>>14108546 >>14108557 >>14109327 these are retards not to be trusted. If your burger is pink, rage like a tranny being misgendered and demand your money back.

>> No.14129834

Yeah, if you buy shit ground beef like a pleb. Patricians ground their own beef from top tier cuts/butchers and know it's safe to eat medium rare

>> No.14129860

>cook pasta incorrectly
>result is also good
Why bother with all that shit

>> No.14129864


>> No.14129877

Everybody understands why, in theory, burgers aren't the same as steak when it comes to food safety, dum dum. That said, your high school home ec course (I took woodworking because I don't have a vagina) probably also told you to cook chicken to 165F. If you went to a restaurant and ordered chicken that was cooked to 165 you'd probably send it back because it was dry and tough. In the same way, literally every restaurant anywhere will happily serve you a rare or medium rare burger, and medium rare burgers are easily the most popular temp. Restaurants don't take chances, and wouldn't serve things if they thought people would get sick (one case of food poisoning is enough to shut down most places). Unless you're literally buying clearance Walmart ground beef the chances of getting sick are about as high as eating an egg with a runny yolk. Plus, a burger cooked over medium is disgusting.

>> No.14129882

bcs its better the other way... this is especially true to simple pasta dishes with few ingredients. Many of these dishes(carbonara, aglio olio) depend on the emulsification of the sauce with the pasta(and pasta water). If you make a fire bolognese the way you prepare the actual pasta doesnt matter that much.

>> No.14129887
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Tuesday is the new Friday.

>> No.14129900
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Explain why yuropoors aren't dying from eating pic related then

>> No.14129915

The same reason why eurocucks don't have to refrigerate their eggs compared to the American egg industry. Different health standards.
>no I'm not saying our eggs, or anything really, is better when done American

>> No.14129922

Europeans are disgusting.

>> No.14129928

What's the difference?
In my head Tex Mex is all the normal stuff like tacos, but with more american cheese and hard shell tortillas.

>> No.14129932

You took woodworking because you're stupid, everyone knows that. If you had a vagina but took woodworking, maybe then I'd be impressed.

>> No.14129949

I took woodworking because I didn't know anything about handiwork shit. Both my parents taught me how to cook from a young age, but my dad (who had a PhD in engineering) had probably never used a hammer in his life.

>> No.14131262

you know, you might be lactose intolerant dude. I used to be like you until I found lactaid. now I eat cheese on lots of stuff and it's amazing

>> No.14131657

Shrimps are the tasteless cockroach of the sea, and a huge annoyance to clean.

>> No.14132130

This isn't a fast food containment thread.