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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 244 KB, 1156x758, 2020-05-20_16-11-23_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14115269 No.14115269 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a joke, who the fuck actually buys this brand? I bought a cast iron skillet from a camping store, new. It was $25

>> No.14115271
File: 225 KB, 1164x675, 2020-05-20_16-13-12_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14115276

>paying $25 for a cast iron skillet

>> No.14115279

Who the fuck are you? Don't ever respond the me like that again.

>> No.14115316

>paying $25 for a cast iron skillet

>> No.14115338

>paying $25 for a cast iron skillet

>> No.14115342

Are you trans, btw?

>> No.14115344


Rich people who brought into the cast iron meme

>> No.14115354 [DELETED] 

>paying for something
Cringe, just steal everything retard. What are you a faggot? Do you like cucking yourself by spending your hard earned money that you were personally given by mr. Shekelstein, and you aren't even going to appreciate the fact that he gave you so much of it? Shake his hand, say thank you, and suck his fat kike cock because you're a dumb worthless stinky nigger.
You're a dumb gorilla nigger, you are in fact the blackest gorilla ape subhuman nigger in the entire jungle.
Ooga booga do you like swinging in the jungle trees and stuffing your nigger ape mouth full with bright yellow jungle bananas.
Can your monkey brain even comprehend what I am saying or are you completely brain-dead?
I am surprised that you even managed to type something out with your 20 iq ape nigger brain, even with how abhorrently retarded it was.

>> No.14115376

I inherited a full Le Creuset set, and they are absolutely standout cookware. My grandparents bought them on sale years ago.
Don't see the problem really.
OP is just a seething poorfag

>> No.14115408

That's like saying bar of gold is a standout paperweight. So is a rock from my backyard.

>> No.14115421

This is a totally retarded analogy, it makes no sense whatsoever. Great job anon.

>> No.14115422

Enameled, yeah. But what the op posted is just bog standard cast iron. That shit should be dirt cheap.

>> No.14115437

>But what the op posted is just bog standard cast iron.
that's black enamel you tard.

>> No.14115444

Both do literally the exact same thing and one is expensive and the other is free, or sometimes just really cheap. Idiot american.

>> No.14115453

Is it? Usually they will say somewhere in the description since that's a major selling point. I was just going by what it said in the picture. Anyway the second one he posted is definitely just bog standard cast iron, they're taking the piss with that price.

>> No.14115461

Top one is. "Satin black". The lodge is bare iron though and still $270.

>> No.14115468

Yeah, like I said I didn't realize it was enameled. Second one shouldn't be even half that expensive, though.

>> No.14115470

>a rock from my backyard does the same job as a le creuset pan
wtf? dude youre fucking demented

>> No.14115474
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>> No.14115478
File: 774 KB, 1115x1080, _Paths of Glory 1957 1080p BluRay AAC1.0 x264-CtrlHD_01:17:16.298_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded or just messing with me.

>> No.14115483

I'm trans btw if that helps

>> No.14115487

Sounds like you don't really understand the comparative value of money. People who buy things like that don't register that it's "expensive", because the overall amount they spend on it compared to what their net worth is means it's a non-issue and whether or not it's quantifiably "better" than something more basic is irrelevant. It's the same reason people will buy a Mercedes or BMW over a Toyota, even though in most practical aspects they're exactly the same thing.

>> No.14115489

are all trannies as dumb as you?
>hurr durr cook it on a rock

>> No.14115493


It's not just iron, look at the pictures of its inside

>> No.14115502

It's a luxury item made in France not some cheap ass chinese knock off

>> No.14115541

Producing such a simple product isn't even expensive in Europe. It's just overpriced af, but people still seem to buy it.

>> No.14115770

that's quality materials and fine design but feel free to use chernobyl-grade chinese stuff

>> No.14115775

I have a Staub, they're even more expensive. I bought it because it's a status symbol. Regular cast iron especially Am*rican cast iron is cringe. Enameled is shit because the performance is absolute trash, so it's really only useful for baking bread. But every kitchen needs one so that's why I have it.

I do most of my cooking on copper.
>dey took me jerrrrbs
Should have stayed in school, Tanner

>> No.14115802

Just because something is made in a specific region doesn't mean it's made out of good or bad materials. You often can get products from the same company that are made in Europe or Asia and the differences are marginal.
Cast iron is still the cheapest material you can make cooking ware from so 500€ for a few kg of iron is still a knock off.

>> No.14115886

With 500$ you pay import, customs, decent wages and health coverage for workers in France so not cheap, quality iron, enamel, design, quality molds and machinery allowing complex designs, accessories, a well known brand...
These fuckers already cost a lot in France, there are special sales in the factory every year and people rush from all over the world to grab stuff at half the price.
It's costly for all that but you know you'll have it forever

>> No.14115897

it's a lump of iron, frenchman.

>> No.14115905

Just grab a pyrex casserole dish, it'll do fine for your amateur cooking, if you need to brown or saute anything just use a pan and transfer, you aren't looking for michelin stars

>> No.14115906

Yeah and Mona Lisa is just colored paste on wood, gamin.

>> No.14115919

le crueset marketing team detected. no reasonable person would attempt to defend this product. fucking french.

>> No.14115924

imagine being so bitter about your low economic status that you have to come and cry about it on an anonymous parisian pan-enamelling forum

>> No.14115927

fuck you fag this is a Laotion basket weaving forum, lurk more

>> No.14115938

You think your LeCreuset was hand crafted by one of the greatest artists in human history?
It's not a one-of-a-kind painting by a true master, you dumb fuck. It's more akin to a rolled up poster of that same artwork. Those like ten bucks.

>> No.14115965

Added value fuckface, you take raw materials and turn it into a valuable manufactured item.
What is it that you can't grasp there?
A boat is merely a glorified cut down tree by your logic.
Have you ever bought a cheap screwdriver then compared it to high-end stuff?
Stick to Wallmart grade shit pot, I don't even own a Le Creuset but at least knw why they're so expensive and I don't throw a tantrum about it

>> No.14116103

>defending overpriced "luxury" items
>for free

You remind me of the smooth brains working minimum wage yet still vocally opposing more tax on the rich because you both don't understand taxes and still imagine yourself being rich one day in the future.

>> No.14116148

I defend excellence, stick to frozen tendies

>> No.14116158

I've bought all my cooking stuff from Aldi.

>> No.14116160


>> No.14116230

This. It's a cheap product made from machines not some hand painted porcelain. For that money you could buy some actually expensive copper pots.

>> No.14116243

Le Creuset is good, if expensive, cookware. I have a number of their frying pans. If you don't have the money to justify it, buy something cheaper.

No need to be mad :-)

>> No.14116267
File: 60 KB, 1000x504, chateau_180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good enamel is expensive.

If you think that's pricey, never look up pricing on enamel oven/range units.
Pic related for example is a $60,000+ enameled oven

>> No.14116275

>All irons are equal in quality and composition
>All casting methods are the same
>All finishings are equivalent
>copper has the same proprieties as enameled cast iron
>just pour melted iron in a mold bro
I'm done arguing with people like you

>> No.14116308

It'a crock pot not a space shuttle. All the iron has to do, is getting hot. Only part that matters is the enamel.

>> No.14116319

A Merc S-Class is substantially nicer to be in and to drive than a Camry, though. That Le Creuset is probably exactly the same as any other dutch oven.

>> No.14116322

Literally no one who buys La Creuset is a good cook

no one. just dilettantes with more money than sense.
t. sous chef

>> No.14116334

i'm a systems engineer you dumb retail working nigger

people will always be poor because they spend money on worthless shit like this

>> No.14116337

You're missing the point because you're a retard, retard.
If the boat is carved out of a log by an old grizzled Indian with a flint axe I understand that's expensive.
If it's mass produced by a robot it should be cheap. That is the point of mass production, and Le Creuset is a mass produced item.
You are massively overpaying for something that a machine shat out when you could easily buy something much cheaper that was shat out by another machine just like it.

Nobody is trying to argue that a cast iron pot should cost exactly as much as its weight in iron.

>> No.14116343

god I fucking hate talking to poor people
fuck off

>> No.14116347

Different irons heat, keep and spread the heat differently.
Atomic plant grade steel isn't the same steel that you use for cutlery.
Doesn't mean it's a 1000 time the price but it matters

>> No.14116350

It's likely women and people who buy that as wedding gifts.

>> No.14116357

One knows that you have to buy something, so throw some money at it. It's doesn't matter so much what it is, but some pots and pans can't be too bad.

>> No.14116358

The requirements for cast iron cookware

- hold a season

that's it. you have to royally fuck up the casting process to get a piece of cookware that can't do that. If it cant and has pitting you can use an angle grinder on it anyway. You can make an argument for buying a more expensive version of many other kitchen items but cast iron is not one of them.

>> No.14116363

>Sous-chef thinks he's hot shit
Come back when you're a proper chef

>> No.14116382

I don't see the point of enameled cast iron, it's just something that can possibly chip and look shitty. For what benefits? You can cook tomato sauce for ages without damaging the seasoning?

>> No.14116390

I'm not poor. In part because I don't waste money on retarded shit.
You reek of nouveau riche

>> No.14116396

if you use the heat on your stove properly with them, it's non-stick, and no seasoning required, or nasty chemicals leeching into your food.
and no it doesn't chip easily, at least the 30 year old set i have has no chips at all.

>> No.14116404
File: 539 KB, 625x670, 00009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nasty chemicals

>> No.14116406

yeah, you know the shit in cheap non stick pans.
and why are you posting pictures of your wife, that;s not cool man

>> No.14116417


>> No.14116419
File: 15 KB, 310x120, 2020-05-20 10_50_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck
Do people actually buy this shit?

>> No.14116421

I'm talking about cast iron not CIA teflon flake mind control. There's no point in enameled cast iron.

>> No.14116428

they amazing at holding heat. once you have food simmering or braising you can turn the heat right down and it will stay simmering real nice.
so they real efficient in that way

>> No.14116432

>There's no point in enameled cast iron.
i just told you the point, but whatever, poorfags aren't known for their reading comprehension

>> No.14116442

no you didn't you idiot american.

>> No.14116454

imagine being retarded enough to spend more than 50 bucks on cast iron and enamel

>> No.14116458

rent free

>> No.14116465

can you not do this with bare iron?

>> No.14116471


>> No.14116478

braising is done with an acid over a long period of time.

If done in standard non-enameled cast iron, you're likely going to have iron leech into your dish, giving it an iron-y taste.

With a good enough seasoning layer you'll probably be okay for an occasional braise, but a regular braise would eventually strip the seasoning off and expose the iron underneath.

>> No.14116486

yah my fiancee's dad has a range similar to that. it's p sick desu.

also love the assblasted poorfags itt. expensive cast iron doesn't negate the existence of cheaper ones lol. u can still buy the cheap ones. leave staub/le creuset for ppl who care about craftsmanship and allowing the companies to pay their workers good wages

>> No.14116508

still, $60,000 seems like a joke for an oven.

I mean, i'm sure it's nice, and the color options are interesting, but god damn that's two new cars, NICE cars.

>> No.14116509

t. silver spooner out of touch with reality

>> No.14116518

Popularity has the opportunity to inflate it's value!

>> No.14116537

It is superior cookware, and that's what you pay for. My mom bought one in 1985 and she still uses it to this day. And it still works wonderfully. You can get a cheaper one but the enamel may start to chip off after a few years. The beautiful thing about the free market is that you have a choice.

>> No.14116544

The same boomer yuppie scum who made fly-fishing ridiculously expensive in the 80s. In 1980 you could buy a Sage flyrod for a couple hundred bucks and by 1984 it was like $500. Yuppies are fucking cretins. Thankfully money can't actually buy a brain or a skill so I still can laugh at these no talent hacks and their $5k worth of gear as they fumble around and not catch fish. Then ask me what I'm using. I'm using my head you fucking NPC scum.

>> No.14116551

That is black enamel, not bare cast iron. I understand it is extremely overpriced, but don’t think it is just a cast iron pot. My enameled pot is the best thing in my kitchen. The other day I roasted a chicken in it, then I boiled bones in it, then I made soup in it, then I ate that soup with a loaf of bread in it. I got a cheap one from amazon, but if I had to spend $1000 on it in order to have one, I would.

>> No.14116562

you can literally see thumbnails of the thing with the lid off in the OP. it is the same standard white enamel that you find in any of these things. holy shit

>> No.14116566

Only retards pay premium for a brand name.

>> No.14116590

they have a rock solid lifetime warranty. also the only place you can find enameled cookware not made in china basically.

staub are less expensive generally

>> No.14116602

even this is retarded
iron currently sits at $.04 a pound, you can buy 3 tons of iron for the same price as that pot

imagine paying thousands of percent mark up on an item because someone melted it into a mold for you

>> No.14116615
File: 48 KB, 923x800, man-in-white-shirt-with-stomach-pain-against-gray-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is bait

>> No.14116634

I know. That’s why I bought a cheap one. You can go spend $2 million on a car, and some people will, but no one has to. Complaining about what people with lots of money spend their money on is dumb. Why do you care?

>> No.14116640

tbf it's my fiancee's family not mine. it's rly nice to cook on though

>> No.14116653

it's a case of priorities i guess. some ppl just decide to invest a bit more in stuff like that. they built the house almost entirely around the kitchen/dining/living area

>> No.14116667

Here in Germany Fissler also sells made in France (i bet it's made in the same factory as Le Creuset or Staub or because it's cheaper to produce in France) or Germany pots with enamel. Still not even quite as expensive.

>> No.14116669

Haha you're gonna kill yourself because you'll never pass and I'm going to laugh about it

>> No.14116703

Do you season cast iron and carbon steel on the outside and underside as well as the inside or is the guide I found just dumb? What's the benefit of doing so when food isn't going to touch it?

>> No.14116709

the benefit is you don't have a place for chips to start, there is no hard edge between unseasoned and seasoned because the entire surface is seasoned, including the handle.

The other reason is because otherwise you have a non-uniform color.

>> No.14116712

lurk more newfag

>> No.14116721

Makes sense but the underside that's directly on the heat source doesn't affect it in a significant way? While it's a very thin layer I could imagine it acts as isolation between the carbon and the heat?

>> No.14116727 [DELETED] 

i'm also gay btw not sure if that's important

>> No.14116745

>While it's a very thin layer I could imagine it acts as isolation between the carbon and the heat?
not enough to matter, cast iron is already shit at absorbing heat, it's why you're supposed to properly preheat your cast iron before trying to sear something in it, otherwise you'll have cold spots.

>> No.14116749

Thanks senpai.

>> No.14116801

i'm just saying it's not space age french engineering black enamel crafted by master artisans. it's the same shit as any other pot and the anon i was replying to is crazy to try to justify this blatantly untrue "feature" as a reason for the ludicrous price

>> No.14116818

You fucking idiot. I wasn’t justifying the price. I was stating that it is black enamel and not a bare cast iron pot, so comparing the price of the two at all is stupid since they are two different items.

>> No.14116844

>defending walmart chinese crap
>for free

>> No.14116855

Care to prove that this enameled pot is absolutely similar to a 25$ ali-express one?

>> No.14116907
File: 34 KB, 289x373, Screenshot_2020-05-20 Offres Le Creuset® Site Officiel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting scammed and fairly deserving it

>> No.14116912

what a bargain :^)

>> No.14116982

Are you expecting to be provided the chemical analysis and manufacturing specifications for a bunch of pots because you can't cope with the fact that you got played for a bunch of money and could have the exact same results with any fucking enameled dutch oven?
Are you expecting to receive evident that the french to use exotic materials and meteorite iron to make their pots and the smelly unwashed competition that can afford to sell their 25$ dutch ovens make them by stealing the Chernobyl sarcophagus for parts and melting it down in their back yard and enameling them with crushed up spark plug porcelain from stolen soviet cars and spit?
How hard can one person fail to cope?

>> No.14117143
File: 106 KB, 700x862, 1377362816340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can someone get so mad at a lump of iron

>> No.14117175

so to be clear you're saying there's absolutely no difference between that classic 200€ Le Creuset pot and a 25€ mystery brand from Lidl?

>> No.14117189

Jesus Christ, you Chinese manufacturers are really starting to panic, aren't you? Absolutely terrified that people are going to turn away from your disposable shit and invest in actual quality.

>> No.14117239

one of them makes you seethe

>> No.14117267
File: 41 KB, 258x286, getaloadofthispleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a buffoon

>> No.14117271

>who the fuck actually buys this brand?
retards and redditors

>> No.14117303
File: 479 KB, 600x665, 1377362852382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending overpriced "luxury" items
>for free

>> No.14117326
File: 451 KB, 567x570, ahah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a walmartbot

>> No.14117330

>Defending Chinese bottom of the shelf trash
>For social credit points

>> No.14117335

you guys realize that le creuset gets all there materials from china right? just because its made in france does not not mean it isnt chinese iron

>> No.14117346


>> No.14117365
File: 77 KB, 886x655, 148299269252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking you will get to sniff their enameled french dongs for defending their honor on an albanian sheep shearing forum

>> No.14117377

>Citation needed

>> No.14117389


>> No.14117415

According to your graph why would the iron ore come from china and not Australia or Brazil?

>> No.14117418

china undercuts the prices of those countries by a large margin as they do with all of their resources

>> No.14117424

China imports iron. They export steel.

>> No.14117438

They only undercut on trash tier items, if you expect quality you'll have to pay the price.

>> No.14117451


sorry anon but your chinese iron is the same as lodges

>> No.14117453

You literally got memed on by advertising, my friend.

>> No.14117465


>> No.14117467
File: 208 KB, 1920x1593, Evolution_minerai_fer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.14117476

>posting a graph you made in ms paint


>> No.14117504

Alright michelangelo let's see you do better

>> No.14117578
File: 77 KB, 860x693, Lum THICK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ore grade
So the pans are made out of pounded rocks? Isn't this whole image completely unrelated as the quality is related to what refinery or whatever they came from?

>> No.14117664

>Le Creuset IS a foundry
I know you're retarded but still

>> No.14117697

>this thread
When you're so over-confident of your trolling prowess you agressively take an obviously wrong position.

>> No.14117715

Is it stressful on the enamel cast iron to repeatedly use it for baking at high temps? Baking bread fwiw.

>> No.14117726

good quality enamel wont have an issue, but cheaper shit will probably start cracking if done too much or with quick changes in temp.

>> No.14117736

but anon i thought there was no reason to pay extra for certain brands because you can literally just cook all of your food on a rock from your backyard?

>> No.14117778

Well you thought wrong

>> No.14117815
File: 207 KB, 1360x587, Captura de Ecrã (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending a machine made 600 euros iron pot

the mental state of this ppl
this iron is not even desireable, because of his high percentage of carbon, and /ck/ucks think its good because some fagguette made it
btw its this same mindset that support high fashion industry

>> No.14117826

envy is a sin

>> No.14117865

>0.25 litres

why are you posting a miniature?

>> No.14117924

I collect vintage Le Creuset and Dansk cookware. They are an investment that preform well for a lifetime. My signature french ovens from the 70s/80s are just as good as the one I purchased new last year.

>> No.14117987

it's 200€ in Europe you're the one paying extra for French quality as usual

>> No.14118012

My wife would want to buy this. She loves tiny shit

>> No.14118056

Explains why she’s married to you

>> No.14118543

Doesn't make you any less of a delusional, rich kid faggot for implying a $60k range is an 'investment priority' available to anyone outside of generational wealth, or that someone is a poorfag not needlessly squandering their wealth. I could buy either of those many times over. Would I, though? No, because I am not a complete dumbass with my money.

>> No.14118962

Who the hell do you think you are? You’re any kind of cook? Anybody know who you are? Maybe evrybody else wants to enjoy the food and cooking. This is one of the most important boards in 4channel and who are you? Who are you? You miserable presumptious no talent. You’re no chef. A chef respects the silence, it serves the foundation of creativity. You obviously don’t have the talent. You don’t have enough respect for yourself or other people, or know what it means to respect yourself. In cooking or any form of creativity. And I’m an Culinary Institute of America graduate. Sucker. And the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts in Texas. You suck. You’re a no talent. If you really have talent, go practice. And then get yourself a restaurant, instead of ruining the day for everybody down here. You disgrace. You are everything that’s gone wrong in this board. You’re a self consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of shit. And I’ve earned my right to say it. Okay? In 1995, I worked with Marco Pierre White. Who the fuck are you? I knew Gordon Ramsay from 2001. Who the fuck are you? You’re nothing. You are nothing. And you will never be anything. Never. How dare you? You miserable, mediocre nothing. Shame on you. You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp. Go learn to cook. You’re bland. You can’t even season a fucking steak. I don’t care about your little cast iron, it doesn’t mean you know how to cook. You’re bland. I’ve trained classically, I’ve trained contemporaneously, and you suck.

>> No.14119197

The Toyota usually has better build quality but you’re just dumb if you think an S-Class isn’t majorly more comfortable and luxurious. And I’m a Toyota fan. Note that I’m not talking about any Merc at all, but the S specifically.

>> No.14119206

Aight I'm not slinging bread every day but since it's so easy I might be doing it weekly. I own a le cresuet Dutch oven though which I hope can take the abuse

>> No.14119233

Yeah it does actually since she said it doesn't matter to her and it is perfectly adequate. Real life isn't a porn movie, asshole.

>> No.14119250

You use T-Fal

>> No.14119288

Good one

>> No.14119307
File: 50 KB, 620x387, ortolan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so an ortolan can fit into it

>> No.14119334

Nice how you have burgers for her at home, and still let her go out and get steak, don't let 4channers get you down or call you cuck anon, be proud!
Got gifted a gorgeous green one, so far have only done soups, and a couple braised Chicken recipes, but it is deadly and wouldn't want to go without it.

>> No.14119359

Does the oven cook your food faster than a 1-5k oven?

>> No.14119394
File: 223 KB, 1200x554, LA-Cornue_Teal_Grand-Palais-180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but most manufacturers let you send in a custom color swatch to match the enamel to your kitchen aesthetics.

You're paying about 75% for brand/status, 15% the actual parts/components, and 5% is some schlub that's gonna work with you to make sure it's made EXACTLY to your specifications, color, range top configuration, shipping timeline, etc.

>> No.14119401

cool beans, maybe in my next life ill be born rich. Happy for you cook bro.

>> No.14119421

The old Wagner cast irons could do that, the new shit with Chinese iron can't do crap and they're full of pits.

>> No.14119453

I like this, it's a reference to the goofy lookin guy who got mad at the trumpet player.

>> No.14119499

Jesus christ the richfag cope.

>> No.14119528

Depending on the recipe, efficiency does mean faster, but there are other factors that go into well made products. Ease of use (which entails cooking and cleaning), Power Consumption, and lastly aesthetic. So many times I've seen nice toys in the hands of inept people and just suffered in silence.

>> No.14119540

Damn bro that sounds really rough, sorry about that. You bear the world on your shoulders.

>> No.14119543

That's nice. We have a 6 burner Cooks Delight Elmira Stove Works. In black.

>> No.14119545

i would buy that in a heartbeat if i was doing a million dollar kitchen reno

>> No.14119580

naw they're poorfags for thinking staub/le creuset are ridiculous when there's clearly overhead factored in to allow for all components of the production/supply chain to be fairly compensated. i agree that the range is over the top but it's not my money. seems a little judgemental to say that that's being dumb with money, no? theoretically they could just not have a car and the cash flow redistributes that way.

>> No.14119594

not noticeably, but there is a lot more consistency on temps. also it's beautiful to see irl if it's well implemented. i don't cook on it extremely often, since they insist on cooking for us whenever we're over. kinda hilarious since he still uses lodge skillets from time to time

>> No.14119607
File: 79 KB, 645x729, 1512509567453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck are you buying these, amazon has the le cruset for $330, but lodge is $60 for non-enameled, $80 for enameled

>> No.14119609

I'd pay extra to know the product I'm using to cook with isn't made of chinesium.

>> No.14119647

It is a significant enough gap in quality to warrant almost 4 times the price? No amount of full-grain leather interiors or luxury, heated fleshlight attachment under the steering wheel can possibly justify the additional pricing that would otherwise buy you almost three additional Camrys. Let's also not forget all the wonderful additional maintenance fees 'precision German engineering' gets you. There's also demonstrable evidence that the status of a product, alongside its price tag in itself will influence your enjoyment of that thing, so it seems hard to fairly asses how much you enjoy it more without the bias of it costing more money in itself.

And you know what? That's fine. If you like it, that's cool. It's still an incredibly poor use of one's money to pour that much of it into a deprecating asset for the 'luxury' when a modern Toyota will get you 90% of the way for much less. If you have the kind of wealth that you never once have to consciously think about it, you likely don't care. But the problem is that your average S Class buyer is the middle class chud trying to impress the other parents at his son's private school. It's endemic of a larger problem rooted in the increasing consumerism that drives the middle class into debt slavery. So yeah, fuck your Le Creuset pots.

>> No.14119657
File: 74 KB, 807x802, 1487599593893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just don't own a car bro

haha this fucking guy

>> No.14119678

They might be alright but they're still overpriced as fuck.

>> No.14119693

Just the cooking world. It's hard being the only Beyonce in a kitchen full of Michelles

>> No.14120094

hows that backyard smelting operation going, anon?

>> No.14120138

it's quite simple. creuset = reddit.

>> No.14120366

Le Creuset is super good. Grown overpriced over the years because of the brand but it will still last you a lifetime.

>> No.14120475

>it will still last you a lifetime and I am gay

Any cast iron cookware will last a lifetime.

>> No.14121175

I’m not saying an S-Class is a good purchase (though most people lease them anyway) or that it isn’t overpriced compared to what it costs to manufacture. I was just trying to say that with cars at least you’re getting -something- for your extra money when you buy a luxury brand. With these stupid pots you get nothing. It’s just fucking iron either way. We’re pretty much on the same page.

>> No.14121202

pee pee poo poo iron

>> No.14121473

he's a seething poorfag and that price isn't american dollars

>> No.14121501
File: 244 KB, 800x450, s-l800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the RRP of that le creuset piece I could buy a 1200mm diameter one of pic related. A fucking massive witches cauldron.

>> No.14121513

Budget enameled cookware chips.

>> No.14121520

How are you supposed to use that thing, on an open fire?

>> No.14121528

And it would be a 1000% better flex than having some faggoty Le Creuset piece.

>> No.14121530

Yeah. Camp ovens. I think the little ones are used for other stuff though.

>> No.14121537

Yeah I think they look awesome. I'd buy a medium sized one just as a piece of furniture/ table decoration.

>> No.14121622

At Trump's Tariffs House
It's on the verge of closing they're going all out

>> No.14121627

Oh yeah, the pednant shit comes out, still seething becuase Trump beat clinton.

>> No.14121630

You'll look as cool as all the nerds who bought leather jacket and profiled sunglasses after Matrix came out

>> No.14121634

honestly maybe I should start it up and sell cookware for cheap

fuck the industry trying to get away with charging hundreds for trash metal

>> No.14121638

Shut up bitch.

>> No.14121670

Some of those old good ones like Wagners cast irons kick ass. The best places to find those are in estate sales.

>> No.14121678

Hand me downs from family as well.

>> No.14121679

>prices is up 250% in his country
>fucking frogs how dare they!!! Maga kek

>> No.14121684

That's likely becasuse of hipsters and homosexuals.

>> No.14121723

What the hell is Dansk cookware and why have I, a Dane, never heard of it?

>> No.14121730

idiot fag

>> No.14121739


>> No.14121763

I find their tripod lids funny but are you supposed to remove the hot lid to put it on your table and then rest the pot on it?

>> No.14121845

Sounds like someone's mad as hell that a Euro brand is way more valuable than America's Proud ™© Genuine True Valor® Support Our Troops©®™ Lodge

>> No.14122151

LMAO Imagine spending that much on a French overpriced piece of iron. The Richfag cope in this thread is off the chart. Lodge makes the same damn thing for around $60 (which if we are being honest, is probably overpriced as well).

>> No.14122269

LMAO being that mad your country cannot produce finely crafted enough prestigious products to have a selling price increased of 250% on foreign markets.

>> No.14122371

I'd like to see your results on how much of a Mercedes s-class's build is overhead or opted for unnecessarily more expensive but equivalent materials / components. I'm always fascinated by that kind of work.

>> No.14122607

merceds is full of shit. getting them to install an official mercedes dashcam was nearly 2 grand.

>> No.14122723

I say buy what you wanna buy, but realistically speaking if the function or performance isn't any better than the cheaper alternative, you got jewed. Aesthetics is important, sure, but only so far as there will be time and place to appreciate it. With cookware I don't see that.