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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 382 KB, 1090x818, roastdinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14111759 No.14111759 [Reply] [Original]

Dinner's ready kids, tuck in! Plenty to go around.

>> No.14111763

peas again mum? ill fukin ave u m8

>> No.14111775
File: 14 KB, 579x536, 89890j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nowt wrong wiv peas lad, mek yer grow big and strong like yer da

>> No.14111780

looks pretty good

>> No.14111799
File: 10 KB, 183x275, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly father, we have yet to say grace! May I please lead us in prayer tonight, pop?

>> No.14111868
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1552539579681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perpetuating the myth of non toxic white culture is deeply problematic and borderline antisemitic.

I'm going to have to ask you to remove this thread before I escalate matters.

>> No.14112178

What’s inside the Yorkshire pudding?

>> No.14112192

That's nasty looking shit, it must be British.

>> No.14112199

Stray cats, rats, maybe some dog hairs for extra flavor?

>> No.14112216

Looks so damn good i could eat it, got the recipe?

Grilled potatoes, haricot verts, broccoli, green peas, red wine sauce, plum, fillet of some kind or sirloin steak? can't identify the other goodies.

>> No.14112494

Stuffing balls

Looks beltin'

>> No.14112528

This is a roast dinner from the North East of England. You can identity it is because it’s traditional up there to have both roast potato and mashed potato with it. You only get roast potato elsewhere in the country. Some exceptions in the north west where you can get bubble and squeak, too, but only in some parts of Lancashire.

>> No.14112537

Cancel this.

Checked again and looks like that’s cauliflower cheese.

>> No.14112611
File: 81 KB, 720x960, sfspst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14112682
File: 9 KB, 202x250, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haricot verts

>> No.14113167

I can identify peas, potato and broccoli. What's the rest?

>> No.14113178

looks great. I've only had yorkshire pudding once, because of an anglo gf. They were pretty damn good, I'll have to look for a recipe

>> No.14113260

Roast beef
Proper gravy
Yorkshire pudding with stuffing balls
Either cauliflower cheese or maybe some kind of horseradish given the serving size, but not really sure - looks homemade if it is a relish
Probably some kind of cranberry jelly

I think this is a roast dinner plate from a Christmas buffet maybe. The jelly isn't typical, nor is the stuffing in the puddings. This is usually Christmas food. Might be whoever took the photo went to one of those hotel places and had an option to have this instead of the usual Christmas dinner.

>> No.14113267

Easy as fuck to make and super quick. You need beef dripping to cook them in if you really want it authentic, though.


Look into something called 'toad in the hole', that uses this as a base, too.

>> No.14113275

thanks man. Would lard be completely sacrilegious?

>> No.14113321

ameriburger here, i'm reading this in Hagrid's accent, but AFAIK his is a west country accent? How should I be reading this? More like Robert Baratheon?

>> No.14113322
File: 127 KB, 564x846, toad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome, Amerifriend. Beef fat is ideal, but any animal fat should work too. It should be properly rendered, though. Lard here can have a funny after-taste, but I don't know what you have there. You can use goose fat or duck, too. Other than that, you need to keep an eye on them because they cook fast. Very, very quick. This is usually the last thing you do while you do the gravy. Gravy should be thick, but not glutinous and a little liquid. Gravy with a roast dinner is serious fucking business.

Related is toad in the hole. Same batter as the Yorkshires. Again: lots of gravy.

>> No.14113331

West country is southern. How fucking dare you, etc. 'Norf' means either north or east England. Given the stereotype, probably north west. So Manchester, Bury, etc.

>> No.14113347
File: 40 KB, 500x292, tenderflake-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite but close enough. I was thinking of using the stuff you use for pie crusts and other pastries, like pic related. The taste is pretty neutral considering it's animal fat

>> No.14113364

I know, that's why I was acknowledging it was wrong. I'm saying the way it was typed evoked Hagrid's accent in my head but I knew that wasn't right. Is there a good example you have of a NW english accent?

>> No.14113375

Ok, that's basically suet. You need beef dripping to cook them in too. Or any animal fat. Or a vegetable fat if you can't find anything else. But yes, suet is imperative in the batter itself. They come out fine but they don't have that sort of richness to them and you really need this.

>> No.14113388

Actually, looking at it again, this looks north eastern to me. The person who typed this isn't English, though.
> nowt wrong wiv peas lad, mek yer grow big and strong like yer da

I realise this is some kind of larp, but you wouldn't pronounce 'make' like that. Otherwise 'nowt' and 'da'' are definitely north east. You need to go on youtube and look for anything from Tyneside, Sunderland. Maybe Newcastle although that's a little stronger.

>> No.14113405

So would Mark Addy in Game of Thrones be very far off?

>> No.14113413

No idea who that is. Do you have a clip?

>> No.14113433

fat guy. skip about 30s in. I've read both Addy and Bean have Northern accents in it? Idk, where do you think they sound like they're from?

>> No.14113441

So basically you just use the rendered fat in your roasting pan, yeah? I can do that

>> No.14113457
File: 62 KB, 556x606, 1572975046298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast dinner is absolute garbage food
>Boil all the vegetables
>Roast the meat and starches
>Pour boiled meat juice on top
Americans have no problem calling out how abysmal british food is, except when it comes to this uninspired boring slop because it reminds them of thanksgiving

>> No.14113466

Never mind. Here you go. This is basically north eastern, including Durham, etc.


This will give you 'da'' (dad), and 'nowt'. That stereotype ('norf', etc.) seems definitely to me to reference the north west, however. This is the home of Manchester and Liverpool FCs, especially the rivalry with Everton, etc. and the more hardcore football 'thug' thing. So, again, obviously not English. Same big passion for football in the north east but not really associated with this. NE team fans tend to be a lot more chill. Generally. Not always. Real, real, real, real hardcore support is with the southern teams, ironically enough. Millwall especially. If you want to convey you're a total fucking football thug, you tell people you're Millwall. Hardest of the hardest. Not northern at all.

>> No.14113487

Fuck off, you Scottish cunt.

Yes. You put the dripping in your pan. You don't need much. Use the fat from your steaks or whatever which is what I do. Bacon fat works well as well but you really need to keep an eye on them - that's the most critical.

Nah. This is some kind of modified southern. Maybe Somerset. They do this a lot in films. Some kind of weird, 'farmer' accent. Definitely southern. Not northern at all. Northern is very articulated and almost hard.

>> No.14113502

I understood about 30% of your post but the video is great. And is this accent very distinct from Yorkshire accent or are they *somewhat* similar? I hear him saying "such" like "sootch" which stands out to me when I hear the Yorkshire accent.

>> No.14113510

>Nah. This is some kind of modified southern. Maybe Somerset. They do this a lot in films. Some kind of weird, 'farmer' accent. Definitely southern. Not northern at all. Northern is very articulated and almost hard.
Interesting. That makes more sense because I felt it was similar (to my burger ears) to Hagridspeak and like we've already established that's more souf.

>> No.14113522

Sorry. What did you not understand? 'Nowt' means 'nothing' or 'none'. 'Da; means 'dad'. And no, nothing like Yorkshire. It's a funny thing about England but because it's all so old and entrenched you can get major differences just crossing a county line. Yorkshire is very smooth and lilting. Anything over the Humber is much harder and more 'edged' if that makes sense. This guy is 100% north eastern. I didn't want it all the way though but he would say 'nowt' and 'da' etc.

>> No.14113530

Sorry, I mean *watch all the way through.

>> No.14113532

>Fuck off, you Scottish cunt.
I have literally never heard of the Scottish hating roast dinner before now

>> No.14113551



100% West Country. Bristol, etc. It's very affected, too. You would laugh at someone like this if you came across this. Pure thick, country oik kind.

>> No.14113554

Haha I meant all the references to football, sorry, I was mostly just kidding. The video was very helpful, yeah I know what you mean about hard accents vs. flat accents. The best american approximation I could offer would be e.g. Texan (hard and flat) vs. South Carolinian (melodic) even though they're both "southern" US accents

>> No.14113558

Scots don't do roast dinner. Not a Scottish thing at all. Scottish dinner is neeps with meat, etc.

>> No.14113560

when brits say "west country" and "southern" w/r/t accents is that kind of the same thing, or very distinct?

>> No.14113576

That's a pathetic serving of broccoli. My cuck dad is like that. Blanches and freezes Brussels sprouts in 1/8 pound packages. For two! A serving for me is a pound.

>> No.14113591

Yes, that's probably a really good comparison. On the football, basically the two massive premiership teams are Manchester United and Liverpool. So you get very serious followers wit these. They've re-branded themselves a lot since the 70s so you get a lot of basic, normie followers now but they still have 'firms'. A 'firm' is basically a support base that wants to bait the other side's support into a fight. This is why I mentioned Millwall. Millwalll are still notorious for this. The most hardcore of them all in terms of firms to this day. If you go to a Milwall game and you're wearing another team's colours, you can expect serious trouble. They're even kept on police databases and banned from travelling, etc. But generally, when you think of the stereotype of a 'football thug', you reference Man U or Liverpool, etc. So the north western teams. Even though this is old now and no longer really a thing. The north east, as I say, is pretty chill. Teams like Newcastle, etc. have serious firms too, but they're generally pretty passive.

Hope that makes more sense.

>> No.14113603

Gotcha. That's pretty fascinating actually

>> No.14113605

Southern is basically anything below Birmingham in a straight line. Depends. Some people still include Norfolk as it's pretty genteel. Others will say west is different altogether but I don't subscribe to this. They're soft. Soft by nature, soft by accent, attitude, occupation, attitude, etc. So yeah, they're southern.

>> No.14113613

Thank you! This was very illuminating.

>> No.14113626

It is pretty interesting. This is a police clip of a Leeds/Millwall engagement. This is what I mean about how it's a southern thing. I don't really understand that 'norf fc' meme because it's not like this in reality. The southern teams are the worst for this, and Millwall is the worst of them all. Most games you split up the away team's fans. They put them in separate sections. With Millwall, they try and avoid letting them in the ground at all. It's always a serious fucking headache for everyone, the police most of all, if they come up in the tables.


>> No.14113632

You're welcome. I should just clarify thought that Birmingham, etc. is largely considered completely separate. Neither north nor south. This is the Black Country so they're a whole thing of their own. Everyone else just ignores them mainly.

>> No.14113640

English poof

>> No.14113644

United hasn't won anything since Sir Alex retired, it's in a sad state now.

>> No.14113666

Your mum.

Fuck United, basically. They've destroyed the game totally. Championship League all the way.

>> No.14113668

sounds like the mid-atlantic over here
Holy shit lol that's insane

>> No.14113688

So what makes a roast dinner a roast dinner? How rigid is the structure? Does it have to be prime rib? Do you absolutely need the yorkshire pudding? Say, hypothetically, my grandma would often slather a roast of inside round with mustard and cook that baby on high heat until medium rare, and serve it with mashed potatoes, steamed carrots and mushrooms pan fried in butter, sometimes in a cream sauce, would that seem too unorthodox to an Englishman? Or is the concept more freeform

>> No.14113699

Yeah, unfortunately it's pretty rare to get Championship league matches on TV in the US, that's where some real competition is going on.

>> No.14113710

Yeah, Millwall are seriously an issue. I don't like the pansy type of play now but I'll be fucked if I want to get involved in this. They'll arrange meet ups for a fight and everything so like this. Looks gay as fuck but this is a major security issue with Millwall generally still. I knew a guy in their firm. Nicest, most gentle, chill, Catholic guy. Had a great girlfriend, very nice to talk to, whatever. But come Saturday in season and he'd be out doing shit like this. It's hard to explain but basically very English in a hidden kind of way. Again, though: this is southern. You don't get this with northern teams at all. Either west or east. So yeah, I don't really understand that meme.


>> No.14113711

I like the English stuff, there's nowhere else that has 45+ minutes per half of straight football or any sports here in the US without commercials every 3-5 minutes. The shit here in the US is just plain boring with all the fucking commercials.

>> No.14113721

Are they gonna just call it as the current standings are or continue it with masks and nobody in the stands?

>> No.14113726

How is that going to effect the next season and when will it start?

>> No.14113731

You need roast potatoes. Any cut of meat is ok, but generally beef or lamb. Also chicken is totally acceptable. Most roast dinner is working class fare so you can't afford beef or lamb. Yorkshires are largely obligatory. Veg should just be some kind of green on your plate but you kind go out to pumpkin, etc. Overall, you need a meat, roast potatoes, a veg of some kind, and you absolutely must have gravy. Ideally, you want Yorkshires. A lot of southerners won't include these but they're pretty much essential. Gravy must be smooth, no wine, made from the solid drippings and include a stock of some kind.

>> No.14113737

Seems as if it needs horseradish.

>> No.14113742

I don't understand, sorry.

It's actually nothing to do with the game itself or the rankings or anything. They just like to do this with the other side's firm.

>> No.14113747

Accompaniments to the beef is a southern thing, though. Horseradish or mustard. But pretty haram for a northerner. You only need the gravy.

>> No.14113751

Fair enough.

>> No.14113761

I meant it from the fixtures, if you look at them everything is PP, post poned.

>> No.14113790

Where be at my tendies?

>> No.14113796

Oh, ok. I see what you mean. I have no idea but I do guarantee you Millwall will arrange a skirmish anyway. That's just how they are. Kongflu won't stop them, believe me.

This is the most major incident with them. Anything versus West Ham (my team). Any time you see this scheduled and despite it being postponed, I guarantee you there'll be a serious fucking problem. Most of them will be known to the police and on databases, etc.


>> No.14113806


>> No.14113810

WHU is pretty cool! Only a moron would have a problem with that team.

>> No.14113822

The thing then is that it wont be official.
And I saw that movie, what's that one Green Street Hooligans?
Even us goofy yanks see that.

>> No.14113836

All the standings have been static since 13th May 2020.

>> No.14113851

ok anime nonce

>> No.14113872

Ohhhhh, east London is wonderfulllll

My man :)

Haven't seen it. I'm reminded now to watch it, though, thanks.

The firms won't care. If it's scheduled in any sort of way, they'll arrange a front.

>> No.14113932
File: 3.08 MB, 480x324, 4521554845221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been gang fucked in a public toilet whilst being pissed on but I couldn't comprehend how much of a fucking degenerate faggot you have to be to like Anime in the first place and furthermore actually use it as a reaction picture to a fucking Sunday roast. GET THE FUCK OUT.

>> No.14114007

low level shitposting
apply yourself

>> No.14115300

If you were right here, right now, I'd kick you in your fanny.

>> No.14115329

Who barfed in that plate?

>> No.14115349

Reminder that those potatoes are dry, veggies are overboiled and tasteless with a displeasant texture, enhanced by the "straight out of the packet" gravy, not red wine sauce. The meat is grey and overcooked, the sweet sauce is sugary verging on acidic and the puddings are mushy from all the diarrhea sauce.

>> No.14115353

>This is some kind of modified southern. >Maybe Somerset.
mong. they're both speaking Yorkshire accents, but softened for international audiences.

>> No.14115362

Traditional meat include roast beef, roast chicken or turkey, roast pork and roast lamb, but any roasted joint of meat will do.
Yorkshire Puddings are traditionally served with roasted beef, but most people aren't against including them with other meat as well.
Roast potatoes are a must. Other than that, the vegetables can be anything from carrots, parsnips, peas, brocolli and cauliflower.
Stuffing is typical with poultry, but people sometimes make stuffing on it's own to have as a side dish regardless.

>> No.14115380
File: 154 KB, 476x401, amutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that those potatoes are dry, veggies are overboiled and tasteless with a displeasant texture, enhanced by the "straight out of the packet" gravy, not red wine sauce. The meat is grey and overcooked, the sweet sauce is sugary verging on acidic and the puddings are mushy from all the diarrhea sauce.

>> No.14115387

>if you find british food unappealing and insulting to the senses you must be a jealous american, no other people could dislike that incredible display of british produces and cooking skills

>> No.14115396

>tuck in

When did you become australian, mother?

>> No.14115440

Your Mum because I'd rammed my dick so far up her arse, it had passed her digestion system and lodged in the back of her throat.

>> No.14115550

> Yorkshire
The fuck they are. Not even close.


>> No.14115555

Except that’s not fucking true lad. I’m from South Wales and we have roasties, mash and/or boiled potatoes too.

>> No.14115560

Both of those actors are from Yorkshire, and they are both speaking in their native accents.

>> No.14115562

not him but you're dense as fuck Lad.

>> No.14115564

Is this a daily reminder thread about how british food sucks ass and no one cares about it except self-obsessed bongoloids?

>> No.14115568
File: 138 KB, 476x401, ttuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this a daily reminder thread about how british food sucks ass and no one cares about it except self-obsessed bongoloids?

>> No.14115582

>i-i'll just post this image again ahahah

We get it. You're short of arguments so you resort on epic 4chinz meemz. If you can't handle a real discussion then go cry under your mom's tits and let the big niggas do the talk you pussy ass bitch

>> No.14115585
File: 36 KB, 720x405, MFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and no one cares about it except
He says as he opens up the thread and responds.
You've got Roast & Mashed Potato where your brain should be and gravy flowing from your Ass, Shart boy.

>> No.14115587

> native accents
If they were born in some self-loathing Leeds suburb then spent their childhood in Norfolk before moving to London permanently in their teens maybe.

I can tell you're some southern cunt who's never been further north than fucking Cambridge probably.

>> No.14115595
File: 81 KB, 600x536, that poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and let the big niggas do the talk you pussy ass bitch

>> No.14115597

Kill yourself britshit namefag

>> No.14115598



>> No.14115605

fucking hell you sound like a scot, insufferable cunt.

>> No.14115606
File: 213 KB, 489x500, that poster2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14115612

Not him but please learn the difference between a namefag and a tripfag. Fucking newb.

>> No.14115613
File: 310 KB, 2348x1212, 1565169580802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14115615

Same shit, pathetic attention whore

>> No.14115616

First I've ever heard of that. I thought this was strictly a NE thing. You really do learn something new every day.

>> No.14115620

No, there's a difference. Different uses, different perception of. You're obviously new. Lurk the fuck more.

>> No.14115628

>getting angry about some letters above a post

>> No.14115629

Same purpose, stop being a BITCH

>> No.14115635

Welp. I guess that's another thread that's hit the dust in a frenzy of back and forth meaningless squabbles and shitposting.

>> No.14115642
File: 699 KB, 2048x1366, Let the Big Niggas do the talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> let the big niggas do the talk you pussy ass bitch

>> No.14115646

>Ewwww! Vegetables! Icky icky icky!

>> No.14115659

>Boil all the vegetables
No one said they have to be boiled, lad.

>Pour boiled meat juice on top
That's called "gravy". Making a sauce from the cooking juices of meat and serving the meat in it is literally a thing in every culture around the world.

>> No.14115661

Imagine being so triggered you start making shops. Says a lot about you, attention seeking faggot

>> No.14115664

When it's made by the brits, yes, it's shit.
Overboiling everything into a sloppy mush. Sad!

>> No.14115673
File: 122 KB, 971x591, the big niggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing to be triggered about.

>> No.14115675

test because i think i'm banned

>> No.14115676

Really? Why are you chimping out because some anon said that british food is shit (which it is)? Because you're mad and insecure as fuck.

>> No.14115681

Thanks for the input, Chaucer.

>> No.14115683

> red wine sauce
You stupid, ignorant fuck. There's no such thing as 'red wine' with a proper roast dinner gravy. Some people can do variations of this to make it a bit posher or whatever, but traditionally gravy is strictly the drippings and stock. And it's based as fuck and infinitely superior to that French way of making their poxy 'red wine jus' or whatever.

>> No.14115687

Fuck off to bed, Ausfailia.

>> No.14115699

>what be 'dis green lookin' shit on ma plate? VEGATABLES? MAW, FETCH THE SHOTGUN!

>> No.14115711

>And it's based as fuck and infinitely superior to that French way of making their poxy 'red wine jus' or whatever.
And there it is, the britishit inferiority complex toward the french is showing again.

nothing wrong with vegetables as long as they're correctly prepared. brits just can't cook

>> No.14115716

>brits just can't cook

And there it is, the non-brit inferiority complex toward the brits is showing again.

>> No.14115724
File: 174 KB, 1421x1019, Pussy ass bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14115725

That's just basic knowledge

>> No.14115729
File: 569 KB, 1608x1005, 45907243094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't a gent just post nice din dins without some swarthy savage getting all uppity?

>> No.14115732

That you have an inferiority complex and are jealous of the brits? Yes.

>> No.14115743

No, that English food is fucking shit.
The whole world knows it except you it seems

>> No.14115748

>t. swarthy uppity savage

>> No.14115751

> all British food is shit!!
And there it is, the Ausfailian inferiority complex towards the British is showing again.

>> No.14115752

>implying anyone in his right mind would want to set foot on this sorry ass rock
>Sad pathetic landscapes
>Rotten cities
>Briteeth "food"
>english "women"
>depressing shoreline
>awful weather
>inbreds everywhere
No wonder bongs are always angsty

>> No.14115753

>t. lets rajeesh and his boys rape your 12yo daughter

>> No.14115756

Oh, fucking hell that looks lovely. Roast parsnip and perfect gravy and all.

>> No.14115758

Fuck off poofter cunt we're better than you at everything

>> No.14115762

Yes, it's awful. Please don't bother ever coming here.

>> No.14115765

>No, that English food is fucking shit.
Try not to be so inferior and jealous, it's unseemly.

>> No.14115769

I have to admit, no English person could ever float a shitty "meat" pie in brownish pea soup and cover it in an entire bottle of ketchup quite like an Australian.

>> No.14115771

We don't care to cater to the whole world's tastes, you wazzock fuck. We're the English. We only cater to ourselves. Don't like it, you can tie your knickers in another knot and fuck right off.

>> No.14115779

Out food outclasses yours by miles lmao stop deluding yourself you fucking cunt

yeah that's why curry is your national dish hahahaha fucking colonized mate! hahaha

>> No.14115786
File: 59 KB, 385x727, better at everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off poofter cunt we're better than you at everything
Being fatter and shorter isn't everything.

>> No.14115791
File: 41 KB, 900x620, democracy-sausage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out food outclasses yours by miles


>> No.14115794 [DELETED] 

We're also richer and not infected with millions of pakis raping our daughters mate

>> No.14115796

Tell me more about jellied eels and your fucking toast sandwich LMAO

>> No.14115797
File: 13 KB, 271x186, abbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're not infected with millions of pakis raping our daughters mate

>> No.14115800
File: 245 KB, 1000x750, fairies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14115801 [DELETED] 

better having abos than fucking pakis
don't forget to report yourself for racism as soon as your daughter gets dicked by 15 pajeets

>> No.14115803

Of course you'd rather have abbos, you're a swarthy savage yourself. You're kindred spirits.

>> No.14115806

lmao literally whiter than you mohamed, enjoy being a minority in your own fucking capital city mate

>> No.14115811 [DELETED] 

Nah they're both bad. You have plenty of poos and chinks as well so don't know why you push this so hard. And who cares about demographics when you'll all be burnt to ashes soon anyway

>> No.14115814
File: 71 KB, 720x405, abbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao literally whiter than you mohamed

>> No.14115817

> curry is your national dish
No, see, you're confused again. This is an example of the whole world catering to us. Fuckwad idiot.

>> No.14115823 [DELETED] 

Get fucked by covid nigel, your jealousy is showing

nice the butthurt brit squad is out

>> No.14115828 [DELETED] 

>w-who cares about demography, i-it's not like we're being replaced! haha

pathetic bongoloids you deserve the rope

>> No.14115838 [DELETED] 

>pathetic bongoloids you deserve the rope
That's what we used to do until we discovered Australia made a great dumping ground for our swarthy criminals and other undesirables, like your great grandad.

>> No.14115876


>> No.14115914

You're the ones speaking English aren't you?

>> No.14115917

>Slavelets, buhahahhahaa!

>> No.14115970

>Inbred scousers projecting like hell

>> No.14115992

Don't listen to that other retard, those are definitely northern accents, nothing like Somerset at all. Not far north, but north bordering on Midlands, Sheffield/Hull/Lincoln sort of area. No idea what shit that other anon is smoking.

>> No.14116001

Southern includes the East too, so anything from West Country to cockney to the old fashioned hyperlect that the Queen uses.

>> No.14116041

/ck/ is way too fucking British lately, constant fry up/sunday roast and "we invented this" threads and way more usage of retarded babytalk slang words.
Pipe down already, you're not going to force your country out of meme status, you'll always be pie-scoffing neanderthals/curry-chugging indians.

>> No.14116050

don't listen to these norfern mongs, west country has a distinct accent compared to the rest of the souf

>> No.14116052
File: 311 KB, 2000x1333, Toad-in-the-Hole-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing as you're here, you might as well have some dinner

>> No.14116062
File: 596 KB, 650x663, great shitton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bongs are gross

>> No.14116063

B-but muh war restrictions! We used to have great cuisine before the war but we HAD to forget how to properly cook meat and veggies and gorge ourselves with fried sewer extract and boiled parsnips

>> No.14116126

Oh ok fag, I'll be sure to say "except west country" everytime I'm telling you to stop speaking like a baby and posting endless pictures of the same two dishes that no one else in the world apart from the occasional gormless american asked to see.

>> No.14116145

Did your blind kid brother make dinner?

>> No.14116159
File: 1.25 MB, 736x696, huhuhuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething yanks

>> No.14116181

Agreed, Br*tish threads are even worse than Am*rican threads and A*ssie threads combined

>> No.14116198

Go ahead, post another brekky or roastie ya noncey poncey, cause when you start trying to prove me wrong by posting ugly, shit food like >>14116052
it makes you look even worse.

>> No.14116213

overcooked. would still eat though. needs gravy.

>> No.14116279

>Dung in dough
What's the appeal?

>> No.14116438
File: 854 KB, 2000x1158, gehaktbal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Brit food but I think it's cause I'm Dutch because everyone seems to really HATE our food, probably because traditionally we boil our vegetables and a lot of dishes are just vegetables mashed with potatoes and a side of meat. I love it though.

>> No.14116464

looks banging m8

>> No.14116472

You must be a total homosexual, you can't spell anything properly without using asterisks.

>> No.14116484

This looks delicious, though.

>> No.14116515

Manchester is in the west midlands you sket

>> No.14116567
File: 17 KB, 425x425, pickle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just picked one of these up and made some cheese and pickle sandwiches but didn't really like them. What else can I use it for?

>> No.14116593

Nothing. Chuck it in the bin. It's shit.

>> No.14117971

this is a cursed image

>> No.14118251

gravy was too thin desu senpai

>> No.14119639
File: 94 KB, 375x831, 1538974033172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An adult ate this

>> No.14119664

you can break the jar and use a shard to kys

>> No.14119703

You're an actual retard if you're claiming Sean Bean doesn't have a northern accent

>> No.14119722

What veggies do you put in the mash?

>> No.14120000

vegetable in the dish is raw andive

>> No.14120149
File: 13 KB, 360x360, KahjFpqh_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is a parsnip?

>> No.14120169

Simmering, seething.

>> No.14120241
File: 169 KB, 220x258, 45154474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manchester is in the west midlands you sket

>> No.14121771

must be from yorkshire

>> No.14121778

chill, daddy, chill!

>> No.14121781

Man you're an anglo on a cooking board, let that simmer for a little while

>> No.14121783

Why would any American be jealous of a slack jawed brit? They lost the revolution and we're not their colonial bitches like you are.

>> No.14122157
File: 1.01 MB, 250x188, GarakLaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manchester is in the west midlands you sket

>> No.14122295

>Roast dinner
>boils vegetables
roast everything. The whole point of a roast is its really easy to do, just stick everything in the oven and make some gravy

>> No.14122336
File: 165 KB, 1000x1284, one-pan-roast-dinner (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One pan roast din for the win.