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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14103753 No.14103753 [Reply] [Original]

When did /ck/ learn that straining pasta ruins it?
The boiling water is called 'liquid gold' for a reason.

>> No.14103755

>dumps entire jar of ragu in with boiling pasta
dude im fucking dying

>> No.14103770

I strain out some of it because I'm lazy about measurements but I do try to keep some in there.

>> No.14103771
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plenty of no-drain pasta recipes out there.
I prefer them because I'm lazy, fewer dishes and effort is appreciated.

>> No.14103774
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>being into a fagttoy ck meme about jar sauce

>> No.14103779

>slightly floury water mixed with traces of diatomacious earth is good

>> No.14103791

Looks like you took a big ole dump in there OP.

>> No.14103797
File: 263 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-2020-03-03-22h10m06s313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically you can use it to create a sauce. It made my velveeta phenomenally better the other day when I did it and added butter.

>> No.14103815

its not that you fucking brain dead unimaginative autistic retard.
its the mental image of someone taking a jar of sauce and just dumping it in a pot with boiling water and noodles.

>> No.14103823

>its the mental image of someone taking a jar of sauce and just dumping it in a pot with boiling water and noodles.
that's not imaginative you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.14103840

>using velveeta
>at all
Opinion discarded

>> No.14103841

then why did i have to explain why it was fucking funny to me in the first place you god damn fucking idiot blocked

>> No.14103845

gold is already a liquid dumbfuck

>> No.14103846

I'll put aside a quarter of a cup to extend sauces, but the whole fucking pot? That's mental.

>> No.14103847

maybe when your mom is around cause she's such a hot piece of ass it melts

>> No.14103853

That looks disgusting

>> No.14103855

I cooked the ragu with onions and garlic first

>> No.14103861

damn straight

>> No.14103887
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>then why did i have to explain why it was fucking funny to me
because you have low brow humor and you spew memes.

>> No.14103890

Stop trying to be an elitist.

>> No.14104536

>The boiling water is called 'liquid gold' for a reason.

Nobody calls it like that.

>> No.14104541

fuck that, one time i added some pasta water to my sauce and it fucking ruined it. never again.

>> No.14104545

>It made my velveeta phenomenally better

>> No.14104569

Just pour your fucking spaghetti sauce into boiling water, anon said it's the best

>> No.14104610

you think it could make it worse?

>> No.14104621
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d-... did he really?

>> No.14104627
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holy shit he really did

>> No.14104644

I don't get the issue. Most recipes call for water anyway.

>> No.14104700
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>what do you think? more ragu? yeah... me too.

>> No.14104723

I've heard a lot of people claim people call it liquid gold though.
I'd gladly trade a pan of starchy water for gold in equal weight though.

>> No.14104725

Name one person.

>> No.14104744
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>> No.14104746

thas fuckin nasty

>> No.14104772

That's not much of a challenge.

>> No.14104864

>bone apple teeth
lmao no one cares about the opinion of a jewish owned cooking magazine

>> No.14104887

God you're stupid.

>> No.14104898
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Again, /ck/ is full of shit.
>You wanna have a nice sauce with your pasta? Don't throw that water out, mix some in TO THICKEN the sauce!
>You wanna have a more minimal, barely coated pasta dish, like aioli-style or onion based, something more al dente? Fuck that water, throw it out!

That's it.

>> No.14104909

What a surprise. He can't accept he's wrong and just starts screeching nonsense.

>> No.14104938

>can't explain themselves and resorts to name calling
Yeah, you're the one not being smart here. And clearly you're upset about this.

>> No.14105171

>The boiling water is called 'liquid gold' for a reason.
and that reason is?

it's only in the last several months that I have seen anyone ever save the pasta water and only on BA.

>> No.14105177

>it's only in the last several months that I have seen anyone ever save the pasta water and only on BA.
I've seen recipes outside of this site that call for it

>> No.14105210

>that's it

It's fucking salty as fuck starch water.
It's okay to thicken some cream sauces with but other than that it's fucking disgusting. Never thicken your tomato sauce up with starch, let it reduce down as much as possible without claggy disgusting salty cement water.

>> No.14105237

> salty starch water
If you put salt in your water you either plan to make a light variant of pasta (no sauce, let the pasta be salty) or you are just fucking stupid.

>> No.14105242

>If you put salt int your water you are stupid

Can you fuck off right now? You've just clearly outed yourself for being either a troll or completely retarded.

>> No.14105283

>have heavily seasoned sauce but tasteless noodles due to boiling in fucking unsalted water
>leave noodles in sauce for 3 hours before serving your ultry soggy canned spaghetti clone to wait for the salt to seep into the noodles

Yeah 0/10 save your crappy advice and go fuck a dog.

>> No.14105296

You don’t have to keep posting his whole post in yours, retard. Fuck off back to redit little faggot. You’re boring.

>> No.14105299
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My sweet, sweet summer child. Please, let me educate you on salt and pasta boiling.
You really do not need to put salt into pasta water. There have been some strange misconceptions about that, from boiling the water quicker to whatnot. If you want to have a light pasta dish, meaning no heavy sauce, just fresh tomatoes or garlic, hot pepper, olive oil, you put some salt into the water so the noodles are somewhat salty and the greens not.

If you want to make a sauce, you don't. You season the sauce. That's really all there is. Now, if you insist on putting salt into your water because you think that's how it's always done, have at it. You just don't need to. Calm down.

>> No.14105324

The technique is to strain your pasta, saving the water in another pot. Add some sauce and the pasta water to a frying pan and simmer, then add the pasta to the pan and heat. The starch from the pasta water makes the sauce stick. You only use a little bit of the pasta water. All it does is help the sauce stick a little better. You’re a retard.

>> No.14105354

OP's pic is severely overcooked though, so you better know your measurements if you want to make one pot stuff.

>> No.14105366

You can be condescending as you want. If you don't salt your pasta water you're a fucking tastelet.

>you season the sauce
No matter how much salt you put into your fucking sauce it's not going to be in contact with your pasta long enough for it to impart taste. Go eat a dick and stop misleading other morons here.

>> No.14105370

>you season the sauce not both the pasta and sauce

Ok here go consult your bible.


>> No.14105372

Look, here you have some actual techniques to cook your pasta without straining it.

>> No.14105375

Tell me about all the big financial gains you make off your starchy ass pasta water, Dipschitz.

>> No.14105378

Yes, the salt is going to get absorbed into the sauce magically for the 10 minutes it comes in contact with the pasta.

>just leave it in there longer til it gets fucking soggy
>or just have fucking tasteless pasta!

You fucking cooklets need to stop posting when you don't have a clue.

>> No.14105385

>boiling quicker
The only fucking reason you add salt to water is for the taste. You're just a fucking moron who believes memes and don't actually understand that 99% of cooking is learning to season.

>> No.14105393

you must be a huge fatass. I have never met a thin or fit person with so little self-awareness

>> No.14105419

I'll take clairefu's word over this >>14105299
retard thanks.

>> No.14105445
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Wow, you are pathetic. Go salt your pasta water, why not through some pepper in it as well. Or onions / garlic, since you are such fags.

>> No.14105452

Eat shit cooklet, no amount of shitposting is going to make anyone listen to your terrible advice.

>> No.14105477

Grow up, kiddo.

>> No.14105501

go back to your unseasoned pasta retard

>> No.14105506

Drown in a lake of salt-watered pasta.

>> No.14105515

You mean what everyone agrees is the right way to do things except a contrarian retard on an anime fanclub mailing list?

Thanks, I will.

>> No.14105527

No, I mean that you don't need to put salt into water prior to cooking noodles.

>> No.14105567

>I have never met a thin or fit person with so little self-awareness
not them but I've met plenty

>> No.14105572

Yes you do, unless you're a tastelet and or cooklet like you.

>> No.14105574

>hurr durr memes le readit!! GO BACK DURRR
you're the boring one. You can't even come up with your own thoughts to post.

>> No.14105581

why is ragu bad?

>> No.14105584

>The boiling water is called 'liquid gold' for a reason.
who calls it like that?

>> No.14105591

it’s not cooking. it’s preparing prepackaged food, and if you can’t even cook a basic fucking tomato sauce, you can’t fucking cook.

>> No.14105625

Most people use canned tomatoes and tomato paste that comes in a can.
How is that any different?
Like if you people are going to be elitists like this, you better be boiling your tomatoes and peeling the skins off to make your sauces and you better be grinding your own seasonings and hand cranking your own noodles while you're at it.

>> No.14105631

Why are you comparing an ingredient to a finished "sauce"?

>> No.14105640
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Because it's still using prepackaged food.
Either you really cook from scratch or you're full of shit.

>> No.14105656

You can get Ragu and similar brands that are just tomatoes in a jar - no different than canned tomatoes other than it's in a jar.

>> No.14105679

Canned tomatoes are perfectly fine to be used. Traditionally italians canned or jarred their tomatoes when they were plentiful in summer. You're all a bunch of fucking retard hipsters masochists who don't know what they're talking about.

Pasta is a fucking peasant food that people lived off because they had very little. It's not the food of kings for you to slave over.
Use fresh tomatoes in summer and canned in winter. It's not all of nothing with ingredients and even fucking michelin star chefs use canned san marzanos because you can't guarantee a fucking supply the whole year round.

>> No.14105705

its a thing, but you dont use the whole fucking pot like retard OP, you only save like a 1/4 cup at most and splash it in to make pan sauces from drying out too fast.

>> No.14105712

So following your logic tomatoes in a jar makes it a Ragu, and tomatoes in a can are just canned tomatoes? If you don't add anything except tomatoes to your jar of "Ragu", what is the difference?
I am pretty sure you don't know what Ragu even means, are you talking about a basic pizza sauce or a marinara?

>> No.14105754

>it's only in the last several months that I have seen anyone ever save the pasta water
probably because you're several months old? it's literally the single most common tip you will hear from any tv chef regarding pasta.

>> No.14105761

no, they don't 'save' the pasta water, they use a little in the sauce to 'rehydrate' the sauce. You can also you know, not drain the pasta so much and achieve fucking same result.

>> No.14105801

What are you even watching? Most of them tell you to reserve some pasta water to thicken the sauce?

>> No.14105809

No? It's only Ragu if it says Ragu on it. It's a brand name you dumb ass.

>> No.14105816

how burnt to shit is your sauce that you would ever need more than a few tablespoons of water? how much water are you leaving in?

>> No.14105822

>It's not the food of kings for you to slave over.
Then why are so many anons insisting it be made from scratch or else it's garbage?

>> No.14105832

You're a huge fucking retard holy shit.

>> No.14105868

As I said you don't even know what Ragu is, for people that are actually into cooking Ragu is primarily a type of meat sauce from Bologna, not some American jar of processed shit.

>> No.14105874

what the fuck is going on in this thread? has no one ever heard of no drain pasta? just add about 3 cups of liquid and 16 oz pasta together in a pot, and then cook it so the pasta is cooked at the same time the liquid takes on the consistency of a sauce. I've never used a tomato based liquid before, but I don't see why everyone is flipping out

>> No.14105893
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>eating pasta in its own reduced slopwater

>> No.14105921

cause they saw it on youtube so they pretend it's the 'right' way to do things

>> No.14105945

cooklets tend to burn their sauces and can't thicken without starch or flour because lack of skill

>> No.14105959

>As I said you don't even know what Ragu is
The fuck? NO. It is a brand name.

>> No.14105985
File: 71 KB, 600x929, 87F78670-7F71-428C-A1B7-AA429D3EB1E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so fucking mad, holy shit. Legitimately i am more heated after reading this entire thread than i have ever been from anything on this site.

>> No.14105989

Which side is pissing you off the most?

>> No.14106020

The people that come on a cooking board to talk about their unsalted, 50% pasta water 50% tomato barf and unironically want to convince people to call it Ragu.

>> No.14106053


What this anon said. >>14106020

Also RAGU, in the parlance of our times, is understood to be a shitty, canned sauce. Canned sauce isnt necessarily bad, but RAGU is. RAGOUT is more commonly used on restaurant menus to denote a style of sauce. Im gonna throw my fucking phone against the wall holy shit make it stop

>> No.14106061

Hey. Buddy.
Cool off.

>> No.14106094

no sir, my pasta waster is much too salty to be consumed
literal ocean water, it's cloudy with salt

>> No.14106136
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>> No.14106137

>You just said that your "Ragu" is in a jar.
You seriously think that "the parlance of our times" trumps the historical and traditional importance of the Ragu Bolognese, just because you can see the name Ragu on the shelves in Walmart? You are literally proving "the Americans have no culture or history" memes true by thinking that people that have any knowledge or interest in cooking would think of a bad canned sauce when they hear Ragu.

>> No.14106148

Also nice phone posting and reddit spacing.

>> No.14106149

>one guy
>proving "the Americans have no culture or history" memes
fuck off retard you are getting baited. are you from reddit?

>> No.14106158

You should strain the pasta and even wash them if you're planning to bake it, though. It help keeps the noodles firm, and the starch makes a weird texture with sauces once baked.

>> No.14106159

why is thier an egg in it

>> No.14106160
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oh my god dude.

>> No.14106354

hey what a good tip.
At least this thread was useful for something.

>> No.14106599


When you capitalize it, it means the jarred sauce dumbass.

>im making Bologneae
>im making Mornet

KYS eurocuck

>> No.14106605


Id bet i am better at cooking and know more than you. I make noodles and gnocchi at least once a week

>> No.14106625

Why don't you back up your claim with a link?
Congrats, do you serve them fresh with a nice dollop of bottled Ragu sauce?

>> No.14106629

It's not exactly hard to be better at something than someone is on here. The bar is pretty low.

>> No.14106634

The point of the image is to make the most out of a pot of boiling water. You boil pasta and an egg to get two things done at the same time and then you make tea out of the (now salty and starchy) water

>> No.14106638
File: 22 KB, 425x425, RAGUUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bottled Ragu sauce
Come on dude, it's never come in a bottle.

>> No.14106658


A link to clarify what? Ragu capitalized in any place other than the beginning of a sentence indicates a proper noun, e.g. a brand, or perhaps the name of a dog or your son (since youre so gay for ragu). Otherwise it means the sauce. Ive done a few ragus, yes, you faggot. If your cooking skills are as good as your grammatical ones you should end it, bro.

>> No.14106677
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>since youre so gay for ragu
I almost spit out my food

>> No.14106734

The bar is indeed pretty low if you are bragging about making noodles and gnocchi.
The official name of the dish is Ragù alla Bolognese.

>> No.14106752
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>another swing and a miss

Does it ever get tiresome being so WRONG all the time?

>> No.14106772

Sometimes you have to shovel through shit to find gold.

>> No.14106836

Why don't you try an Italian link instead of a Wikipedia article with no working sources.

>> No.14106844


Oh. Youre an italian. That explains why youre such an insufferable homo.

>muh authanticity
>muh just like muh mama useta make it

lol. we are speaking english here, alfonso.

>> No.14106855

I am not Italian but that source is objectively better than Wikipedia. So once again Ragù alla Bolognese is the proper way to write it.

>> No.14106880


I have literally nothing better to do today than watch the MJ documentary and argue with you.

>> No.14106891
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Whoopsie daisy

>> No.14106894

Bring the next topic fag.

>> No.14106901

don't salt water before boiling pasta

>> No.14106920

>let pasta sit and get sticky while heating sauce in separate pan
literally wtf
why do you hate good noodles?
You can toss with olive oil or butter to keep the noodles from sticking while heating the sauce

>> No.14107243


Why wouldnt you heat the sauce based on when the noodles are done?

>salted water
>pasta in
>sauce hot
>splash water into the pan w sauce as you pull your pasta strainer out of the water w pasta to finish your sauce
>adjust seasoning as needed

Thats how its done. End of discussion.

>> No.14107328

Yeah I put in water and then reduce it for half a fucking hour, do you want my pasta to be in there while I'm reducing?

>> No.14107350

>fewer dishes
wat. just drain it with the lid you moron

>> No.14107354
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>> No.14107603

>nothing wasted
Including the ink of the fucking stamp, can't have a damn tea without sum of that lantaco 05E00782

>> No.14107704
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>lantaco 05E00782
wut did he mean by this?

>> No.14107713 [DELETED] 

Why not just add the pasta to the ragu with just enough water?

>> No.14107728

>add pasta to sauce with a small amount of water
that's what i did
You end up with a thicker sauce without having to cook it down, and the noodles aren't stuck together
It's alot like lasagna without baking