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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 206 KB, 1004x601, britishcuisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14103768 No.14103768 [Reply] [Original]

wtf? how do people call this food

>> No.14103777

Good side dish to some fried chicken.

>> No.14103783

Eating cauliflower is like eating air with the texture of broccoli. Perfect food for brits, I guess.

>> No.14103794

Air, that's what's filling your head between your ears.

>> No.14103826

roasted cauliflower slaps honestly. why do the british boil everything indiscriminately?

>> No.14103831


>> No.14103833

they have a lot of water since they're an island

>> No.14103838

All that rain has warped their brains

>> No.14103969

This dish is roasted though? The cauliflower is blanched, then a cheesy bechamel is poured over it in a baking dish, it is then roasted.

>> No.14103980

Exactly. These retards are clueless.

>> No.14104000

no maillard on the cauliflower. the fact that you've roasted the pan that the cauliflower is in doesn't change that the fact that the cauliflower itself is just boiled in the cheese sauce. that being said this sounds great. i don't care what other people say, cauliflower has great flavor no matter how you cook it. i suppose if you actually did roast the cauliflower before you put it in the sauce it might make this even better.

>> No.14104001

>how do people call

rate my EU thread.

>> No.14104012

it's redpilled and based

>> No.14104017
File: 125 KB, 720x540, 4692644954_9594ffa7b8_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14104018

This is true in that most of the cauliflower doesn't get colour, but you don't really drench the thing in cheese sauce, it's like a thin coating, which still allows parts of the cauliflower to brown and crisp up. It does remain mostly pale aside from the tops though.

>> No.14104035

one way to solve that is to partially roast the cauliflower beforehand, not add too much cheese sauce, and turn up the heat. Then you definitely get browning

>> No.14104051

We gave America macaroni cheese which might as well be cardboard covered in cheese. Just empty calories. We kept the nutritious cauliflower for ourselves. Fiendish.

>> No.14104070

Cauliflower cheese is fucking delicious you brain-dead cunt. We have it as a side on our roast dinners you bellend.
You finely shred leeks, sweat them in a good bit of butter, add flour to make your roux. Add milk to make the bechamel and then add a good spoon of English mustard, loads of nice sharp cheddar cheese and 10 twists of a black pepper mill. Not that shit you eat in America I mean real fucking cheddar cheese. You can melt in some nice ripe brie as well, and a good measure of parmesan. Naughty. Add your blanched cauliflower florets and mix to combine. Get all the mixture in a baking tray and cover with a cheesy breadcrumb. Get it under a fucking hot grill for some melted crispy goodness on top.

Now tell me you wouldn't eat that you absolute fucking CUNT. Cauliflower is the perfect healthy vehicle for a delicious cheese sauce you subordinate cocksucker, but you wouldn't know that because you're eating fucking pizza pockets filled with chlorine washed chicken nipples and hormone beef semen. Fucking dumb degenerate brainwashed jew. Fucking nuke yourselves.

>> No.14104241

qt birdo

>> No.14104244

I dont like british cooking as much as the next guy but that dish sounds good.

>> No.14104245

As if brits had any brains in the first place

>> No.14104253

what's the matter fatass, don't like vegetables? not enough cheese? just want a plate of melted cheese for your fatass huh?
you disgusting slob

>> No.14104257

dish in the OP is literally roasted but whatever, keep seething at our superiority

>> No.14104269

this bellend cunt seems bovered bout somepin innit

>> No.14104848

Growing up my mother used to do something similar with broccoli and serve it with baked potatoes or rice. I didn't like it at the time but we didn't have much back then.

>> No.14104891
File: 72 KB, 650x975, roasted-caulilflower-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cauliflower should be roasted
not boiled, no wonder why the Brits lost their empire

>> No.14104935


This dish is roasted but your IQ couldn't conceive of such incredible things

>> No.14104956

got his ass

>> No.14104981

Do Europeans really?

>> No.14104991

So basically they saw american midwest losers microwaving broccoli and slathering it in velveeta and wanted to get in on it?

>> No.14105032

Cypriot here, I don't know what the fuck OP's image is talking about, we don't eat cauliflower with cheese.
Maybe the brits, being british, bastardized bastardized a wine-roast cauliflower recipe called Kappamas.

>> No.14105043

>we don't eat cauliflower with cheese
OPs pic doesn't even say that you do, fucking stupid retard

>> No.14105051

Cauliflower cheese is delicious, I implore you all to try it. I swear Americans are literal children who refuse to eat anything that looks or sounds "gross"

>> No.14105198

fuck you you discord tranny. I misread a word.

>> No.14105264

What's worse, British food or their women?

>> No.14105275
File: 418 KB, 577x623, 1587476982067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be eating chlorinated chicken soon too Nigel

>> No.14105291
File: 339 KB, 360x312, 517FF198-6E7D-4200-A686-25987245C365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roasted cauliflower slaps
like your ass cheeks, faggot

>> No.14105309

well if you actually read the image in the OP you'd find that it's suggesting that cauliflower be parboiled and then roasted in the oven once the sauce is added

>> No.14105342

>article explicitly states the cauliflower is lightly boiled and finished by roasting in the oven.
>hurrrrrrrrrr why no they roast it cauliflower should be roasted dum brits

>> No.14105386

I genuinely don’t get what the problem with this is. Kraft macaroni cheese from a box is unironically an American staple. This is similar, but homemade and involves vegetables. Is that the issue? That cauliflower is a vegetable?

>> No.14105402

Their bastard children (Americans)

>> No.14105405

We all know English isn't their strongest suit, anon, despite them claiming they speak a pidgin version of it.

>> No.14105423

sharts are really angry lately lmao

>> No.14105472

Stupid cunt

>> No.14105547

>suppose if you actually did roast the cauliflower before you put it in the sauce it might make this even better.
I thought that too but it doesn’t. Trust your nan. She’s forgotten more recaps than you’ve had hot dinners

>> No.14105557

Stop calling fucking everything maillard. Maillard is just one set of reactions that produce browning. Bringing scientific names like that into cooking without being precise actually fosters confusion. Just call it browning.