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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14093000 No.14093000 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: things that make you instantly discredit someone's taste

>let me get that with no onion/garlic

>> No.14093001

>Posts on /ck/

>> No.14093004

Who gives a fuck what someone else wants in their food, grow up autistic fuck.

>> No.14093007

what if you're on a date though?
I went out with an anorexic once and really regretted it.

>> No.14093021

Fikod thread?

>> No.14093037

>I don't eat SPAM
just gonna have to be the best culinary filter i know of

>> No.14093074

Nothing. I don't waste my time thinking about others tastes or forcing my own on others.
What's your major malfunction bitch with a cat picture that makes you give a shit about what others tastes are or aren't?

>> No.14093098


>> No.14093119

picky eater detected

>> No.14093186

People who eat meat but have no business doing so.
>Oh my god there's like a bit of red in this chicken wing
>Eeew omg this steak look at all that blood
>Turkey bacon
>My favorite is steamed chicken breast

>> No.14093229


>> No.14093232

I will never ever ever respect anyone who drinks diet soda.

>> No.14093243

Soda is for children.

>> No.14093336

this, hard to respect anyone who regularly drinks sugar water
shit doesn't even taste good, you're just too addicted to notice

>> No.14093351

you can taste the vomit on their breath

>> No.14093361

That's bulimia.

>> No.14093658

salting before tasting a meal

>> No.14093678
File: 8 KB, 225x225, pepegun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are objectively wrong. Nobody actually dislikes onions and garlic, they form the base of almost all dishes. If you actually didn't like onion and garlic in your food then you simply wouldn't like almost all food. When someone says this it is an obvious giveaway of a lack of reasoning skills and also of mental immaturity. These two traits are indications that the person who says them is not to be taken seriously about anything for any reason, ever.

>> No.14093700

uses regular table salt over Himalayan because they are cheap

>> No.14093702

yeah I think you just proved him right about how autistic this whole thing is

>> No.14093709
File: 49 KB, 601x508, q7k0p0s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like you posted more than a couple dozen words... little AUTISTIC don't you think kiddo?
>Yeah... That will serve nicely in lieu of my lack of argument.

>> No.14093726

I don't like RAW FUCKIN ONION. If you serve a dish with raw onion I save you the effort by saying no thanks.

>> No.14093738

Wrong. It does fucking taste good.

>> No.14093769
File: 84 KB, 1024x683, Olc9Boh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets sushi
>complains that it isn't cooked

>> No.14093790
File: 7 KB, 244x206, leh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op: reeeee
dude thats autistic
>reeeeeee for an entire paragraph
yeah still autistic
>Paragraphs aren't autistic!!
lol its not the length, its the content. Top kek though.

>> No.14093993

post one study that proves a link to cancer and I'll suck your dick.

>> No.14094000

cat posting

>> No.14094040
File: 44 KB, 600x600, geralt had enough of this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't like mushrooms
the greatest ingredient in the world and if you don't like it you have shit taste, period

>> No.14094043

you're a little eager there anon, try playing hard to get

>> No.14094050

dog who the fuck is serving raw onion, save for shaved shallots on a roast beef sandwich who the hell is serving raw onion

>> No.14094056

some people put straight up crunchy ass raw onion on burgers

>> No.14094059

BASED as fuck, have any dish that need some flavor fucking add mushrooms, they make everything better

>> No.14094078

diced raw white onion on a hotdog is based as fuck

>> No.14094084

yo have you every tried raw potato, a bit starchy but serves as a good snack in a pinch

>> No.14094090
File: 68 KB, 590x590, 1f66da0d0c0522e9e18902d396dd0fd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and its good

>> No.14094095

That's bullshit but I believe it

>> No.14094104

yeah i have
a few bites are nice when they're young and fresh from the ground but i wouldn't make a habit of eating them

>> No.14094112

you're telling me you don't tastelet?

>> No.14094600

says they drink any beer, wine, whiskey, coffee "for the taste".

>> No.14094660

i lose respect for someone if they don't like onion/garlic. not just for their tastes but for their lives.

>> No.14094687

>in lieu of my lack of argument

>> No.14094772

THIS and olives, you can't even lurk if you cant stomach these

>> No.14094784

Sure, if you think corn syrup is a good flavor.

>> No.14094787

>sweet is a bad flavor
mega tastelet

>> No.14094799

"I don't like salt", "I don't like spice"

>> No.14094834

>no tomatoes on burger
>cucumbers in a sub
>hot sauce on pizza
>gets coke at the fountain

>> No.14094905
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I came here expecting gusic...

>> No.14094917
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>> No.14094937
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That photo is a perfect comment on the state of Females.
>oh can i get honey chipotle on that?
>i'll have that with Sweet Baby Rays bbq please
>MMMMM, mango wings!
>I'll take a super venti alti chia chocolate latte with extra whipped cream and 3 packets of natural sugar... oh can you make that low fat almond milk?
>omg guys we graduated traffic school let's all go out for Cosmos and Margaritas and Daquiris!

Women should not be allowed anywhere near food. They should be given dog food to eat, from a can at least.

>> No.14094971


>> No.14094978

she ate 3 bites and then shoved her plate away and dropped her silverware while shouting "I'M DONE" and then gave the waitress shit for not wanting to take home leftovers in a box, and then proceeded to tell me some bullshit story about her fridge not working so she can't take left overs.

It would have been nice to know that she didn't enjoy eating food before attempting to hang out with her.

>> No.14095004

I discredit someone's taste when they have some shitty "macho adult" taste. People who go on about how they eat only the spiciest things and then gatekeep spicy food. The hardass that says "Sweet things are for only children." The Joe who says, "I drink my coffee black because I'm so tough."

Basically if someone's taste seems to be about proving how badass and superior they are for (not) eating something a certain way, their taste is stupid like they are.

>> No.14095006
File: 87 KB, 1000x900, 1574788431369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing you dropped that $20 on whatever bullshit wasteful dish she ordered.

If you were a chad you'd have taken that food home and told her that it's a sin to waste food. Then you should have walked past a hobo on the way back to the car and told him that she threw a bunch of good food away because she hates hobos.
Then on the way home, you should have regaled her with stories of starving african children and the Great Depression in the US and how wasteful and selfish modern people are.
Then when you walked her to the door, you should have taken her takehome box of food with you and instead of giving her a kiss, you should have rubbed whatever cold, congealed glob she ordered right in her face and hair, then dropped the styrofoam box like a mic and said "Peace out bitch"

But you didn't do that b/c you're not a chad.

>> No.14095013

>t. food sissy
Go back to your sugar latte, wimp.

>> No.14095029

holy shit, can you stop making things up?
First of all, I didn't pay for her meal. I just didn't care for her shitty attitude and her shitty behavior in the public place. She acted like a damn child.

Also, I'm a woman. I have no desire to be a "chad" - I think masculinity is disgusting.

>> No.14095053
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>Also, I'm a woman. I have no desire to be a "chad" - I think masculinity is disgusting.
Well that makes sense.
>be a woman
>get treated like crap
>do nothing
>complain about it
Yep, everything's in order here.

>> No.14095104

I don't like those but I don't delude myself with a false sense of superiority for it. You have proven to be a tastetard.

>> No.14095135

The irony was not lost. You again proved the previous poster's point.

>> No.14095163

desu, any substitution when ordering at a restaurant

>> No.14095177

Any picky eaters in my life instantly get lowered down the cool ranking.

>> No.14095303

>I don't like fish

>> No.14095329

i have them on burgers

>> No.14095345

adding beans to chili

>> No.14095367
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1589323652011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onions taste fucking disgusting the only reason I'm able to eat foods that have it in some form is because the shit taste of the onions is being suppressed by everything else. You're objectively a faggot

>> No.14095395

I like onions and garlic, but there is definitely a difference between eating a dish with them in it as a base, and a dish where they are the main feature. Depends entirely on what the dish is.

>> No.14095480
File: 246 KB, 500x232, 1588920716108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only faggots eat mushrooms which makes you one too. Checkmate bigot

>> No.14095507

>they're white

>> No.14096352

I think it's ok for someone to not enjoy something in particular, I'm not a big fan of raisins for example, I don't hate them, and I'll eat it if they're on a dish, I'm just not a huge fan of the taste, Everyone's tastes are different.
I have absolutely zero respect for picky eaters though; I have a friend who no matter what food she's eating she will always find at least one ingredient that she hates, and it's one of those people who will spend 5 min taking every little piece of bell pepper or whatever ou of her plate.
It's no surprise that every picky eater I know is a rich and/or spoiled person who's often complaining about shit. It's usually boring people who live in the same zone of comfort since they were a child, and are too close minded to push themselves and try new things. It's just annoying.

>> No.14096731 [DELETED] 

eh szatniarz robak nie da mi zgarnąć więcej niż dwa jusy

>> No.14096750

as someone who dislikes mushrooms, can you explain the appeal?

>> No.14096788
File: 74 KB, 600x497, morel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a mushroom lover but I like them.
90% of all mushrooms are button mushrooms, that' swhat portabella are, just big buttons.
They have a mild earth flavor and depending on how dried they are, they have a capacity to impart certain textures, and absorb flavors.
Wild morels, shiitake, oyster, and other mushrooms have varying flavor profiles which is best described as 'earthy'. It's like a wet/rotten wood mixed with fertile loamy soil smell, which many find quite appealing. AFter all, fresh earth is filled with fungus mycellium, and wet wood is inhabited by fungus.
I've only had shaved truffles and sauces made from truffles. They're expensive, quite pungent, with a strong flavor.

What is the appeal? Well depending on use, they can add a lot of 'depth' to a flavor profile. Onions, butter, and garlic are a great flavor-adder. Onions, butter, and garlic infused into sauteed mushrooms seems to not just add mushroom flavor, but strongly amplify the aromatic/fat flavor.
Of you do it right.
Otherwise they are texture adders and volume takers. This is the main purpose of button mushrooms. I rather like cheap, canned mushrooms on average American take-out pizza.

>> No.14096809

>onions and garlic form the base of almost all dishes
lmao what the fuck are you on about? I like onions and garlic, but you're retarded

>> No.14096827

thanks bud, good explanation. My dad threw canned mushrooms into most things he cooked, and I never got over the smell and slimy texture, so I more or less refuse them on anything.

Might give them another try grilled or fried in some garlic butter now

>> No.14096878

>hey form the base of almost all dishes
Maybe if you're Korean. Even lots of Italian dishes I find are made without onion and/or garlic, despite being a cuisine where both flavors excel. Personally, I find garlic and onions enhance most of the things I enjoy preparing on my own, and are accordingly added in.

Korean cuisine is the only cuisine I can think of where onions, especially green onion, and garlic completely encapsulate almost every major recipe and traditional dish you can find.

>> No.14096887

>My dad threw canned mushrooms into most things he cooked
Ouch, that probably explains a lot. Fresh mushrooms that have been prepared well are divine, good luck in giving them another try. Canned mushrooms only belong in soups and pizzas, and I'll concede that even that is questionable.

>> No.14096897

>disgusting lesbian
Have fun dying lonely and unfulfilled

>> No.14096910

Ketchup. Smells like barf, tastes like barf. I might respect homemade ketchup but that disgusting bottled shit? I lose a bit of respect for the person. They typically eat huge gobs of the goo, too. No thanks.

>> No.14096931

No-bake desserts

>> No.14096994

>things you would never do

>> No.14097035


>> No.14097068

Ohioan here. Literally the worst of picky eaters in my sphere of suburbia.
Feels like nobody likes pickles/tomato/onion.
Alot of grown ass people who only eat chicken tenders and fries.
Eating ranch with everything.

>> No.14097655


Yeah nah if you legitimately don't like garlic then you should kill yourself.

>> No.14097674

We get it dude, you're still seething.

>> No.14097677
File: 206 KB, 407x380, NAME FIVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even lots of Italian dishes I find are made without onion and/or garlic
name 5.

>> No.14098119

actively liking cured black olives. they taste like congealed blood or licking an iron ingot.

liking taco bell as if its somehow mexican food

liking green bell peppers on pizza. they have a horrible bitter flavor

sweet tomato sauces on pasta. a bit of sugar is acceptable to balance the tomatos acidity, esp. if they are not that sweet to start with. but anything more is disgusting. so basically all filipinos that cling to their mother culture, this dish disqualifies them unless they still dont like it but eat it cause their mum made it for them.

>> No.14098124


>> No.14098206

Dropped. Salt enhances flavor you dumb whiteoid

>> No.14098246

>"I don't eat seafood"
>"Because I don't like it"
>"Why do you not like it?"
>"Because I don't like it, what do you not understand?"

>> No.14098253

>>no tomatoes on burger
What's wrong with this? I am anything but a picky eater but I just think that tomato slices have no place on a burger. Especially since 99% of the time it's really shitty tomato that has that gross loamy texture.

>> No.14098263

Classic burgers don't have tomatoes on them, neither do all the good modern ones. Tomatoes on burgers is McDonald's shit, just like k*tchup with fries

>> No.14098267

>My dad threw canned mushrooms into most things he cooked
remember that canned anything is fucking trash, my dad refused to eat peas for literal decades for this exact reason until I made him some fresh steamed peas with dinner, now he asks me to make them every time.

>> No.14098286

>Korean cuisine is the only cuisine I can think of where onions, especially green onion, and garlic completely encapsulate almost every major recipe and traditional dish you can find
Almost every Indian dish starts with frying onions and garlic ginger paste

>> No.14098955
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>Even lots of Italian dishes I find are made without garlic

>> No.14098956

that's why you season the food while it cooks
dumping extra on top just makes it salty

>> No.14098985
File: 93 KB, 1024x1008, 1589279834353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're expecting a nigger to know anything about cooking that doesn't involve deep frying and smothering with Lawry's seasoning salt.

>> No.14099155

i think everyone should have to kill and butcher an animal at least once before eating meat in some kind of coming of age tradition in ones life.

>> No.14099165

you should at least have to bleed out a chicken once or twice in middle school just so you get the idea.

>> No.14100290

it tastes better, dumbass
>inb4 waahh cancer
don't care.

>> No.14100446

>canned anything is fucking trash
That's not true at all. For a start most tomato based sauces will use canned tomatoes, not just because it's easier but because they're canned at the moment they're at their most ripe and will then stay that way whereas fresh tomatoes are picked early so they continue to ripen while being delivered so (hopefully) they'll be ripe in the store. Furthermore, stores only buy """aesthetically pleasing""" tomatoes, those perfectly round perfectly red ones with waxy like skin, but those aren't the most delicious, whereas they don't care about such concerns for canned tomatoes, you'll get the misshapen ones, the slightly green ones (which doesn't actually mean they aren't ripe).

tl;dr "No!"

>> No.14100476

>No steamed sponge puddings
>No custards like creme brulee and creme caramel
>No strawberries and cream
>No ice cream
Dude what the hell

>> No.14100481

Non meat-eaters

>> No.14100707
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>never had sushi or raw oyster
You don't have to like them or anything, but it indicates to me a person who's too fucking fussy about inane shit

>> No.14101379

Anon makes a good point, I hate portabella but when I lived in Japan i regularly had things with enoki mushrooms in them and they were alright.