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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14095054 No.14095054 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetically speaking if I was to try human meat can someone explain any risks involved in doing this?

>> No.14095068

where did you hide the body wyboi

>> No.14095070

For starters all ways of acquiring human meat are criminal offences in one way or the other

>> No.14095073

Hypothetically if you would acquire this, you would just treat it like normal meat. What's the difference

>> No.14095074

The only danger is addiction to the taste and the rush you get from acquiring the merchandise and hiding the waste.

>> No.14095142

carnivores do not taste good. that's why all the meat we eat comes from herbivores and grazing animals. do we eat lions? no, they would be disgusting just like humans. it's possible a vegan might taste good, and they deserve to be eaten for all the human babies they've killed through malnutrition.

>> No.14095154

Simply put, you can arguably acquire any transmissible diseases the person your eating may have had, including asymptomatic ones, because you're the same species. Now, this doesn't mean you're going to wind up getting kuru from eating just one person, but the fact is that there's a lot of diseases and disorders out there that you just can't identify or diagnose just by looking at the person. While there have been plenty of cases of cannibalism without ill harm to the consumer, the fact remains that it's just plain safer to eat the meat of other species.
Human meat is also going to have the same sort of difference you would get with wild meat from a predatory animal, not raised on a farm with a controlled diet. Being high on the food chain means the biomagnification of toxins is pretty great, plus the meat quality would likely be pretty poor.
>carnivores do not taste good
Carnivorous fish taste good, and tuna is one of the most popular culinary fish.

>> No.14095164

some people would disagree with you on carnivorous fish, I am a super taster and really can't eat them. tuna is the only exception imo.

>> No.14095171

What about seal or whale?

>> No.14095178

both are things you cannot find in any civilized city, which answers the question

>> No.14095187

>I am a super taster
Whatever makes you feel special, man.

>> No.14095190

My Jewish great-grandmother said it tastes like sweet pork. I think you'd need to boil and decant the meat a few times to get rid of any toxins, especially the rohypnol.

>> No.14095194

it's more of a problem than a perk, and 25% of the population are. I can't drink non-cider beer, dry wine, a lot of whiskeys, grapefruit, and most olives either.

>> No.14095204

I've read that both are oily and not good.

Some claim there are ways to prepare the meat so it's okay to eat though

>> No.14095206

those taste like shit to everyone, you're just a faggot

>> No.14095222

Alot of places eat whale. Icelands fucking airport sold it.

>> No.14095231

if it was cooked thoroughly, no problems. stay away from the brain and spine though.

>> No.14095248

This. Also, prions. Don't drink any spinal fluid or eat the brains.

>> No.14095252

I specifically said, "any civilized city"

>> No.14095257

Human meat is generally dangerous to eat except for the brain and areas around the spine

>> No.14095263

>stay away from the brain and spine though.

This actually reminds me of one tribe in New Zealand that used to practice ritual cannibalism, but ended up being stricken with some disease called “Kuru”. Some scientists figured out that one member of the tribe probably had a variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and the prions spread through cannibalism.

The thing is, researchers still don’t know how to completely destroy prions. They survive incineration, chemicals, radiation and can still mess you up pretty badly. Scary shit.

>> No.14095265

we farm herbivores because its easier and cheaper
grow some corn, feed it to the dumb quadruped and cull when fat
farming a carnivore adds more steps and is therefore more expensive

>> No.14095275

To be completely fair, you can find things like whale, shark, and puffin at many Icelandic restaurants, but it's not so common in other countries.
If anyone's ever in Reykjavik, I'd definitely recommend 3frakkar as a good place where you can try all three of those.

>> No.14095283

Always check the basement behind the newly laid bricks, and listen for a cat that might be in there as well.

Peter Lorre

>> No.14095289

my sides

>> No.14095298
File: 115 KB, 303x481, 74777831_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't eat the brain, prion disease is a bitch.
other than that, I've heard it's comparable to pork. so follow same guidelines as pork. cook the everloving fuck outta it unless you want parasites and all other sortsa nasties.

>> No.14095300


Even your own?

>> No.14095310

God I hate microbiological creepy crawlies. Fucking viruses and prions and shit. Fucking spooky ass eldritch nanomachines and shit.

>> No.14095326
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y'wanna know the interesting thing about prion disease? there is no cure. it's just prions misfolding, over and over, and your own prions mimic those movements, your brain consuming itself in the process.
gotta admit, that sounds kinda hot...

>> No.14095333

This is some /d/ tier shit

>> No.14095337

did Jeffery Dahmer contract anything?

>> No.14095346
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/d/ is cowardice. I miss gurochan.

>> No.14095354

Well never no

>> No.14095360

You can technically acquire or develop prion diseases from eating any proteins from the same species. The brain is just one of the higher likelihood, especially if the disease is already present.
He died way too young to tell. He was effectively sane and healthy at the time of his death, though.

>> No.14095369
File: 221 KB, 439x346, Screenshot 2020-05-16 at 19.09.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a super taster

>> No.14095373


>> No.14095382

>He died way too young to tell.
The Wikipedia article on kuru mentions an incubation time of 10 to 50 years

>> No.14095408

Effectively sane, according to the courts.
Yeah, neurodegenerative diseases are hard to diagnose until the person's brain starts melting. He died in his 30s.

>> No.14095433

He was alive in prison for awhile. If he did get anything, I think it would have been apparent to doctors that are in the prison.
No one ever talked about it though.

>> No.14095449

Iirc there was a dude who had his leg amputated and took it home to make tacos out of it.

>> No.14095454

>non-cider beer

>> No.14095463

All you have to do is avoid the organs, and you'll be perfectly fine.

>> No.14095471

Actually, the reason we raise herbivores is due to the fact that they are cheaper to raise.

>> No.14095476

That's the thing, you can have some neurodegenerative disease and it can go undiagnosed for decades as you go about your normal life. The human brain is very flexible and resilient, and even when the disease starts melting and malforming the brain, it might not produce much more than a bad headache or poor memory. A lot of cases of these diseases go undiagnosed since they develop much later in life, and it's rare to perform an invasive autopsy on the brain unless there's a solid medical need to know.
The fact that a lot of things can go undiagnosed or remain asymptomatic is largely in part why cannibalism is inherently dangerous.

>> No.14095486

Avoid brain, brainstem, spine, marrow, blood, organs and skin. The fatty meat in the butt is ok to eat. Cooking takes a bit longer than pork or beef. You can dissolve the leftovers in LYE or throw them in a septic tank. I'd recommend incinerating and then powdering the bones. it's legal to eat in india so might want to go there before trying. Garlic goes well with it and so does honey. If you need to source the meat indian royalty are very experienced in both cooking and sourcing the meat. I was surprised the first time I went there, very little stigma about it too. Most importantly have fun.

>> No.14095487

I mean, the guy was clearly off and I'm sure it was required that he saw a therapist while in prison.
I'm not talking about diagnosis. I'm talking about a change in behavior after he ate some fucking children.

>> No.14095503

Did he premeditatedly have it amputated to make tacos or was it a "when life gives you leg meat" scenario?

>> No.14095568
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I found it. Doesn't look much different to mutton really

Warning: contains gore

>> No.14095581

Fish isn't meat.

>> No.14095591
File: 394 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-05-16-03h37m45s132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when life gives you leg meat
don't you love when that happens??

>> No.14095612

how so?
its the flesh of an animal is it not? a vertebrate no less

>> No.14095642

I'm pretty sure he needed to have it removed for medical reasons

>> No.14095681
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>> No.14095721

How do I achieve this level of stupidity?

>> No.14095731

>reads one online article and diagnoses himself

>> No.14095749

You used the word prions in your explanation when you should of used proteins

>> No.14095754

Don't eat the brain/spinal cord/any part of the nervous system, you'll get a prion disease. I've also heard that the liver is off-limits too, you'll get Vitamin A toxicity. Maybe in small portions it'll be fine tho.
Other than that, it's all good. I'd recommend sticking to muscles, I'm not sure if any offal is safe in humans, except maybe the heart, tongue, testicles, or intestines (for sausages).

>> No.14095772

You'd only get a prion disease if that person had prions present which is very unlikely, and they could be found anywhere, the brain just tends to have the highest concentration.

>> No.14095781

You have a chance of developing prion disease from eating any proteins from the same species. The odds are just higher with brain tissue.

>> No.14095902

Absolutely false
Human flesh can be harvested if the the person willingly gives it up and is still alive after it is harvested

It is illegal to Harvest Meat from an already dead body, or to kill someone in the process of harvesting the meat, the donor has to be alive afterwards

>> No.14095991

Become a Christian.

>> No.14096058

>Human flesh can be harvested if the the person willingly gives it up and is still alive after it is harvested
Most courts will agree that there can be no consent for grievous bodily harm. "Technically legal" doesn't mean it's actually legal in practice.
Also, some places have specific anti-cannibalism laws: Idaho, for example, considers cannibalism a felony under everything but life-threatening circumstances.

>> No.14096121

There’s a whole pandemic caused by eating a bat, why the fuck would you consider eating human

>> No.14096123

No, if a person ask you to cut them with a knife and you do it
it's still a criminal offence

>> No.14096129

Shark tastes awesome faggot

>> No.14096155

You wrote should of when you meant to write should've/should have.

>> No.14096326

We are omnivores, like pigs and chickens
Dog meat is also good

>> No.14096336

not quite as essential to the point being made though is it

>> No.14096339

These Chinese children ate their teacher's livers and AFIK nothing happened.

>> No.14096419

Damn, China, you scary.
But yeah, the dangers of cannibalism are "slightly" overstated. Much like how prion disease isn't a 100% chance thing, suffering toxicity from eating human liver also isn't guaranteed. There's long-standing historical practice of people eating human livers. It is very high in B12 and A, but ironically your own liver is very proficient at processing it. As long as you're not doing it on a daily basis, you can consume several times the upper daily intake of vitamin A in one meal and not suffer any permanent ills.

>> No.14096864

>they've start telling picky eaters that they have magical tasting powers to save their pride

>> No.14096873

You forgot the comma after 'though', not to mention the question mark.

>> No.14096902


>> No.14096925
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wish they still made this.

>> No.14096943

You could get Kuru.

>> No.14096973

When you die, the state generally gains ownership of your body. The government regulates next-of-kin, may order an autopsy at will, and has a compelling public health interest in seeing corpses handled in a sanitary manner.

>> No.14096983

If the person has an exotic diet then it's at least logical, because you eat cow because it eats grass and you don't eat grass. But if you're picking someone at random, the chances are you're probably eating Mc Muscles.
Maybe if you go hunting for a sporty person then at least it's game??

>> No.14097002

>When you die, the state generally gains ownership of your body
That's cuckfucked.
Technically it's illegal to harvest meat from a living person, but if you cut it off yourself it is legal.
I also mever got the GBH thing. So are tattooists/piercers illegal? Why can you pierce someone consensually but not meat-harvest them with consent?

>> No.14097023

based and catholicpilled

>> No.14097055

I've tried a sample of whale meat on a nervegian fish market, this shit is super good.

>> No.14097373

>I am a super taster
That's the gayest shit I've ever heard

>> No.14097605


don't eat brain and generally avoid organs.
Don't make it a habit either, a little will be fine, but you can still develop prion disorders with continued consumption.

>> No.14097640


Just avoid eating the brain and you'll be just fine

>> No.14097658

human meat tastes terrible i forget what the term for it is but the higher up in the food chain something is the worse it tastes

>> No.14097665

t. beef salesman

>> No.14097678


>> No.14097753

don't you mean mercury concentration?

>> No.14098197

>super taster
fucking stupid dumb fuck faggot nigger

>> No.14098248

I had lion meat. It tastes like beef but super fucking tough, and I mean tougher than the cheapest, shittiest cut of beef. We don't eat carnivores because they're too tough.

>> No.14098275
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>super taster
More like a super niggerfaggot.

>> No.14098277

if its like any other animal, avoid the brains and make sure its cooked well and you shouldnt have any issues. also make sure when youre removing the organs that you dont get anything from inside the stomach or digestive system on the meat.

>> No.14098279

It's mostly muscle with very little interstitial fat.

>> No.14098321

Crocodiles and Alligators taste good and are carnivorous

>> No.14099120
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> prion disease from eating any proteins from the same species.
Can you get prion disease from eating your own dead skin? what about semen

>> No.14099133

Always Sunny is just a show anon

>> No.14099141

olives are delicious, fuck you

>> No.14099452

>They survive incineration
No they dont. Burn the human to ash and the ash is completely safe to eat.

>> No.14099554

if a prion is a misfolded protein wouldn't the same chemicals that dissolve proteins work on prions?

>> No.14099568

>hiding the waste.
If people are looking through your trash for human bones you are already a suspect and almost 100% fucked.
The guy in the flat next to mine could toss whole human limbs in the bin and I wouldn't notice. At least if he wrapped some newspaper or something around them I wouldn't.

>> No.14099915


Hypothetically, you should be fine as long as you don't eat the brain.

>> No.14099926

shark tastes pretty bad anon

>> No.14099932

>what about semen

I'm fucked

>> No.14100230

>When you die, the state generally gains ownership of your body.
So it's not much different from being alive?

>> No.14101438

what the fucking hell, that's hannibal freaky tier shit

>> No.14101453


>> No.14102294


Jesus Christ, did a grenade go off inside his foot?

>> No.14102300

>You used the word prions in your explanation when you should of used proteins
>should of

How fucking embarrassing.

>> No.14102353


>> No.14103091
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>carnivores do not taste good.

>> No.14103111

>super taster
You're a picky eater, faggot.

>> No.14103126

How would parasites be a problem with a human? Yes diseases like prions could be a problem but your average American or European isn't eating tainted beef and would notice a parasite.

>> No.14104285

I've had Nile crocodiles a few times and it tastes a bit like chicken. I've had it fried into bits with a bit green chili sauce and it was great.

>> No.14104508
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>I am a super taster

So that's why you don't like these icky veggies?

>> No.14104522

humans are omnivores with access to tools like knives

>> No.14104532

>fast food thread
>candy thread
>fast food thread
>reddit image thread
>fast food thread
>unironic cannibalism them

I think I am done with this board.

>> No.14104538

Struggle with the victim, connendrum over spice use, regrets in the face of a subpar meal, failure to hide the rest of the body, diarrhea, jail time, rape, thoughts of eating your fellow inmates, more diarrhea, remorse, madness.

>> No.14104562
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>non-cider beer
>I am a super taster

>> No.14104601

Motorcycle accident. I don't want to even try to imagine what that felt like.

>> No.14104613

dude your missing out on the vegan thread, the best part is when someone calls someone else a carnist then they reply by calling them cultist.

>> No.14104645

the broad term is bioaccumulation

>> No.14104670

unless you have dyspraxia, and your entire brain is not wired right, then no, you're not a super taster.

>s2n off the charts
>robot movements
>weak muscle tone, can easily build roid muscles but still weaker than most lanklets
>permanent back and neck pain for the rest of your life because god didn't put your brain together right
>can't taste any of the subtle flavors of anything (except fake sugars, fuck them), only the bad and the overpowering tastes
>disordered thinking.
>short term memory of a goldfish, long term memory of a god

>> No.14104678
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I don't see the issue

>> No.14104720

>its legal to eat in India
Finally, some good fucking food...

>> No.14104731

i mean i cant drink olives either but im not special

>> No.14104946


>> No.14104975
