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File: 30 KB, 571x435, food poisoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14093645 No.14093645 [Reply] [Original]

I've never gotten food poisoning before, even when I've eaten food that has clearly gone bad.
what is wrong with me?

>> No.14093654

Just because food is out of date or smells funky doesn't make it eligible for le food poisoning. Real food poisoning is contaminated pork or seafood being reheated slightly that it gets the worst possible bacteria thriving that blasts the shit out of your stomach and intestines.

>> No.14093740

The only time I have ever gotten food poisoning was from a chinese restaurant, but the sickness subsided quickly. Something in that food was foul.

>> No.14093758

The only time I ever got food poisoning was from some oysters by an AYCE sushi place. One bite and I knew there was something wrong with it. The food was fine, it was just the oysters that made me feel sick almost immediately and put me in a fever the very next week.

>> No.14093763

I've had it twice, worst I've ever felt, kept shitting the bed when I was asleep

>> No.14093768

It just wasn't bad enough.

>> No.14093849

Never had a severe food poisoning. Only had it when i ate bread and after a few slices i saw that the bottom slices were moulding. Just got abdominal pain and diarrhea for a few hours and then i were fine again.

>> No.14094488

>Bacteria Does the blasting
Lol absolute retard

>> No.14094492

what are you trying to say?

>> No.14094617

I’ve had food poisoning a few times and every time it only shows itself as:
>slight nausea
>feeling tired
>Maybe slight stomach pain
And nothing else.

>> No.14094622

If it took a week to happen it probably wasn’t food poisoning

>> No.14094626

nothing is wrong, it means you have a strong gut culture

>> No.14094649

Going by that chart I haven't not had food poisoning in as least a decade.

I did get some stomach issues after visiting an Indian restaurant in London once but it only lasted a day.
That was in like the 9th grade on a school trip and I had to keep using pub and restaurant bathrooms as we went around touristing it up.
And a church. I don't remember which one but it was one of the big famous ones. Never really knew churches had toilets but that one did, thankfully.

>> No.14094683

>If it took a week to happen it probably wasn’t food poisoning
Most fucked who serve you shut that gives you immediate-onset symptoms will fall back on this though.

>> No.14094693

every time I got food poisoning it was from food that tasted perfectly fine.
Sub sandwich from subway (not refrigerated properly)
chicken enchilada casserole (left out too long).

>> No.14094715

if you have ever had a "24 hour flu" congrats you actually had food poisoning as there is no such thing as a 24 hour flu.

>> No.14094723

I’ve read this 10 times and I still don’t understand what you’re trying to say

>> No.14095023

you're naturally lucky, better go buy a lotto ticket

>> No.14095102

I was always under the impression that the "24 hour flu" was just slang for a bad hangover or taking a free day off work because you'd show up the next day looking fine. Though I guess something like osmotic diarrhea can be pretty debilitating and yet clear up within a day.

>> No.14095123

only time ive ever had it was twice in america, i'm not used to the garbage food they sell in supermarkets and fresh food places

i'm irish btw if that matters

>> No.14095130

24/hr flu has to be something. I've spent entire days back and forth between bed and the throne with no provocation

>> No.14095195

Speak of the fucking devil.

I got food poisoning just yesterday but it was the most terrifying combo of symptoms that I've never felt before. Like, I've been through food poisoning, but it was always just plain Jane diarrhea and intestinal grumbling.

But this was a different beast altogether. I was like sweating profusely (matted hair, damp shirt) at fucking ROOM TEMPERATURE, but I also had no fever, and I kept feeling thirsty even after downing half a nalgene-sized bottle of water, plus a less severe abdominal pain than usual. ended up driving myself to the hospital and spending half a day there feeling stupid after each test came back negative, but I really was fucking worried. The sweating was the most unnerving thing, I had never experienced food poisoning or GI-related illness that did that.

Ultimately got discharged and I had a couple hours of diarrhea later in the day so I'm p sure it was just that, but I definitely got caught off guard and my anxiousness probably made it worse. oh well. thought my appendix was about to rupture or something

>> No.14095217

Same here, since I've gotten out of school and had my own apartment I with one exception have never gotten sick. That was a long time ago. That one exception was on a Friday night I came home feeling really fucked up, so I took a shot of cognac, went to bed then woke up like 20 hours later feeling just fine, I don't know how much of an exception that was.

>> No.14095223

Are you sure that it wasn't just a bad hangover?

>> No.14095230
File: 117 KB, 1500x1394, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank your lucky stars, friend. Food poisoning is fucking brutal.

I got a slice of pizza from Sams club that put me in bed for the rest of the day. It took about 40 minutes for it to really kick in. If you can imagine Raphael sticking his Sai into your cut and twirling your intestines like spaghetti, and then you're sweating and cramping and then you've gotta run to the bathroom and shit yourself inside out. Continue for hours. pepto bismol can only help you so much. You just gotta ride it out in waves.

>> No.14095269

Knock wood for us for what that means.

>> No.14095389

Yeah, the most I ever drink is just like a glass of wine twice a week. I've also had alcohol poisoning before back in college and it wasn't like I remembered. Granted that was 8 years ago but...

Definitely wasn't hangover-related

>> No.14095412
File: 53 KB, 638x359, Fish_Dinner-Airplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure that you didn't have the fish dinner?

>> No.14095428

Maybe it was the fish dinner?

>> No.14095431
File: 50 KB, 600x331, airplane_cockpit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14095434
File: 30 KB, 500x372, 98b3777e97253d288bfa022f236ae318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the salmon mousse...

>> No.14095439

Ewww, that'll do it.

>> No.14095448

I'm pretty sure pilots have to order seperate things these days so there's no one source of pathogen if that's the right word. One thing can't effect them both.

>> No.14095455

I used to get Monty Python here in the USA but it comes and goes, so it went.

>> No.14095466

Death needs a scythe.

>> No.14096942
File: 60 KB, 640x634, 1572117189632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it once from my favorite restaurant. It was pulled pork benedict and either the egg or pork was contaminated. I left the restaurant feeling fine and then once i got home i blasted the nastiest smelliest black diarrhea. That was followed by profuse sweating, abdominal pains and small sandy shits for about 8 hours. I fever dreamed it away though. Went back and got the same meal the next week.

>> No.14097339

I have IBD of the Crohn's like. This shit is basically every other month. Fuck you gays.

>> No.14097627

Hospitalized twice for food poisoning
Once was at a very popular BBQ restaurant in my city
Had smoked pork ribs, got sick on the way home, couldn't stop vomiting, pulled over and passed out
Fire department got me into an ambulance, was in the hospital for 4 days
Health department determined the smoke house was not hot enough
Told me they get cited all the time, I luckily had some of the dinner in a to go bag, so they had a sample
They got a $500 fine, that was later overturned on appeal
They refused to pay my medical bill's "that's what insurance is for buddy"
Gave me a $25 off coupon
The Kung-Flu has pit them out of business

Second time was another celebrated local chain, "ex presidents have eaten here"
Homemade whipped cream on BlackBerry pie
The cream was left out at room temperature
Started vomiting in the restuarant, first time I ever thought I would die
Started shitting on the way to the hospital
Happened at lunchtime and an off duty county health inspector was having lunch, he caught them trying to toss the cream
They were fined 10k and I got my medical paid and 5k paid out over 10 months, got a coupon from them to, couldn't use it as they got a restraining order to keep me out of the restuarant, I did an informational protest over a summer weekend, that's when they decided to pay up

Only place I will eat out at now is McDonald's, health department dude told me it's the only place in my town he has never given a citation to.

>> No.14098209

I only got food poisoning once, which is surprising because I eat super questionable food daily.

>Ate Chilis burger for lunch, tasted weird while I was eating it
>Got back to work, didnt feel right
>Left work sick to go home
>Kinda barfed out the car on the way home
>got home, liquid black diarrhea for the rest of the night

It came on so quick I wasn't sure if it was Chilis, but I really think is was Chili's.

>> No.14098235

He meant to say 'fuckers' instead of 'fucked' I believe

>> No.14098236

I've gotten it 3 time. Twice from sushi restaurants, so I refuse to eat at them except to eat noodle dishes or fried stuff. The worst I ever had was that I couldn't vomiting and shitting all the time. Food set me off, and I couldn't even drink water. I was losing all my stomach acid and bile. I couldn't drive myself because I had become so weakened and my mom came over to drive me to emergency care. Doctor made me wait (their reviews said they were slow as shit, which I found out later on), but apologized when I told him that even water made me throw up. He gave me some nausea pill that worked, and gave me a prescription and told me to eat. I recovered in a day, but felt like shit. It happened over a weekend and so I had to go back to work, but I felt fine. Lost 10 lbs in a weekend though.

>> No.14098254

copying a comment from leddit:
>Given that it was lower GI and delayed onset (versus upper/vomiting and quick symptoms) this is food infection (versus food intoxication). To have avoided this, you might have let the sauce simmer / low boil for a good 10 minutes (not sure on timing).

>Source: past chef, scientist, and person who doesn't want to throw out food.

>Food infection would be caused by ingesting live bacteria in the food, so enough heat would kill the bacteria.

>Intoxication is due to ingesting the toxins formed by the growth of said bacteria in the food.

>Toxins can't really be removed through heating/freezing, though the bacteria can.