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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14089136 No.14089136 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ feel about mukbangs? Do you watch them and enjoy them?

I became aware of them awhile ago and have been extremely confused by them. I don't understand how they're so popular. In fact there is something about these videos that is just uniquely disgusting and awful to me.

Can someone who actually watches these things explain the appeal?

>> No.14089153

I only heard about them via cringe channels like DeadwingDork. They always came up along with furries and diaper fetishism. Honestly it's so repulsive that I don't even consider this as a form of "food review/entertainment" its more like vial porn.

>> No.14089161

I love to eat but the mere idea of watching one of these videos makes me kinda sick

>> No.14089162

im bulimic and even i find them gross

>> No.14089163

I cannot fathom how anyone can enjoy watching or listening people eat
It's one of the few things that make me hurl.
There's several pictures of people eating fast food in cars and I can't understand the appeal at all of watching some fat ass or some soulless gook eating live things that look resemble benis

>> No.14089175

This sounds actually fucking disgusting. Why do you faggots advertise this shit here?

>> No.14089202
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post your favorite mukbangers.
for me? steven sushi of course.

>> No.14089227

I fucking hate that word.
Sounds like a fucking Pokémon.

>> No.14089233

For me, it's praying mantis


>> No.14089235

I don't get them or ASMR.

>> No.14089246

I watch them to curb my appetite.

The fatter and most disgusting the "host", the better.

>> No.14089263

Me neither. That mre guy is sort of asmr at times with the crinkling and hissing and that's not bad

>> No.14089273

Nikado avocado is my favorite.

>> No.14089288
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that dude is almost on the level of chris chan

>> No.14089342

ASMR can be enjoyable. Mukbang is absolutely disgusting. Only someone mentally ill wants to watch people eat huge amounts of food while smacking and slurping.

>> No.14089349

he's so grotesque. incredible stuff

>> No.14089355

Watching people eat grotesque amounts of food makes me want to eat less. Not sure what the psychology behind that is.

>> No.14089376

I speak for /ck/ and I say they should be hunted down and ground up for food that will be left in the back of the fridge until it goes bad and gets thrown out.

>> No.14089388

So what's it like having autism?

>> No.14089408

I think Asia needs to be cleansed with nuclear fire.

>> No.14089495

Vore me claw papa UwU

>> No.14089528

jesus fucking christ, what is even happening there?

>> No.14089557




>> No.14089561

Second this.

>> No.14089573

Half of his videos are your basic mukbang shit where he eats unholy amounts of fastfood garbage. Rest are him having a mental breakdown and crying about how disgusting and fat he is. I do not understand why anyone watches that.

>> No.14089592

why's he shaving his head? and why is he doing it all over that food?

>> No.14089608

Who knows. He's fucked in the brain.

>> No.14089625

>he eats unholy amounts of fastfood garbage
Why would someone watch this?

>him having a mental breakdown and crying about how disgusting and fat he is
Why would someone watch this?

>> No.14089628

no shit.

>> No.14089646

literally this. also I'm still pretty curious about why people watch mukbang to begin with. not even in a judgemental way, I'm just unsure where the appeal lies. asmr is supposed to make you feel tingly in some ineffable way, but what does mukbang do?

>> No.14089659

I watch them on occasion when I'm hungry and have nothing to eat. I'm also fascinated and horrified at people who do big food challenges.

>> No.14089763
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>> No.14089828

desu it just seems like another category of friend simulator like podcasts, certain types of youtube channels, twitch streaming etc. as society becomes more atomized, people look for community online with weird results, and of course a lot of these personalities are women orbited by coomers. i've seen a few minutes of mukbangs here and there while looking at other shit and it seems like the most autistic/sad version of this phenomenon. also its rising popularity in the west is just going to encourage more americans to get fatter lole

>> No.14089911

>friend simulator
Good point, I hadn't thought of that.

>> No.14089933

I love watching them. I just like to imagine I'm eating those things (that I usually don't eat on a regular basis since I don't want to become fat).
I really miss boredom eating from when I was fat. Now everytime I eat something I keep in mind its nutritional values, the calories, and so on.
These videos are liberating for me.

>> No.14089938

this is the best mukbang ever

>> No.14089967

>cringe channels
Do you mean channels that are cringe or channels that look at cringe stuff? Either way its disgusting and you should stop

>> No.14089997

zoomers are truly fucked up.
>asmr, mukbang, podcasts, ethots, and twitch streaming are their main entertainment
>tiktok snapchat and instagram are their main communication and "creativity"
>their porn of choice is futanari, inflation, weight gain, "dumb humiliating transformations", anthro of stuff like toasters and boats, and ethots doing ahegao in cosplay
soulless and disturbing

>> No.14089998

>people seething in the comments
These people will eat meat and then get mad at people who eat cats, It's some of the stupidest shit ever it's just a fucking animal who cares if some chink eats it.

>> No.14090070

Eh, depends. I mostly listen to history and true crime podcasts and consider them more like audio documentaries.

>> No.14090077

Smart phones were a mistake. Being online 24/7 isn't good for you.

>> No.14090096

>any pornography
>having some soul
Oh boy

>> No.14090118

he shows his little dick and his fatass boyfriend fucking his gape btw. it's absolutely horrific and only straight women pay for his only fans and call it hot. horrible world we live in. his asshole literally looks like a pussy.

>> No.14090124

I'm 26 buy but you are a fucking faggot, none of that is true. First of all, nothing wrong with podcasts retard. Also Millenials came up with brony and furry shit yet the world keeps going because it's just some freaks on the internet you stupid cunt

>> No.14090126

why would you even type this? no one wanted to know that

>> No.14090133

>They always came up along with furries and diaper fetishism.
youtube videos are catered to your viewing habits

>> No.14090148

This, why does he even know that. This is horrible

>> No.14090157
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And you watched it?

>> No.14090158

I used to watch Yuka Kinoshita for a couple months several years ago, but started tuning out afterwards because literally everything was the same. Anything else is just disgusting.

>> No.14090165

if I have to know this you do too. whenever i see him that image is burned into my brain. i accidentally found it on imgur when i was looking him up because i thought he was weird but hes a horrific monster. i cant go back

>> No.14090177

back the fuck off!?!?

>> No.14090199

I wanna see it, but it's too expensive.

>> No.14090238

>hi mrs. johnson?
>you must be the new pool boy. come on in.
Well I watch for the deep plots and nuanced characters.

>> No.14090239

It sounds like a gangbang but it's all muk instead of niggers

>> No.14090267

I mean in the topics of the video, it was videos that looked into degenerates of the web and there history
channels that look at cringe stuff, looking at the filth of the internet through the guise of research and analysis helps me feel better about myself.

>> No.14090298

It creeps me out to no end, just like ASMR.
Guess I'm getting old enough to not understand new things.

>> No.14090300
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I hate mukbangs. these videos serve no function. We are talking about videos of just people and their eating sounds. its absolutely revolting. Don't get me wrong i love asmr. Uncle E is my daddy. But i always disliked like the sound of smacking lips while someone is eating. or the krinkely way that your teeth grind food in to a better digestable paste. Imagine lunchtime with smosh and now focuse on the 10 seconds of eating between the conversations and play just that for half an hour and boom thats a mukbang.

>> No.14090304


yeah imma vomit.

>> No.14090318

>channels that look at cringe stuff, looking at the filth of the internet through the guise of research and analysis helps me feel better about myself.
it's all fun and games until you come across yourself

>> No.14090333

It's absolutely disgusting garbage and the most revolting ones turn their mic gain to fucking 11 so you can hear every single slurp, smack of the lips and munch while they eat with their mouth open. I cannot comprehend who finds this "content" appealing.

>> No.14090349

omg yes! And all the fucking feeder fetish vids. Like mouth asmr wasn't bad enough.


>> No.14090362


50% food fetish.

50% asian culture where you aren't supposed to eat alone.

>> No.14090384

Government should be allowed to forcibly euthanize such disgusting beings.

>> No.14090411

I used to be into the ASMR thing back when it was all girls talking gently and caressing the microphone and stuff like that, those videos were great for relaxing my troubled mind. But now it's gone completely bananas, I don't even understand what it means anymore. You can find fucking ASMR videos of people throwing heavy stuff at the floor. I highly doubt anyone gets the ASMR effect from dumbasses slurping noodles and eating cheeseburgers.

>> No.14090479

>this is entertaining for some people
Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.14090481

I don't even get that whispering into a mic that's turned up really high.
I can understand someone talking soft and waffling about nothing but some internet tart a couple millemeters away from their mic or tapping a boom shield with fake nails?
I don't get it.

ASMR is the crackle of a fire or rain on a window
I'd even believe TV static is a more valid ASMR than people smacking lips in their car at a wendys car park

>> No.14090487

You can thank social media for that.

>> No.14090503

I was never into the mouth sounds or the spit popping either, I like somebody talking gently at a reasonable distance away from the mic. Makes me feel at ease. Thankfully now I have a girlfriend that whispers in my ear at night, so I don't need these dumb videos anymore.

>> No.14090517

Thankfully now I have videos that whisper in my ear at night, so I don't need that dumb girlfriend anymore.

>> No.14090523

This is some quality entertainment

>> No.14090527

Sometimes REAL mukbangs can be interesting. Those ones rely on the conversation and the "eating food" is just part of the background. A mukbang is supposed to feel like having a conversation over a meal, but these lardass retards who just jump from trend to trend interpreted it as "shovel as much food into my blubbery gullet as humanly possible to build a feeder following". Then you get disgustolards like hungry fat chick and nikoavocadofaggot or whatever his name is who the world would be better of without. Luckily hungry fat chick looks like her body has begun to give up on her so I pray that she kicks the bucket soon. I have no sympathy for these people. As someone with past drug addictions, "food addiction" is not real.

>> No.14090542
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This has to be 4D trolling

>> No.14090543

talking from experience?

>> No.14090550

It is literally porn for cumbrained retards. The brain can't tell the difference, all it knows is that this is a wildly exaggerated stimuli. Disgusting, degenerate nonsense. Hyperconsumerism at its worst.

>> No.14090569

100% with you, there's a condition named mysophonia and i'm pretty sure I have it, I'm very laid back, not much bothers me, rarely get into fights because hey...fuck it, what's the point?
The second I hear a noisy eater I want to kill them, I can't go to the cinema, I can't watch the simpsons, if you eat with your mouth open or talk with your mouth full and i can reach you, you're fucking dead, legitimately 0 to 100 instantly and I wish I wasn't that way, but fuck all you disgusting noisy eating maggots, you cunts in your cars dribbling cheese down your chin while
you make ridiculous noises, it's a fucking burger! You've had one before! Look at you, you fat bastard, you're a disgrace!
Kill 'em all, that's what I say.

>> No.14090572

he's just an unintelligent person who's discovered that he can earn money by playing up for the camera.

>> No.14090591

It equivalent to kind of disgust and distraction of thinking about about a similar person's involvement in porn work degradation, or even the sport of boxing, or pick any other activity that screams a lack of regard for one's life importance. Seeing beyond the lens to the pitiful people with ruined fucked up lives leads to disgust. I think it is possible to view these videos in a positive light to shock one into putting down the fork, much as an extreme hoarder's reality show might cause one to rethink some aspects of their house, and go on a rampage to chuck some items from your closet to the goodwill bins.

So, again, someone has to have real life reasons to do something so unhealthy and degrading, just to get hits, and that's for money or some other gap in their life (a need for a slice of fame or infamy? self-esteem by popularity? cold hard cash in desperation? feeding a drug habit? no life skills/education failure, abject poverty and kids to support?). What exactly do they get from these channels?
Look at that person actually as a real pitiful person, defying common sense, because indeed it is dangerous. Gorging can lead to spontaneous vomiting at the drop of a hat, and someone with that amount of pressure in their stomach can unavoidingly dangerous inhale and oops aspirate the vomit. Food and stomach juices in your lungs can cause ICU visits of weeks, if not death. Acid rising up through your esophagus ever, even at all, aka reflux, too, absolutely can cause cell changes barret's syndrom, that lead to not just an uncurable cancer, as there are no transplants and rapid metasticizing to the rest of your body, but a really painful road of years annoyance leading up to that painful death.
All in all it's dumb. It's fascinating how someone can get it all down (their method like Joey that nathans hot dog winner), which is why people watch, same as like boxing, stupidly dangerous but hard to tear your eyes away.

>> No.14090617

that is some weirdly specific medical shit you've written there

t. doctor

>> No.14090741

I wonder if their eating style is just for videos or if it slowly morphs into their eating style off-camera as well. Imagine going out with a group of friends for dinner and realizing one of your friends does mukbangs by the way they shovel food down their gullet and smack their mouths.

>> No.14090879

I was watching Korean Baseball and saw an ad which was basically just mukbang, it was for fried chicken and after that I muted the volume

>> No.14091192

Not autism bro.
I derive a slight kind of pleasure by watching this tho.

>> No.14092065

Literally the final human generation. They're not called Z for nothing. They are the end of human life. This is what mankind deserves.

>> No.14092068
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And people were rightly criticized for this shit. Zoomers made it fucking mainstream.

>> No.14092073


>> No.14092109

I fucking hate them because they try to tag asmr in all of their content due to the grotesque eating sounds they make and I always get recommended their god awful content now just because I'm trying to fall asleep to some asmr sometimes

>> No.14092174

Nick actually started an Only Fans and he's doing porn now?

>> No.14092184
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103 videos?

>> No.14092200


>> No.14092255

Who would ever want to see that?

>> No.14092270

Society is fraught with weak men.

>> No.14092287

Stop being bulimic

>> No.14092545
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Mukbangers are degenerates.

>> No.14092574

Madam Director does great work

>> No.14092587

If you consider Matt Stonie's food challenges mukbang, I dig em.
But the rest I don't care for.

>> No.14092589

Kino. Pure kino.

>> No.14092776
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>> No.14092785
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He's based

>> No.14092800

This has to be some sort of act that he's putting on, right?

>> No.14092882

The duality of man

>> No.14092899

Fat women are great. Fat boys are a disgrace. No wonder his boyfriend fucked off.

>> No.14092995

i want to cave that fucking loser's face in. i cant stand him

>> No.14093010

is that fps russia

>> No.14093126

Who else thought nigga was straight up eating raw, ground beef from the thumbnail!?

>> No.14093145

What started as an innocent, sad trend of lonely koreans want to not eat alone became absolutely disgusting with people, especially obese creaturas, endulging on tons of food on camera like everyday is a goddamn food challenge. I hate mukbangs.

>> No.14093198

I think this is accurate. You're not supposed to eat alone over there, or something? So fake video friends, eating on camera.

Then, the States got hold of it. Keyword: 'eating'.

>> No.14093222

Id fuck her

>> No.14093294

>Be healthy and pretty good looking
>Fall for the mukbang meme
>Become a disgusting blob of lard and a complete emotional wreck
No, not based.

>> No.14093670

i'd probably squeeze her tits, but i definitely wouldn't fuck her.

>> No.14093703

how is this guy so out of breath

>> No.14093713

its pretty interesting from a socio-cultural standpoint i think, I wonder how sad and lonely you have to be to actually watch these things

>> No.14093751

Is that ranch or cum?

>> No.14093854


>How does /ck/ feel about mukbangs?

99% of them are disgusting and I don't care enough to look for 1%.

>Do you watch them and enjoy them?


>> No.14093942 [DELETED] 
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I'd rather not.

>> No.14093985

damn, i'm usually super into huge fake tits, but that's just really badly done.

>> No.14095170

Same but i wouldn't brag about it

>> No.14095246

Personally, I would rather cue up a Steve1989MREInfo video to eat dinner with when I'm alone

>> No.14096201

have sex, incel.

>> No.14096236


>> No.14096244


>> No.14096319

>Watching wholesome Steve instead of simping after some mukbang thots means you are incel
That's a big yikes from me senpai ngl.

>> No.14096376

>have sex, incel.

>> No.14096658
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I can stand and even enjoy food reviews (reviewbrah, brutalmoose, Steve1989MREinfo and some generic black fat dude number #178) but i cant stand this mukbang thing. Shit is gross and seens like a waste of food, at least the Epic Meal time guys bring lots of friends to eat all that food with then

>> No.14097512

I don't understand what I'm looking at. Reading on...

>> No.14097532

why are these mukbang retards all sponsored by coldwater

>> No.14097767

I have no idea. I'm pretty sure water isn't the beverage of choice for people who what this shit.

>> No.14097785

That food is supposed to be shared with a group with people, not a single person. The fact that the person is almost never fat is even worse because it gives off the message that you can eat whatever you want and stay thing.

>> No.14097851

>>>14089828 This guy gets it, it's started as a friend sim/a way for people to connect in Asian society since everyone is too busy to properly socialize anymore. It also caught on as a way for people (mostly women) to find a way to feel "full" without actually eating. For some, seeing someone eat such a large amount of food keeps them on track with their stupid diet or similar. It's completely been bastardized by people like >>>14089288 Niko Avocado or whatever his dumb name is.
I'm not into the mukbangs, especially not now since it's always about over-eating. I do enjoy ASMR though and I've been into it since it started regularly appearing back in 2014/2015. I'm into the eating/mouth sounds for ASMR when they're done on purpose, but now these days everyone gravitates to mukbang bullshit I don't indulge in that type of ASMR like I used to.

>> No.14098089

This is art.

>> No.14098175

Koreans are disgusting.

>> No.14098184

That's racist.

>> No.14098280

My 3-year old is gen alpha

>> No.14098289


God has truly forsaken us

>> No.14098335

I used to babysit a kid with autism. Very similar behavior

>> No.14098378

You're making shit up in your head. You're the equivalent of a boomer losing their top over "the ME generation". How does it feel being an npc?

>> No.14098386

Asians are insane, it astounds me

>> No.14098424

bro cringe channels are epicsauce xD

>> No.14100219

This OP grosses me out. Every time I scroll down, looks like he's eating a bowl of raw mince.

>> No.14100487

>How does /ck/ feel about mukbangs?
I think the sound of people eating is absolutely vile.

>> No.14100571

Then why did you ask

>> No.14100578

ASMR is meant to be relaxing. Mukbangs jump my adrenaline through the roof and make me feel like I want to kill someone. Mukbangs are the pure polar opposite of ASMR.

>> No.14101388
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Living in California: Not even fucking once

>> No.14101406

I like the crunchy sounds, my favourites are toasted marshmallows or nutella eaten with icecream
the crunch is satisfying
also I like to watch when I'm hungry and imagine I'm eating that food :(

>> No.14101435

might just be mostly fatties watching it to get confirmation of their unhealthy behavior

>> No.14101760

I'm agreeing with you, Anon. I know it's not common around here.

>> No.14101763

People watching other people do something they could do in their stead, is, as a general rule, sign of a mental illness.

>> No.14101794

I personally like nikocado fagocado's tranny 2nd personality

>> No.14101848

Those are some gross onion rings.

>> No.14101976

Disgusting person and video style, but decent food.

>> No.14103175


>> No.14103213

Everything about that place is incredibly repulsive.
Jesus fucking christ just why?

>> No.14103295

Korean Mukbangs


>> No.14103411

I hate Korea so much. Why did they have to infect rest of the internet with this disgusting garbage?

>> No.14103519

>deluded Asians think this disgusting garbage isn't repulsive and it's actually better than American mukbangs
literally the same level of repulsive depravity

>> No.14103650

Person that unironically watches those here. I actually watch them usually for a few seconds, scrolling through the mukbang tag on Instagram, because I like to look at the interesting and odd foods people are eating. But I always watch with the sound off because I don't wanna hear chewing noises and it's not a fetish thing or something

>> No.14103668

this is what happens when your country bans pornography

>> No.14103863

you're fucking your teeth up big time

>> No.14104290 [DELETED] 

So did anyone figure out what went on with Kate Yup or not?


>> No.14104337

That guy is making millions of dollars every year by just eating in front of a camera. Can't say that I'm not jealous.

>> No.14104350

I like how that guy can eat fried cheese and noodles at the same time in his mouth

>> No.14104355

I despise the sounds of people eating, i really don't understand how people watch these without it being a fetish thing.

>> No.14104364

it's so..... intimate

>> No.14104376

The more i watched DeadwingDork the most i hated Metokur only does corona streams now, bearclaw is not so bad but he is really boring by himself and only the shit he watch its interesting. Thanks god that feeder jersh exist.

>> No.14104400

this guy is living the dream

>> No.14104963

It is. People ITT don't seem to get that.

>> No.14104989

maybe they don't want to
maybe they're putting on an act too

>> No.14106733
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>> No.14107953

publicity stunt to garner attention for her youtube channel just like Exploring Abandoned Mines and Unusual Places.

>> No.14108061
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>> No.14108144

The fact that some people support themselves financially solely by ridiculing other people is sad as fuck. It's even worse than reaction videos.

>> No.14108961

you are stupid as hell if you think jim is doing anything but earning money off of retards
there's a reason why he keeps telling people to recommend him anime

>> No.14108971

youtube is literally nothing but people killing themelves legally, people ridiculing other people killing themselves legally, and government produced propaganda
they banned everyone else with a lick of creativity off the platform unless they play nice with money worshipping advertisers

>> No.14108983

Probably the recent internet fad I least understand. Is it fatties living vicariously through others? People who also eat while the guy on camera eats? Some form of loneliness? I legitimately don't get it.

>> No.14109003

i strongly believe the theory that the sounds of mukbang ASMR activate the same region in some people's brains as intimate sex

>> No.14109015

Wtf are you talking about, I just want weird people streams, Metokur is at least funny to listen to but now he doesnt makes videos and just watch terrible anime, while deadwing is incredible bland and most of his schtick its copying other funnier people at least makes an stream almost every 3 days.

>> No.14109029

everyone is getting lazy
you have to go find those things yourself to laugh at or you need to come to terms with the fact you can't enjoy something unless it's filtered through a cynical internet persona

>> No.14109055

guess i'm tired of youtube content, usually these kind of streams have the luck of having interactive chats that dig up the weird stuff, making the original intention of the stream diverge into something more interesting, but nothing to do about it more than going back to check random forums/imageboards where stupid shit happens and gets discovered./blog
Also whoever watch mukbangs must have a feeder fetish, this shit its disgusting.

>> No.14109114

So why do we need to use the gook word?

>> No.14109124

entertainment for faggots

>> No.14109224

They're not real. None of the people in them are real. They're all AI generated deepfakes. Have you ever known someone who does this for real? Of course not.
As for why the AI is doing this, no one knows yet. I doubt we'll like the answer when it is revealed.

>> No.14109287

I still come back to her once in a while though, the idea of a qtp Matt Stonie cooking and eating shit tons of foods in a cutesy way is my vibe

>> No.14109564

you are a millenial, friend. NO need to be upset when zoomers catch heat - unless you actually like all that horrible shit for zoomers

>> No.14109698
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Sit on your ass and make reaction videos, making the occasional comment for big bucks vs Edited content that takes over 10 hours of work minimum to have something worth a shit and will vary in popularity based on what you do. Not surprised there'd almost no effort posting on youtube anymore. The ten minute or no money order was the true nail in the coffin

>> No.14109716

Do millennials just whine about every fucking generation aside from themselves?

>> No.14109983

It's what speedrunning is to video games. Incurable autism.

>> No.14110482

That is every generation ever since the dawn of time.

>> No.14110527

i cannot imagine a man doing this

how little self respect and self loathing he must have
its worse than actual whoring, making yourself into a circus show just to earn some shekels

>> No.14110559
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these filthy degenerate should be removed. we need death squads blowing their brain out during live streams.

>> No.14110916

They are disgusting!

>> No.14111519

Most punchable creature on earth. If you get into fight with him I'd say it's pretty easy to go too far and end up in jail.

>> No.14111526

Are superior. But these are pretty shitty.

>> No.14111703
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My girlfriend watches a bunch of super fat women like Amber Lynn Reid, FoodieBeauty, and some others off of some commentary channels that shit on them. I don't quite understand the appeal, but for some reason it's kind of cathartic watching people totally trainwreck their entire lives. I think it's the same thing that makes cringe humor work, but I can't put my finger on it.
Mukbangs in general, though, are supposedly caused by the korean cultural familial/social eating phenomenon. Then fatasses from the rest of the world got wind that these korean videos were getting tons of views, started making them, and wound up spiraling down the feeder fetish tube or the commentary bait tube like you see with Nikacado Avocado.

>> No.14111706

They make me angry and I want to see the people who make them tortured for their excess and vanity.

>> No.14111893

Lots of gals with eating disorders watch mukbangs to spirituality satiate their food cravings

>> No.14112070

Wouldn't that just make you even hungrier?

>> No.14112241

Funnily enough, no. It's very cathartic to look at someone eat large amounts of foods while you're starving yourself
t.used to watch Trisha Paytas during my anorexic/bulimic period

>> No.14112250

Post feet

>> No.14112295

I guess that lawsuit battle really sent him over the edge

>> No.14113121

I've thought the same thing for years, until someone pointed it out to me. Look at any of their videos, there's a bunch of footage of them chewing food, but you can't find a shot of anyone actually swallowing it down.

>> No.14113140

Hes like a spic larping as a wop.

>> No.14113256
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zoomer here. 100% true we are as bad as the boomers.