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File: 2.27 MB, 3648x2736, Uborka-Salata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14080224 No.14080224 [Reply] [Original]

I made Hungarian cucumber salad (uborka salata), and it was nice and refreshing. What other Slav/Magyar/Bulgarianigger dishes should I try? Can be anything really.

>> No.14080955


>> No.14080990

Lecso should be at least as popular as goualsh is worldwide, because it is as delicious

>> No.14081947

Both sound great. Haven't had goulash before either.

>> No.14081951

Is that cucumber with powder chili?
it doesn't looks good with yogurt.

>> No.14082120

That's paprika and sour cream.

>> No.14082559

as a Pole I can recommend:
>sour rye soup (żur)
>bigos (christmas versions with mushrooms are amazing)
>pierogi ofc
>ćwikła (beetroot salad)

also potato pancakes with goulash are pretty tasty, though I'm not sure which cuisine they come from

>> No.14082564


>> No.14082600

Cabbage rolls are pretty classic.

>> No.14082746
File: 68 KB, 670x460, these niggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out the region's cabbage-based food:
Székelykáposzta and töltöttkáposzta (Hungarian), bigos and Gołąbki (Polish).

From Hungarian food I really love all the different types of főzeléks (basically thick pottages). Tökfőzelék (marrow squash pottage) with fresh dill and meatballs. Spenótfőzelék (spinach pottage) with french bread on the side. Lencsefőzelék (lentil pottage) cooked with the stock from the smoked ham served with it.

Great soups: legényfogó leves, palócleves, frankfurti leves, halászlé etc. you can find most of the Hungarian classics here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73ZQOAtfH30&list=PLIMzu0LEey3hucd7YNMUlXeQOdJdw3GUa and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSm779ngG10&list=PLIMzu0LEey3hhuEjq5mk7q8GIjTxHf67K&index=1 (has links to recipes, if you need to translate them)

Deserts. Definitely give Hungarian crepes a try. Kürtőskalács. Aranygaluska.

>> No.14082752
File: 92 KB, 900x542, spenotfozelek-bundaskenyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>french bread
French toast*

>> No.14082753
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Here's a good one. It's broth served with water and oil. A fitting europoor meal.

>> No.14082756

you jest, but that's a good ass soup right there

>> No.14082758

Still more nutritious than McDonalds and other American classics.

>> No.14082762

Rizskoch, geci.

^ This is the "cheap foods" section from the same site. Poor people food can be really delicious.

>> No.14082818
File: 79 KB, 600x450, prsut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Croatian(dalmatian) Prosciutto

>> No.14082835

more croatnigger food plz

also, why do you faggots have so many nazis?

>> No.14082927
File: 70 KB, 825x550, romanian-street-food-mici.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mititei. These little smoky nignogs are delicious. Mixture of ground beef, lamb and pork.

>> No.14082929

>more croatnigger food plz
Dalmatian pasticada here
>also, why do you faggots have so many nazis?
I dont know or havent met anyone in croatia thats a nazi. Dont judge a country because you see a few fake articles on the internet

>> No.14082944

Lots of Ustaše nostalgia going on.

>> No.14082951

Looks a bit like polish Miseria salad like my nan used to make
you should reaally try polish food

>> No.14082955
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>> No.14082994

I'm not sure where the name comes from actually, it might mean "poor man's salad" or something

>> No.14083006

do you have pestilence salad too?

>> No.14083055

sauerkraut is fermented with bacteria, so I guess it could count...

>> No.14083069

yeah, it's called that because if all you have to eat is cucumbers an vinegar, your life is probably pretty miserable.
it's really tasty though.

>> No.14083075
File: 439 KB, 799x785, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have one misery salad with leper's beer on the side please, and for dessert I'll take the molestation cake, thank you.

>> No.14083090

Is nobody going to notice that that's translated from Spanish?

>> No.14083097

sure i noticed, it's a common word in european languages. almost like they are all related huh?

>> No.14083099

also, when poles want to say 'god dammit' they just shout 'Cholera!'

>> No.14083100
File: 27 KB, 601x260, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

several languages have that word, m8
it's mizéria in Hungarian

it's from latin so most EU languages will have it

>> No.14083102
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>> No.14083113

magyars say "francba!" which is basically "to syphilis with it!"

>> No.14083118

it comes from latin originally

>> No.14083144

Goulash, Khachapuri, Pierogi
Not eastern European, these are just the ones I know.

>> No.14083160

OH NO NO NO its another autistic fatty who htinks a litle oil will hurt him

>> No.14083169

in Polish mizerny means poorly/not so great
If you'd see 60kg armlet you can say he looks mizernie
so its not the english kind of misery like big tragedies and shit

>> No.14083185

stop miserysplaining, bro

we know perfectly well what misery means

>> No.14084181

Noice, got any desserts to recommend?

>> No.14084359

Chicken Julienne
Chicken Kiev
Georgian pressed chicken

All great
Perogis and zapikanka too

>> No.14084630

dear polish anons, what's the name of that dish of big beans, like fasolka? fasola? I had it at that hippie festival where all the food I had was awesome, even that cheap ass hare Krishna slop. It took me years to find how to imitate the bigos I had there but I can't remember the name of those beans.

>> No.14084689

Eat this or you're a fag

>> No.14084700

Isn't this just lard?
I had it once when I was in Russia for a bit. Tasted like shit.

>> No.14084709

^^^^^^^^^^ cannot recommend enough.

>> No.14084748

you mean "fasolka po bretońsku"?
isn't it the same as UK's baked beans?

>> No.14084767

it's not exactly the same as lard, it's just a cut of the fattest part of a pig with some seasoning

>> No.14084789

What’s a good solyanka recipe?

>> No.14084829

i was going to give you a few suggestions but then you offended me personally.

good day to you sir

>> No.14084833

This guy. Proper stroganoff is so much better if done traditionally (AKA use sirloin instead of ground beef and throw in some tomato paste. The acidity works so goddamn well with all the richness in the sauce.)

>> No.14084834

it was bigger beans with less sause, as I recall. as for uk baked beans, I only ever had Heinz, so I can't really tell, I guess.

>> No.14085044

that's an invention by a belgian/french guy tho

>> No.14085172
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Recomending Fishermans soup and spenotfozelek regarding Magyar food. The latter can look like ugly mush but just trust me, if you do it right its godly.
As for balkan cuisine something to understand is that if something is eaten in one EX-YU country there is a very good chance that its also widely eaten in most or all the other ones as well. And since this part of the world was under strong foreign influence for a long time most of the dishes are either copies or local spins on Italian/Austrian/Ottoman food.
You could make ajvar i guess. A pljeskavica is also an option, its different from a hamburger even though in the local languages it can be a synonym since its made from mixed ground beef/ham/sheep meat with added onions + spices (most notably pepper) before being grilled, and is either eaten in pita bread or bunless with more onions and kaymak/spread of your choice

>> No.14085232

By pepper i mean both black pepper and paprika. You can also add more stuff if you want.

>> No.14085328
File: 542 KB, 2560x1920, Bryndzové_halušky_so_slaninou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumplings with sheep cheese and bacon

>> No.14085345
File: 215 KB, 1667x1259, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kapustnica ( soup from sauerkraut, forest mushrooms, sausage and various meat on bones)

>> No.14085368

Guláš (this depends who you ask, but for us it is slowly cooked beef chunks with lots of smoked paprika inside, served with knedľa-knedlo, which could be described as giant dumpling )

>> No.14085385
File: 106 KB, 802x451, 1253_Rindsgulasch mit Sauerrahmknoedel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture

>> No.14085402

Here is one page original from my country, translated to english with google.
It is a bit janky, but you can understand the gist.


>> No.14085787

>Still more nutritious than McDonalds and other American classics
Actually no
Meat us very nutritious

>> No.14085816

yes, a lot of protein, but also very bad for your heart health

>> No.14087014


also burek

>> No.14087039

make gulyas soup however you like,
put it in a airtight container put that in a bag and go for a walk with it
makes the soup thick and the potatos rounded squares and the meat loosens up
found this out by accident works great

>> No.14087512

>knedľa-knedlo, which could be described as giant dumpling
lol, what a disappointment this side was for a friend of mine in a restaurant in Praha. He would rather have had bread instead.

>> No.14087557

I'm from Poland
My favorite food from here is żurek, a sour rye soup with tons of kiełbasa, potatoes and eggs, it's the shit

Other good dishes
Kugelis (also known as potato babka) It's essentially a mashed potato casserole with bacon, eggs and milk, baked in an oven

Solyanka, soup with lots of salt and lemon, sometimes a slice of fish, very complex flavors, delicious

There's a bunch of other meme foods here like Slovakian bryndza, Ukrainian white borscht cheese or Czech knedliki but I don't like those that much

>> No.14087581

dumplings on thee picture look storebought to me which makes all the difference

>> No.14087607
File: 39 KB, 650x330, Grechanaya-kasha-na-moloke-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy, unexpected, divine. it's fucking BUCKWHEAT WITH MILK. unironically.
it might sound like a barfworthy combo, but wait until you try.
boil the buckwheat normally, just water and a pinch of salt. you can add a bit more water and boil for 5-10min longer to make it softer.
while it's still hot and steamy, put some onto a bowl and ADD MILK. right from the fridge to achieve the signature pleasantly warm temp. just enough to cover it, not to make a fucking milk soup, the grain must not be swimming in it freely.
i don't know what kind of white sorcery it is, or why we never share it with foreigners, but it's GOOD. the milk demolishes that bran-y, dry peasantly subtaste that some people dislike in buckwheat, and send you straight to the flavortown.
the taste is unique but not exotic or weird, it's great, it's subtle, it's the secret slavs will never tell you. i can begin to descibe it as lightly creamy bot not fatty, very light, nothing like any other dish with buckwheat.
eating it rn

in other words, go add, im not gonna repeat it twice, fucking MILK to your BUCKWHEAT

>> No.14087610

damn I have not eaten knedliki in a long time, I must have some next time I visit Czechia (or just go to a czech restaurant maybe)

>> No.14087618

Oh yeah, I don't know if you consider Georgia to be Eastern European or Asian (I consider it to be EE) but their entire cuisine is amazing, I haven't had a single bad dish from there yet. Most people know Khachapuri and Khinkali by now, but that's just the start. Their lamb sausages are flavorful as shit. They have a dessert that's made of grape jelly (?) it's soft when fresh and hard when matured, served in the form of either a pudding or in the form of sausages. Kharcho is a spicy soup made with cherry plum and walnuts, giving it a complex flavor profile.

I absolutely love Georgian food. Fun fact: by now there are more Georgian restaurants here than Italian ones, kek.

>> No.14087623

pohanka, kroupy better mix with potatoes and cheese.

>> No.14087625

Have you had Langos? It's great

>> No.14087629

Muj Muzyn

>> No.14087631

I had that one time when I went to the seaside as a kid, there was a food cart selling it to tourists. It had cheese on top and lots of garlic. Unfortunately I haven't had it since.

>> No.14087635

Unfortunately for him, he unexpectedly got that again in another restaurant during the stay and he was quite pissed of not having spotted the name to avoid it. What's so different about non store bought dumplings? How do you make them interesting? Aren't they intended to soak a some tasty liquid?

>> No.14087644

I don't know what it's called but my mom makes something like that with these fat beans.

>> No.14087650

they are but storebought are far too fine, homemade have bigger pieces of rolls they are made from. If the dumplings are too fine they will soak up too quickly and turn into mush. Its almost impossible to buy good dumplings.

And if houskový arent your things there are like one hundred dumpling recipes. My favorite would be bread dumplings

>> No.14087663

That dish is such a treat. I love it.

>> No.14087679
File: 41 KB, 400x600, BF38FCA9-D844-4CAF-B0CB-39C1B2C226CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latvian lentils with bacon, simple yet delicious

>> No.14087682

I was at lake Balaton last year and I had it there. It was pretty amazing. We were drunk all the time and that food really made a difference.

We were also at this one restaurant just a few minutes from the lake shore. I will try to find it.
Ristorante Rustica Étterem in Siofok.

We ordered a bunch of food and it was all incredible. We also ordered a big serving of pork knuckles and those were the best I've ever had.

We racked up a good bill with all the food and beer and left a huge tip to our server.

>> No.14087693

And Mustafa Restaurant-Pizzéria-Gyros-Kávézó had incredible Gyros. That was the perfect food after getting drunk in those clubs and bars.

>> No.14087697

Sounds nice, Balaton is an amazing place.

>> No.14087706

It really is. The only bad thing about our trip was the place we stayed at.
We rented a house from some old lady we found on some website offering lodging to tourists.
The house was a dirty mess, no lie. Insects everywhere and she had a dog that brought us an amazing amount if lice. We were all so itchy and disgusted. Warm water barely worked and just gross.
But we spent the most time at the beach anyway and only got "home" to sleep.

If we ever go again we'll spend more on a better place to stay.

I'd gladly go visit Balaton again. The weather, the water, the women. HNNNNNNNNG.