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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 1023x667, 2020-05-13 15_38_04-Welcome to The Bread Kitchen - YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14079331 No.14079331 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to Bread & Baking, ask away and share your accomplishments
> why haven't you made a new thread - edition

Opening with this topic, why is that every video relating to bread and baking /ck/, is usually the most gentle and adorable people, soothing voices ever?

>> No.14079339

didn't this loony broad delete xir channel?

>> No.14079371

well, its there, I just found a video while searching for a tip and opened it out of curiosity, seems good

>> No.14079387

so it is. splendid

>> No.14079393

I miss her.

>> No.14079844

that's a dude.

>> No.14079853
File: 180 KB, 519x533, 1567796304480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks, jewish

>> No.14079857

I bought yeast on ebay

>> No.14079881

this nigga wish he could make his own yeast but can't, if you catch my drift

>> No.14079915
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1566074518543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't disrespect Titli, please.

>> No.14079950

he probably an hero'd they all do eventually.

>> No.14079974
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1587685131679.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a tranny or not?

>> No.14079987
File: 374 KB, 1224x1224, 20200510_135746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads, stop bullying the nice lady, and help me figure this out.

I was just following a regular baguette white bread recipe, but I had 500g whole wheat flour, and said, wth i'll just use this, the recipe is basically:
>mix in yeast, salt, water and the flour
>mix until uniform paste
>let it rest for 45 min periods while giving a knead in between
>separate the though and roll individual baguette pieces
>let it rest for an additional 30 minutes in a cloth while prepping the oven
>20 min baking while letting water simmer at the bottom,
>turn around at half bake time while spraying with some additional water

pic related was the dough after first mix

>> No.14080019
File: 390 KB, 1224x1224, 20200510_170731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now pic is after the last grow period, before cutting it up
now I realize I have screwed up in more ways than one, have I accidentally made sourdough?
I didn't eve know what sourdough actually was before today
now I'm gonna say my mistakes first and foremost:
>was in a hurry to get the thing done by night, so while I leave a good 3 hours resting I could have cut it short a bit
>I didn't use additional flour to help while rolling the baguettes, and later put too much on the pan
>might have left too much water in the oven and opened up too frequently for sprays
>and again was in a hurry so might've cut short the baking time

>> No.14080070
File: 123 KB, 612x612, 20200510_190946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also might've under kneaded the dough, I gave it a good mush but the video didn't specify for how long you're supposed to do it

Now finally, with all those mistakes out of the way, the whole didn't actually turned out half bad
it looked a lot like black bread, german/australian type,
it was kinda mushed and breaking too easily, but the mass was very soft and tasty,
this was for a family meeting, the reason I was in a hurry and why the last picture wasn't that good, but everyone enjoyed practically eating it all up
besides being tasty, it also felt pretty damn good for the belly, if you know what I mean, later on I took a huge dump that felt pretty satisfying
that's why I thought I might have accidentally made half sourdough or something like that, because of possible good bacteria or maybe broken down glucose/gluten

so with that in mind, how can I improve on this?
Still want to make something more *baguette like*, but the added benefit of being whole grain sourdough thing, as it seems very promising for a more healthy diet
So I'm feeling like, adding 1/2 white flour 1/2 whole flour mix, more yeast (I used very little initially), longer knead and longer grow time, perhaps leaving it overnight, and also longer bake while still keeping it very moist
does this make sense?

>> No.14080071

She's stopped making videos and is now working on a garden business.


>> No.14080176

DUDE! that is a dude. it talks like a monty python pepper pot.


>> No.14080187

She's a nice lady. I learned a lot from her.

I would literally punch you if we were in the same room.

>> No.14080196

>She's a nice lady
he's a nice guy

fixed that for you.

just look at him he's not a female.

>> No.14080198

what a dunce this fella is

>> No.14080227
File: 118 KB, 947x607, thats a dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never walks in to frame always has baggy covering clothes, carries himself like a guy. talks in falsetto. sure it's female.

>> No.14080234

it's like a granola Randy Newman

>> No.14080259

She's tall and has a big built, but she literally has a husband AND a daughter.

>> No.14080267

Oh yeah that's a dude, look at the shoulders

I don't believe you

>> No.14080276

perversion and adoption.

also women love to be photographed unless they are disfigured, he does these transitions where he just fades in to the picture, and it's all he can do to control his voice from going deep.

admit it, just like he did, he no longer wanted to be a guy. it's ok. let it go. like his dick.

>> No.14080293


>> No.14080897

>tfw you never had a nice aunt
>tfw you're so damaged by the internet that any nice old lady has to be an old faggot

>> No.14081308

Imagine literally simping for an old tranny, look at his bone structure, listen to his voice, that is not a woman
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck don't go around telling people its peacock

>> No.14081325

breadmaking is a way of life for some people you can't just go and buy 100 lbs of flour you'll never use during quarantine what am i supposed to buy

>> No.14081414

>Finally get hands on flour
>Clinical depression hits heavy
>Barely have the motivation to even feed my starter

I'm so sorry bros, I promise I'll get around to actually making something.

>> No.14081433

>imagine simping
oh really you think that's simping, I see now never knew human interaction to begin with, so surely you wouldn't know how a duck looks or quacks
meanwhile, can people actually talk about bread here?

I really didn't understand your sentence

get to it, you don't even need a starter for most cases, and doing something like this is great to improve the mood

>> No.14081553

my aunt was a bitch but she never sounded like a pepper pot.

>I really didn't understand your sentence
it's a karen quote.
here's the deal king la queefa.

no one really cares that the guy is a tranny except you. we accept he's a tranny, you can still watch his videos about gardening and bread. but no matter how hard you try you can't unsee or unhear that old uncle body and squawking pepper pot voice.

>> No.14081594

>can people actually talk about bread here
post more granny tranny vids lol

>> No.14081624

>can people actually talk about bread here?
don't post videos of tranny grannies and no one will talk about that.

>> No.14081716
File: 53 KB, 800x445, mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of "minute bread"...the kind made with baking powder rather than yeast?

>> No.14083265


>> No.14083320

actually he sounds like mrs. doubtfire.

>> No.14083390
