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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, Intro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14078480 No.14078480[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you doing in quarantine, Anonymous?
I'm going a bit stir crazy myself!
But we've got each other, right?
Because of that, we've got plenty of time to make a quality, home made meal together!

So let's do just that, you and I!
Let's cook, Anonymous~!

>> No.14078485
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 2-TodaysDish.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So! Today's dish...Pan Seared Garlic Butter Chicken!
This dish is so quick and simple, you'll work it into your dinner rotation easily.
I found this chicken dish to be particularly yummy.

>> No.14078493
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 3-Ingredients.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ingredients time!
- 4 (6 oz) boneless skinless chicken breasts
- 4 cloves of garlic, minced
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- salt and pepper
- 1/3 c chicken stock (or dry white wine)
- 2 tsp sage
- 1 tsp thyme
- 1 tsp rosemary
I used dried spices, but I'm sure this would taste wonderful with fresh!
I also used oregano instead of sage, because that's what I prefer.

>> No.14078497

>How are you doing in quarantine, Anonymous?

i ate a box of dry sugar free brownie mix yesterday with a spoon

>> No.14078503
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 4-PatDry.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez. S-so not great huh?
In the very first "step" we pat the chicken dry!
Make sure the chicken is nice and dry on both sides.
Do this lovingly. You wanna love your food.

>> No.14078519
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 5-SeasonChicken.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Season the chicken generously with salt and pepper.
You can let the salt and pepper sit on the chicken for a few minutes to properly season the meat.
After you salt and pepper the chicken, set it aside for a moment.

>> No.14078527
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 6-OilSkillet.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this step we are going to add the oil to the skillet.
You may have to add a little more, as I found out that 1 tbsp wasn't quite enough for how big the skillet was.
Not a whole lot to say but make sure that you're heating your pan evenly.
The oil will be ready when it shimmers.

>> No.14078537
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 7-AddChicken.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add the chicken to pan!
We are gonna give this chicken a good sear to give it a nice crust on the outside.
Don't move the chicken before it's done with the sear, give it about 5-6 minutes on each side.

>> No.14078547

this looks pretty nice

>> No.14078549
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 8-CookChicken.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very tasty <4

This is what the chicken will look like when it's done! Pretty tasty, right?

Now we are going to work on the sauce!
Got to make this chicken nice and saucy, so it tastes even better <4

>> No.14078553

>it's another tranny "cooks" a fucking chicken breast in a pan episode
Fuck off. This isn't cooking; this is attention whoring.

>> No.14078557
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 9-TransferChicken.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a tranny, and that's not what this recipe is <4 Thank you for the constructive criticism, but perhaps you'd like to see the full dish first?
Set the chicken aside onto a plate while you make the sauce in the skillet.
Not only will this allow the chicken to rest after cooking, but it frees up the space in the skillet!

>> No.14078566
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 10-AddButterGarlicAndSage.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. In this step we are going to add the garlic, butter and the sage.
Make sure you melt the butter and scrape up all the yummy bits that will give the sauce a good flavor! Brown the garlic for about 30 seconds.

>> No.14078573
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, 11-BrownGarlic.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it wil look like when you've browned the garlic properly.
Be careful to not burn it because burnt garlic is quite awful.

>> No.14078604
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 12-PourInBrothButterThymeAndRosemary.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this step, we are going to complete our sauce!
Pour the chicken broth into the skillet along with the other bits of butter and the thyme and rosemary.
Mix it up well and finish scraping up the bottom of the pan, trying to not leave anything!

>> No.14078619
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, 13-AddChickenBack.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this step, we add the chicken back to the skillet and spoon the sauce over the chicken, giving it a nice coating!
This sauce was super yummy and I'm glad I had extra to dip my chicken in!

>> No.14078629
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 14-Serving.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Anonymous, dinner is served!
This was a quick meal that I made with all the love I could muster.
I really hope that you make it at home yourself! If you don't like some of the spices, feel free to substitute them with your favorites.

>> No.14078636
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 15-Outro.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With that said, we're all in this together Anonymous <4 I hope you are doing great, and I hope you can help out others during this trying time.
But if you yourself need help, email me at loveoverwhelming@gmail.com
Whether it be food, money, or other supplies, I'll do my best to help you out.

I hope you enjoyed the thread!
With love,

>> No.14078713

This is some quality stuff. Well done anon

>> No.14078715
File: 2.60 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20200503_091430782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the love, Alice. Have a pie of pie.

>> No.14078717

It's my honor <4 Have a good one!

Thank you sincerely <4 I appreciate it.

>> No.14078722

that's a man.

>> No.14078729

Based alice.

>> No.14078732

I'm not, sorry <4

Just trying to help Anonymous.

>> No.14078748

>see interesting looking kitchen
>click webm before reading text
>that tranny

Got me again

>> No.14078754

I'm not a tranny, sorry <4

>> No.14078758

those hands tell a different story.

>> No.14078762
File: 793 KB, 2285x1088, IMG_20200504_221453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. They don't. As you can see clearly here, they are well within normal length, width, and circumference for the average woman.

>> No.14078794
File: 101 KB, 1024x993, Coffee instant..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual cooking on /ck/ impressive. I normally do something like this with a side of mash and a thicker gravy made with the lefover broth and some granules, very tasty.

>> No.14078796

That's a great idea, I also made mashed potatos with this, but I wanted to emphasize the part of the meal I feel people have the most trouble with <4

Thank you for the constructive criticism!

>> No.14078820

I'm in the middle of a 500mg test cycle and got more feminine hands than this. Next time groom your nails before taking a hq picture. Food looks nice though well done Anon.

>> No.14078825

This one was cute, alice. Thanks.

>> No.14078829

If you have more feminine hands than me, despite mine being dramatically smaller than even the average womans hands, while taking hormones....

You aren't taking T.

Thank you for the constructive criticism though <4

My pleasure.

>> No.14078831

yeah but your vagina is probably too big, too big!

>> No.14078835

Too big for what?

>> No.14078887

falls outside normal range. men probably feel engulfed, suffocated in your presence. Big vagine = big heart

>> No.14078894

That doesn't say what it's too big for.

>> No.14078905

too big for my needle dick, fuck is that what you want to hear?

>> No.14078909

I mean. Even the tightest teen would be too big for that, friend.

>> No.14078919

These threads, and the massive attention they get, are the reason I no longer bother posting my cooking here.

>> No.14078921

I have pleased many prosties with my member, shutup

>> No.14078931

You consider this "massive attention"?
Jeez...I didn't realize /ck/ was so....slow.

That said, I'm not sure how me making OC should stop you from doing the same.

If you say so, Anonymous.

>> No.14078939

prostates you mean

>> No.14078950

NO, prostitutes

>> No.14078957

yes, male ones.

>> No.14078962


>> No.14078983

no woman could be pleased by a needle like that, come on. Don't lie.

>> No.14078997

i want to feel inside your body Alice3D

>> No.14079000

You won't.

>> No.14079027

on the contrary
it fixed my erectile dysfunction

>> No.14079038

It has, needle dicks are superior as they longer, svelte and glide through with less resistance. Thus, more thrusts per minute are achievable, and therefore g-spot bullying is maximized.

>> No.14079043

the g-spot is only 2 inches in.
Longer does nothing to aid with that.

>> No.14079060

maybe she will pegg you if you ask nicely

>> No.14079107

so you're a top?
nice digits by the way

>> No.14079119

No, I'm celibate

>> No.14079124

Is this a tranny?

>> No.14079131

No. Biological woman here. Nice to meet you.

>> No.14079134
File: 49 KB, 757x509, 1578281947787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alice3D is celibate

>> No.14079139

Not sure what you mean. Celibacy is a choice.

>> No.14079148

gonna have to disagree on that one
lotta involuntary virgins online

>> No.14079155

It's not "involuntary" if you go to a place you'll have 0 chance of having sex, then don't have sex.
It's like going to a Bed Bath and Beyond and expecting strippers, then saying you have "involuntary stripper deprivation syndrome".

>> No.14079172

they exist offline as well
a person doesn't only exist online
for example there's you and me on all of 4Chan
we could have sex

>> No.14079176

No we couldn't.
We're on 4chan.

>> No.14079177

Compared to other "OC" these threads get a shitload of attention, for better or worse, yes.
Interesting how you don't know that after posting your shit here for years, by the way.

But no, you don't stop me from doing anything. My disgust with you and your followers stops me.
I enjoyed sharing my cooking and getting a bit of feedback on it, positive and negative, but I'm not willing to shave my arms and put on a dress to get that now, and that seems to be what these faggots want.

>> No.14079178

incel alice confirmed

>> No.14079185

I want to hug celibate alices.

>> No.14079186

I don't have followers, and I would seriously not consider this a "shit ton" of attention, especially given I don't want attention.

I also don't see how you shaving your arms and putting on a dress would make you a biological woman, but okay.

Sorry, I'm voluntarily celibate

>> No.14079188

now you're making excuses
you are sitting somewhere being a slutty slut totally naked under those clothes behind a computer screen
we could easily have sex

>> No.14079189

Are you the pube bread guy? We bullied that guy pretty badly. It was glorious.

>> No.14079192

I was hoping the mods deleted your threads on the 15 boards you simultaneously post on but no you must have just realized something was wrong and deleted them.

>> No.14079193

I'm not wearing cloths, but you can't have sex online.

*hugs tightly*

Hm? No, I didn't delete my threads.
I got banned.

>> No.14079199

another deep hit for the incel comunnity

>> No.14079202


>> No.14079204

I had typed a fairly long comment about the cooking ITT last night, but then the thread 404'd. I was going to talk about how her cooking and video techniques were getting more advanced. But whatever.

>> No.14079209

worse than the death of saint black ops 2 cel

>> No.14079210

Would love to hear it <4 Always enjoy constructive criticism.

>> No.14079218

the headless celty effect was pretty good in this one, btw. Stop getting banned?

>> No.14079223

Take it up with /ck/ mods.

>> No.14079237

First, I'd like to go back to the previous one. I think someone else said something about the oil or melted butter on the salmon. Yes, definitely try a softened compound butter spread on top with all the spices and garlic mixed in. Also, you could have zested some of that lemon peel in there. Missed a flavor opportunity.

>> No.14079238

What was the ban for? It's clearly on topic since it's literally cooking food and criticisms of the dish.

>> No.14079243

Being off topic.

>> No.14079294

why be celibate?

>> No.14079297

Working on myself right now.

>> No.14079300
File: 932 KB, 1080x1067, 1575958629303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't have sex online
that's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.14079304

That, like your sex life, isn't real

>> No.14079306


>> No.14079308

we can work on yourself together
come over
we can watch porn on my big screen mirror

>> No.14079313

No thank you <4

>> No.14079317

only because you can't manage your spaghetti
otherwise you wouldn't be an incel

>> No.14079320

Sorry, no. I almost never bake.

>> No.14079330

I'm not an incel.

>> No.14079407

>Alice3D attacking another Anon's sex life
thought you were here to help people
really distasteful

>> No.14079412

I'm not Alice.

>> No.14079432

alice i asked this before but can you please post your address so i can go to your house

>> No.14079445
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>> No.14079447

Why would anyone do that

>> No.14079476
File: 34 KB, 627x908, 1588884730360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deciding to pump yourself with hormones and mutilate your body is disgusting and depraved.

>> No.14079481

Good thing...nothing like that is happening here?

>> No.14079484

Luckily, I'm not doing that <4

>> No.14079487

so i can go to your house

>> No.14079489

Yes, but why would anyone want that

>> No.14079497

so i can be next to u physically

>> No.14079498

Yes but why would anyone want that?
You are telling me why YOU want it, not why I would want it

>> No.14079503

why do u want it?

>> No.14079504

he surely can't be as fat or alcoholic as taco bell anon, he is fine

>> No.14079505

I don't.

I still don't want it.

>> No.14079512

well i want it, so, can u post your address?

>> No.14079514

Stay in denial, you are not going in the tranny gash.

>> No.14079517


>> No.14079520


>> No.14079530
File: 29 KB, 509x499, 1559006591415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all know why you want me to come over wearing nothing but a safety vest and helmet
I'm kinda turned on that you wanted it said outloud baby
but they should know
they should know about our relationship
how we've been dating for over 4 threads now
i <4 you so hard

>> No.14079532

I'm a biological female, sorry.

I'm not dating anyone.

Also no.

>> No.14079534

ill date u if u give me your address

>> No.14079535

I don't want to date you or anyone.

>> No.14079536

Show your face in these videos and prove it. We all know why you are hiding your face. Every part of you looks like a mans body.

>> No.14079537

i want to date u

>> No.14079538

/b/ros lay off my girlfriend

>> No.14079539

This thread is fucking awful (Nice!)

>> No.14079541

I love you shitposting friend

>> No.14079545
File: 2.90 MB, 484x640, geoduck2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you please cook geoduck for us alice? <4

>> No.14079547
File: 424 KB, 1844x871, IMG_20200504_221645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hide my face because people like this guy
Try to find me.

Let's look at your claim critically however.
Here's my hand.

It's less than 6" in length, where as the average for a woman is 6.8" and for mens is much higher than that.

So, at least for my hands, this is simply not true. Here's a measurement of the width, which is also below average even for a womans.

Glad to be of service.


>> No.14079549

Hahaha is it peeing? Wow!

>> No.14079552
File: 559 KB, 900x797, alckoholiccelebratesgoal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are co/ck/s and al/ck/oholics not /b/ros

>> No.14079554

im not trying to find u, i just want to visit

i will settle on just knowing where u work

>> No.14079557

I don't want you to visit me, and please stop asking me personal questions about my life.
Thank you.

>> No.14079558

Because you know everyone who is calling you out as a tranny is right and you know your army pathetic dick suckers will realize you have been bullshitting in every single one of your attention whore threads.

>> No.14079560

NEETs don't work...ohhhh
i see what you did there

>> No.14079562


but how am i supposed to meet my inspiration for cooking

>> No.14079563

I don't know something that is wrong, dear.
And I just showed you how my hands aren't masculine.
I also don't want attention, but I'm sure you don't care about reality at this point.

You don't.

>> No.14079564

decent, but lacking sides
please give a moneyshot to prove chicken is cooked to a good point and neith >jack level or dry as fuck

>> No.14079570

but i love u :(

i want to show u my love

>> No.14079574

That would be WebM 2 dear <4

Sorry, I don't want it.

>> No.14079575

Well, I'm out. Thanks for the cute thread, alice.
See ya next time :)

>> No.14079582

u dont know that u dont want it

i will make u happier

>> No.14079585

Have a good one <4

You are literally incapable of that.

>> No.14079586

Your hands look like a mans and the fact that you are a namefag in these vids who constantly posts these shitty threads proves you are an attention whore. I guess it doesn't matter because eventually you will probably commit the 41% anyways once you realize mutilating your body never solved any of your fundamental mental disorders.

>> No.14079589
File: 1.36 MB, 1200x1248, 1587242563741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14079592
File: 661 KB, 2304x1088, IMG_20200504_221533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As shown for the third time, my hands are much smaller than the average males, and even smaller than the average females.

If you want to continue to argue from ignorance, that's on you. Try again.

>> No.14079594

yes i can

what do u want? money? love? attention? i have it all

>> No.14079597

you did not cut it open and show the inside
so no money shot or proofs

>> No.14079601

OP doesn't have a name retard

I have my own money
I don't desire attention
And I have Anonymous to love.

And none of those things make me happy.

Picture 2 is the one you want dear.
It's definitely proof.

>> No.14079607

what makes u happy

>> No.14079610

Nothing. I have anhedonia. Happiness isn't in the cards for me, which is why you are barking up the wrong tree.

>> No.14079612

They look like man hands. All you have to do is stop covering your face in a video and literally all of this is resolved, every single person questioning is silenced, but you wont do that because you know it will expose your larp. Until then every single thread you make will have people rightfully question your bs.

>> No.14079616

They don't. As I said, they are the wrong size.
They are far too small to look like man hands.
Sorry this is hard for you to comprehend.

I also can't larp on an imageboard, but that's just a whole other conversation right there.

>> No.14079618

but y do u post then? do u not get pleasure from this?

>> No.14079624

I do not get pleasure from this and I have no clue why you think I would.
I get comments like this denegrating me literally every thread

Who would enjoy this?

>> No.14079633

>I do not get pleasure from this and I have no clue why you think I would.
because this isnt the first time u have done it

i would assume u at least enjoy it

>> No.14079634

You know its a misdirection, see my hands are a little bit smaller even though your hands and every proportion of your body is a mans in your videos. You won't ever provide proof because you are either faking as a female or a mental disordered tranny. You can prove that easily, but you wont. Until you do, there will always people who think you are full of shit and they will be right.

>> No.14079637

Cute dullahan.

>> No.14079645


It's not "misdirection", it's literally what you said.
Man hands.
Which I don't have, as my hands are actually quite tiny and delicate.

The fact you misinterpreted them as man hands, and the fact I can prove they are not, are supposed to lead you to the conclusion that perhaps the issue is perspective.
But that would take more self awareness than I think you are capable of.

That said, I literally showed you evidence I'm not a man, and you then go "yer still full of shit", so it's pretty clear you don't really care about actually being right, but instead about trolling.
Because of that, I just...don't really care what you think <4

thanks, how was the edit <4

>> No.14079646

Even if its a tranny why would you hate the tranny? Its like the Joker, you dont blame the joker, you blame society

>> No.14079650

r u sure u dont enjoy it?
y do u keep doing it then?

>> No.14079655

To help Anonymous.
And yes, I am quite sure.

>> No.14079656

You did a great job.

>> No.14079657

apple-lute-lee based

>> No.14079658

dont u enjoy helping Anonymous?

>> No.14079662

Good <4 I worked really hard on it, Vegas kept crashing.

No, I have anhedonia. I said that already dear, enjoyment isn't in my vocabulary.

>> No.14079665

Oh fuck yeah I love daft mau5

>> No.14079666

I don't hate the tranny, I feel bad that society is enabling their delusions instead of providing real help for their disorder. That said, I do dislike people who lie and mislead others for attention and when called out and with an incredibly easily irrefutable way to prove they are actually a female instead of some non-definitive proof like a picture of a hand (as if no guy has ever had a smaller hand), that is what I hate.

>> No.14079671

>I said that already dear, enjoyment isn't in my vocabulary.
ok well, even if it isnt directly "im happy now" im glad it gives u a reason to get up in the morning

i look forward to your threads so u help me get up

ill ask for your address again later. hope you enjoy life more

>> No.14079672

This is a Durara!! reference actually

Again, you keep asserting I'm lying or misleading or that I want attention. Do you have any actual hard evidence for this?

I don't post my face because it's my face and I don't want to be tracked down and doxxed. This isn't a particularly unreasonable concern given I'm from /b/. Not sure why that is difficult to grasp, but alright.

>> No.14079674

Please don't ask me for my address again.
And the reason I get up in the morning is because I'm no longer tired, nothing more.

>> No.14079679

>Please don't ask me for my address again.
see u next time

>> No.14079687

You should come to /qa/, we are nice friends there :3

>> No.14079689

we don't know your metric is even accurate never mind that if it were being below an average doesn't matter if you're a twink tranny outlier. .001% 41% hey it's easy to lie with stats

>> No.14079691

You can literally look at it and see.
Please don't spread FUD

I bet I'd be banned instantly, but we could try it.

I'll just not respond to you then.

>> No.14079696

Work is taking the piss.
They furloughed half the employees and dumped their work on the other half.

Managed to get a delivery from supermarket on Monday.
Been eating decent meals when I can.

>> No.14079698

That blows. I'm sorry to hear that, friend.
Are you furloughed? Are you doing ok?

>> No.14079700

These threads are always worth a scroll-through for some hearty chuckles
With that said

kys tranny you will never pass

>> No.14079703

Not a tranny, don't need to pass for what I already am, have a nice day <4

>> No.14079711

I think you have some sort of autism.

>> No.14079730
File: 2.29 MB, 264x186, 1589396633182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14079760

what the fuck is this real?

>> No.14079763

Is what real?

>> No.14079768

the op did this live for a thread

>> No.14079769

stop shitposting dumb tranny

>> No.14079774

OP isn't a tranny

>> No.14079786

stop defending them

>> No.14079794

It's not a defense just a statement of fact

>> No.14079805

yes she did, she does this often in fact

>> No.14079809

s/hes too good for this board. appreciate the effort though

>> No.14079812

the last time i checked her panties in the videos, I didn't see a dick anywhere, if it was tucked in, it'd have to be abnormally well hidden and small, and she has displayed breasts through bikinis before so I wouldn't think she is male.
I still like to meme and say she's a trap though

>> No.14079814

no he prerecords and then spams it across 4chan. this a repost from yesterday's load

>> No.14079819

Site is more accurate since she posts on other boards also etc, began on /b/ etc

>> No.14079823

Sorry, OP is a woman
why be a dick?

>> No.14079826

I'm guessing you're new here huh friend?

>> No.14079827

No, just don't see the point in an unfunny troll is all

>> No.14079832

So new then

>> No.14079834


>> No.14079842

These threads are so bad they almost make me miss the cat blog.

>> No.14079847

how are they bad

>> No.14079848

Fuck off, tranny.

>> No.14079896

I don't see the point in making autistic tranny threads multiple days a week. at least use a subject or "cooking with tranny" in the OP so I can filter them. Until then I'll continue to come in here and be nasty. it takes me very little effort and it often derails the threads, so it's worth it to me

>> No.14079900

that's the problem, this isn't a tranny.
Can you prove it is?

>> No.14079903

you meant to reply to OP

we're on 4chan. tits or gtfo is the rule, not the other way around

>> No.14079910

"tits or gtfo" isn't "tits or tranny"

>> No.14079934

no it's either tits or gtfo or dilate. go back to /b/

>> No.14079940

no, it's just "tits or gtfo".
Try again retard

>> No.14080059

Drink bleach you disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.14080612

Well, tonight I and tomorrow I am home by myself because my wife is hospitalized the next two days.

I decided to treat myself to get my mind off it a bit.

I made myself two 12oz steaks marinated in:
3/4oz olive oil
1tbsp chopped garlic
1tbsp dried basal
1tbsp dried parsley
1tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2tsp soy sauce
1tsp red wine vinegar
1tsp balsamic vinegar
1tsp lemon juice
1tsp chili pepper flakes
1tsp kosher salt
1tsp ground black pepper
1tsp paprika

I made a topping of peppers and onions by quartering 2 onions and opening 2 cans 7oz mushrooms and sauteing them in 5oz butter at high heat (450F) for 8 minutes. Removed from heat.

I marinated the steak for 3 hours then after scoring the steaks with a knife then cooked on a hot 450F grill for 5 minutes each side.

Took steaks off the grill and let rest for 8 minutes. Put on a plate and topped with mushrooms and onions. Ate it all (shared a bit with the dog) while watching Lord or the Rings the Two Towers.

Was so so so so goooood!

I hope my wife will be ok. Comfort food really does help. It was very good...