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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 225 KB, 1200x1200, Quick-Tater-Tot-Bake_EXPS_DIYD19_4289_B06_25_2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14063334 No.14063334 [Reply] [Original]

Post your comfort food recipies. Bonus points for shitty casseroles that you remember from childhood

Mine is the classic tater tot casserole:
>brown some ground beef
>maybe put some onion in there
>cover it with a can of cream of mushroom soup
>cover that with some "italian" shredded factory cheese
>cover that with some thawed tater tots
>put a lid on it and bake for like 25-30 minutes at 325 F
W a l a

>> No.14063343

>tater tot casserole
I can hear the sound of distant planes flying over your head just by reading your post

>> No.14063353

Jokes on you I'm Canadian and we don't have states

>> No.14063366

Orange Pasta.

>Fry up garlic and tomato paste in a pan
>Fry up sliced up ham pieces and mushrooms in the same pan.
>Add cooked spaghetti or other pasta and mix until the tomato paste and other ingredients have coated all the pasta.
>Add copious amounts of cheese and black pepper then serve immediately.

Fine dining it's not. But it's something we've been making for decades now every so often and it's definitely a comfort food and one I associate strongly with my childhood.

>> No.14063397
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I make fast food items from my childhood at home. Because the quality of those places has steadily declined. Taco Bell changed their beans in the 90s and they turned to dried out unpalatable shit. All the burgers besides maybe In N Out and sit down restaurants have mystery meat that rivals the current demographics of California. This morning I made Ham and Bacon Egg McMuffins that didn't have overcooked rubbery eggs and bacon-glass. They were mighty good.

>> No.14063411

babkas from my childhood

pureed potatoes go into a dutch oven with mushrooms, thiccc cured russian bacon, smoked pig ears, and a fat fuck of fine dill to bake till golden brown.

>> No.14063452


>> No.14063482
File: 78 KB, 1200x630, boigah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom's hamburger rice. I don't know what it is, but my mom's a Macanese expat to America and makes chink rice with american hamburger and a bunch of eggs in the same pot. Chicken stock is involved. Now that I'm grown up, I use a little cheeky dash of chili oil crisp.

Pic close enough, but not really.

>> No.14063647

thank you, i miss it, cant really find good smoked pig ears in east coast USA. and i tried making them myself but it never really turns out right.

>> No.14063666

This is similar to perlo. Try cooking your rice with the cooked beef. Watch your grease levels. Might want to lightly rinse the beef before adding to your rice water

>> No.14063695
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That looks so bad though? You gotta learn how to take photos of food man.

>> No.14063715

>This morning I made Ham and Bacon Egg McMuffins
I hate brainlet retards like you who call everyday food products by the name that McDonald's uses. McDonald's didn't invent the breakfast sandwich, you brainwashed moron. You could simply say "Ham, Bacon and Eggs on a Muffin" but instead throw the "Mc" in there like it somehow authenticates it.

>> No.14063721
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I mean, I don't agree with what they're doing either. But I think they just did that to show that they were making something similar to what McDonald's has because they miss eating fast food so they have to make their own version of fast food now.

>> No.14063751
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Gif animation.

Chicken curry and beer.

>> No.14063766
File: 3.59 MB, 2016x1134, 20200227_150724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love tater tot casserole. I use a mix of cream of mushroom, cream of chicken and sour cream in mine. Also sharp white cheddar.

>> No.14063775

There' s more liquid fat in the bottom than there is food on top.


>> No.14063780

Yeah that's a shitty example. Probably used 70/30 ground beef. Also cheese on top of the tots is inexcusable.

>> No.14063783

Not even a flyover and people like you are insufferable.

>> No.14063862

>t.The Burger King
Deal with it, McBitch.

>> No.14063871

t. flyover LARPing as non-flyover

>> No.14063895

Growing up when I had to fend for myself I always went for a bean and cheese 'burrito' that was just canned refried beans on a flour tortilla topped with shredded cheese from a bag. Picante sauce if we had it. I still eat it to this day when I'm trying to save money. What it lacks in nutrition it makes up in comfy nostalgia and the pride meeting my own needs.

>> No.14064218

he's right tho fuck off im making tater tot bake just to spite your faggotry

>> No.14064245

i make this, but replace tater tots with mac and cheese

>> No.14064728

Picture was grabbed from google

>> No.14064787
File: 3.11 MB, 4032x3024, EDE9B4A0-E8AE-4F15-8094-47C69C739C63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow rice, peas and chicken. It’s simple but it’s the one thing my mom use to make that I still loves.

>> No.14064947

Live in Berkeley bud but keep trying.

>> No.14065203

You're from either Saskatchewan or Manitoba. Drive south and you won't even notice the transition to America until they stop taking your money.

>> No.14065246

>lacks in nutrition
Bean have carbohydrate and protein. Tortilla have carbohydrate. Cheese have fat and vitamin D. Burrito is fine.

>> No.14065733
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Ramen. inb4 bully.
I have a very small, crappy kitchen,
so making anything really worth while is 5 times as hard as it should be.

>> No.14065751

Big kitchen or small, how does that change the time it takes to boil water?
You make no sense.

>> No.14065780

I didn't want to explain my situation.
Just assume that everything is broken and I live on a tiny f*cking island.

>> No.14065866

M8, dont be ashamed of liking instant ramen, almost everyone either likes it or has liked it in their life.
We can however hate on you for your choice of flavor, because chicken is the worst.

>> No.14065881

Oh I actually thought that one was Beef bc it was it looked red.
I'm a Beef flavor guy and always have been.

>> No.14065931
File: 501 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-03-02-23h42m46s175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awhile back there was some retard here who was claiming that fucking Florida was a fly over state.
These fucking idiots don't even understand the memes that they spew, they just repeat shit they see on here like the dumb asses they are.

>> No.14066952

It’s become extremely annoying I agree, people are retarded though so I expect it.

>> No.14066974

Biscuits and gravy with fried eggs. Put the eggs on the split biscuits and cover those bitches in bacon gravy. Heavy black pepper a must, green onions or fresh parsley are a nice addition.

>> No.14066995

Ontario boi
Get dunked on

>> No.14067035
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>> No.14067157

That shit blesses my soul

>> No.14067199

When I have a whole day off, I like to make gumbo with whatever meats I have, but my favorite is a really spicy sausage and chicken thighs.

>> No.14067441
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When Im feeling down I have a sleeve of these with some cheese.

>> No.14067448

Try puttin on the ritz with ezcheese.

>> No.14067609


I dont like cream of mushroom, could i substitute with condensed vegetable instead?

>> No.14067634
File: 383 KB, 909x1267, 1588869037797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mix three xanax into my cornflakes in the morning then usually have marijuana infused herbal tea. Then fasting, and for dinner, two portions of Piss Stew. I piss a hot streaming arc of urine into the fish tank.

I piss in the tank.

>> No.14068497
File: 132 KB, 900x728, softy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We called it "softies"

Made with soft boiled eggs, breakfast sausage or bacon, and buttered toast cut into cubes.

Pictured version I use poached eggs instead. The runny yoke mixed with the toast and bacon is breakfast bliss.

>> No.14068576

My uncle used to make me something similar, called it chopped eggs and toast. He used fried eggs instead of soft boiled though. Very comfy.

>> No.14068596

Chili cheese dog casserole
>Peel a whole potato
>Cover pan with oil and heat it up
>Brown the potato
>Dash of parmesan and thyme
>Layer up with sweated onions and hot dog pieces
>Can of chili
>Cover with shredded cheddar cheese
>Cook under a lid until cheese melts

>> No.14068641

very easy and based

fond memories as a kid being able to say " i want shit on a shingle" and not get in trouble for saying shit

>> No.14068656


>> No.14068662

It's actually chipped beef nub.

>> No.14068709

In my family they're called sweepsteaks and they're served on toasted hamburger buns with parmesan cheese broiled on top.

>> No.14068910

I'm trying this thanks

>> No.14068914

your mommys puss

>> No.14068933
File: 22 KB, 375x470, tacosalad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My Mom would cube toast and add soft boiled eggs when we were little (me and my sibs, not my Mom). Ate it with a spoon. Made them for my wife once, she called then "baby eggs."

>> No.14069590

That pic is actually kinda gross desu

>> No.14069601

what is comfort food?

>> No.14069624

Redditors actually form emotional connections to stuffing their faces. Shocking, I know.

>> No.14069643

Food that makes you feel comfy. Normally it's because you have some kind of neurological connection between that food and a find childhood memory. Otherwise it's just tasty and convenient to throw together. That's why most people ITT are posting either childhood memories or basic/tasty meals

>> No.14069664
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the human body is a beautiful thing
so are tacos

>> No.14069685
File: 9 KB, 210x240, goodfellerrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is comfort food?

a horse shit phrase
what about comfort antibiotics when I have strep throat or comfort titanium rods for when you break a bone?
is masturbation comfort sex?

just a horseshit phrase
all food is comfort food because it means you aren't going to starve to death

>> No.14069771


those eggs look VILE

>> No.14070664

Based southern anon

This looks similar to biscuits and gravy, but for army boys. I've never heard of chipped beef before, but I'm interested enough to keep it mind if I ever visit a diner in the mid-Atlantic (according to Wikipedia).


gross, but also comfy

>> No.14071084
File: 106 KB, 620x413, 26F700EB-E769-4139-B330-4A6E47A0423C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]