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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 299 KB, 750x1198, 1FD652FA-F48D-42F7-93FF-B8F2274662F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14056263 No.14056263 [Reply] [Original]

Is this retarded or brilliant?

>> No.14056273

There's this place here that makes perogy eggrolls, eggrolls filled with mashed potatoes and bacon
I was skeptical but fuck they are a great drunk food

>> No.14056274

It's something different, so I'm gonna try to do it

>> No.14056285

At this world market place, they had these I think Malaysian or something egg rolls that contained ham and cheese. I miss those things

>> No.14056290

Wonton wrappers are the ultimate whore-dove. Literally any filling is good answers.

>> No.14056293

"Pierogi" kurwa

>> No.14056294

Anything(and anyone) relating to Philadelphia is retarded.

>> No.14056298

This is true

>> No.14056308

Just about anything in a fried wonton wrapper is gonna be good.

>> No.14056309

Looks like it needs garlic bread.

>> No.14056317

>being this retarded

>> No.14056343

Yeah, gonna go with hard brill on this one.

>> No.14056353

does it taste good?
you have your answer

>> No.14056374

if its stupid and it works it isnt stupid

>> No.14056393

I would smash both of these.

>> No.14056478

Sometimes I make homemade pizza rolls using egg roll wraps, they're quite good!

>> No.14056483

>he hasnt heard of reuben egg rol

>> No.14056489

My cousin's girlfriend makes these amazing things called Soul Rolls, which have smoked turkey and collard green in them. They come with a sweet and sour dipping sauce. She's italian, he's black.

>> No.14056494

I had these at another place, greasy af but pretty good

>> No.14056992


>> No.14056996

The probably aren't terrible but one of the reasons why cheesesteaks suck outside of the Philly area is the bread. Crappy cheese steaks need to be hoagies to save them and hot lettuce and tomatoes aren't going to work there.

>> No.14056998

Hey man, that's my town! The big apple... what a sight...

>> No.14057056

Looks pretty fucking tasty to me

>> No.14057069

so true

>> No.14057670

grilled tomato though.. with some red onion.. a bit of chili? damn.. thats good eating hhYUP

>> No.14057680


We sell those as an appetizer at the brewpub where I work. Not my favorite but they're not bad, I see why people like them.

>> No.14057750

What the fuck is a “brewpub”? Why do you reditfags always have to add extra words to stuff to try make them seem more interesting? You’re boring, and your faggot pub is boring.

>> No.14057753


It's a very common term, no need to get upset. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craft_brewery_and_microbrewery#Brewpub

Never been on reddit in my life, so I'm not sure what that's about.

>> No.14057767

It’s obviously not a very common term because this is the first time I’ve ever seen it.
Maybe you haven’t been on redit, you’re still a reditfag though. The kind of person to call a pub a “brewpub”.
You’re lucky I don’t live in America, or today would be your last day. Remember that.

>> No.14057781

holy fucking cope, batman

>> No.14057858


Settle down Nigel.

>> No.14057863

Looks good. Would consume.

>> No.14057868

looks good, but you're gonna be shitting yourself if you eat more than just a couple

>> No.14057919


Retards like you are why nobody takes yuropoors seriously.

>> No.14057935

God, yuropoors are dumb.

>> No.14057959

I've had these homemade. They were fucking amazing.

>> No.14057962

I'm already imagining the crispy texture of the wrap and it seems pretty based.

>> No.14058146

Lmao look at all the obese retarded amerimutts piping up because they feel safety in numbers. You’re all less than the shit on my shoe. I’d execute each one of you. Smash a bottle and carve your eyes out.
Trump isn’t my president, he literally is yours though. For another four years lmao. Cope with that one fatties.

>> No.14058154

they're good junk food - in the same vein as jalapeno poppers, mozzarella cheese sticks, loaded potato skins, etc

>> No.14058173

>Trump isn’t my president, he literally is yours though. For another four years lmao. Cope with that one fatties.
Everyone that voted for him is absolutely just fine with that. Why wouldn't they be?

OP, egg roll wrappers are clever ways for restaurants to add more crunchy variety to appetizer menus and use of leftovers at the same time, like rueben rolls, or your pic (mirroring other items on the menu). I've had weird fillings like cuban egg rols that work very well, and not uncommonly, the one I see the most, and adore the most are the southwestern flavors, with hot and crispy avocado chunks inside. That texture of soft and crispy at the same time is excellent, some creamy dip to add zest to it.

I often buy won ton skins and use them for pot stickers and won ton soup (I process a whole pork loin into the batches after coming home from a Costco).
I've made spring rolls from dried rice wrappers, at home many times, kind of a post-farmer's market activity I do, and then park them in a container with wet paper towels and take them to work for 2 days in a row, but I've never messed with egg roll wrappers at home. I am inspired to pick some up soon, or make them from scratch.

>> No.14058175

I do a southwestern egg roll sometimes that's similar
>bbq chicken breast
>cheddar and Jack cheese
>black beans
>red bell pepper
>jalapeno pepper

Dip in guacamole or salsa.my husband likes sour cream on his. Serve with like a spring salad. It's pretty good.

>> No.14058176

it’s a pub that brews its own beer

>> No.14058177

>meat and cheese in a deep fried wrap
I mean it's obviously not good for you but it's going to taste good.

>> No.14058179

Based desu

>> No.14058189

/ck/ isn't a trump board, dumb tourist.

>> No.14058193

>everyone where I am believes what I believe
You should try being open minded to diverse ideas anon.

>> No.14058194

Don't bother trying to explain it to him. Bongs don't have a real beer culture.

>> No.14058204
File: 145 KB, 750x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bbq egg roll with pulled pork and coleslaw is best eggroll

>> No.14058205

>try being open minded to diverse ideas
Try lurking before you bet banned from T_D. /ck/ loves brown people because we like food, and we hate well done steak with ketchup. If you disagree you're not really from here, however many ragusa threads you've posted in.

>> No.14058213

You know what the laziest easiest way to make food that tastes good to tastelets?

Just add cheese and bacon to anything and americans will eat it up like bacon cheeseburgers.

>> No.14058293
File: 136 KB, 1003x1024, ACAEFF4D-EC45-4AB3-9AF6-0B6E9DD3A5DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit imagine being this butthurt

>> No.14058296

Every board hates niggers and Pakis. Even the aids-carriers on /lgbt/ detest them.

>> No.14058316

i'd eat the fuck out of this

>> No.14058337

I'll agree. I even think their cheese steak is over rated.

>> No.14058341

retarded but probably tastes good

>> No.14058354
File: 922 KB, 500x280, Carl Nunchucks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Neither. You could tuck a wad of potting soil and ball bearings into an eggroll wrapper and deep fry it and it would taste good. It's an obvious as fuck thing to do.

>> No.14058374

Wow, you're racist. I mean, a good ally knows even positive stereotypes like "ethnic people have better food", "asians are good at math", "Jewish people are good with money" etc are still detrimental to abolishing racism right? Like you're still making generalizations about entire races?
>accuse others of being from T_D while being racist
Way to be a fascist.

>> No.14058409

>Wow, you're racist.
Fucking GOT him

>> No.14058441

I know you're being sarcastic. But it's like when a guy says he's a feminist so he can pressure girls to date him. He's not, he's just using the title the get social credit points. This guy is a hypocritical bigot. He has his own racist views and calls anyone who disagrees a racist. He thinks he has the moral high ground but his attitude is the exact same as those of T_D (equally racist, but race groups reversed). Shameful and disgusting.

>> No.14058442

Never heard brewpub before. What a stupid term.

>> No.14058492

I'm going brilliant they look pretty good

>> No.14058494

Chinese takeouts have been making them for decades.

>> No.14058519

Stfu faggot.

>> No.14058544

I did this years ago when I got experimental after learning how to make my own pizza rolls. The pizza rolls were a lot better. God damn, homemade pizza rolls are better than anything called a pizza roll has a right to be

>> No.14058553

They are really good. Try adding in Sautéed mushrooms as well

>> No.14058569

That man is made out of straw!

>> No.14058581

Youre right. We should be PROUD of our heritages and RESPECT them by not mixing at all.

>> No.14058584


>> No.14059007

>loves brown people

>> No.14059161

it's just an eggroll with a different filling what's so crazy about that? It's literally american food, deep frying everything.

>> No.14059451

yo wtf i like their cream cheese

>> No.14059819

I agree. There are a lot of good fillings out there and an egg roll shell is pretty neutral. You could put almost anything in it and itd be good.

>> No.14060787

Shocked there isn't any dessert or sweet options.

>> No.14060811


>> No.14060843

>Never been on reddit in my life, so I'm not sure what that's about.
but that spacing tho

>> No.14060872 [DELETED] 

Philadelphean here, this is actually a staple food in every corner chinese food place around here. along with "pizza rolls" which are just egg roll casings stuffed with tomato sauce and cheese.

>> No.14060959

different dough, its also open on the ends

>> No.14060986

My local chinese restaurant sells this.

>> No.14061009

You exposed yourself there, tourist. Go back

>> No.14061021

Probably better than the venison eggrolls with blueberry sauce I had one time.

>> No.14061026

miss that temple star pizza roll after a long night drinking.

>> No.14061274

>venison eggrolls with blueberry sauce

Just... why?

>> No.14061281

Venison can really benefit from blueberries. However, it seems like quite a few people hear that, and decide adding them together means it will be good, regardless of the quality of the actual product.

>> No.14061311

Maybe a little bit of both. I'd try it just to know how it tasted.

>> No.14061315

>It’s obviously not a very common term because this is the first time I’ve ever seen it.
who the fuck are you? You're some fucking random anon fag, you're not that important, dumb ass.

>> No.14061328

>I’d execute each one of you. Smash a bottle and carve your eyes out.
You can't do shit over the internet except running your mouth via a keyboard.
Shut the fuck up, internet tough guy.

>> No.14061345

>Even the aids-carriers on /lgbt/ detest them.
No actually. Not everyone. Just you and your enclosed mind.

>> No.14061352

Oh, I remember when Dave and Busters had these, they were fucking great (at least, when compared to regular Dave and Busters fare). I should look into making some for myself at some point.

>> No.14061439

>i havent seen it before so that means its not real
fucking dumbass

>> No.14061813

they would be good but either quite oily or quite dry.

They need like, a pepper sauce or a beer cheese sauce

>> No.14061862

post pix

>> No.14062044

Imagine seething this hard.

>> No.14062054


>> No.14062071

what's not to like? it's fat, carbs and protein.

>> No.14062082

lol why is everyone all assmad itt? I was in at the beginning and it was like
>lololol pizza rolls nao
>would smash, bro
I think shills train here to try to get people assmad about food, then they graduate to whatever gay political shit they’re supposed to shill for

>> No.14062193

Wtf kind of cuck shit is that? It isn't even a solid egg roll. That's like 2 egg rolls cut into 8 pieces. What a scam.

>> No.14063284

I was more concerned about blueberry sauce with eggrolls to be honest

>> No.14063423

Plum/pumpkin and cherry/sweet-sour sauce is good with them. It just needs a bit of acidity.

>> No.14064917

Looks good. There used to be a Thai place near me that made something similar but with more vegetables. I still distinctly remember my mom taking me to Target on my birthday, picking out Pokemon Blue, and going to that restaurant to eat those things while reading the manual.

>> No.14064924

looks like perfect drunk food

>> No.14064942

Ye olde Irishe egge rolle

>> No.14064945
File: 925 KB, 1002x760, 76E1860F-BAF0-484D-BB45-E6E721412034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>warm coleslaw

>> No.14065701

LMAO what a chad

>> No.14066581

If they are handmade, yes. They are so common now they come in big bags frozen from sysco and shit and they are dryer than your mothers cooch tonight.

>> No.14066610

based delusional anti-reddit posting reddit cringe poster

>> No.14068082

Roubin egg rolls are based

>> No.14068096
File: 152 KB, 1110x1239, 1574711089792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the home announcer had enough:
>"don't throw wristbands on the ice"
>But just listen to one fans response!!:

>> No.14068099
File: 188 KB, 1024x1024, 1506933572824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you like a 5 year old that has to touch object in order for them to be real?