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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14052192 No.14052192[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14052195

>Adam Ragusea should stick to Cooking
this, but unironically

>> No.14052215

but cooking isn't his field

>> No.14052241

oh no no NO NO

>> No.14052247

Don't post this disgusting faggots mug on this board again

>> No.14052257
File: 8 KB, 225x225, besed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly based.

>t. redditfagusea

>> No.14052348

pretty sure my eyes were raped by the sight of gay porn starring this guy and his distinctive face, I mean the video he made is pretty baste but just... I mean he was in gay porn bro...

>> No.14052546


>> No.14052557

I think he should just stick to being a faggot

>> No.14052567

Nice. Adam needs to make a response video.

>> No.14052676

every single video of Adams IS a response video. Every single turn of phrase, mannerism and tilt of the head is a preemptive passive-aggressive sneer at other human being not doing things the way he wants.

I cannot imagine the life of his children being raised in a house with such a stiffing, faux, neurotic, insecure - daily lipservice paid to tepid, insipid, warm as a office strip light virtue - and passive aggressive undertone. You know Adam is the kind of guy who wouldn't just walk a dog and if it scurried off path and snuffled sniffs be like 'huh he's just doing his thing, i've trained him well enough to behave, it's just his character', but would be like 'HOW DARE HE I DIDN'T GIVE PERMISSION, FIDO. FIDO. FIDO ON THE PATH.'


Just have you main channel cooking, and your "fans" will spread to the second channel for your ^^ that, whatever you think that is. Your main content really. "Journalism" lol.

In the meantime, fuck off /ck/, people here have either decided to watch you, not watch you, cry about you or flame you, the population on this board isn't that big.

>> No.14052696

uh hello

>> No.14052744

delete eceleb trash

>> No.14052747

So why are you watching gay porn?

>> No.14052799

why aren't you?

>> No.14052818

You don't get to call anyone else reddit, frogposter.

>> No.14052836
File: 5 KB, 299x169, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Connie Corlione was hotter before she did steriods and turned gay, but I guess thats just my opinion.

>> No.14052849

Hahaha, Tufano can be cringey in his own right, but I find it deeply satisfying how much this video is going to make Adam seethe. He cannot handle even one iota of criticism.

>> No.14052893

Yeah he's kind of a sperg but I still like him.

>> No.14052934

>not watching gay porn to see how bad it is

>> No.14053006

>Frank Tufaggo
>was destroyed in NYC by an activist
>his cameraman is now vegan

>> No.14053032

Do you also jerk off a bit to know how it compares to jerking off to straight porn?

>> No.14053045

who the fuck is this alien looking nigga?

>> No.14053051
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this whole thing reminds me of this

>> No.14053096

Adam looks like the kinda guy that cries after an orgasm.

>> No.14053196

Italian american closet gay meat eater dork

>> No.14053276

I can't really blame him, have you seen his wife?

>> No.14053293
File: 73 KB, 750x720, 1560488780530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this disgusting.

>> No.14053322

Is it bad that I don't like this (literal) fag representing carnivores solely because he's fucking ugly? That said, anything that makes Adam Soysea seethe is nice. not gonna watch tho.

>> No.14053328

Well yeah. Gotta be objective bro.

>> No.14053597

this guys got a super low iq face

>> No.14053629
File: 70 KB, 687x502, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this the dude who fucks other dudes for money?

Get him the fuck off my board you shill faggots.

>> No.14053738

I'm surprised that this fag actually has a pretty big dick. He's such a schizo about grains making his body and skull not develop right and being a fairy boy I figured he would have a below average donger.

>> No.14053776

Got any pics?

>> No.14053917

Well that was a horrible and pretentious video.

>> No.14054827


>> No.14054859
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, fagtujewnose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frank is a homophobic who literally (Literally) shoves dildos up his ass on camera for money, and acts in fag movies

he eats a retarded disgusting diet he claims is for nutrition, and yet STILL suffers plenty of health problems, allergies, and defeciencies. He also markets a bunk line of supplements and makeups (which he wears daily). He suntans naked in a shady new york tanning salons under the guise of vitamin d, but we all know what d he's getting (dicks/penises in his ass).

He beat his sister so bad she went retarded, and spends his life acting out his carny feedee fetish on her, while TERRORIZING his family with animal carcasses 5G EMF sleep cages, and ungodly amounts of celtic salt.

He was BTFO by bad boy BOBBY, and will forever remain tinsel-tufano - New Yorks number one FAGGOT!

>> No.14054869

>video literally begins with something along the lines of "I'm so tired of this guy with his fancy KNOWLEDGE and his EDUCATION"
>goes on to call him a normie
fucking kek, I thought it was actually a parody video for a minute

>> No.14054885

what a chad jaw

>> No.14054897

Being sarcastic about someone boasting about their own education is not deriding education.

>> No.14054925

it was on /fit/ bashing this guy for being a fag and how his opinion is worthless because of it.

>> No.14054930

/fit/ is a pretty low info board

>> No.14054941

weird that /fit/ doesn't like fags, they're all gigantics fag themselves

>> No.14054963

whoa is this pasta? incredible - my regards to the chef

>> No.14054969

Seeing the reddit spacing, I am happy to see some of the cucks DO seem to have a spine.

>> No.14055030

Based Frank's free range beef.

>> No.14055056
File: 97 KB, 697x388, adam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14055062

This guy looks like Andrew Cuomo cosplaying as Robbie Rotten.

>> No.14055063

Seeing you don't know what reddit spacing is, you should go back or lurk more.

>> No.14055072

what did adam do this time

>> No.14055078

got his dick stuck between his wife's front teeth

>> No.14055125

>his dick
good joke

>> No.14055140

Can I have a source for any of those claims.

>> No.14055159

Said low carb diet is a meme because people are too retarded to do it properly.

>> No.14055164

I've been watching franks channel since he had only around 1000 subs. I can confirm for you that everything that comment said is true besides the part about beating his sister

>> No.14055176

dis dude looks like a vampire the masquerade charater

>> No.14055208

Wojak outside of 4chan looks retarded

>> No.14055211

So no source?

>> No.14055256

You forgot to mention how he got two elective cosmetic surgeries to make his lower jaw look more defined. Cost him about 15k. Since then he makes videos how good facial development is only synonymous with diet and forgets to tell everyone he had facial surgery.

You forgot to mention he hired a model in NYC to go out with him for Valentines day and he filmed the entire thing.
You can find his gay 4 pay video I'm not posting the link here. In it he talks about how hes bi but likes guys more and puts a 10 incher up his bum. You can see the countless videos on his channel when he talks about his health problems ranging from sleep issues, dizziness, fatigue, nutrient deficiencies. You can go on his channel and find them, I'm not your personal link posted fgt. Bobby made the video showing his gay porn videos and frank got his channel taken down. He also has videos about the 5g EMF grounding where he holds a copper wire around his leg which connects to the ground outside his house. He has a video where he shows the wire chicken mesh sleep cage, and he has an amazon where he shills the celtic salt and in every video he basically drowns his meat in celtic salt. You would have to be blind to think he isn't wearing makeup and I recall in the video where he address if he wears makeup he said actors and people on tv all wear make up and it isn't considered gay.

Just wanted to let you that all these videos are on his channel but I won't post a single one here for you since you are a lazy faggot.

>> No.14055262


>> No.14055290

Nigga, he has hundreds of videos. I'm lazy because I don't want to go through all that shit?

>> No.14055326

I subscribe to frank and everything in that guys post is true. frank literally has some rigged up cage around his bed in his parents house that blocks EMF, and is clearly a fag

>> No.14055451

Yes. You should just take my word for it if you don't want to go through his videos. I remember him doing all this stuff but it's been over a few years so I don't remember the titles of all the videos anyways.

>> No.14055529

A lot of shills on here, (presumably Jewish). Frank is based and redpilled about diets although I'd prefer he focused on nutritionally complete diets (Western A Price) than Carnivore diets (which are of course excellent).

Only cucks and jew shills try to shut down Frank.

>> No.14055553

I love the amount of seething he can create in vegancucks just by existing.

>> No.14055574

Based Frank dabbing on Fagusea's victims who'd better support Adam's faggy shit video's because they'd otherwise be flunked by those ''experts'' from a college in georgia (people from the south are retarded so them even having colleges is a joke in itself) Adam so happily features in his momscience videos.
We all know where you get your shills Adam, you viewbotting pedo nigger

>> No.14055794

Damn I was hoping it would be Sv3rige that would make a reaction video. I hope he still does.

>> No.14056167
File: 18 KB, 720x463, 1583216691606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy basedola

>> No.14056539

Regardless of diet he is a massive fag. If you support a 30 year old dude dude who lives at home with mommy, got facial jaw surgery, has never had a gf, does videos where he talks like a fag for 20 minutes and shoves 10 inch dildos up his ass for gay guys you have serious issues.

>> No.14056562

Link a video where he's ramming a dildo in his ass.

>> No.14056569


Just look up brokedarkandhandsome

>> No.14056573
File: 345 KB, 500x467, 1411136524761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hates Adam Ragusea
>Posts an even bigger faggot in response
What's your excuse, OP?

>> No.14056578

You can find hour long clips of him doing all sorts of degenerate things when he was on chatterbate and very easily. You're either baiting or actually retarded

>> No.14056584

Hahaha look up dark.video and type in frank


>> No.14056589

Interdasting. So he's a faggot. At least he isn't Ragusea.

>> No.14056595


>> No.14056598

made good points about fad diets and this massive faggot got butthurt because he is a literal shill for a fad diet

>> No.14056602

>I'm lazy because I can't do 5 seconds of work on my own?

>> No.14056609

>going through hundreds of videos in 5 seconds
Nigga, I'm not Neo. This ain't the Matrix.

>> No.14056699


>> No.14056771

This fucking little cringey twerp has a GIANT cock

Fucking hell, if I couldn't hate him any more...

>> No.14056779

Yeah its suicide fuel. I'm like half a foot taller than him, twice his frame, and twice his weight and he has a bigger dick than me and all he uses it for is to fuck dudes. God has a wicked sense of humor desu

>> No.14056793

It's alright, man. W-we're all gonna make it :')

>> No.14056805

this guy looks like he's transitioning. He's pretty based though.

>> No.14056858

what a whiny little bitch

>> No.14056872

I really like Adam Ragusea, he's my favorite cooking YouTuber, is /ck/ the Adam Ragusea Antichrist?

>> No.14056923

Frank Tufano Will Save The White Race

>> No.14056939

God, don't you Adam Ragusea cocksuckers feel shame? Fuck off back to r*ddit.

>> No.14056951

Who is this faggot?

>> No.14056956

Americans aren't human

>> No.14056964

Jim Davies.

>> No.14056966

who tf is this guy to think he knows better than a professor of anthro? how is it a bad thing to listen to experts? man, this guy and his commenters seem like complete dipshits, since when was it bad to listen to scientists and researchers? not saying i like ragusea, the guy is fucking annoying and stupid but why disregard the expert?

also wtf is the raw diet? do they not eat rice or potatoes? do they eat specifically raw meat? what is the purpose of this?

>> No.14056985

fuck man i watched more of this trash video after posting this and the stupidity grew exponentially. GMOs arent a bad thing, you can't disregard the opinion of a phd, a doctor in the field, just cuz he looks ugly. do you guys actually buy this shit?

>> No.14057071

They both look like morons. Ragusea spent forever explaining an unproved hypothesis and treated that as a solid argument. This guy argues that Ragusea is wrong because consensus proves conspiracy. We just need a third stooge to weigh in for this to be comedy gold.

>> No.14057083

Is that the joker from suicide squad?

>> No.14057265

What the fuck kind of face is that

>> No.14057306

Hes a fucking faggot for real

>> No.14057441

>your brain on soy

>> No.14057461

how about countering anything he has to say, have you considered that

>> No.14057466

Did you watch the video? I dont think so.

>> No.14057467
File: 100 KB, 631x571, 1580347603340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14057486

what the fuck even is a raw diet? do you actually think gmo's are inherently bad? do you distrust experts and scientists? do you trust the dipshit in this video more than actual nutritionists and phd's/doctors? do you think an expert's opinion on health is less valid because they are not physically attractive?

>> No.14057491

That‘s a lot of questions.
You might wanna watch the video to have them answered.

>> No.14057493

are you kidding?

>> No.14057496


>> No.14057497

bruh the vid is trash, i watched it and came out with all these questions.

do you distrust experts and scientists?

do you think gmo's are inherently bad?

what is a raw diet?

>> No.14057509

Idk seems like you skipped through it.

>> No.14057518

It seems like you don't want to answer my questions. The only reason I have these questions is because I watched that garbage video through to the end. How else would I be referencing the fact that he tries to discredit a PhD by referring to his appearance?

Just answer the questions

>> No.14057527

All your questions are literally answered in the video. Looks like your soy consumption has taken a toll on your attention span.

>> No.14057536

Are you that afraid of trying to answer them yourself? I'm asking for your personal opinion, at this point that interests me more

Also he never clearly states the parameters of a raw diet. On the other hand, he clearly doesn't trust experts in the field, he thinks gmo's are bad, he thinks he knows all the answers when clearly he's just some random fucking dipshit with no real education in this matter. Hence he's a complete dumbass