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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14050965 No.14050965[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is /ck/ the worst hobby board?

/lit/ argues about books, reads, and writes.

/mu/ listens to music and makes shitty albums

/fit/ works out (or at least pretends to and posts nice pics of muscle-y dudes)

/tv/ discusses tv and movies

/ic/ tries to draw, even if they're all terrible

90% of /ck/ unashamedly can't cook and doesn't try

>> No.14050975


>> No.14050983

Most of the users on /lit/ are illiterate, and those that can read don't actually bother to do so, and instead just read summaries of books on Wikipedia and argue about theese

/mu/ is so contrarian they literally listen to the sound of metal clanking against each other and white noise

/fit/ is /r9k/ 2.0, no more needs be said

/tv/ is a lost cause

>> No.14050984


i can't comment on most of your assertions because i don't frequent the other boards

but /tv/ does not discuss tv and movies. they post bane memes and share their schizophrenic great replacement delusions with each other in-between underage actress threads and mommie milkies threads

>> No.14050987
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comparison is the thief of joy

>> No.14050997

/ck/ used to be better like half a decade ago

I remember learning how to cook pizza because I was browsing this board every day while I was on a month long fast.

Now this place is like 70% fast food, 10% lewdposting, and 10% ethnic trolling and 10% people who cant cook.

>> No.14051006

"i watched a youtubes and now im chef. look at my pan seared steak and pan seared veggies. i also toaster my uncwustibles. im just like my hero cringing with babish."

>> No.14051010

Good god

>> No.14051012

It doesn't help that when people attempt to make half-decent dinners or try to have a sandwich discussion it ends up getting saged or insulted until the thread dies. Meanwhile we have the same fast food threads daily.

>> No.14051013
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/ck/ was a lot better before /tv/ started posting here.

>> No.14051104

>/tv/ discusses tv and movies

>> No.14051131

Probably al/ck/ shit because it constant runs stupid into other threads

>> No.14051141

People just don't respond to good threads and actively hate on even cookalong stuff. Occasionally you still have it, like a thread about fermentation. >>14051012 this

>> No.14051171

/cock/ was the peak of this board's existence

>> No.14051182

/lit/ and /mu/ are two of the worst boards
/ck/ has some bretty good cooking every few days, mostly

>> No.14051185

The cat blog killed OC here.
>board is unusable for 24 hours
>peak of the board's existence

>> No.14051186

Hmm... if only there was a general. Really makes ya think.

>> No.14051190
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>muh cooking board
It's FOOD & Cooking, nitwit.

>> No.14051193

if only drunks would have stayed in there...

>> No.14051194

/ck/ has always been al/ck/ at it's core. Historically, 90% of all the quality discussion, advice, and OC was produced by drunk line cooks in their time off. Turning it into a general was a mistake.

>> No.14051197

I love sexy.

>> No.14051200

I've been coming here for at least a decade (sad, really), and I'll just leave it as you're way off base.

>> No.14051295

>/tv/ discusses tv and movies
nobody on /tv/ has ever watched a film in their entire fucking life. they just wikipedia movies and shitpost about them.

>> No.14051321

Spot on

>> No.14051330


>> No.14051333

/ck/ actually isnt that bad and can be funny/clever sometimes.

>> No.14051353

i would eat 10 of these and then feel like shit

>> No.14051524

the worst is /fa/ hands down. Just go there and see for yourself it's a shithole lmao.

>> No.14051560

i feel like most of the (shit) posts on this board are made by the same small handful of degenerates circlejerking with each other for whatever reason.
it's easy to observe in some low traffic thread where some poster just starts talking nonsense and the rest of the threads posts to page 10 appear to be the same two or three people in pointless argument about nothing, calling each other faggot and whatnot and seemingly attempting to get recognition as the trolls behind the board's culture when posting in other threads. it's really annoying.
because this is still a relatively slow board, you have idiots that will try and force their shitty memes by spamming them in the majority of the threads in the catalog. it's easy to brute force your "meme" in and have people recognize it but nobody cares except for the same small handful of degenerates trying to do the same.

>> No.14051563

Shut the fuck up.
The grass always looks greener on the other side.
>/tv/ discusses tv and movies
Lmao. They are literally ground zero for blacked threads and wojak soyface shit. Shut the fuck up

>> No.14051572

You should try Talisker 10

>> No.14051578

This. 100% bang on the money.

And don’t forget /jp/, the OG cancer containment board.

>> No.14051682

absolutely nothing is worse than /tv/

>> No.14051695

/ck/ used to talk about food. Unfortunately, since the 2016 /pol/ddit invasion "ordering McDonald's 3x a week" has been transformed into prime "food and cooking" related discussion since the normalfag lazy faggots at /pol/ddit don't care about anything besides signalling their political views to everybody who doesn't care. They've found easy transitional topics to their pseudo-political conspiracies since a lot of food/cooking is based off of cultural things. I'm tired and don't feel like explaining what we already know, so I'm stopping this post now

>> No.14051705

/ck/ could have made it through the invasion if we had a modicum of gate keeping. Instead we got the cat blog guy, who made it his personal mission to kill all OC.

>> No.14051863

Yeah, well dont come back then.

>> No.14051891

>/fit/ works out (or at least pretends to and posts nice pics of muscle-y dudes)
so /ck/ is fine too, to pretend they cook or don't cook at all
shut the fuck up then, RETARD

>> No.14052062
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