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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 770x400, souplantation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14049234 No.14049234 [Reply] [Original]

The collapse of restaurant chains has begun

>> No.14049244

fuck man that sucks, they had a good ass salad bar

>> No.14049455

Use to work there , place fucking sucked. Good riddance.
Also ama I guess since I use to work there.

>> No.14049468

This. Good buffet, hot yoga bitches... based if you ask me.

>> No.14049471
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Based chain, I liked their salad bar and desert bar

>> No.14049473


fuck you, you think you my massa now? here's your shit soup, white bitch.

>> No.14049474

Literally never heard of this place before

>> No.14049475

Oh no, shitty chains serving up dogshit food are going under. This is really a tragedy. Guess they should stop buying so many coffees and save up a few months of expenses.

>> No.14049478


>> No.14049509

give me the recipe for soup step by step

>> No.14049564

Stuff like soup was made at a central kitchen and sent to the store , I only worked in the restaurant part of the company.

>> No.14049625

Unironically why they went as "Sweet Tomatoes" outside of california
My black friend started calling himself a "soup nigga" after he got a summer job there during high school

>> No.14049699
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>> No.14049750
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So does this mean the end of the Chinese Buffet?

>> No.14049784

I had been wondering how long it would be until buffets start being automated because they already had issues with people thinking they were dirty. I wouldn't expect them to completely disappear but it wouldn't surprise me if the top ones start trying to automate.

I really like the concept of a buffet but hated having to touch the serving utensils that a bunch of other people were also touching.

>> No.14049792

The... american urban population would fucking dab on automated buffets and restaurants.

>> No.14049802

It'll probably be the resurgence of cafeteria restaurants like k&w cafeteria. Same concept of buffets but the staff gets the food for you.

>> No.14049814


I remember back in early 2000s souplantation was on fucking fire.

Everytime we went there, lines out the door. Food tasted homemade and fresh, gourmet salads were still a novel concept. Then All of a sudden, maybe around 2015 but I hadn't went in a while, the place just felt like another shitty buffet.

What the fuck happened?

Also do you notice that Asian people eat there in proportionally larger numbers than other demographics, or is it just me?

>> No.14049837
File: 159 KB, 800x534, image (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That or something like Olive Garden's unlimited Soup & Salad where you it's AYCE but the servers bring you additional portions as you like. I wonder if we'll see the return of Automats into the mainstream.

>> No.14049850

Rotten guac scooped up by a human at Chipotle is bad enough. Imagine how much a robot cares.

>> No.14049857

they'll be fine, by august the economy will be flourishing again and everyone will be receiving UBI, the short haired leftist girls on twitter are on it already.

>> No.14049860

what cuisine/restaurant cant be replicated at home?

>> No.14050019

I had a negative impression of souplantation and went there for the first time a few months ago with family and was blown away at the variety. This is a bummer

>> No.14050773

I thought these places usually attract rednecks or black people.

>> No.14050858

oh fuck yes!!!! my ex gf loved this place so much

absolutely BTFO

>> No.14050875

Yep, this is the most overblown conspiracy theory ever. It's the Simpson's "Elf Grass," joke, except world governments actually jumped. Hey, the Rhinovirus has no cure, and kills thousands of people every season! Guess what, that's the common cold.

>> No.14050911

All I care about are the asian buffets. Hopefully Change doesn't feel discouraged and pursue other careers cause I want my cream cheese wantons & pork on a stick.

>> No.14050931

You could also have stuff like wipes or hand sanitizer for people to use after getting food to clean off any germs on their hands.
Though the big problem with dine-in restaurants in general is having a bunch of people in an enclosed space for an extended periods of time, constantly opening their mouths (whether to talk or eat).

>> No.14050960

It's literally a fucking Souper Salad, and they suck ass.

>> No.14051144
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x803, 88767c18-1531-4eac-acd4-56270804a2ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP, they and their Mushroom Soup will always have a special place in my heart...

>> No.14051174

Broasting maybe.

>> No.14051222

I went there pretty often and the few I went to were always packed during peak hours. There were a lot of Asians, but I live in a place with a ton of Asians. I rarely ever saw blacks there.

>> No.14051236
File: 68 KB, 1024x455, SriraChaChaCarrotSoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll miss their carrot soup. tried to make something similar at home but just couldn't get it right

>> No.14051294
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$2.49 for edamame? idts tim

>> No.14051300

>tons of asians
Get the fuck out of my city.

>> No.14051308

Maybe when I’m done wagecucking so I can retire by 45 :)

>> No.14051347

This cannot be $2.49 american dollars for fucking canned mandarins on a salad.

>> No.14051557
File: 168 KB, 864x654, FillingStation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if someone was going to say Automat.
>whatever that conveyor-belt concept is

I know the last one you might think is Japanese if you're young or a weeb, but I'm old so I remember going to an actual restaurant like that.

It had mechanical push-buttons on a little turret at the table, and you pressed the Bakelite buttons then the food came by on a tray with your table number on it.

I've never been to an actual Automat, but I've seen an abandoned one.

Cafeterias are the easiest concept because no machines and people don't need to be educated to stand in a line with trays. Plus you can see the people make your food in the ones I've been at.

I've been thinking of trying to start a business like that, I think the concept's time has come back.

>> No.14051565

Chinese restaurants were already on the way out. Do a search there's a good story about it.
>work 90 hours a week
>last 30 years
>kids are already through school
>new Chang immigrants expect Lambos not labor so no workforce.

>> No.14051584

Anything that requires a wok or real deep frying as well.
Restaurant woks range from 50,000 - 100,000 BTUs and two-basket deep fryers run 90,000 - 200,000 BTUs.

I mean you can put your turkey fryer outside but practically speaking there's no way to really deep fry at home.

Broasting obviously.

>> No.14051615

No one has, OP is samefagging the shit out of his thread.

>> No.14051624

>OP is samefagging the shit out of his thread
>Posters: 35

>> No.14051630


I have some good memories there with my family.

>> No.14051633
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>My black friend started calling himself a "soup nigga" after he got a summer job there during high school


>> No.14052028
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>> No.14052063


>> No.14052898


>> No.14053128

>owned by a hedge fund after a leveraged buyout (the hedge fund paid out the original owners by loading up the company being acquired, Souplantation, with money borrowed using Souplantation's assets as collateral)
>Soplantation already went through bankruptcy proceeding in 2016 because of the sky high debt load from LBO

Corona shutdown was just the feather that broke the camel's back. Restaurant chains that didn't get subjected to this sort of Jewish financial fuckery will not collapse.

>> No.14053139


>> No.14053341

What's wrong with that place? I've never even seen one where I live.

>> No.14053365

good riddance

>> No.14053375

I've never heard of this shithole until I saw this thread.

>> No.14053388

The company is fucked up. I don't know how they treat their employees, but the way the restaurants are run certainly doesn't help.
The waitstaff waits until a certain amount of orders are taken before cooking anything in the kitchen.
Then the ingredients are weighed before cooking (because corporate thinks skimping on portions will make more money), making it take forever for anything to be prepared. So dishes come out super slow.
People talk about it like the beer selection is the best but every time I order a drink it takes just as long. Refills don't happen.
Last few times I ate there, food was prepared incorrectly (raw brussels sprouts, oily/chewy tortilla chips, no fucking lime in a gin and tonic, etc)
I've eaten at three across my area in the last few years several times because my m8 keeps insisting and I don't know why.

>> No.14053402

Also wanted to reiterate how slow food comes out
last time I ate there, every table around us called the manager because at least one person did not receive their meal and wasn't offered any compensation for it
the waitstaff that aren't socializing at the bar look like deer in headlights

>> No.14053520

okay but why did you feel the need to point out that he was black?

>> No.14054129

It sounds like your particular location is just shitty, I've had no issues at the ones I've been to.

>> No.14054333

what in the god damn

>> No.14055146

Anon it adds to the humor

>> No.14055902

Fuck man, I loved that place. It was my favorite family eat out location. Its depressing to think I'll never eat there again.
I'd love to know what they used for the mac and cheese and what brands they used for their rotini and those hard chinese noodles.

>> No.14055985

Because they're a white supremacist who voted for drumpf

>> No.14056070

how about the mac and cheese?

>> No.14056076

this to this

>> No.14056620

My high school in Canada had this teacher who did a trip to Disney World every year and the first stop we made was Souplantation right after getting off the plane. Me and him were probably the only people on the trip that actually liked it though, I think everyone else was bitching the whole way there.

>> No.14057273
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>> No.14057346

my diabetic grandfather used to bring me here once a month and he'd eat like 5 times more han i did and eat 2 ice cream cones. he was skinny as fuck and 80 years old