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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14046621 No.14046621 [Reply] [Original]

>the good, the bad, the ugly
how do you not fuck up eggs?

>> No.14046628

Cook them on lower heat. There shouldn't be any brown and they sure as fuck shouldn't be crispy.

>> No.14046636

looks tasty op, i'd have made that into an open face sandwich myself
>buttered toast, ham, egg

>> No.14046638

I reckon the crispy tastes better
tender eggs are flabby and bland

>> No.14046684

Where's the carb?

>> No.14046686

Had a slice of peanut butter + honey off camera

>> No.14046696 [DELETED] 
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>shouldn't be crispy

Back to r*ddit you massive faggot

>> No.14046700
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Honestly, just cook them the way you like them. Faggots are gonna get autistic about the doneness and colour, but if you enjoy them then that's that. I personally enjoy my eggs fried over medium with a bit of crisp around the edges, particularly if I'm having them with buttered toast. I like the yolks to be gelatinous but not runny, but I completely understand the appeal behind both runny and hard yolks.
Whenever I'm cooking breakfast for others, I always cook eggs to order as best as I can. My younger sis enjoys her eggs scrambled with ketchup, and that's totally acceptable. My roommate likes his sunny-side up with jiggly whites, and that's also okay. The fact is, you're cooking such a versatile main ingredient that it's just plain wasteful to disparage any particular cooking style as "unacceptable".
You could come to my place and ask me to cook your eggs extra crispy and garnished with pulverized shells, and I'd be willing to oblige.

>> No.14046706

>shouldn't be crispy

lay off the xenestrogens please

>> No.14046735

Evidently you have tourettes because you can't properly season your gross looking eggs.

>> No.14046748

>take a pinch of pepper
>put it on eggs

>> No.14046756

>uneven pepper distribution on yolk
lol retard

>> No.14046764

Did you miss the bowl of fruit?

>> No.14046774

Why wouldn't you put more seasoning on the more flavourful parts? If you put more seasoning on the unflavourful parts, then you're just asking for a mouthful of seasoning.

>> No.14048213

Well there's smart, even spice distribution... Then there's OP

>> No.14048225

Crispy is good. If it's not crispy it taste like rubber

>> No.14048226

>egg libtard

eggs are to be cooked my way, and only mine. others deserve to be lined up on a wall and shot.

fucking faggot

>> No.14048320

Anyone defending crispy eggs clearly didn't have a mother who loved them.

>> No.14048347

This post is too thoughtful and helpful to be here

>> No.14048357

Despite all the memes, Gordon Ramsay's recipe is solid, IMO.

>cold pot/saucepan
>chonk of butter
>3 eggs
>med/high heat
>keep whipping
>take off heat when you see curdles
>keep whipping to break up curdles
>repeat till everything looks just slightly underdone
>throw in a dollop of sour cream (original recipe is creme fraische but who got that really)
>top with chives
>serve with toast

Tasty but probably unhealthy as fuck. These eggs with a little bit of smoked salmon on toast, dericious.

>> No.14048393
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Pumpernickel, gouda, leftover bitter greens gratin, and some egg.

>> No.14049761
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high heat, purposely bust the yolks, flip them and turn off the heat, while you make toast they will finish cooking. place on toast and salsa.