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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.46 MB, 2623x3970, 1562887345444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14046372 No.14046372 [Reply] [Original]

this way I will never have to go to the grocery store again, in the event of another pandemic

>> No.14046374


>> No.14046381

should I start doing it at all?

>> No.14046383

It is very easy. Make a bow out of melted PVC and hunt cassowaries at night

>> No.14046386

Really depends on your local laws and regulations, as well as the wildlife around you. You're better off checking with >>>/k/ or >>>/out/
In either case, don't fall for the arrow memes and buy a fucking gun.

>> No.14046387

what's a good cassowary dish/recipe?

>> No.14046395

Depends what game you want to eat bro. Get yourself a cheap bolt action 308 with some glass and do the relevant paperwork to be able to shoot large game.

Gut it. Transport it. Skin it. Butcher it. Freeze it.

If you're an urbanite you may find it difficult to butcher a deer or a kangaroo.

I wouldn't recommend rabbits and hares. You just don't get enough meat for your effort.

>> No.14046399

is it true, that Emus turn into cassowaries when they taste human blood?

>> No.14046410
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>> No.14046415
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>Get yourself a cheap bolt action 308
>I wouldn't recommend rabbits and hares. You just don't get enough meat for your effort.

Hmm, i wonder why

>> No.14046416
File: 129 KB, 564x452, apu mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are fucking terrifying birds

>> No.14046442



>> No.14046459

/k/, not /out/

>> No.14046483

Whole salt and pepper cassowaries with plum pudding

>> No.14046563

>get gun license (if needed in your country/state)
>get hunting license (if needed in your country/state)
>buy gun
>point gun at a deer, goat, pig or some other wild animal that's good eating
>press the button
>animal dies
>you skin, gut and butcher it yourself
>fill your freezer with the meat
>meat for 1~6 months, depending on what you killed

overall, fishing's easier. there's a reason civilization mostly sprung up on the coast and near rivers. not just water, but sitting by a river with a fishing rod and some beer is a lot easier and more reliable than running around a forest playing cat & mouse, ending up 10 miles from where you started and then hauling a carcass back to the beginning.

>> No.14046567
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>he doesnt have the .webm
lurk more

>> No.14046576

Why is he wielding a huge fucking bow but looks dressed to suck off Japanese businessmen?

>> No.14046610

It's not a real bow. Guessing by his twiggy arms, he probably couldn't even fucking draw the 50lbs you need to stop a whitetail.

>> No.14046624
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x808, 1562260604945.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a real bow

>> No.14046657
File: 27 KB, 236x457, 3b12a93711b2b11b2e1945d108ff469d--the-archers-gray-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending not no know about the famous anime/manga bowaruri no blowi about highschool dropout turn call boy archer moves into a video game to save his virginity and make friends along the way.

>> No.14046672

It's not a hard hobby to pick up. If you want to hunt with bows, the modern ones you can buy are pretty remarkable with regards to velocity and accuracy. I use rifles personally but a buddy likes to use bows and he's a hell of a shot.

If you own enough land, you can start setting up food plots so that the game comes to you, and then once the season hits you can just start firing away. Set up trail cameras to figure out where they're coming from and in what numbers, have a tree stand set up somewhere reasonable, and go to town.

Having land is the key to make this work though. It keeps the law off your ass for passing limits or for hunting out of season. Also ensures that you have your own private stock so long as you keep the food plots good (and you can shoot trespassers if any little redneck bitches try to hunt your land).

I don't recommend fishing like >>14046563 says - most popular areas are watched pretty closely by F&W and depending on what you're fishing (bass, walleye, whatever) they can search you and fuck you up if you overfish. Also you have to catch a LOT more, which is hard and can kind of fuck up their ecosystem a bit if you overfish or ruin spawning season.

>> No.14046673
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based and cute

>> No.14046677

Yeah, no. Not a real bow. Nice try.

>> No.14046679

jav number?

>> No.14046681

that’s one of the most beautiful tummies I have ever seen

>> No.14046695
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oh if only there was

>> No.14046698
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>> No.14047054

>It's not a hard hobby to pick up

100% disagree with this, even based on the information in your own post. Before OP even gets to see (let alone shoot) any animals, he needs:

>a bow or rifle
>land to hunt on
>space for a food plot or the ability to clear one (alternatively a game feeder and corn to fill it)
>trail cameras
>a tree stand and all other gear like packs, knives, useful extras like rangefinders, binoculars
>licenses, ammunition, gun maintenance and cleaning supplies

That's an investment that's already running into the range of thousands, most people aren't going to want to drop that much on a hobby they might not even enjoy. Your post doesn't even cover the full range of challenges that some hunters face - e.g. I live in Texas, so we hunt leased land about 5+ hours from where we live. That's a 10-hour round trip every weekend, another couple thousand dollars a year, and now you have to know how to camp out in the woods as well. I know folks who avoid this by hunting public land closer to home, but now you have to know how to set up and tear down your spot quickly, you can't pattern the animals off of a food plot, and the animals are scarcer so your chances of success drop dramatically.

But let's assume you're okay with all that; You still need to burn hours sitting in a tree for no guarantee that you'll see an animal, you need to know how to kill it quickly and track it effectively, how to gut it without contaminating the meat, haul its ass back to your vehicle, and get it home. Then you'll spend another couple hours butchering and vacuum sealing before you freeze it.

Now none of this is particularly hard if you're already set up, have all the gear, and have done it a few times, but it's absolutely not an easy (or cheap) thing to start on your own. My recommendation for OP is to find a friend that hunts and have them take you hunting. You'll find out if you like it or not and get an idea of how the basics work.

>> No.14047085
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>how hard is it to learn how to hunt my own food?
It's super easy of you're into eating human meat.

>> No.14047092

you do realize that not everywhere has these, right?

>> No.14047104
File: 258 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2019-10-17-20h30m36s204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GAWD look at that prehistoric mother fucker

>> No.14047107

Go back to /b/ rabbi before we make it 110.

>> No.14047111

cute femboy making you feel funny in your pants homo?

>> No.14047114

so what, it's cgi'd?

>> No.14047142

>How to build a car
>Buy car parts
>Put car together
>Have car

This is the level of retarded you are. Please STFU with your CoD levels of stupidity. Just shooting an animal is a good way to injure it and leave it to die a slow painful death where you never find where it dies. If you can't shoot responsibly and know how to kill what you're shooting. DON'T FUCKING SHOOT. I hate faggots like you who give people a bad name because you have no clue what you're doing and just maim animals because you have no actual knowledge of the countryside and the creatures who live in it. If you're shooting something you aim for the center of the chest so you hit the heart or the lungs. Make sure you take out something vital so it goes down extremely fast and suffers as little as possible. You're the kind of dumb nigger who thinks head shots are the best idea on large animals.

Fishing is much more time consuming and is to a degree luck based. You need a lot of knowledge to successfully fish an area regularly and feed yourself.

Please just fucking kill yourself and save us this retardation.

>Buy airgun
>Have rabbits in the garden
>Shoot from window at rabbit
>You have meat for a stew

You're a full on retard larping like you need a drone with night vision to do basic fucking shit 10 year olds used to do for fun. Just STFU and leave already because you're making yourself look dumber every time you post.

larping faggots

>> No.14047144

oh its that movie about the kid who kills his family with a bow then goes to school and school shoots people with a bow and then everyone is mad at his mom for not killing him as a baby.

We Need to Talk About Kevin

>> No.14047154

aka another movie that convinced me I am never having kids

>> No.14047170

Thank you, I was getting so weirded out that John C. Reilly was just walking around in some faggot's bow and arrow youtube video.

>> No.14047176
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>aka another movie that convinced me I am never having kids
Nice try rabbi.

>> No.14047179

Big game hunting is a completely different game from picking off rabbits from your kitchen window. If >>14046672 is talking about tree stands and food plots, he isn't hunting rabbits you nincompoop.

>> No.14047180
File: 322 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-02-10-00h28m23s456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand nothing about this post

>> No.14047181

okay schizo

>> No.14047187

do you know what that picture means that he posted?
Like I see that it's trump sucking a jew's dick but... what is that relevant to?

>> No.14047190

Both are fine for hunting actually. But generally you'll want to go to /k/ for the thing you'll be hunting with and /out/ for where your hunting.

>> No.14047192
File: 581 KB, 798x1136, 1569635471213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly have no idea

>> No.14047195

2 points you giga nigger.

1, I address hunting things like deer in part 1 of my post. It covers safely shooting larger animals.

2, "If you want to see any animals" is the part I'm responding to. You can feed yourself off of game living around you and home grown vegetables. It's rabbit season, rabbits are every where and all the crops have just been harvested. It's literally the best time to find small game possible. Which is why the point was brought up and why I mention children do this shit.

>> No.14047221

Depending on where you live it might be easier to get into fishing. Since its finally spring its a great time to learn. All you need is a license, a rod, some hooks, and some bait.

>> No.14047236

You're better off growing livestock. Hunting in the modern day is a form of entertainment, not subsistence unless you are willing to eat small game like squirrels or your region is infested with wild boars.

>> No.14047249

>do you know what that picture means that he posted?
>Like I see that it's trump sucking a jew's dick but... what is that relevant to?
Sheldon Adelson paid for Trump to win the election. There was no Russian collision, Israel gamed the election via the billionaire Sheldon Adelson and their control of the media.

Why do you think the news agencies and their dogs like Nate Silver we're all polling that Hillary had a 97% chance of winning? And trying to keep the left from voting.

They cheated Bernie and gave the nomination to the most unelectable candidate in US history and told you she would win without a doubt. Now this time they cheat Bernie and nominate Sleepy Creepy Uncle Joe Biden. The next most unelectable rapist in US History. Trump be suckin that AIPAC Jew dick slow and deep.

>> No.14047250

>If you want to see any animals

In regards to BIG GAME hunting. That's what my entire post >>14047054 was about, since that's what he's claiming isn't hard to get into. If he said "oh it's easy just shoot backyard rabbits from the window" I totally agree with that. But that's completely different than rattling off several pieces of special equipment, a need for many acres of land, and then just casually acting like it's something you could organize in a weekend.

You also seem to have the impression that I am multiple people. >>14047054 was my first post itt.

>> No.14047252

How the fuck does that relate to ANYTHING itt?

>> No.14047253

Tell that to the swarm of deer that infest my state. Bet you never even go /out/.

>> No.14047258
File: 406 KB, 720x544, vlcsnap-2020-03-27-20h06m05s471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm with you. What the actual fuck?
I'm pretty convinced it's some fucking bot.

>> No.14047272

Even if I play it your way and say BIGU GAMEU ONLY then I can still call you a faggot. You don't need cameras and shit. You can figure out where the food sources are, where the water sources are and know roughly where to expect things to be. I've spent my life around this sort of shit and I've never seen any one but a larper have all this fancy shit. It doesn't do you any damn good if you have proper skills to track animals, know where they will be and when to expect them to be there. You're sticking a camera by a bird feeder and then saying you're hunting birds. You're not doing shit and it's fucking retarded. Try stalkering instead of larping.

>Casually acting like it's something you could organize in a weekend.
I could lay down the money today and be stalking in the highlands of scotland in a weeks time (ignoring corona is happening right now). It's not a military operation to rent a weekends stalking where a more experienced stalker will take you out and teach you the basics. And he won't have fucking drones and spy cams all over the forests to find a goddamn deer.

He called a poster a kike for recommending not having kids. Then posted Trump sucking off a kike as a picture which people questioned. Then he explained why that picture was posted as in Trump is a jewish puppet. it's easy enough to follow even if it's off topic.

>> No.14047276

Well they're a complete retard for not following along with what I was replying to, because I said "aka another movie that convinced me I am never having kids" because the dude in OP and in that movie shoots up a school and is generally a total psycho in that movie. I don't want to have a kid that ends up being a school shooter.

>> No.14047280

Looks like he freshens his breath with cocks daily

>> No.14047285

You realize Jews make movies in order to brainwash you into thinking and feeling a certain way, right?

It is actually a type of witchcraft from their Kabbalah. Your eyes and ears are part of your sensory interface. You ever wonder why they call it television programming? Do you ever wonder why it's called media which comes from the term medium which is a witch that conjures spirits?

>> No.14047310


>> No.14047313

>spend a bunch of money on gear and setup
>have a set of skills that you only develop after trial and error

You need at least one of these things to be successful. I know several hunters who are crappy shots and can't stalk worth a damn, but they have money to spare on all sorts of dumb gadgets that increase your chances of success, so they usually come home with a deer.

>I could lay down the money today and be stalking in the highlands of scotland in a weeks time

I'll take your word on this and assume you aren't exaggerating, but a beginner can't do that. Those skills don't come after a weekend of light reading, they're developed through experience. If you go with the expensive equipment and setup, you don't need skills. If you develop the skills over time, you won't need as much equipment. Neither one of those options are particularly easy for a first-timer.

>[get] a more experienced stalker [that] will take you out and teach you the basics

Do you just not read people's posts or what? My recommendation was to find somebody who knows what they're doing and learn from them. I explicitly recommended AGAINST doing it solo because OP sounds like he has neither the gear nor the skills, and an experienced guide alleviates the problems that come from that.

My original post was meant to dispel the notion that big game hunting is easy to get into. You are correct that you can skip some of the extra equipment if you have the skills to make up for it, or if animals are particularly abundant or stupid where you live. But most people do not own property where deer and turkeys and pigs will routinely wander into your backyard to be killed.

>> No.14047315

Stop posting off topic threads in /ck/ featuring gay porn twinks and gifs of teenage males beating off rabbi.

>> No.14047316
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Here you go, OP.

>> No.14047335

Shut up closet fag

>> No.14047340

There’s no gay porn of him, I already checked

>> No.14047353
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Stop projecting metzitzah b'peh.

>> No.14047368

I'm not the one going on about jewish blowjobs.

>> No.14047396

The stalking "rental" is how you spend a week with a more experienced stalker who teaches you the ropes. That's what my community does where I live. It's all based on selling shooting and raising live stock. The whole point of the industry is you teach people how to be responsible. Which is why it annoys me so much when tards larp that spy drones and roombas are just as good as a good foundation. I've spent my whole life around the larpers and you can smell them a mile off. Brand new everything, latest most expensive models but if you ask them the most basic question they don't know shit. Then 3 months later you hear how they shot at a deer with a shotgun out of range, clipped it enough to wound it and still escape. Then everyone looks like an arsehole because that's all people remember. Larpers fuck everyone else over. And sadly uninformated people get trapped by larpers like you and think they need all this shit when they don't.

>> No.14047560

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.14047578

>as in Trump is a jewish puppet.
>it's easy enough to follow even if it's off topic.
No, this isn't easy to follow. This sounds like wild conspiracy theory shit that spilled over from /x/.
I don't even care for Trump or politics what so ever but this just sounds like crazy babble akin to Alex Jones tier shit.

>> No.14047579

nigga could play a young Cillian Murphy

>> No.14047590
File: 400 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-04-10-22h58m11s579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is actually a type of witchcraft from their Kabbalah.
this is fucking hilarious
do videogames brainwash people too? are the jews behind that as well?

>> No.14047592

>couldn't even fucking draw the 50lbs you need to stop a whitetail.
Found the armchair hunter (and archer)

>> No.14047594

hey how come you know there's a beat off scene in that movie if you're so against the movie?

>> No.14047597

Nice pilpul.
Trump is owned by Jews and in gratitude for the cabal buying his presidency and bailing him out of billions of dollars of bad debt he named Jerusalem the capital of Israel and moved the US Embassy there. They also named an illegal settlement after him and he in turn gave the Jew the Golan(Stolan) Heights which is rightfully Syrian clay.

>> No.14047600
File: 553 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-02-18-23h26m55s548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck do you know all these jewish terms? I didn't even know that shit until you used it, I had to look it up.
It's like you're fucking obsessed with jews.

>> No.14047602
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>do videogames brainwash people too?
Yes. They also turn you into a numale faggot incel.

>> No.14047604

I'm female so I'm immune to that

>> No.14047617

Archery is fun and healthy even if you never actually use it for hunting. I took it up after I suffered from a very bad back as a way of rehabilitating.
I shoot 45-pound recurve, which is plenty to kill a deer if you hit it right and use hunting tips, but I'm looking to step up to something heavier simply to get a better workout.
I don't hunt much will sometimes take the bow when we go hiking/camping since it's fairly lightweight and at least gives you a chance of some fresh meat. I mostly harvest hares and pheasant, with the occasional goose or mallard when they present themselves.
Even though the bow has the power to kill a deer I do not trust myself to take that shot, and I don't have broadheads I'd trust with it either. It's very different from hunting a goose.

If you really do want to be self sufficient instead of just posting twinks on /ck/ you should also look into fishing and trapping. Snare traps are illegal where I live but if society collapses I don't suppose that's an issue.

>> No.14047746

please don't direct people to /out/
we're full

>> No.14047763


>> No.14047773
File: 114 KB, 500x502, 1549597075819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night with my twin brother we went hunting for cucumbers with our TIGHT. ARSEHOLES. and we had an absolute whale of a time.

Absolutely lovely darlings. Remember to lube up your cucumber before sliding it up your tight arsehole.

>> No.14047933

Shit form

>> No.14048084

holy shit, I'm triggered
that guy never saw a bow before...

>fucked up arrow,
>Vanes not even aligned with the nock thingy,
>3 fingers under the arrow,
>shit form
>looks gay as fuck...

yeah no, fuck this guy.

>> No.14048110

with a normal bow?

I have a 34lbs recurve,
I'm pretty sure you're not able to draw 50lbs all day for fun shooting for shit and giggles
(the gay compound bows don't count)

>> No.14048319
File: 1.69 MB, 854x480, hunt2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mostly harvest hares and pheasant, with the occasional goose or mallard when they present themselves.
You must be from a low-income country, because in the uS you are talking about hundreds of dollars in permits. You shouldn't be hunting waterfowl without knowing what you're doing, it's not something casual you huntlet.

>> No.14049230

>t. Jew

>> No.14049247

>You shouldn't be hunting waterfowl without knowing what you're doing, it's not something casual you huntlet
Nah FOBs get away with poaching all the time.
Only thing stopping all the FOB students at the local university from eating all the ducks in the park ponds is a paper notice asking them kindly not to do that.

>> No.14049255

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.14049265

Not cool, bro. Cool it with the anti-semitism.

>> No.14049281

I can draw and hold a 45# recurve pretty comfortably and I am by no means a fit guy.
If you can't shoot 50# for shits and giggles I think you really need to get in better shape.

>> No.14049289

You must be from a free man, because in the uS you are talking about hundreds of dollars in permits. You shouldnt be hunting waterfowl without knowing whose boot to properly lick, I've never hunted before in my life.

>> No.14049302
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>3 fingers under the arrow,
Just a few months ago I would have laughed at that too, but I've since learned that it is apparently a legit way to shoot at least some types of bow with an arrow rest.
I wouldn't like it myself, I think.

Yeah, I'm not really into that.
And I obviously don't shoot mallards out of the air mid-flight. I just take shots of opportunity when one is sitting nearby.
Some of the geese are very easy because they're almost fearless and you can get quite close.

>> No.14049469 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1000x618, nathan-berhow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical WMAF cases. The inferior autosomes mix with inferior mitochondria to produce a genetic failure.

>> No.14050871

getting good at archery is fairly straightforward. but hunting with those skills is a different matter. it takes knowing where and when to wait, a shit ton of patience and a fair bit of luck.

>> No.14051138

If you don't have someone to mentor you, you're going to have a looot of trial and error ahead of you

>> No.14051148

yea that's what those numale incels sound like

>> No.14051158

it's a movie and not even a good one at that - why are you expecting accuracy?

>> No.14052061

didn't know it was a movie

>> No.14052144

I didn't either until I read the thread. People discussed it earlier in the thread.

>> No.14052418

Start small by hunting root vegetables in your garden.

>> No.14052444
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, get the llello.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is a Libertarian board, tourist.

>> No.14052456

>didn't cut the deers head off with the chainsaw
Woo, that was a relief, I'm used to horrible things from here

>> No.14052504
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 1540154829018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not hunting season until October

>> No.14052519

I was on the fence about this, but I'm glad it turned out well.

>> No.14052598

>/ck/ is a Libertarian board
Eh, not really. We're friendly with /out/, and have historically been diplomatic with /k/, but I"d say /ck/ has always been pretty neutral.

>> No.14052726
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My wife

>> No.14052729
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>> No.14052730
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>> No.14052732
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>> No.14052738

Libertarians are the closest thing to neutral in U.S. politics.

>> No.14052752

Libertarians are as about as neutral as Bernie bros.

>> No.14052753
File: 700 KB, 1920x808, 1567275917171.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gay, I just like cute boys

>> No.14052760
File: 183 KB, 800x887, Leave fags to me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is not a fag friendly board nigger. You have to go back.

>> No.14052770

Stop reading so much Vox and Huffington Post.

You can't abuse the government for your own benefit when you don't want a strong central government in the first place. It's the only party that doesn't ask you which rights you want to keep.

>> No.14052773
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x808, 1565893299757.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14052805

>can't abuse the government for your own benefit when you don't want a strong central government in the first place
>the only party that doesn't ask you which rights you want to keep
So it's basically the party of keep the status quo? Where I live pot is legal, it's easy to get an abortion, health care is needs work but isn't terrible, and it's easy to get a couple guns if you aren't registered as a fucking psychopath. As far as I can tell libertarianism is basically the party of deregulation, which makes it almost indistinguishable from Republicanism.

>> No.14052827
File: 91 KB, 557x1000, 1577715013130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a cute boy like this to sodomize?

>> No.14054262

>press the button
it's not a video game, kid

>> No.14054467

Dang, I felt sad for that animal. Props for the peeps that hunt+harvest them for sustenance - I'll just get my meat from the market.