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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14042478 No.14042478 [Reply] [Original]

>discussion thread for plant-based recipes
I need new recipes ASAP, vegetable stir-frys are getting really fucking old.

>> No.14042622

Bing it.

>> No.14042691


>> No.14042961

Just eat impossible burger bro, its what I do.
I made a thread about it but the carnists around me think they can do veganism when they're more addicted to meat eating than a heroin addict looks for heroin

>> No.14042996

Also make some fruit pies? Its already vegan they just add eggs and cow milk

Or look at this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6hdxc-hTDA&t=817s

>> No.14043013

Look up sammich recipes

>> No.14043019

Sandwiches aren't vegan unless they're made with unleavened bread.

>> No.14043028

Take a piece of shit and boil it in a cup of piss.

Wala, your standart vegan meal, cockmuncher.

>> No.14043268
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Hey guys. Guess what. I'm vegan.

>> No.14043290

no proof, no timestamp

>> No.14043298


>> No.14043331

>being skinny is bad
>does keto to lose weight
Anti vegans btfo'ed again with their own logic

>> No.14043729

Omg she's perfect how do I become vegan

>> No.14043749

Go hunt a T-rex Gurg.

>> No.14044405

stop samefaggin, thot roastie

>> No.14044663

I'm starting a vegan food Startup next month. How fucked am I?

>> No.14044698

ayy, lmao

>> No.14044756

For me its gardein tenders with modified daiya ranch with added dii

>> No.14044786
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What do you recommend as binders in place of eggs for confectionary products?

So far, I haven't found anything I like more than applesauce. It just seems to work and always give a super moist texture. Sadly, confections made with applesauce don't last long in the fridge, only a day or so.
Pumpkin has also worked for me, but always seems too moist for my taste.

>> No.14045084

Easy ass veggie soup, just take whatever hard veg you got with garlic and onion, cut them up and cook it a little bit in olive oil before adding in enough water to stir in and have the veg float. After that just add olive oil, basil, thyme, rosemary, a bay leaf, salt, and pepper and cook for 1 hour or until the veggies are soft. If you want to add any soft veg, wait to add until 40 mins in.

>> No.14045236

I use flax eggs a lot (put it in the fridge 5-10 minutes after mixing) or a single serving container of Silk yogurt cuz it’s about 2 eggs.

>> No.14045264

Green curry, chili, & sweet potato stew are frequent flyers for me. Fajita bowls, but that might be too close to stir fry if you’re burnt out on it idk.

Then garbage meals like macaroni made with Daiya, Morningstar buffalo chik’n sandwiches, or those microwaveable Birds Eye “Protein Blends” (the Tex mex one is the best one)

>> No.14045410

just ask the chicken politely

>> No.14046020

>be anorexic skeleton status for my whole life
>everyone assumes I'm malnourished
>become vegetarian
>everyone now absolutely refuses to believe that I'm healthy

I appreciate their concern, but how do I convince braindead carnists that just because I don't eat meat I'm not literally dying?

>> No.14046025

If nobody believed you were healthy in the first place, why would following a meme-diet change that?

>> No.14046051

I never believed it would, I'm just trying to deal with the results now

>> No.14046349

You heard me.

>> No.14046426

He’s brain damaged, don’t mind him

>> No.14046923

Morningstar chicken is great. I think I slightly prefer the Boca chicken patties, and I have no idea why. I tried Alpha chicken nuggets, and I think they taste too much like actual chicken to me.

>> No.14046945

Just made myself baba ganoush because I felt like it
Any tips for its use? Otherwise I"ll just be making sandwiches with it

>> No.14047056
File: 1.23 MB, 1300x1800, Thriving Vegans 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a "carnist?"

>> No.14047073

>what’s a “search engine”?

>> No.14047078
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What is a "thriving vegan?"

>> No.14047123

Clearly the cherry-picked examples that you are prepared to bombard this thread with

>> No.14047146
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IDK wat you are talking about. The vegan diet is scientifically proven to be the healthiest most complete diet known to man

>> No.14047182

How about you fuck off and let us kill ourselves then?

Imagine being so obsessed with other peoples diets that you have a folder of pictures saved specifically to shit up a vegan/vegetarian thread on a mongolian croquet forum.

>> No.14047231
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I don't give a single fuck what you eat.
I am only concerned with Veganism because you are taking away my healthy food and forcing me into your starvation cult.

>> No.14047242

How do you figure? I thought I was eating an unhealthy diet? You should be glad that I'm eating all the unhealthy shit leaving the super healthy dead animal flesh for you, right?

>> No.14047263
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>> No.14047424

Try the boca nuggets
And try Gardein too

>> No.14047477

The problem isn’t with what you’re eating, the problem is that you’ve personally broken into anon’s house, robbed him of all healthy food and forced him to join a starvation cult with a gun to his head. If it weren’t for Soros you’d still be in jail.

>> No.14047570

I've yet to try gardein, but I keep hearing good things about it, I'll pick some up next time I'm out shopping. I also haven't tried the boca nuggets (or seen them anywhere) but if their patties are anything to go by, I'll like them.

Sometimes I forget, thanks for reminding me to praise Soros today while injecting myself with my soy/estrogen mixture

>> No.14047666

Sweet potatoe
Bell Peppers

Cut it all up. Season with olive oil and herbs. Put in oven for roughly an hour. Check the consistency with a knife if you're unsure. 20m before it's finished, put some diced sheeps cheese on top of the veggies. Or not.

>> No.14047691

personally, i've been going through the pasta, rice, beans, and oats i have in my pantry
flax egg. keep the seeds in the fridge