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File: 108 KB, 1180x664, map-of-meat-plant-outbreaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14041423 No.14041423 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many COVID-19 outbreaks happening in meat processing plants?

>> No.14041458

Because the staff works elbow to elbow on long shifts, share the same break and locker rooms and generally are just in near constant contact all the time. Also many plants did not or could not give their employees better PPE.

>> No.14041462

Vegan terrorism

>> No.14041490

refrigeration increases the the ability of the virus to survive outside the body.

>> No.14041517

Cold environment, gross meat scraps everywhere, unhygienic workers, cramped working conditions

>> No.14041522

Gee, I wonder.

>> No.14041536

fpbp informative anon.

>> No.14041865


>> No.14041882


>> No.14041886

there was an article of Perdue chicken processing plant workers having to wear diapers because they were unable to take bathroom breaks

just think about what you don't hear

>> No.14041892

Also it is incredibly easy to reverse search the OP image you milkshake

>> No.14042199

fuck off /pol/

>> No.14042211

Promoting the mass consumption of soy and insect based products has to start somehow. Step by step the population will be taught.

>> No.14042221

This. Any facility with that many employees has a high risk of infection, be it corona or influenza or strep throat

>> No.14042228

they actually test there

half the population has this meme flu already

>> No.14042234
File: 75 KB, 640x640, outskilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biggest plant outbreak in Canada

>> No.14042244
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If these vegan creeps ever "succeed" I will eat them instead. God, vegan itself has become a curse word, an epithet, a racial slur aimed at genuinely lower and untrustworthy life forms. Food communists.

>> No.14042270

Because the plants employ mostly illegal hispanics, who live in single family homes with like 3 families and 6 generations worth of family members crammed inside, who are all leaving amnd coming home at all hours of the day going to work with other hispanics who live the same way

>> No.14043891

This should have been the only response to this thread.

>> No.14044060

Coronavirus is a liberal hoax spread to make Trump look bad.

>> No.14044063

this is exactly right. perfect conditions for a localized community based outbreak.

>> No.14044088

Usually niggers work there, and niggers have no concept of hygiene.

>> No.14044133
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Wait until salmon season opens up in Alaska next month. Hundreds of employees not only working close I'm cramped, cold conditions for 16 hours a day, but they also all eat in the same cafeteria and sleep in dorms with 6-8 bunks per room. It's going to be a fucking horror show.

>> No.14044138

This but unironically

>> No.14044185
File: 49 KB, 800x450, 43A802DE-EA43-419C-885C-9AB48CFC37CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meat packaging places have a few staff who catch Covid
>((((ceo)))) and ((((board of directors))) decide they can probably take advantage of this situation
>money printer goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr
>yay free money thanks tax payers!!!!
Clown fucking world

>> No.14044215

>the staff works elbow to elbow on long shifts
The plant I worked at had workstations fairly well spaced out but most workstations would be a few people in close proximity and roving helpers. Washdown areas, cafeteria, and locker rooms are in close proximity. Most of the plant is damp to outright soaking the whole time too.
Also the kill floor is warm and wet all the time, don't know if that has an effect, the
>Also many plants did not or could not give their employees better PPE.
More did not than anything.

If it's anything like it is in Australia most workers would be a migrant underclass packed into rental properties in sub-barracks conditions by their fixers or exploitative locals running sketchy accommodation services, they then carpool or bus together to site.

>> No.14044225

Oops, sorry for that
>Also the kill floor is warm and wet all the time, don't know if that has an effect, the
thought I lost that sentence when I bumped the track pad, ignore

>> No.14044255

chinese workers

>> No.14044279

I know I'm responding to a falseflag, but their blaming Trump while sucking chinese dick is definitely a hoax. Also, it's looking like the death rate is about 1.5 times that of the standard flu. So about 1.5%. We should be quarantining the very old and letting everyone else build herd immunity outside to protect them, instead if celebrating the economic damage as it might help uncle nightmare Biden win the election. I had covid, and it was way less unpleasant than the swine flu under Obama. Covid was a bad cough for a day after going on a bender followed by a persistent fever, itchy toes, and torso hives; swine flu was hacking up green phlegm for a month, once every couple minutes.

>> No.14044291

>Also, it's looking like the death rate is about 1.5 times that of the standard flu. So about 1.5%.
the flu has a death rate of 0.1% bruh

>> No.14044293

why did you use a dial up modem to post

>> No.14044306

The only reason the death rate is so high is because New York and California did fuck all to protect their older population, and in some cases seemingly infected them deliberately through shit policies.
Somehow Florida with the highest elderly population around did fine though. How does that work exactly?

>> No.14044307

My bad, so 10 times bigger. But 1,000,000 times 0 is 0, so you have to use context, which isn't really in your side taking into account that 0.1% number. And again, this number is skewed by the lack of herd immunity and is disproportionately very old folks. It's already out there. 50% of the Bronx was infected in a recent test. Quarantine the old folks, let the rest get a mild cold to protect them down the road.

>> No.14044308

Completely depends on the year. They're adjusting numbers for it right now and even removing covid deaths by a large amount

>> No.14044312

To add, part of the reason the death rate was, and still is infected, is for most people it's actually less severe than the seasonal flu. Many more people are asymptomatic carriers with covid, which helps it spread. In five years I predict the flu and covid will be on par with proper data.

>> No.14044317

Oh also fudged numbers from hospitals to get more funding since they're all losing their asses right now financially

>> No.14044319

Infected lol, I meant inflated.

>> No.14044325

You didn't hear? Go to Chinatown and hug a Chinese and don't stop travel from China or you're racist, according to Democrats. But this is Trump's fault.

>> No.14044334

And as an extra addendum, they add tens of millions of assumed cases that weren't reported to the flu, but not to covid. That's fucking up the denominator. I don't blame them for that since we need to know kore, but it's shaping up like mild cases are even more common with covid, but more contagious.

>> No.14044341
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It's a mystery we may never solve.

>> No.14044366


>> No.14044386

the salmon could use a break desu

>> No.14044441

There are outbreaks happening everywhere. The meat processing plants are in the news because it means there might be meat shortages, which makes more people pay attention.

>> No.14044471

Liberals are intentionally spreading it

>> No.14044478

I agree but they're marching forward with the season no matter what, so when there are big outbreaks at the processing camp a lot of the catch is just going to get dumped in the trash because they can't process it before it goes bad.

>> No.14044487

Because I'm a time traveler from 1997.

>> No.14044493

(((They))) are trying to accelerate the adoption of vegan meat substitutes by the American public so that (((they))) can eventually mass farm bugs as a protein source. The profits (((they))) will reap will be in the trillions.

>> No.14044500
File: 161 KB, 1200x791, dum dums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberals are intentionally spreading it

>> No.14044513

Because animals spread diseases, even people who arent animal farmers know this nonsense. It's not a vegan conspiracy it's just diseases are a real thing

>> No.14044538

They are

>> No.14044557

They aren't. They want it to spread whilst simultaneously wishing for the economy to be shut down as long as possible, but you're talking about pussy people that are sycophantic and don't want to leave their room, let alone the house, if it means any sort of danger. Some are fear mongering, especially at the top, but I think we should reduce contact. It's not the time to intentionally gather en masse, even for protest, even if the lefties want another plague and great depression if it means Trump is out of office.
They're right for the wrong reasons. Then again, that one lefty brother of a reported said he was staying in the basement and making videos that got put on tv about it, and then got into an altercation with a cyclist that saw him outside.