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14033275 No.14033275 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth the price. I want a succulent steak that will soak the tip of my dick

>> No.14033599
File: 948 KB, 2048x2048, 073DB69A-C883-4A0B-8262-04F40D043E90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a grass fed Sashi time prime rib like pic related

>> No.14033603

I got some shabu shabu wagyu and it was so good

>> No.14033611

it's delicious ass beef for sure but for the price you could probably get several dry aged ribeyes from a local farm depending on where you are

>> No.14034096

I had 2 samples once, grilled. It was just really sweet. Granted I haven't eaten beef in years, but it was just too sweet for me.

>> No.14035673

Honestly with a marble score of 7-8 you could get a $50 steak or cheaper and I'd say that it's worth it. The $200 ones with a marbling of 10-12 may or may not be worth it, but generally the marginal price difference with each marble score increase just isn't worth it. If you're rich enough to eat mbs12 wagyu everyday then you're rich enough to buy a wagyu cow and store 200kg of wagyu in a freezer and save money on it. That would actually be worth it.

>> No.14035680

that just looks like prime cut

>> No.14035692

it essentially is. He's a europoor though, so they don't have nearly as much access to american style steaks with good marbling.

Sashi beef isn't bad, but it's not the same breed as japanese wagyu, so it's not really directly comparable like they try to do comparing it to the wagyu marbling grades.

> The breeds, utilized for SASHI-meat, are primarily Holstein and Ayrshire or crossbreds thereof

>> No.14035699

It is good stuff. I had Hida beef in Takayama. Fucking delicious

>> No.14035864

Cope you absolute mutt nigger


>> No.14035900

My advice if not to eat Wagyu because it tastes so good. Eating a regular steak after eating Wagyu just ones will never be the same again. It's a trap because the quality is just so much higher it will simply ruin your taste buds forever.

>> No.14035910

Only if you are rich, want to impress someone else, or haven't tried it before. If you are going to sit at home and eat alone at your tiny kitchen table then some fresh beef from your local farm is good enough.

>> No.14035917

You moron, there is NO japanese beef on the entire list. It's not a fair contest if you're not including what is REGULARLY seen as the best beef in the world, A5 Wagyu.

>> No.14035942 [DELETED] 


There may actually be wagyu on that list but they stopped listing the breed of the cows in 2017 for some reason.

But according to the 2017 list, grain-fed Limousin Cross beef seems to be the way to go. Other countries seemed to have stepped up their beef game because Japan hasn't even gotten a medal in that competition since 2016.

>> No.14035968


I am not sure what is up with that. Looking more into previous years shows you that Japan only got a medal in 2015.

2019 has a bunch of european meat producers getting medals, which makes me think them testing only in ireland may make things biased. The meat is obviously going to be fresher if you can just hop on a plane and get to your farm within an hour.

Then again an Australian company got best steak producer so who the fuck knows. Maybe wagyu really is overhyped.

>> No.14035985

Or the japanese just don't give a fuck to enter their meat since they've already got the wagyu olympics in japan to compete in.

>> No.14035996


The best turd in a pile of turds is still a turd.

>> No.14035997

>best in the world

Galician meat is also one of the best in the world.

Think about this: a 300 grams wagyu ribeye can be the best meat in the world and costs you 180€, then there is another steak which is 90% as good but it costs 24€ and it’s almost 1 kg meat (1000 grams).

Why spending so much more for something that is slightly better and it’s so scarce at the same time? Does the flavour alone make it worth of being the best steak in the world?

Spoiler: no

That’s why wagyu didn’t win. It’s overrated

>> No.14036002

>That’s why wagyu didn’t win. It’s overrated
lmao it wasn't entered you europoor shitstain.

Keep pretending you've got the best if you want, you just look stupid though.

>> No.14036052

Only because you’re a cultureless animal living in a land without history who has to rely on Japanese people for quality meat, it doesn’t mean that it’s the same in Europe, you know?

Also do you know that in Europe we have Japanese full blood wagyu cows breeded with the same standards they use in Japan and controlled by Japanese experts?

I can buy real wagyu in my “europoor” country for a fraction of the price of the Japanese beef.

>> No.14036058

>Japanese full blood wagyu cows
if true, it was obtained illegally, it's illegal to export wagyu semen or eggs from japan.

>> No.14036120

>lards always mentions that (((title))) soms US meme cheese won
>your response
Irony right there, cancer bitchboy

>> No.14036130


>> No.14037327

Read the details about the link, of course no A5 wagyu was entered

>If you are from any other part of the world, be aware that the meat must come from an EU approved plant.

I doubt most of the meat processing facilities in japan would ever bother going through EU approval, most japanese beef never gets exported there would be no reason to seek EU certifications.

>> No.14037396

It's basically like eating a slab of well rendered fat. Different taste profile from normal beef.

>> No.14037774

and yet SO tasty, wagyu is a beef on the next level. Its like the difference between lamb fat and pork fat; Pork is just better in taste and quality in all ways.

>> No.14037784

>Cow eggs

>> No.14037812

well cows have ovaries right? think of it as land based caviar but you only harvest them one at a time. Its the saffron of beef!

>> No.14037819

humans have eggs too retard.

It's called mammalian reproduction, go back to school.

>> No.14037837

I live in southern California and am an idiot, where the fuck should I go for these tasty meats? Aside from the supermarket, obviously.

>> No.14037856

Fucking moron

>> No.14037874

It's easiest to order online since most A5 wagyu is only sold wholesale.

>> No.14037876

anything but water, salt and breat is a meme, anon

>> No.14037881

It'll be the same bullshit that you keep posting every couple days. Are you getting desperate for sales or something?

>> No.14037884

Thanks, anon.

>> No.14037893

>he's never had rocky mountain oysters
yeah he's desperate to sell meat in this current climate, really hard to move some meat, people just ain't buying food right now

>> No.14037904

you autistic retard

>> No.14037908

No, don't give the bitch credit the cunt would be shitposting and advertising no matter what he's horking, it might as well be genuine snake oil. Don't fall for it.

>> No.14037914

"current climate" You really are a sucker aren't you, do you do everything that some government tells you to do?

>> No.14037961
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 1514739167406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people just aint buying food right now

man I wish i still had my chickens, I could just live off eggs forever.

>> No.14037965

Good, more for me with all these morons going around looking like mummys.

>> No.14037995

Without the vegan fags and a stupid girlffiend I can make some chicken parm.

>> No.14038685

Food quality always have diminishing returns.

10 $20 steaks > 1 $200 steak

>> No.14038699

yes, 10 is more than 1.

But you're not meant to feed an entire BBQ party with A5 Wagyu, it's for a special occasion, and only eaten rarely.

i've had A5 wagyu twice in 2019, and once in 2017. It's just not something you eat all the time and shouldn't be looked at the same way you do a standard steak because they're totally different things.

>> No.14039202
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, dog disgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeb traitors will defend this
looks like shit tbqh

>> No.14039210


Thing is eating that every day would make you fat as fucking all fuck. Its essentially just a lard steak at that point.

>> No.14039252

I had A5 Wagyu before, it was pretty amazing however it also doesn't affect my ability to enjoy a normal Angus King Cut.

>> No.14039303

naw man its gotta be a scotch fillet burger with egg red onions beetroot and a sharp cheddar cheese.

>> No.14040299

eurocuck or flyover detected
stick yo your mild mooshy food

>> No.14040319

this looks like it would melt away into nothing as soon as it hit a hot pan

>> No.14040375

>not understanding the difference between weeaboos and japanophiles
Commit seppuku

>> No.14041145

Nah it doesn't melt, renders beautifully

>> No.14041192

kek, japanophiles are even worse than weeaboos.

>> No.14041201

No its not worth it.
Anyone who has actually eaten it will tell you that only the first bite has any flavor. After that your tongue is coated in fat and all you taste is bland fat.

>> No.14041209

pretty much.

>> No.14041215

not true at all, and i've had it on 3 different occasions.

It's not worth it to do regularly, but you're kidding yourself if you think it's flavorless after 1 bite, that's just a fucking joke and i know for fucking sure you've NEVER had actual A5 if that's what you believe.

>> No.14041244

>ive never eaten it but ill throw around words like A5 i saw on wikipedia

>> No.14041272
File: 1.58 MB, 3723x2175, 2019-08-01 18.42.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol okay

>> No.14041275
File: 522 KB, 1235x403, 2019-07-27 13_50_58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the nicest cut, but this was what I had twice in 2019.
I don't have pics from my first time which was a NY Strip at a restaurant in 2017.

>> No.14041364
File: 447 KB, 1000x800, wagyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it depends on the type you get, some can be really fatty to the point of grossness but the one I had in kyoto was perfect, the fat pretty much just made it perfectly juicy and tender without the gross coating of the mouth.
had it at this place. very good, would recommend itoh-dining.co.jp/kyoto/index.html
got the Special Wagyu Sirloin Steak Course (dinner) it was years ago so not sure if they still have it, but then I was able to up the size of the steak (came out to around $100 or so)

>> No.14041382

>Then again an Australian company got best steak producer so who the fuck knows. Maybe wagyu really is overhyped.
Australia has its own herds of Wagyu cows, and sets some aside to follow the Kobe method to get the A5 grade.

>> No.14041393

Grand Western is where Guga buys his.

They have flank, skirt, and picanha in lower marbling grades as well, and cutting a whole picanha down to ~ 12oz steaks will come to about $25ea.

>> No.14041397

>he's never had rocky mountain oysters
>Testicles are eggs

>> No.14041808

Their actual japanese wagyu prices are pretty high though.

$1200 for a 6-7lbs tenderloin from japan. BMS10-12.

>> No.14042054

$66-75 a steak for 16-18 6-ounce Filets seems fairly reasonable. Admittedly, compared to buying a Prime whole loin at $120 it's expensive.

Buying one 1/2" 12-16oz A5 Ribeye is $180.

>> No.14042064

Crowd cow has 9-11lbs A5 tenderloins for $900.

Though the BMS isn't guaranteed so it could be as low as BMS8 (8-12 are all considered A5)

And its out of stock currently.

>> No.14042104

>eating fat makes u fat

>> No.14042313


>> No.14042591

I'll remind you that "non-fat" food usually replaces it with sugar, and makes you way fatter.

>> No.14042599

Not when talking about steaks/roasts.

It's pure beef, the fat content isn't replaced with sugar, it's replaced with muscle fiber.

>> No.14042722

And dietary fat making you fat is the result of the sugar industry intentionally pushing flawed, biased studies out while attacking legitimate scientists who had data that said otherwise.

>> No.14042776

>Is Wagyu just a meme?
Yes. Look at normie youtube channels comparing everything to wagyu. Wagyu here, wagyu there. It's a meme for food just like Ferrari is for cars. Most people have never experienced it, but somehow use it as a gold standard.
>"Ah, this product is the Ferrari amongst products".
I'm so impressed by your rich experience and amazing rhetorics.
>inb4 poorfag cope
I've had wagyu and it was underwhelming

>> No.14042990

what kind and where did you have the wagyu, not all wagyu is made equal. maybe you had the poorfag version of wagyu

>> No.14043033

In Kobe, at some restaurant my roommate's professor recommended. It wasn't the most expensive one they had but not the cheapest either. It was alright, but so are other dishes that cost a lot less and are not hailed as the king of meats.

>> No.14043050


>> No.14044618
File: 63 KB, 899x528, 1579586186038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these Europoors and Amerifats arguing about their shitty beef
>when the real chad country supplies most of the world with it's high quality meat
stay mad

>> No.14044901

australia has decent meat, but mainly just cause you have a decent amount of wagyu cattle to breed with.

>> No.14045984

I had it for my birthday and it was at a restaurant.
$70 AUD for a steak and it was pretty good but small like 350g.
Problem with that is 2 days later bought a $19 700g scotch fillet that was THICC like 7cm high and cooked in a pan for 8 minutes a side till mid rare with only salt and pepper.
That steak was way better tastes more beefy and less fatty.
That said it's way less chewy than any other steak because how the fat melts.

>> No.14046092

I was in Kobe one time, and I went to a place that charged like $200 or $250 for their highest quality, largest kobe beef A5 wagyu where they seasoned and cooked it to perfection on a grill for you. They gave you things to put on it (fresh, legit wasabi, pink salt, some nutty flavored ring thing, etc.)

It took no effort to bite through the meat, like imagine the effort you have to exert on your jaw to bite through whip cream and that's what it was like. It tasted good too. I wouldn't recommend it as an everyday type steak, but at least as a once in a lifetime type of steak. I was still hungry afterwards, but I just filled up on some cheap ramen up the street.