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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14024870 No.14024870 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst ice cream you've had?

>> No.14024875

the low calorie stuff

>> No.14024906
File: 126 KB, 1080x1080, DyhHdiWXgAIC4Q5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soft serv that came out of the soft serv machines at my college's dorm cafeteria

>> No.14024932

cheap crystally chocolate

>> No.14024942


>> No.14024950

Some strawbery and mango ice cream from a vegan ice cream place. It was pure sugar and pretty tasteless.

>> No.14024970

Built for BBC

>> No.14024983
File: 49 KB, 566x500, 1584652244163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That disgusting green tea shit.

>> No.14025630

I want her to sit on my face and grind her bony ass into it while her sweat and fetid juices coat my face in a slippery film.

>> No.14025757

Hitler would have had you gassed

>> No.14025778

*thumbs up gesture*

>> No.14025823

Chinese buffet ice cream machines. But I still have atleast 2

>> No.14025826

This, but with the girl with the adidas bag

>> No.14025835

That ice cream is chocolate, which means the photo was taken by somebody wanting to eliminate white genes through race mixing.

>> No.14026170

Technically not ice cream but it was a strawberry "sorbet" that was advertised as all-natural. The thing was like 50% gelatine, 30% HFCS and 20% strawberry "bits".

>> No.14026214

Tabacchi and clams.

>> No.14026611

or anything with splenda/artificial sweetners instead of sugar.

>> No.14027441
File: 345 KB, 565x576, Screenshot_20200129-161331~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>booty shorts
>cleavage exposed in public
>fake blonde
>fag pride flag in background
No thank you, I'll let the blacks have her.

>> No.14027472

that is a famous transwoman from hawai'i, don't think she's 18 yet

>> No.14027488

Went to a parlor that had rocky road right next to the vanilla. Some bits of RR had gotten into it and I got served a vanilla scoop with it mixed in. Allergic to nuts and got free ice cream for life instead of suing

>> No.14027491

Some cheap vanilla i decided to buy it taste like chemicals and only chemicals....

>> No.14027498
File: 260 KB, 491x507, Screenshot_20200129-152817~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even more disgusting
Also my favourite ice cream as of current would be superscoop :)

>> No.14027504


>> No.14027557

she's 18 and a half, roughly

>> No.14027564

>that flag
if aids wont kill them going out during corona will

>> No.14027576
File: 923 KB, 500x280, NO NO NO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that is a famous transwoman from hawai'i
I take it back.

>> No.14027600

Big black cone? Yes.

>> No.14027616

That is the famous transwoman from germany. She had surgery at sixteen, all her holes were fully functional when she reached the age of legal sexual relations

>> No.14027622
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>> No.14027626

"Vegan" "ice" "cream".

>> No.14027835

>LGBT flag

>> No.14027869


>> No.14027903

What's wrong with it?

>> No.14027925

does she have a feminine penis?

>> No.14027935

The chocolate WinCo brand ice cream my dad buys. Even though he's a computer engineer he's a cheapskate so he always gets the cheapest ice cream you can practically buy, some WinCo brand ice creams are alright but WinCo brand chocolate has a very unappetizing chemical-y tinge to it's flavor.

>> No.14027937

that thing on OP's pic most likely has a dick

>> No.14027974
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Tastes like an actual pecan pie if it were soaked in butter for a week.
Butter flavor is nauseatingly strong.

>> No.14028069

In Wynwood, Miami,FL,US there is a icecream shop that changes flavors every month or so. Went on a date with a girl and she wanted some. I see, I shit you not, BBQ and Ketchup Kansas Ice Cream.The girl actually asks for a sample of it, I could fucking smell the ketchup the moment it went over the counter.

Didn't go on a second date with her.

>> No.14028132

Ice cream truck in Mexican boonies. The chocolate tasted like straight dirt, so I tasted my cousins vanilla ice cream and it was also disgusting.

>> No.14028157

When i was young i ordered a banana split sundae with cotton candy ice cream and rainbow jimmies lel

>> No.14028405

Aren’t u glad America teamed up to destroy Germany so young Aryan boys could get their dicks cut off and their nu-vag plowed by achmed

>> No.14028414

That was part of the war reparation agreement, actually

>> No.14028425

Cheese ice cream I had at a filipino market. It does actually taste like cheese and I do love cheese but picture for a minute wet cheddar and now you'll question it.

>> No.14028689

not sure, there was a pic of her when she was much younger where she had a bulge, but it's been years since I would imagine

>> No.14028754

What's wrong with having a dick? I've got a dick and quite like it.

>> No.14028762

This but I'm not even being ironic.

>> No.14028793

>fully functional
No such thing with trannies. It's a wound that they refuse to let close. It has no function.

>> No.14028798

green tea ice cream just tastes like fucking grass. why ruin ice cream like that? fucking gooks.

>> No.14028896

Wholly based

>> No.14028909

you sound like fun

>> No.14028947

>Didn't go on a second date with her
obviously, have you read your posts? It's clear you like men.

>> No.14028964

well google images doesn't turn up shit searching these, I'm pretty sure they're just cute girls not trannies.

>> No.14028999

>I'm pretty sure

>> No.14029034

>tranny holes
That's not how reality works.

>> No.14029048

Imagegoogling is painfully shit. Yandex is so much better it's not even funny.

>> No.14029612

Yes, unironically yes
Nice try vlad

>> No.14029989

why so transphobic?

>> No.14030003

Friendly reminder that adding "phobic" to various things was invented by a bong, in order to shame his fellow countrymen into being more accepting of mentally ill people.

>> No.14030021
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Worst one I had was probably a haagen dazs or maybe it was ben & jerry strawberry cheesecake flavour, just awful I think it came with a pizza I ordered.

Best one I had though was a rice and cookie dough icecream I had in a local icecream shop at the canary islands, I don't think I've ever had one as good and I doubt I'll ever will because it has the emotional baggage of being one of the only moments I spent with my father by ourselves.

>> No.14030022

Yeah a pretty girl eating ice cream is definitely mentally ill

Meanwhile, in the transphobe community...


>> No.14030031

Those are mutually exclusive. You are either one or the other and you get it assigned at birth. But as expected of the mentally ill, (You) deliberately misread my post.

>> No.14030034

I just want to thank you and the rest of the transphobic community for the hilarious videos

>> No.14031107


>> No.14031133

By Allah, you will burn in hell, ‘Mercian faghot.

>> No.14031150

I don't know why you'd care and it seems odd that you would.

>> No.14031216

It was 2007 and I tried this "beer flavored gelato" it was like someone forgot a few packs of beer in the freezer and shaved the icy drink in a cup

>> No.14032018

>asks for a sample of novelty ice cream
>didn't go on a second date with her
nigga, if it was solely because she wanted to try a sample of some weird fucking ice cream flavour, then you've just outed yourself for being a huge faggot

>> No.14032056

Mint chocolate chip. Disgusting. I can do mint, but chocolate chips give it a shitty texture and flavor. Who the fuck wants luke-warm solid chunks of bitter chocolate in their frozen creamy desert? Pregnant women and literal children, that's who.

>> No.14032301

You have a bad opinion that you should keep to yourself

>> No.14032319

I agree, mint ice-cream is disgusting on all it's forms.

>> No.14032532

Have you guys even tried to purge the homos in European countries?

>> No.14032537

Trannies are mentally unstable autists who will 41% themselves by the time their 30

>> No.14032555

>Arctic Zero
>Purified Water, Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk), Organic Cane Sugar, Chicory Root, Sugarcane Fiber, Dutch processed Cocoa Powder with Alkali, Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Natural Peanut Flavor, Sea Salt, Monk Fruit Concentrate
>paying $6.00/pint when you could just freeze a protein shake

>> No.14032589

>larping as a pisslamic extremist in a gerbil roasting subpage of a south american forum for child sexual slavers
Know of any good goat recipes?

>> No.14032624


>> No.14032640

Will you be able to sue if it happens again?

>> No.14034145

Matcha rocky road from Oddfellows. The person(s) in charge of creating that flavor needs to be fired.

>> No.14034182

Lavender flavored.
Tastes like soap.

>> No.14034205

Green Apple. Can´t say exactly what went wrong.

>> No.14034246
File: 65 KB, 668x529, culture 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man... hopefully the surgeon did a good job, bc he's banging. I always appreciate the hard work it takes to legitimately make a joke of god. I'd fuck him in his new pussy and refer to him as her. I'd do it gladly and with love in my heart.

>> No.14034441

Orange cream covered with chocolate. Taste like earwax.

>> No.14034686

wasabi flavored ice cream

>> No.14034839
File: 143 KB, 1024x768, 1566967383452-icecream_cone_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside

>> No.14035109

that tiger shit. Orange cream and black licorice. Almost threw up no cap.

>> No.14035295


>> No.14035389

this isn't /tv/ anon...

>> No.14035406

Cum guzzled kind

>> No.14035573

Almond is horrendous. It tastes like bland, unflavored ice cream with the horrible aftertaste of almond extracts.

>> No.14035863

>implying the function is anything other than the unmatched pleasure of burying your dick in something beautiful
begone breeder scum

>> No.14035991

Hitler was an insecure loser with a small dick who based an entire ideology off a race anyone who spent five seconds researching would've realized weren't even fucking white. He probably also pooped his pants a lot lol.

>> No.14036454

Anything with fruit ripple or fruit flavoured w/ the exception of bysenberry

>> No.14036499

Is ice cream good for you?

>> No.14036520
File: 215 KB, 800x1013, Adolf is Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did have severe gastrointestinal issues, so you're probably not even wrong about that lol

>> No.14036521

That's a boy so it doesn't qualify as cunny.

>gaping axe wound
Haha, no. Keep dilating.

>> No.14036540

>Not sampling disgusting ice cream flavours with a qt and bonding over your mutual disgust

ya blew it

>> No.14036546

instead of being jealous and catty you could eat less and exercise, but we both know you'll never do that

>> No.14036550

Agreed. Replace the chocolate with pieces of brownie and it would be perfect. I still like mint chocolate chip, though.

>> No.14036623

A lemon snowcone, I dont know what brand, i guess my friend had some and there was no label on the paper cone, it had very little flavor and smelled awful i guess he knew it wasnt very good and gave it to me as some kind of joke because he kept asking me how it was and giggling

>> No.14036903
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pic related
...wooden spoon flavor

>> No.14036959
File: 88 KB, 1079x1084, 8a81290c1987f7dfd8d5ec2547cf996c8a63e02cr1-1079-1084v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.14037046

Ice cream with trash haha

>> No.14037056

Looks like it's more dark purple/grey than brown.
I assumed it was that fucking activated charcoal ice cream meme garbage.

>> No.14037074

Yet he achieved more in his life than you could ever dream.

>> No.14037086

This ice cream reminds me of my grandparents. They didn't have much to offer when it came to treats but seeing this makes me wish I got to know them better.

>> No.14037094

Don't try the chocolate ice cream he passes you next time.

>> No.14037139

Google castoreum. It will change your life. It’s used to make artificial vanilla.

>> No.14037185

Licorice ice cream, made me thirsty wtf

>> No.14037314

Cotton candy sucks.

>> No.14037320


>> No.14037330

Can anyone tell me who this is?

>> No.14037716

Miranda Cosgrove

>> No.14038419

Wooden spoon vanilla ice cream is based and kino... but only when it's combined with orange sherbet.

>> No.14038463

I'm just here to remind you that you got turned on by, and most likely ejaculated thinking about men's asses

>> No.14038495



>> No.14038497 [DELETED] 

Yeah but only until I found out it was actually a man. Like getting tricked into thinking your lender Mr. Stewart is scrupulous and trustworthy and then finding out later that Liebowitz was his birth surname.