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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 256 KB, 720x618, BUT-VeganButter_720x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14024639 No.14024639 [Reply] [Original]

Honest options dont turn this into a troll thread

>> No.14024650

Live cultures aren't vegan.

>> No.14024652

I don't want to argue or debunk this just go off already

>> No.14024659

You know I'm right.

>> No.14024661
File: 488 KB, 500x281, 1558510308333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honest options dont turn this into a troll thread
Why would they?

>> No.14024669

Ill go off on your lankh ass boy. You want a whoopin?

>> No.14024671

>choose to be vegan
>want to eat normal (non vegan) foods
Pick one

>> No.14024674

It tastes the most like actual butter of all the vegan options I've tried. I have the packaging though, fumbling the paper wrapping Everytime you want to use some is irritating, I prefer plastic tubs. Earth balance is a better value imo.

>> No.14024690

Microorganisms aren't sentient YOU FUCKING RETARD

>> No.14024694

>choose to be vegan
>eat vegan foods
Ftfy, retard

>> No.14024697



Rebranding margarine? Vegans can't be this retarded and WILLINGLY pay more for a product that has been around since Napoleon.

>> No.14024700

you are so incredibly stupid that I suspect you are a burden to your family.

>> No.14024703

It's cashew cream fermented with live culture. It's right on the front of the box. It's in OPs picture. Do meatcucks have a problem with reading comprehension? Must be the lack of vitamins in their diets.

>> No.14024707

People don't always become vegan because they don't like non-vegan food, wha's so difficult to understand about that

>> No.14024710

Is regular butter cultured? I thought you just churned it

>> No.14024712


>> No.14024715

You lack understanding of the most basic logic. I don't need to join you in posting with projection to let that one sting. Btfo

>> No.14024721

No, but cultured butter exists. To be precise it’s butter made from cultured cream.

>> No.14024742

They shouldn't expect to eat normal foods if they choose a radical and politically motivated diet.

>> No.14024749

is sentience the benchmark for veganism?
so clams, oysters, scallops etc. are back on the table?

>> No.14024763

Depends on who you ask, yeah.

>> No.14024775

Why not? If there’s a way to obtain those foods that doesn’t clash with that radical political ideology then it seems pointless to abstain from them.

>> No.14024786

>Research Shows Plants Are Sentient

>> No.14024806

>official travel blog
Sounds serious

>> No.14025513
