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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 697 KB, 470x546, lifetime-pasta-pass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14020969 No.14020969 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm a member
>Flashes the ol gold card
>I'll have the Chef's best
>nod towards the table set in the lobby and snap
>3 bus boys immediately run out and replace the table cloth, light candles, and dim the lights in the entire building.
>Cell phone flashlights light up the restaurant like fireflies on a tuscan eve
>Bartender brings out his best wine then begins playing piano
>Chef brings out large piping hot pan of pasta
>Chef places the italian masterpiece before me and begins belting opera to accompany the piano
>As I finish my meal i whisper, "dessert"
>Hostesses and passable busboys take their place in front of my table
>"You", i motion to the hostess with the mostess
>As I stand my chair and table are whisked away and a bathtub of spaghetti is carried out
>After our romp in flavor town i'm treated to a sponge bath
>My suit was dry cleaned during the passionate love making
>As I walk out I, am handed a VHS copy of my dessert
>it pays to be a member ;)

>> No.14020974

i liek the breadsticks :)

>> No.14021125

why so many olive garden threads lately?

>> No.14021365

because no one on /ck/ actually cooks

>> No.14021438

I know very few anons actually cook on here, but why such a bad restaurant if they're going to be eating out all the time? It's confusing because olive garden isn't even cheap

>> No.14021449

Whatever happened to Pasta Pass anon? Did the carbs kill him?

>> No.14021460

screencapped and mms'd to some of my buds. quality post anon.

>> No.14021532
File: 295 KB, 2500x1656, olive-garden-annual-pasta-pass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have pic relates you pay $100 for endless pasta, soup, salad, and breadsticks for a year.
That'd be an amazing deal.
OP's was a super rare $500 deal

>> No.14021533

what is the point of offering something with such limited availability? I don't eat at olive garden and from now on I'll refuse to step into once just because of the dumb pass bullshit

>> No.14021552

>passable busboys
What does this mean?

>> No.14021580

it's $100 for 9 weeks
$300 for annual
$500 for the lifetime pass, but there's only 50.

>> No.14021596

Our local olive garden had big controversy.A customer asked managment could they have white waiter after being greeted by African American waiter.They had white waiter take over.After reporting it I know manager was fired.I think there is lawsuit pending by African american waiter.

>> No.14021647

"high end" chain places are baffling to me
try new things you fucking cowards. stop paying the same price for mechanically measured and bagged mass-produced portions that are boiled or microwaved, that you would for food that's actually cooked by independent restaurants

>> No.14021742

Why would I run the risk of getting food poisoning or catching a parasite?
If I get sick from a chain i can at least sue them and expect a good payout.

>> No.14021749

>nation of 330 million
>nationwide restaurant chain
>offer 50 passes
>advertise it to the entire nation
what's the fucking point?

>> No.14022007
File: 83 KB, 788x685, 1577849012092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks friendo
i apparently wrote this last night before passing out and woke up to it

>> No.14022305

they offered 27k 9 week passes and 50 lifetime passes
the lifetime pass would make them bankrupt
and they sold out of the 9 week passes almost instantly
it's $100 * 27k during their slowest period
that's $2.7 million assuming no one is coming in with someone else.

>> No.14022312
File: 29 KB, 509x499, 1559006591415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, you know

>> No.14022360

I could spend $500 in five outings. That's a fucking bargain.

>> No.14022367

What happened to that poster who bought the Panera express card right before quarantine? Did you still get to use it?

>> No.14022450

>$500 in 5 outings
how much do you fuckin weigh?!

>> No.14022488

Aint easy being 233lbs of pure muscle either. if everyone on /ck/ was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely

i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second

think on

>> No.14022504
File: 59 KB, 499x499, 1551332587324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god dammit i walked right into it
well played you fat fuckin pasta paster

>> No.14022541

then don't offer lifetime passes at all

>> No.14022670

They've done the endless pasta passes for 5 years now. I'm sure they'll come back with em when quarantine is lifted to compensate for the lost income and offer lifetime passes to the first few again.

>> No.14022705

again don't bother mentioning the lifetime passes because nobody is going to get one. you're basically advertising for olive garden

>> No.14022747

don't call me a shill, bitch
if i wasn't hammered drunk, i would have gotten one

>> No.14022881

>1 free soup or salad has been deposited into your account

>> No.14022895

It's really not hard to drop a hundo or two at a sit down restaurant, kid.

>> No.14022994
File: 8 KB, 263x192, 1577577048385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no breadsticks

>> No.14023016

it is if you're ordering pasta at olive garden. the passes don't give you free alcohol

>> No.14023028

i thought olive garden had cheap wine
i saw them outside with a table that said $10 bottles of wine a month ago

>> No.14023037

Then it's a fucking rip off.

>> No.14023059

haven't been to one in years. wine is usually pretty economical in terms of alcohol. you can really add up if you're ordering mixed drinks from the bar

>> No.14023107

Do you guys just buy a bottle or glasses?
Most servers i've known mention taking swigs from opened bottles each time a table orders a glass.

>> No.14023131

what the fuck kind of shit hole restaurants did you work at? putting their mouth on the bottle? I only get wine when I'm with friends who drink wine and we'll go through 4 or 5 bottles easily. one of my buddies worked at an upscale pizza place and they had wine in the back and the boss let them drink and would break out wine at the end of a busy shift. I've drank and smoked pot in the kitchen after hours multiple times. we just did it under the vent hood

>> No.14023173

First job was at a pizza place connected to a bar. (separate businesses but had a door that connected like how hotel rooms do?) Head chef/owner was a deadhead, he'd get me ripped. The other chef was also a deadhead and would get me ripped,bartender lady nextdoor would get me ripped when I was taking out the trash, and bring me beers at the end of the night (was 17). Sometimes I'd get them ripped. Was good times.

>> No.14023188

never worked food service
people i knew worked everywhere
from mickey D's to really upscale Italian places.
Many of the stories were the same.
And anywhere that served booze, they were skimmin drinks.

>> No.14023195

sounds like most waiters you know are massive degenerates, which shouldn't be surprising if they're working at olive garden

>> No.14023251

Reported, fourth Olive Garden thread atm. Fuck off you stupid wop shill.

>> No.14023293

never worked there
but it was high school
those burnouts didn't do much with their lives