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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 209 KB, 801x656, caren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14016687 No.14016687 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe you people would be baking bread during a global pandemic. Don't you know you're taking food out of the mouths of those who need it most?

>> No.14016710

>the fucking comments
somebody call the police somebodies getting raped right now

>> No.14016733


>> No.14016740

>apparently poor
>didn't just buy flour in bulk ages ago even though it's cheaper
>uses instant yeast instead of a starter

This one is gonna be a big fat lol from me

>> No.14016758

I haven’t been able to find bakers yeast for a few weeks here, fucking Karens and Nimby boomers.

>> No.14016763

>go to local bakery
>they have an abundance of fresh baked bread
>no lineup outside

Do Americans really have no other choices between buying mass produced sugar bread, or hoarding baking ingredients?

>> No.14016765

Psh, eat cake fag.

>> No.14016768
File: 682 KB, 744x1027, Untitled6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You people need to stop buying things you don't need! There isn't enough for the people who need it if you buy for frivolous reasons!

>> No.14016778
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Where the fuck does she live that there are still significant flour shortages? I have relatives in fucking NYC who have been able to buy whatever they need for weeks now. In fact, I'm pretty sure you can just order flour on Amazon at this point and get it in a week.

>> No.14016786
File: 111 KB, 600x603, 342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caren White
>White Karen

>> No.14016789

Caren only wants ORGANIC flour.

>> No.14016790

Actual local bakeries that aren't part of a supermarket or restaurant are depressingly rare in America, enough so that they're bordering "rare luxury" territory. We have on in my town and they make some great bread but it's also fucking expensive since they know they have no competition, so it's like $4-5 for a baguette.

>> No.14016816

tldr: I'm a selfish cunt and can't stand to eat other stuff for a change.
Imagine some cunt making an article about how they use toilet paper as paper towels and bath towels in their daily lives.

>> No.14016817
File: 1.38 MB, 345x5000, (((white))) privilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>karen """white"""
>it's actually a jew

>> No.14016821

We have hundreds of small bakeries here in the Boston area.

>> No.14016874
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The nose knows

>> No.14016903

>karen white
This is obviously fake and clickbait.

>> No.14016912

for millions of people my town has 2 for 30k

>> No.14016916

Did Howard Stern go tranny?

>> No.14016918

It's not hoarding if you're reselling.

>> No.14016974

What an absolute fucking hypocrite

>> No.14016997

Karens have absolutely no shame and entitlement issues the size of California.

>> No.14017016

>one of the most populous cities in the U.S. has a lot of bakeries
Wow, what a surprise.

>> No.14017029


>> No.14017053


sexist slur.

if this article had been written by a man and entitled "Making bread? Why you should suck my fat dick" people would be literally CHEERING in their seats.

>> No.14017063

Thankfully this retard is getting ripped apart in the comments, but predictably she’s too stupid and self-absorbed to understand why.

>> No.14017136
File: 58 KB, 717x482, caren2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all so inconsiderate. Don't you realize that people need to eat? Find a different hobby!

>> No.14017157

food supplies aren't running low
people just don't have much money because the government put everyone out of work

>> No.14017159 [DELETED] 
File: 426 KB, 1080x1553, 20200502_014013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok this old witch is trolling everyone.

>> No.14017167
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Ok this crazy old witch has to be trolling.

>> No.14017190

>bitches about not being able to find yeast
>claims to only make her food from scratch
>doesn't know how to make and maintain here own yeast culture or how to make one with just water and flour

>> No.14017245

That website is aids, i read the word "priviledged" more than i would like to count.

Caren is a shithead.

>> No.14017254


>> No.14017266
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>> No.14017267

I'm in GA and I got the very last sack of flour a couple weeks ago and haven't seen it in the store since

>> No.14017271

>those comments
Oh man somebody call the internet police

>> No.14017307

A jew from Jersey is a whiny, self entitled cunt?
What a fucking shocker.

>> No.14017333
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>stop baking bread people are starving

Would... wouldn't making my own food stuffs preserve more food stuffs for other people to buy? Like... I'm not buying bread because I make my own... someone else can buy that bread... do you think people be out there just making bread then pissing all over it and burning it in a trashcan?

Also, man cannot live on bread alone. I mean - if we're at the point where BREAD shortages are causing starvation, shit is SERIOUS. That's FRENCH REVOLUTION levels of bad. People gonna be *actually* dragging out the guillotines not just memeing about it.

>> No.14017344
File: 29 KB, 480x360, absolute_insensitive_cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People gonna be *actually* dragging out the guillotines not just memeing about it.
Can we start with this cunt?

>> No.14017359

I dunno who that is. Is she a land owner? Does she run a business?

Desu I say we start with the hobby lobby people

>> No.14017363

thats a man baby

>> No.14017367

It's Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives (ie one of the most politically powerful people in the US). She went on some faggy cunt's show and did a "this is what I'm eating during the quarantine" by showing off her multiple $20,000 freezers stocked full of $12/pint ice cream at a time when people are losing their jobs and starving. That was a modern day "let them eat cake".

>> No.14017370

I'd rather start with all the self absorbed celebrities, but all the poor blacks and Latinos in LA will beat me to it

>> No.14017376

>That was a modern day "let them eat cake".
Marie Antoinette never said that. A lot of her supposed cruelty was completely made up by a hostile press that hated her for being Austrian, and something of a flighty teenager at first (she was literally one when she married Louis)

That being said, as a democrat liberal pink commie scumbag - yes, PLEASE kill Nancy Pelosi, free us from our suffering
>House Speaker
>politically powerful
Lets not get ahead of ourselves. The house is literally a kiddie pool invented for the plebs to splash around in. It can't do jackshit without the senate, it's the wing of 'political theatre' for making people feel like their representatives are responding to their desires. Pointless bills that will never pass are the *intention*, not the subversion.

She's politically powerful because she's rich and can raise the most money the quickest. That's literally why she's Speaker. She's even said as much when asked what makes her qualified to be Speaker.

>> No.14017408

>Marie Antoinette never said that.
Didn’t really matter in the end, did it?

>> No.14017435

How does she keep getting re-elected?

>> No.14017439 [DELETED] 
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Why you need to start killing white women

>> No.14017460

She, like AOC, lives in a district where if you have a D by whatever name is on the ballot it'll get elected.

>> No.14017466

I’m so tired of snarky Jews telling me what I need and need not to do.

>> No.14017481

Get the fuckout of my breadline, Caren you stupid bitch!

>> No.14017488

good lord

>> No.14017497

I haven’t been able to find bread flour in stores for weeks. Just used my last pound on some sourdough today. Anyone have experience making sourdoughs with only all purpose or whole wheat flour? Does it come out a crumbly mess or decent?

>> No.14017513

boston gang machine loaflets eternally BTFO

>> No.14017590

Make sourdough then, retard.

>> No.14017597

God just imagine burying your face in there

>> No.14017643

It almost makes it possible to understand why they started setting up summer camps for them in 1942.

>> No.14017662

no one has flour here, either.

But I have a secret website I have been able to order, flour, yeast, powdered eggs and many other things at pre-virus prices with no problems.

Also fuck Karen she can buy bread if they are out of flour, fucking twat.

>> No.14017666

This has been real fucking annoying, finally got a wild yeast starter after a few attempts but I just wanted some instant shit to make a regular bread on a whim. Why does everyone suddenly bake now that we’re all stuck inside

>> No.14017678

Because making decent bread at home is so easy that anyone can do it, and mediocre bread is still better than most of the stuff they sell at the grocery store.

>> No.14017695
File: 12 KB, 300x300, arth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The grain is already infected. The entire city must be purged

>> No.14017752

Ironically the flour company here has a bag shortage.
Plenty of flour for everybody, but no bags to put it in so the shops only have so much flour on hand at any given time.

>> No.14017776

This is one big reason why print journalism still needs to exist.

I think anons making up pseudos and writing up troll articles just to fuck with the sheeple is the new planking.

>> No.14017797

Now more than ever is the time to cultivate creativity. If people can actually channel their energy into being productive and making bread that they could actually give to other people, then more power to them.

>> No.14017814

You have a natural yeast. Use that.

>> No.14017848
File: 65 KB, 750x1092, womans_health_vaginal_yeast_bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14017929

I wasn't into baking before I was stuck at home all the time but I'll still be making bread after stuff goes back to normal too.

I'm happy I discovered a fun low key hobby that makes me excited for the first time in a long time and it's a better use of my time than playing video games.

It's also a rare normie conversation friendly hobby that I like that isn't weird internet shit.

I made the mistake about opening up to my brother and sister in law about it, who already hate me, and is now something additional they can ridicule me about. Just because everyone's doing it doesn't mean I can't.

I wish I never told anyone or showed anyone any of the bread I've made and kept it a secret.

>> No.14017933
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>> No.14017947

>Lots of free time
>Want to bake something
>No yeast of any kind
>No baking powder
>No baking soda
>Not even self raising flour
Honestly it would be ok if it wasn't because 8ojt of 10 people who bought it is going to store it in a pantry without using it for two years
And half of them bought more than they could possibly use anyways
Why are people so retarded?

>> No.14017957
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>> No.14017968

Just call her a cunt and your brother a nigger whenever they make fun of you and be done with it.

>> No.14017969

It's really pathetic that you feel the need to post that picture so often that you saved it to your computer

>> No.14017985

your dubs say "yes"

>> No.14017991

Lol I laughed ty. I'll try this

>> No.14018007

>There has been no toilet paper in the stores for weeks. So the sight of that pallet triggered my lizard brain. It didn’t matter that I have enough toilet paper at home. I had a primal need to grab it before someone else did. It might be weeks or months before there is toilet paper available for purchase again.

>> No.14018020

democrats are so fucking weird man, this is what they are worried about

>> No.14018024

You should always have a "fuck you" chambered and ready in Condition Fabric.

>> No.14018034

It's like that James Mattis quote, "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." Whether that be physically or metaphorically, it's still a good idea to have that plan.

>> No.14018036

is medium a real site or satire? it honestly confuses me a lot. every time someone posts something from there it's so ridiculous i can't wrap my head around it. the fact that it has such strange urls and site structure doesn't help

>> No.14018045

I believe it's a real site but the issue is that anyone can write for them. I've found some decent articles on there, but again it's a crapshoot as literally anyone can and does write for that site.

>> No.14018046

It's real.
It's some sort of hellish hybrid of blogging and news aggregation by an ex-twitter developer.

>> No.14018087
File: 41 KB, 190x223, 1586237753480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The "cake" she was referring to was a type of bread. Its crumb was cake like in texture.

But ya she was used by the "newspapers" as someone to hate. Not much different than now.

What should I get from Mac Dongalds tonight BTW?

>> No.14018109

She said neither cake nor brioche, it was fake news.
Rousseau made it up and attributed to a "great queen" whom he refused to name, with the intent of inciting riots.

>> No.14018182
File: 363 KB, 1626x2667, IMG_20200501_214336162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bakers yeast
Even if you are too incompetent to make your own starter, you can EASILY find established ones you can order online or just ask around your friends and family who will happily give you some of theirs. Pic related is my Italian stater that was below that second line before its daily feeding, and it has been active less than a week. Made a delicious loaf today.

>> No.14018291

Mines been in a slump for three days going on four with no rising after a vigorous rise on day 2-3.

Im aware of the typical slump, but should I keep feeding or give up and try again?

>> No.14018376

yes definitely keep feeding it

>> No.14018409

Imagine being "the most prosperous country on Earth" and not having an economic plan or social safety net beyond what amounts to less than $200 a week for a two-month global pandemic.

>> No.14018416

>You see, I am one of THOSE people. You know the ones. You offer them a plate of food and they look at it suspiciously asking “Is that organic?” I want to know what is in my food so I make it myself.
Maybe if she wasn't such a snooty cunt she wouldn't be so poor.

>> No.14018426

buying two packets is hardly hoarding.
the actual hoarders were the retards buying 20 packets before the limits were put on.
this chick is nutso

>> No.14018429

They bake fresh bread at almost every grocery store in my city, we also have several bakeries too. I think it's just ruralpoors that can't find anything outside of Wal-Mart.

>> No.14018439

Yes sir. Since you seem knowledgeable what do you think about using pineapple juice instead of water to start the starter in a low oh environment. Supposedly you skip the bacteria growing phase and cut straight to the yeast friendly stage saving a bunch of time and discard.

>> No.14018442

There are lots of options for people aside from the trumpbux. Unemployment, food banks, SNAP benefits/food stamps, etc.

>> No.14018446
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>> No.14018492

>comparing aoc to nancy antoinette

>> No.14018509

She's not even poor, she literally said she buys organic flour and cooks from scratch because it's healthier, not because it's cheaper. What a retard.

>But I have a secret website I have been able to order, flour, yeast, powdered eggs and many other things at pre-virus prices
In the US? Can you give a hint?

Makes sense, the restaurants all stopped buying flour, so the shortage is only gonna be grocery store sized bags. I found flour in commercial sized bags locally. No yeast anywhere though.

>> No.14018527

>pineapple juice
No, its simply a 1:1:1 ratio of water & flour. Are you removing enough starter before feeding each day? Most people only feed 50-100g of starter depending on how much bread they bake.

Other than that the only other issue might be temp. I keep mine in a cabinet above the fridge which is about 5 degree warmer than the rest of the house, and also I keep the a loose foil lid rather than a super tight screw-on.

>> No.14018540

no they do have an economic plan, it's to give trillions of dollars to billionaires and megacorporations.

>> No.14019063
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>> No.14019096
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>> No.14019099


>> No.14019121

imagine being paid to blog about this inane nonsense
it's like your dumbass nagging knowitall mother-in-law gets a megaphone
the internet must be such a power trip for middle aged women

>> No.14019122

Ok Karen

>> No.14019136

People gotta keep busy during the confinement. My own mother told me she started "watching" the big bang theory out of boredom in recent weeks. I facepalmed all the way through that phonecall.

>> No.14019143
File: 15 KB, 293x281, 1448467608249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caren fuck off, stop shilling ur garbage articles here u kike cunt.

>> No.14019216

DO NOT throw away. Feed when you see bubbles.
If it does not bubble or rise, leave it be and stir. If you feed too early to too much, you’ll dilute the inoculation of yeast and bacteria so it takes longer for it to double its population.

The starter needs to decrease its pH to become the right acidity for proper bacterial and yeast growth. Sourdough yeast and bacteria grow optimally at 3-6 pH. So let the bacteria in the starter have time to reach this acidity.

If you want to speed up the process, add a tablespoon of pineapple juice (3.5 pH) or apple cider vinegar (2 or 3 pH). You should start to see bubbling almost immediately (if the starter is at least 3-4 days old)

>> No.14019236
File: 184 KB, 483x470, 1588235779734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also grow my own popcorn, but that’s a topic for another day.
How tf

>> No.14019245


>> No.14019292

Youy grow corn. And then pop it.

>> No.14019339


>> No.14019358

So she grows her own corn, not popcorn.
brb im gonna plant some fries and chips.

>> No.14019371

The type of corn is actually different if you want to make popcorn, so it's not entirely mistaken.

>> No.14019375

Home run

>> No.14019397
File: 16 KB, 316x202, 1486018423803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in Texas
>Want to make pizza, need bread flour
>Kroger doesn't have it
>Walmart doesn't have it
>H E B doesn't have it
>Target doesn't have it
>None of the smaller stores have it
>Have to buy wheat gluten

>> No.14019399

Same with fries vs chips and baked potatoes vs mashed potatoes.

>> No.14019410

It's still technically possible with those and generally simply chosen as what's more suitable for each preparation. You can't make popcorn out of sweet corn no matter how hard you try though.

>> No.14019433

>bread flour
what is it with americans and coming up with the most child-friendly names for things that already have proper names?

>> No.14019455

I swear I have had that thought about several of these "writers" now. There's apparently a type of Jewish woman who ages into a hilarious parody of Howie.
I don't know if i should feel sorry for him or for them.

>> No.14019473
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>> No.14019475


I live in an NJ suburb and there's a family owned bakery two blocks away. It's by no means expensive or luxury. There's tons of Italian bakeries all over the area.

Besides that, this isn't 2005 anymore, some of the more upscale supermarkets have insane bakeries. Even discount grocers like Lidl or Aldi have a great variety of fresh baked bread.

>> No.14019487
File: 18 KB, 762x450, maduro snackbreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a classic Maduro powermove. Why would she not learn from her hero?

>> No.14019497

it's one of the weird things about cost of living in america.

i was living in a high cost of living metropolis with tons of quality bakeries. a s++ tier baguette was 2usd because of competition and they also had tons of savory and creative baked goods. now i'm in a minor city, there's only one quality bakery. it's a 50 minute round trip drive, a b+ baguette is 4 dollars, and they don't really have much variety

>> No.14019521

>”NOOOOOOOOOOO! You can’t just do things that I don’t like!!”

>> No.14019548

What else would you call the higher protein flour used for bread making. You do realize flour has grades, right?

>> No.14019577

In Germany we have differen flour types based on the mineral level of a flour. Most common types for wheat flour are 405, 550, and 1050. The number indices how many milligrams minerals per 100g flour are in the flour.

>> No.14019598

>western womans first brush with scarcity
The horror, having to buy... NON-organic flour!?

>> No.14019600
File: 3.54 MB, 4032x3024, D37B0D4D-B71A-49AC-9DEF-DC62F7375314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s all I have been baking the last few weeks is straight AP sourdough. It comes out softer and less chewy than when you use bread flour but it is definitely still good

>> No.14019643
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>mocks the incel physiognomy
>but doesn't mock a very obvious Jewish face

>> No.14019650

I live in a flyover suburb and there are bakeries, donut shops, etc.

>> No.14019656

what the fuck would nonorganic flour even be, iron shavings?

>> No.14019701

Are you supposed to use a starter instead? I’m new to this entire thing also im gay and retarded

>> No.14019729

Poor people don't bake because they are too stupid to do something that complex. The only people that I know who bake are educated well-off people and do so as a leisure activity.

>> No.14019744


Why the fuck do I have to constantly be worrying about the poor?

>> No.14019773

Are you making a dumb joke or do you really not know because English isn't your first language?
When they say "organic" they mean that it was grown "organically" as opposed to grown using chemicals such as pesticides.
In your own language the word of it might be something closer to "ecological".

>> No.14019779

a dumb joke, i find the whole concept of "organic" foods to be utterly retarded.

>> No.14019874

>claims to bake all the time
>doesn't always have flour on hand
yeah i'm gonna say this bitch just pretends she bakes

>> No.14019901


>> No.14019915

so other people need to give up their bread baking hobby to support her bread baking hobby?

>> No.14019942

I found some success adding unwashed blueberries into mine, apparently fruit has a lot of the natural yeast you are after, once it springs back, remove the berries with the discard

>> No.14019947

Now that I think about it we've had a few cold days. The loose foil kid, I'll definitely take that advice too. Thanks

>> No.14019999

I'll try this, thank you.

I happen to have blueberries on hand too.

>> No.14020211

>In the US? Can you give a hint?
Why? Are you a Baker? Are you an Authority?

>> No.14020251


I thought you knew better /ck/

>> No.14020393

She sounds like a cunt.

>> No.14020436


I think she's saying that despite being well stocked anyway she went and purchased for the sake of purchasing so limiting the available stock for people who might actually need it. She's an unthinking selfish Karen either way.

>> No.14020444


But she buys organic flour so it's alright for her.

>> No.14020468

that's retarded

>> No.14020499
File: 33 KB, 657x325, Capture d’écran 2020-05-02 à 11.13.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comments are better than the article, even the poles are in it

>> No.14020501

>"I am poor"
>even thinking about organic anything

>Caren White is a Master Gardener and member of the Herb Society of America. She manages two public herb gardens in NJ.


>> No.14020509
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>> No.14020519


In the US, you will see flour for domestic use graded accodring to protein content. All purpose flour is about 10%, whereas bread flour is 12 or 13% to give better gluten formation, and cake flour is more like 8 or 9% for a fluffier crumb and less gluten.

>> No.14021058

Americans don't even know what gluten is 90% of the time.

>> No.14021110
File: 472 KB, 1746x983, d47fb356bc725d5259109fa45433fc0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jewish roasties be like

>> No.14021114

Just like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, they cheat in the primaries with rigged voting machines to ensure they never surrender their power.

Democracy is a sham and NPCs don't notice because the TV news didn't tell them.

>> No.14021147
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I love this shit. She is completely retarded in the comment section.

>> No.14021153

>man cannot live on bread alone
Because it's demoralizing? Cuz I could live fine with fresh bread and a vitamin in the mental state I'm in it wouldn't matter to me.

>> No.14021155
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>> No.14021166

This has to be a troll.

>> No.14021167

jewesses are so cute

>> No.14021181
File: 23 KB, 1240x306, satire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um reading comprehension must not be ur strong suit

>> No.14021187

>he actually offers a solution for someone who only eats organic
>she screams "male privilege"

>> No.14021225

What an entitled cunt she is.

>> No.14021251

No need for a conspiracy theory, anon. Pelosi is a well-connected incumbent pulling in a massive amount of donations and lobbying focus who comes from a completely safe and noncompetitive district. Only two ways politicians like her get out of office: retirement, or becoming out of touch with the majority of their electorate and party officials.

>> No.14021305
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aren't there organic breads

>> No.14021347
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>> No.14021349

Dave's Killer Bread
local options too even... I'm sure there are businesses still trying to stay afloat and need people to buy from their bakeries.

>> No.14021361

Shut it down, lads!

>> No.14021371

>a completely obvious bait thread

155 replies...

You people are straight terrible.

>> No.14021377

You are bad at differentiating taking bait from conversation. It's possible that you are new here.

>> No.14021378

what about the thread makes it bait?
I'm discussing the article and the cunt who wrote it.

>> No.14021381

what's wrong with your bread thaat they're so vitriolic about it?

>> No.14021390

I've been on this site since 2005 you fucking tourist. Eat shit.

>> No.14021394

How about op being obviously disingenuous. I DONT FUCKING KNOW MIGHT BE A CLUE

>> No.14021398

What is "being facetious", Alex?

>> No.14021400

/ck/ is one of the only boards I come on. The fact that it has slipped into multiple bait threads is sad.

>> No.14021406
File: 42 KB, 1604x1037, caren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha damn

>> No.14021408

OOOHHHH he was just "pretending" to be retarded. Good one you fucking moron.

>> No.14021419

please someone post more screenshots!

>> No.14021427

this is a good thread what's your problem?

>> No.14021428

Sarcasm is not "pretending to be retarded", you dunce.

Might want to get checked for the 'tism, inability to distinguish sarcasm is a big red flag.

>> No.14021437

Fucking damn she got absolutely btfo by her fellow left feminists. She forgot that a lot of them are poorfags. Gotta know your audience.

>> No.14021442
File: 743 KB, 738x1340, bake01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do it.
I made all of these anyway for archival purposes. I had a feeling she would delete it.

>> No.14021445
File: 297 KB, 921x388, Embarass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that crumb

>> No.14021451
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>> No.14021458
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>> No.14021466

Good job taking my obvious bait. Proves my point.

>> No.14021467
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>> No.14021471
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>> No.14021474

He said he's going to bake bread, but shows a photo of a brick.

>> No.14021477

>Proves my point.
That being?

>> No.14021478
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>> No.14021489
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>> No.14021497
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>> No.14021508
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>> No.14021517
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>> No.14021521
File: 281 KB, 800x1521, pandemichoarder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cherry on top

>> No.14021529
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>> No.14021540
File: 202 KB, 683x1024, dinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man these are great

>> No.14021549

np, please share. I think I posted all of the screens I took.
I get mad when people like this try to discourage others from cooking when it is one of the simplest and most rewarding hobbies.

>> No.14021558
File: 1.18 MB, 1276x3190, article.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll post the article for posterity's sake

>> No.14021572

If you're pretending to be retarded that isn't sarcasm you dunce.

Next time try to convey sarcasm.

>> No.14021577

>It's like you almost get the point but you can't see past the end of your nose to get there.
oy vey Belinda

>> No.14021581

That being you're a faggot? I buy it.

>> No.14021590

This person sounds awful.

>> No.14021599

she must have reserves of quality flour and yeast if she's baking bread all the time. if you run out you should burgle her house

>> No.14021608

>Organic flour is expensive and I am poor
>It seems that there has been a run on flour and yeast because people are bored
>I don't eat store-bought bread
>I also grow my own popcorn
>when you buy up all the flour and levening ingredients for the sake of pretty photos on your Instagram feed you are literally taking food from my mouth
>there is not enough now that we are competing with a bunch of dilettante bakers who care nothing for anyone but themselves

>> No.14021619

But actually I do unironucally like baking bread less now that it's normalfag shit. I guess I made it too much a part of my perception of individual identity. I'll definitely be looking for other things to occupy my time now.

>> No.14021621

lol Caren

>> No.14021622
File: 48 KB, 698x658, 1585406350907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male privilege
Fucking lmao.

>> No.14021623

Why won't 4chan stop showing me horrible people? I applaud what you're doing but can't I see a good person on here for once? ONCE?

>> No.14021626

>don't look...like you
That's pretty fucking rich considering Susan and Caren's profile pics.

>> No.14021628

Fuck off tranny. You aren't male or female. You're a piece of literal trash. If you died that's what your carcass would go.

>> No.14021630

Do people not have hobbies?
She's right though, whenever you take a photo of a loaf of bread it vanishes and can't be eaten. It's so wasteful and annoying.
>organic means no chemicals
>"master gardener"doesn't know about organic pesticides

>> No.14021645

>I facepalmed all the way through that phonecall

This amount of ironic second hand embarrassment emanating from you is astonishing. You are so out of touch that you couldn't just let it go with your mother. You had to bring it step further and made yourself even worse than people who actually watch big bang theory.

Holy shit.

>> No.14021651

You mistaken my comment for something else, I was laughing at the idea that she is using the male privilege argument.

>> No.14021656

you know that people on the phone can't see when you facepalm, right?

>> No.14021659

Because that's not what 4chan is for. You want a feelgood story? Try looking pretty much anywhere. Ordinary people love that shit.

>> No.14021663

You can laugh all you want. I'm laughing at you.

>> No.14021669

Uh, dude. Don't you facetime all your calls? It's 2020.

>> No.14021671

You know that admitting to facepalming (even when you likely didn't) doesn't make it any less cringe worthy, right?

>> No.14021673

Lmao! So funny she saw real peoples perspectives, got in a comment war and deleted her article. She'll probably lose sleep over this tragedy, unironically

>> No.14021684

You calling yourself not ordinary is pretty fucking hilarious by the way. You're a shut in. Like everyone. You're just like everyone else dipshit.

>> No.14021685

Her whole account gone. She probably just lost a cushy job she could do from home.

>> No.14021689

jesus christ go back to facebook

>> No.14021696

>ERROR 410
>User deactivated or deleted their account.

>> No.14021697

true, alice bought some for me a few weeks ago

>> No.14021698
File: 107 KB, 400x400, 1588374887710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I think you need take your medicine as you're laughing at nothing.

>> No.14021724

Good, she's a terrible writer and an even worse LARPer. Or else the snobbiest, self-righteous poor person ever

>> No.14021745

I live in a society obsessed with cheap gratification and have retained my virginity up to the age of 39 and have no intention of changing on years to come. I don't even know what it feels like to press my lips against another set of lips. Ordinary? I think not. A rare beacon in a failing world.

>> No.14021759

>only buys organic groceries
>tells poor people to stop eating food
>is poor
lol. Caren's not remotely poor. Caren is Karen incarnate.

>> No.14021764

She literally has a free yeast source between her legs

>> No.14021790

They're all very obviously Jewish though

>> No.14021792
File: 219 KB, 707x1585, starters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Related: Here's another blogger responding to Caren's OG post. Almost forgot to include it in screencaps.

Funny how he's pointing it out to her directly - almost spelling it out - and she just doesn't get it.

>> No.14021823

They're literally designed to steal host nation DNA to blend in better but I have to admit that their Hebrew magicks do work like a charm on me. They're often sort of "off" but they make my dick rock solid.

>> No.14021828

What is this creationist bullshit?
No one is "designed" to do anything idiot

>> No.14021856

90% of what is labeled bread flour is made from durum wheat, which is also used to make semolina flour.

>> No.14021859

I forgot /ck/ was the reddit autism board everything explained in simple instructions.

>> No.14021860

What bothers me the most about this article is that it seems to imply that she was only going to buy the flour if it was on sale. Followed by the fact that most stores don't even carry organic flour, as it is a niche product, and she wouldn't even buy the vast majority of flour available to begin with. I don't know if any store in my area even carries organic flour, and that includes the health food store.

>> No.14021861

For real. I think the hidden emotional reason behind her article is to gatekeep cooking/baking because she's afraid when people find out it's not as difficult and special as she puts on, she won't get as much attention. Like look how much she applauds herself for making a fucking pizza crust. Also funny is her default argument that commenters need to "learn about people that live and look different" as if her hobby gives her a get-out-of-privilege card or makes her look black or something. I wish I were her husband (not really) so I could smack some sense into this bitch

>> No.14021865

The starch and gluten is separated at the factory and reintroduced at specific ratios in order to sell a consistent product.

>> No.14021867

Strong flour.

>> No.14021871

>jesus christ

reddit af

>> No.14021873

And why the hell does she act like she CAN’T buy pizza crust. She CAN. She chooses not to. Now she might need to buy premade breads. Oh well

>> No.14021879


>> No.14021884


No sympathy.

>> No.14021890

baked and breadpilled

>> No.14021902

It's entirely possible that Caren is a middle-class person who is functionally poor because she wastes a significant amount of money on things like organic foods so she can play a game of oneupmanship with the rest of the world that only exists in her head.

>> No.14021904

>dUrInG a GlObAl PaNdEmIc
if i keep hearing this buzz phrase from normies i'm going to finally snap and kiss a lot of people.

>> No.14021916
File: 11 KB, 253x200, hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14021918

>Oh no! I am slightly inconvenienced by the availability of my favorite products when other people are starving, out of work, and facing evictions! Obviously the internet will see things my way!

>> No.14021920

I feel you on that. To me they look like they could take a lot more abuse in the bedroom, or they're more bendable or something. But when they get older it's like "eeeewwwwww".

>> No.14021921

I really want to read the 55 comments...

>> No.14021930

Fuck, you can buy organic pizza crust, which will have the exact same transparency and regulations about being organic as the flour she says she needs, which is pretty much none at all.

>> No.14021932

You're the expert

>> No.14021943

Yes, she's definitely an upper middle who has never wanted for any basic necessities. Throwing a pity party when you can't get your organic flour is pretty funny shit.

>> No.14021950

they need us to stop baking so they can send whites to the oven instead

>> No.14021954

happy pandemic my friend, may I send you my address so you can come kiss me? please?

>> No.14021962


>> No.14021983
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>> No.14021988
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>> No.14021990

>Global pandemic
I feel you on that one, not to mention the additionally annoying factor of that being like "assless chaps"

>> No.14021991
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>> No.14022000
File: 813 KB, 1919x7222, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I'm retarded. It's 12.


>> No.14022005
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>> No.14022017
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>> No.14022024
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>> No.14022032
File: 785 KB, 1919x7222, 08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually never read these and some of them aren't expanded. It's the best I could do before her deletion.

>> No.14022033

>No need for a conspiracy theory, anon
not him but its not a conspiracy

>> No.14022035
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>> No.14022038
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>> No.14022045
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>> No.14022048

Also the screencaps from earlier in the thread are the comments she responded to. She didn't respond to most of these afaik.

>> No.14022058
File: 659 KB, 1919x5746, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14022066

Caren White my ass.

That bitch is named Yael Goldbergstein.

>> No.14022067

kcam bringing the RNT.

>> No.14022074

stopped reading there

>> No.14022094

>error 410
>User deactivated or deleted their account.

>> No.14022100

see >>14021879

>> No.14022240


>> No.14022255

>mum fell for the bread meme
>no one ate it

>> No.14022620

In the same vein, is there any bread that works with soft white wheat? It's what I have the most of because it's fine in muffins and quickbreads, but I would like to make baguette or something else crusty.

>> No.14022666

Are you saying election fraud is carried out by lone wolves? Seems like the sort of thing that would require multiple people conspiring to achieve.

>> No.14022678

no, if anything I feel it's the opposite & systemic, when I say not a conspiracy theory I mean it's not false or made up

>> No.14022681

All flours with gluten work, it just doesn't come out quite as nice.

>> No.14022688

You said it's not a conspiracy.

>> No.14022693


>> No.14022703

Is this a troll?

So chemistry experiments for thee but not for me?

>> No.14022719

>Is this a troll?
see >>14021181

>> No.14023303

I bet she has her local police department on speed dial in case she sees a black person walking down her street

>> No.14023370

According to the CDC, you shouldn't bake your own bread. In fact, unless prepared by an expert, home baked bread may end up making you hungrier.

>> No.14023378


I'd like to hear more about that.

>> No.14023397

I love daves !

>> No.14023407

>eating something makes you hungrier

>> No.14023505

kill yourself juden

>> No.14023528

Uh... what?

>> No.14023540

Wait you can grow it instead of mining it?

>> No.14023690

thought this is bait but it isn't

>> No.14023750

you faggots do know you can make bread without yeast and even without starter right? make soda bread

>> No.14023759

>we don't have bread lines
>we just have lines to get legal tender which could then be traded for bread in a different line
the absolute state

>> No.14023760

Everyone is terrible and pretty much any feelgood story you read is fake.

4chan doesn't expose you to the worst people, it exposes reality.

>> No.14023792

>4chan is reality
This is what basement-dwelling NEETs actually believe.

>> No.14023799
File: 60 KB, 629x585, 1558933023166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that matters when all you want to do is subvert the meme

>> No.14023807

damn that's exactly the mentality I adopt when I shitpost troll neolibs, conservatives, white feminists and other morons on Reddit until the subreddit bans me

>> No.14023830

the reason there's a line in the 2nd place is that the store cannot allow more than 15 people inside at once.

not shortages or rationing

>> No.14023845

lol, jean guy

>> No.14023868

I had one of these faggots bitch about me on my local fb community page
>have 60acre property
>have a few animals (chickens, cows, goats, horse, bees,)
>have lots of crops, enough so im always taking bags of apples, honey, potatoes, other fruit and produce to work and handing it all out.
>have a few shipping containers/ shed's/ workshops on my property
>gf can be a clean freak so she always has bulk sanitizer, and other disinfectant shit stored over the place, gloves, masks, toilet paper etc
>been doing this for years
>pandemic hits
>some faggot comes to buy an old bike Im selling
>he sees all our shit (food, medical supplies, generators, solar, water supply,)
>says i should be giving all my food and shit out for free as people are ''starving right now''
>tell him its not my problem, and whenever I have left over food i give it to 20 people at work , tell him ive given out most of the hand sanitizer and cleaning shit to work people as well
>most of what I have left is mainly veterinary shit
>this fag keeps getting more and more angry for reasons I dont understand
>he then thinks im dangerous because he see's my larp paintball field I made (looks like some ww1/ww2 battleground )
>that night see a post on our local community fb page
>im like the only one with property in our region most of it is suburbs,
>demands the cops come and confiscate all my food, medical supplies and animals so others can eat
>local grocery store chirps in in my defence and tells him to shut up as they are fully stocked, and havent been sold out of anything since it all started
>he then complains that im getting it for free.
I smashed the bike he wanted to buy right in front of him aswell. and told him im not selling him anything.

>> No.14023882

what a faggot. how did he look?

>> No.14023892

like them soy meme guys,
>meme glasses
>meme beard

the idiot rode a moped thing as well, so idk how he planned to take the bike back with him.

>> No.14023910

I got some on Amazon. I've heard the Red Star is bunk and basically dead yeast, but Fleischmann's was fine. I got completely raped on the price but I have starter now.

There's also a method you can use to capture airborne yeast using a potato but I haven't tried it. Also the method Townsends uses would probably work.

>> No.14023915

The dipshits on Medium aren't getting paid, they're doing it for free. Anyone can post a story on Medium.

>> No.14024012

you really think someone would do that? just work for no monetary compensation?

>> No.14024087

>Act like a retard, hold your breath and hope the "Nazis" go away
Pretty much what to expect from Twitter

>> No.14024124

The internet was a much better place when this was the norm. There were still plenty of sites with content nobody should care about but the actual good sites were so much better than the media conglomerates we have now

>> No.14024135

Shit, I wear those kinds of glasses.

>> No.14024191

Because you only click on the typical clickbait shit and then complain about the results.
Like going to places you don't like and then wondering how could this happen to you.
Meanwile as we speak right now there is an entire BOARD trying to help some loser get off his self destructive ways.
You should think about lurking moar sometimes.

>> No.14024194

This is the psychological state of fucking boomers.
They never grew up because they didn't have to.

>> No.14024288

>smashing the bike infront of him

>> No.14024959

wouldn't that yeast just get dominated by the yeasts introduced from the flour when feeding?
still gross though

>> No.14025025

No one is hording ingredients. Its just now people have a lot of time on their hands and women stuck at home are starting to actually behave the way a woman should. So a lot of people are buying ingredients to make their own bread.

>> No.14025043


>> No.14025194

I live in NYC and I can only get nasty, factory farmed flour. good flour is sold out.

>> No.14025201
File: 662 KB, 1327x995, davidkoresh-5b63483346e0fb00259e40bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hicks like you deserve to be koreshed

>> No.14025337

god damn it Karen

>> No.14025656

>smashing property you had an intent to sell to FREAKING OWN some LIBTARD geek who wanted to buy it
Quality LARP. 7/10

>> No.14025807
File: 18 KB, 1356x557, Untitled23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
