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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 223 KB, 1140x700, chef-john-food-wishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14013212 No.14013212 [Reply] [Original]

Is "Chef John" a good chef?

>> No.14013247

It doesn’t really matter, he’s helped thousands of people make better food and he explains the fundamentals clearly.

>> No.14013250

I don't know or care if he's good from a technical standpoint, but I think he has pretty interesting takes on both American and foreign foods

I like that he goes for a more home cooked aesthetic rather than a big budget show

I can even forgive his liberal faggotry

>> No.14013278

Would let him plow my bbw gf

>> No.14013284

Yes. Not 3 Michelin stars level, but still an excellent chef from a technical standpoint. And besides the technical skill of his cooking, he has an equally valid and important skill with which he is second-to-none: his teaching. He has been teaching home chefs how to cook for over a decade, and he is exceptional at it.

>> No.14013309

I prefer Chef Jeff, the No. 1 chef of Filipino cuisine.

>> No.14014411

i have never made one of this recipes and didnt like it so he is probably pretty alright

>> No.14014433

He's as good for regular home cooks as well as for people who can barely make boxed mac n cheese. He also doesn't overcomplicate recipes to humblebrag like Binging With Babish does

>> No.14014437

i went from microwaving hot pockets to cooking real food because of chef john

>> No.14014447

Have to agree, though I recently made his milk and orange braised carnitas and found it to be authentic tasting, yet a bit bland, but that's nothing I can't dial in. Nothing else I've made of his hasn't been great.

His videos are always clear, high quality, and no bullshit. You can also tell he's a class of his own from these newer cooking nerds because after a decade on the tube, he still never shows his face and keeps the whole experience centered purely on the food.

>> No.14014448

Weeeeelll.... heskindofagoodcheeeefff... butitshardtowatchhisvids... becauseoftheannoyingwayhespeaaaaks...

>> No.14014463

Is chef John a vampire? Those eyes are freaking yellow, and he wears all black. Come to think of it, he's never used garlic in a recipe before.

>> No.14014482

after all, you are the adolf hitler of your apple fritter

>> No.14014502

That is blatantly false, he has several recipes you can look up right now with garlic in the name

>> No.14014530

Vampires don't get hurt by the word garlic retard

>> No.14014535

1. Not a chef
2. Fuck you

>> No.14014539

Honestly, I miss the days of cooking videos being "hands and pans" that actually focus on the food, and not weird catty drama/paid advertising like Bon Appetit

>> No.14014543
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>> No.14014557

>Binging With Babish does

I hate that d00d like you wouldn't believe

>> No.14014619

It was a different time

>> No.14014880

As everyone's said - yeah he's pretty fuckin talented as a cook and teacher, I'd also note that he seems to have a super curious mind - he investigates new things, practices and develops his own recipes and shit.

Babish is a smarmy hack - it's mystifying how he ended up so popular, just your below average "foodie" cuck with a 700$ camera. Also lazy as fuck - dude googles a recipe and cooks it first time on camera and reddit jerks off over it.

>> No.14014886

Lol the cunt worked the line for years, he's one of the only actual fuckin chefs on YouTube

>> No.14014899
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Chef John?

>> No.14014905

I love him so much. So yes

>> No.14014907

He's a great entry into the techniques of cooking, covers a wide range of everyday food and even some technical stuff, and has recipes from all over the world. He also doesn't need to show his face every 20 seconds and focuses only on the food, so yeah, he's good.

>> No.14014914

And as alwaaays....

>> No.14014933

his sweet potato gnocchi video was a disaster.

>> No.14014965

Yeah, he is great. I went from a retard who knew nothing about cooking to being a retard who can cook some good shit once in a while. Hes easy to understand, but his inflections fucking kill me.

Side note: I never knew he looked like this. I get lost in his eyes.

>> No.14015016

I made his take on hungarian goulash the other week. It was really damn good and my whole family liked it.

>> No.14015382

He's fucking unbearable because of his inflections

>> No.14015897

I cannot stand the way he talks.

>> No.14015937

And the Tasty(r) “recipes” in this POV style are complete shit

>> No.14015955

I don't know but his video aesthetic and demeanor are peak comfy

>> No.14015960

That's one of my go-tos also

>> No.14015965

He calls himself a chef but i ain't seen that faggot prepare a meal like ever.

>> No.14015969

Sounds like a you problem.

>> No.14015974

Can't speak for his skills as a chef
But he has easy to follow recipes and he instructs them in a way that normies can understand. He also has a good dad sense of humor for all the bastards

>> No.14015979

Not good. Just average.

>> No.14015997

From what I know he was an actual head chef at some point. I've worked in kitchen's and guys like this are the cream of the crop.

>> No.14016028

Being a head chef means nothing. There are thousands of "head chefs" out there that couldn't even fry a steak without fucking it up.

>> No.14016056

Entirely spot on.

>> No.14016062

but he's white

>> No.14016109

I appreciate him mostly for two things

1) Most of his recipes are very efficient and optimized, i.e. he boils down most of the complicated preparation stuff down to the bare minimum. He usually does not use fancy machinery you might not have, just pots, pans and basic cutlery. He has a weird fetish for the "real stuff" type of ingredients, like real vanilla extract or parmigiano reggiano, though.

2) He gives very detailed explanations why he is doing the stuff he is doing, so you also know what to do and not fuck shit up. This is a skill, which is lost to many TV cooks. They simply say what you should be doing, but without understanding it is really easy to fuck up.

Meanwhile, occasionally I also enjoy watching Cooking with the Blues with Daddy Jack (not THAT Jack). He is a fat fuck and not that sophisticated, but I am a big fan of his minimalistic and pragmatic way of cooking, i.e. seldomy using more than one pan etc.

Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgUeDHfFF9Y

>> No.14016121

>liberal faggotry
Some one shoop a skull mask on him

>> No.14016132

Literally every recipe of his I've made has turned out great. His dad jokes are part of his charm, and his camerawork is simple and gets the job done. Plus, he has so many recipes. There's nothing not to love.

>> No.14016256

Dont know how good a chef he is. Never had his food in person.

As someone who makes youtube recipes he's fantastic, especially for newcomers. Most of his recipes are easy to follow break you out of that newbie cooking funk of following cookbooks blindly or gif-cooking or shit like that.

Even his signature, "your the Emperor Hirihito...of your chinese burrito" reminds you to taste your food and adjust the recipe to your taste.

Personally his chicken with olives is the first real cooking i'd ever done; introduced me to the best fast dinner you can make in the meat with pan sauce.

>> No.14016324

he is a good iintroductory chef, stick with him long enough and you will start to nottice how much he wings certain meals
sure it still tastes good but if you follow a propper version the difference is night and day
you really ought to move on from his videos after a while

>> No.14016428

>I can even forgive his liberal faggotry
post examples of this faggotry

>> No.14016511


He mentioned the non-existent "Russian collusion" with Trump in one of his videos, though I can't remember which one

>> No.14016534
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>> No.14016612

>guy might've referenced a massive news event in some manner in one of his hundreds of videos
>dunno which or what he said
>i remember it was wrongthink tho
>nearly stopped watching him because of this intolerable transgression
I hate Current Year politics

>> No.14016670


wtf? I like the guy's videos, but the "Russiagate" remark was completely out of context in a cooking video and besides, that particular conspiracy theory turned out to be total bullshit in the end, despite almost the entire mainstream media proclaiming it as fact for years on end. Isn't that... kind of significant?

>> No.14016678

You don't have to adulate Trump to note the mental derangement involved in making a baseless accusation against a politician during a fucking cooking video, you idiot. Too many people think that saying "hurr Trump hurr hurr" during discussions of completely unrelated subjects is somehow an acceptable form of discourse. I'm Canadian, so US politics is irrelevant to me anyway -- just fucking stick to your field of expertise

>> No.14016834

honestly i think his camera work/general video composition is absolutely ideal for cooking videos. one thing that actually bothers me about some of the other outube guys is their strange insistence on panning/slow-mo/racking focus shots set over lo-fi hip-hop. i understand the desire to be creative with your work but honestly its sort of distracting and gets old pretty quick.

>> No.14016849

Yes. Also, he has a distinctive, yet pleasant accent.

>> No.14017015

I really hope you're just trolling and not actually butt-devaststed someone made a jest at the president's expense.

>> No.14017026


What is it with you Americans and anal rape? Anyway, 1) it wasn't a jest, it was a lie and 2) it would have been as out of place in a cooking video as if he had said "you should stroke this dough the way Joe Biden strokes a little girl's neck"

>> No.14017034

I hope someone murders this man, seriously.

His voice.. his intonation is murder inducing. I want him to die a slow painful death.

>> No.14017068

>humblebrag like Binging With Babish does
tried looking up a mashed potato recipe from him and he's using a fucking sous vide machine. what kind of an asshole just has those laying around?

>> No.14017080

>pinch of cayenne

>> No.14017110


I respect that anon


His twitter

>> No.14017119


Motherfucker expects you to have 50 different kitchen appliances & to spend 3 hours making mac & cheese by hand

>> No.14017205

I'm not a normalfag so I don't see social media.

>> No.14017214

After all, you are the Jeffrey Dahmer or your first degree murder!

>> No.14017215

He's certainly no Thomas Keller but he does have a good knowledge base. You can tell he's been at this for a long time, yet passes down knowledge that even the lay person can get a grasp of.

>> No.14017294

You should unironically kys, along with the other hypersensitive spergs combing through wholesome non-politicized media to find anything to get outraged by.

>> No.14017316

Shake, not pinch.

>> No.14017332

Yeah he's a gay faggot. Speaking of mac & cheese, I really wanted to hate Kenji Lopez-Alt but his 3 ingredient mac and cheese recipe was very easy to make and surprisingly good, almost like eating the Velveeta stuff but better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWge-2jT9ZQ

>> No.14017348

Kenji is a fucking cunt.

Fuck him and fuck Chef John. These cunts need to die.

>> No.14017402

I mean I don't doubt that Kenji cold be a cunt, haven't watched much else of his content to say for certain. I mean he's a faggot for hyphenating his last name with his beaner wife, I can say that much. Doesn't come across as immediately grating, gay, and condescending like Babitch and Fagusea do though. Chef John is kind of gay and annoying but his videos have their utility.

>> No.14017503

For me, it's Cookingwith Rick. Just a guy from the midwest making comfy food. No pretense or faggotry just easy meals.


>> No.14017606

The issue is you can't get taste across in the medium of video so to evolve it needs to be hyped up visual theatrics and sounds.

>> No.14018458

with you brother

>> No.14018468

I don't know if he's a good chef. His videos have helped me get better though. He's worth watching. OP is gay.

>> No.14018476

He's a kike

>> No.14018573

There's a bit of collateral damage in there

>> No.14018578


>> No.14018595

his nose

>> No.14018610

Domestic parmesan is so much worse than the DOP Italian stuff.

You can separate a content producer's political shit from their content. I don't care to look into Kenji's political garbage, but I do find him a very informative and entertaining cook and his recent content has been pretty neat.

>> No.14018633

one of you stupid fucking niggers SPECIFICALLY asked the anon to clarify what he was talking about in his post
why the fuck are you crying now that you got a response? and to top it all off that anon said that at the end of the day he doesn't let that get in the way of him liking his videos so you have no leg to stand on. fucking american subhuman pieces of shit

>> No.14018753
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I don't know but i watched a lot of his videos, cooked for friends and family by remembering his recipes and stuff turned out great every time, there's even a family from church who invites me every month to cook for them and i'm running out of ideas.
Also no joke i think i got laid twice thanks to this nigga.

>> No.14018759

weve almost never seen it. also that doesnt mean hes not a good chef.cause hes obviously not in any sort of powerful postion where he can make us think he is. hes just a legit good cook who doesnt whore out his face in youtube vis. just his voice, man im really coked up.

>> No.14018772

bad voice
bad. i will never make one of his recipes

>> No.14018774

> i will never make one of his recipes
t. has never made one of his recipes and doesn't know what he's missing out

>> No.14018805

i'll live.

>> No.14018809

that's what you think *pulls out glock*

>> No.14018817
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noo haha dont kill me haha

>> No.14018846


>> No.14018853

so damn true, learnt how to make Beef Rendang from him now its a family favorite.

Thanks John

>> No.14018870

That's true if they're a head chef at some shithole like applebees, but the carnelian room was a pretty prestigious place.

>> No.14018872

Best entry level chef there is

>> No.14018879

Here is my 'go to' internet cooking show. ... Easy, simple, fun. Greg's Kitchen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_tzDowuI8g

>> No.14019089

If he dropped the first and last one minute, it would be great, i can't tell if he's a fag or a sòyguzzler.

>> No.14019142

grego's just australian

>> No.14019151

I'm looking at some of his old videos and all the comments are just his, what's up with that?

>> No.14019152

i thought he was black

>> No.14019158

i made that once to try it out, zero difference. tho one could argue its decent for meal prep via freezer, or something to give to your kid that recently moved out and cant (be arsed to) cook.
and it reduces dish washing.

>> No.14019166

You literally see his hands and he doesn't sound black.

>> No.14019170

I can't tell? Because everything he says is a question? Why does he talk like a valley girl?

>> No.14019176

depends on how old you're talking. the youtube comments system was honestly complete garbage tier before they merged it with google plus, and then it was garbage tier for a few years after that too.
if i had to guess, you're seeing comments from the era where there was no way to reply to other commenters directly and you're seeing grego replying to questions while youtube's current system is just posting them all on top because it gives uploader comments top priority. or maybe all the people asking questions were banned, wouldn't be surprised if grego attracts the kind of crowd that gets banned often.

>> No.14019198

His profile pic looks like a black man, also yes he sounds black. But i guess all americans sound black because of your interracial breeding lmfao

>> No.14019203

Check out some of his newer stuff. He's actually pretty cool. He just does this gay act every once in a while. ... He's just trying to be funny.

>> No.14019214

quite literally just made his Grandma's Peanut Butter Fudge
Will let you guys how it goes

>> No.14019223

Well either way it seems to usually be pretty good, short and straight to the point.

>> No.14019224

>five tons of powdered sugar
i'm too chickenshit to ever make anything that requires that much sugar. it makes me feel like a cripple but i can't overcome it

>> No.14019227
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How does that look like a basketball american? He looks mexican.

>> No.14019229

that poster is just some random /int/sect tourist, don't bother trying to reason with it

>> No.14019231
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Daily reminder.

>> No.14019234

he looks like a fucking mix breed negroid mup da doo bix nood ooga booga el americano in small pic
ive never looked at his profile pic closed up until now
howd dodid you knowe

>> No.14019239

yeah there was a LOT of icing sugar but i tasted a bit of the mix left on the spoon after i poured it and it does taste devilishly good
i guess if you're not a sugar person it's probably the last recipe of his you'd want to make

>> No.14019242

i guess /int/sects have had to resort to making pics like this now that more and more boards have realized they're approaching /pol/tard levels of cancer

>> No.14019274
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>> No.14019278

>mum is a picky eater
>sister is a picky eater
>brother is a picky eater
>dad willing to try most things
>no point in making a meal for just myself and dad
god I can't wait for this corona shit to finish so I can have my own space again to cook chef john's stuff without substituting half the ingredients and ending up with something shit

>> No.14019279
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We have quality memes and you can make janny seethe, do you want to find love on /int/?

>> No.14019281

this is putting the russian influence conspiracy on the same level as sandy hook deniers, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.14019282

hm. you literally sound like a poltard circa 2016. unironically fascinating.

>> No.14019288
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>/pol/ traumatized every board so much that every bad thing that isn't reddit is now /pol/
Thank you based stormniggers and drumpfanzees.

>> No.14019294

so at least you realize you people are a bad thing then? in that case why not try to respect a board's culture and contribute with useful posts? why intentionally shit it up by trying to force /int/ "culture" into it?

>> No.14019297

>board culture
Fast food, soda and YouTube then?

>> No.14019300
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>> No.14019301

You're the one who mentioned /int/ in the first place.

>> No.14019307

yeah, i believe you, i've made a few attempts at coffee cake and similar sweets and the amount of sugar really isn't as excessive as it looks and if you reduce it, the thing turns out bland.
but i have something in my head that just cowers away from using so much sugar. last coffee cake i made had a ratio of 2:1 flour to sugar and it was so bland it was inedible and i ended up using it to make a sort of bread pudding.
anyway, i'm sure it's good anon, i was just sharing my disability

>> No.14019313

so this is why you want to shit it up then, you just think it's shit. why not simply avoid this board if that's how you feel? a lot of us find it useful and interesting. what kind of a mentality is this?
>i'm going to go to a board i don't like and make it worse
true. and i was right. the anon didn't deny being from /int/ and doubled down on the /int/ memes.

>> No.14019316

I've got a sweet tooth so I'm not too put off
I'm going try the carrot cake next week because who doesn't like carrot cake?

>> No.14019319
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>fast food, alcohol, youtube and alcohol

>> No.14019325

dont forget jack, kay & eggfort.

>> No.14019331
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h__ d___ h_ g__ o__?

>> No.14019337
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fuck off, that shit is getting almost as bad as loss.

>> No.14019346
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>> No.14019351
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loss is eternal newfriend.

>> No.14019353
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You forgot coffee

>> No.14019357
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If i fill it in, will the baby die?

>> No.14019377

>Also no joke i think i got laid twice thanks to this nigga

Bruh story time

>> No.14019398

Nobody is crying because they got a response, they are criticising the opinion expressed in it. Your opinion isn't exempt from criticism just because we asked about it you silly fucking cunt.

>> No.14019418
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>first date to a museum
>invited her for dinner afterwards
>cooked something asian from one of his videos, don't remember what
>lived in a dorm so she couldn't stay
>next day she invites me to her place
>benis in bagene
and second time
>friend organizes a dinner, invites six or seven people
>i'm the cook
>i make john's shakshuka with mushrooms, exactly like in his video
>next day i get a message from one of the girls i met that evening asking me for good recipes
>copypaste his recipes and pretend i came up with them on my own by experimenting with popular dishes
>week later she invites me
>we end up dating for a couple of months
Thank you Chef John from foodwishes.com.

>> No.14019420

what the FUCK are you talking about you retarded monkey? don't initiate pathetic american-politics-related flamewars on the cooking board, that's all i ask.

>> No.14019443

Not sure, but if you say his name into a mirror 3 times he'll appear behind you and pulverize your anus with the largest dong on the Western seaboard.

>> No.14019448

good lad

>> No.14019525

His approach to videos has always been consistent; all about the food and not himself which makes him leagues better than most Youtube cooks. That kind of straightforward direction while still reassuring that it is okay to add your own twist makes it very appealing.

My ex and I would try at least one new recipe a week from his channel just to try out new things. Our favorites that went into normal rotation of homecooked meals were Dutch Baby Pancakes and Shakshuka.

>> No.14019544

chef john literally doesn't exist. the people you see cooking in the videos are not always the same person. john is just a voice reading out blogposts written by his wife.

>> No.14019570
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>> No.14019604

Why does he sound like kermit

>> No.14019631

it's how jews sound

>> No.14019722

Alright so the one complaining about Chef John's politics isn't inciting political arguments, but the one asking for examples and criticising them, is?

>> No.14019731

Yeah he shouldn't be criticising the President of the United States in cooking videos

>> No.14019917

Kenji is fantastic.

>> No.14019934

I like how hes honest with his food. If he did something he didnt like he talks about it. He doesnt just pretend his food tastes like heaven because you cant taste it from where you are.

>> No.14020278

This. Why does he talk like that. Is it autism?

>> No.14020302

Shut up

>> No.14020353

I'm kinda on the same train as >>14019152: he does have that baritone range usually unique to black people and I kinda assumed more from the profile picture too - I thought the white hands were one of his assistants'.

>> No.14020364

every chef john recipe ive made has turned out amazing

>> No.14020440

as far as i'm concerned that anon made an offhand comment and you retards goaded him into making it into a thing
but fine, if it makes you feel better, i'll rephrase. don't perpetuate and participate in political flamewars on the cooking board. happy now? cancerous faggot.

>> No.14020470
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>I can even forgive his liberal faggotry
Imagine getting upset because someone has a different political opinion than you do and believing that this is an important character trait to take into account when judging an apolitical cooking show with them in it. Why are both the left and the right super sensitive anymore and why do they feel the need to drown everybody who doesn't care in political tantrum tears every chance they get? I wish they would take the political boards off-site or give the users of them a cool-down period that prevents them from posting on blue boards within a half hour of their last post on the political boards. Feel like this would curb a lot of the pseudo-political thread derailing.

>> No.14020476

hey retard. you're derailing the thread right now

>> No.14020485
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I want to fuck Chef John. I want him to narrate as I blow my load in his ass.

I bet he has a thicc ass too, would eat/10

>> No.14020489
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pol here, fuck off with your bait faggot.

>> No.14020515

>Fast food, soda and YouTube
Became a major issue when post-2016 /pol/dditors began leaking out and found /ck/. Since they have no interests besides bitching about politics and things they hate and none of them are actually self-sufficient despite acting like they're above everybody else they began to talk about the only foods they know. Many of them are addicted to social media, so started spamming e-celebs as well. Before that, users at least TRIED to cook, even though half the threads were about ramen.

>> No.14020525

I don't care. I'm pointing out the issue to make faggots aware of it. If I have to sacrifice the integrity of a few threads to do that, so be it. Maybe at least one faggot who throws political tantrums will realize how cancerous they are and knock it off.

>> No.14020532
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shouldn't you be jacking off to interracial porn while crying?

>> No.14020541

>I don't care
based cancer

>> No.14020555
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1563917258834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes son, you are clearly doing your best to educate the population to the harm of politicizing everything. get the fuck outta here you underaged baiting faggot.

>> No.14020563
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Would you eat Chef John's ass?

>> No.14020576

This guy is the end all be all aficionado on cooking: https://youtu.be/hspgAxtT2k4

>> No.14020592
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i was about to complain about him not actually fucking the food. thank you for subverting my expectations.

>> No.14020715
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Made the fudge
Very nice. A tiny bit grainy, but I think that's because I just whisked the sugar instead of sieving it because I didn't have a sieve
could also be the peanut butter, but who knows?
quite happy with it either way

>> No.14021543

I don't know that he has ever cut loose on his channel and really just laid his whole hand on the table, so it's tough to say how good of a chef he is
He's a fine teacher and ambassador of food, which may be even more important

>> No.14021553

ask the gay prostitutes his wife buys him, he probably makes them snacks

>> No.14021586

what was he thinking

>> No.14021593

>Imagine getting upset because someone has a different political opinion than you do
Like you're doing right now?

>> No.14021634

Make me, bitch boy.

>> No.14021682

not only is everything this anon said right, he's got 3 replies from tourists to prove it.

>> No.14021721

Eh 5/7, he's no Alice

>> No.14021739

what's wrong with it? i never opened it because i can't stand sweet potatoes

>> No.14021772

>brown hands

>> No.14022575
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I think he's great. His videos are well made, and I've made several of his recipes. I recently made his Detroit style pizza. Here's a couple pics.

>> No.14022580
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Second picture

>> No.14022669



>> No.14022695

Go away Babish

>> No.14022781

Wow, you even repeated his mistake of burning the pepperoni. Good job

>> No.14022857

Haha yeah. He said to do 550 for 15 minutes. When I checked at 15 the crust didn't look cooked. Let it go till 20 and it looked good but not really golden brown. Took it out at 25 which was too long. It was still delicious though.

>> No.14022894

i made his mashed potatoes. it was like half butter. didn't like it.

>> No.14022899

So this is what his recipes look like? Cool, thanks for letting me know to never fucking watch them.

>> No.14022907

Your loss faggot

>> No.14023346

I'm making his bigos during the week

>> No.14023389

Someone from /ck/ got him to make quinky sauce once

>> No.14023863

yeah, he's italian american iirc

>> No.14024092

big fan of the parmelet

>> No.14024188

What're your favorite Chef John recipes, /ck/? I'm just getting into him and he has so many to choose from I don't know where to begin.

>> No.14024209

This makes the incels upset.

>> No.14024564

He speaks normally in his q&a's, and his first videos.
I'm guessing he started doing it because it gets peoples attention, which it does.

>> No.14024578

His Chicken Tikka is really good. As are the Chennai chicken wings.

>> No.14024630

he's jewish, hints at it in several videos

that aside, he's the best chef on youtube for beginner home cooks

>> No.14024883

>>lived in a dorm so she couldn't stay
Not with that attitude

>> No.14024917

>Why are both the left and the right super sensitive anymore and why do they feel the need to drown everybody who doesn't care in political tantrum tears every chance they get?
This isn't a new thing, you just see it more often because of social media.
Also Chef John (or anyone for that matter) shouldn't be bringing up politics when talking about something completely unrelated, or at least they shouldn't be surprised when people start talking about politics afterwards.

>> No.14024947

>He has a weird fetish for the "real stuff" type of ingredients, like real vanilla extract or parmigiano reggiano, though.
He's fine with cooking with that weird stuff you Americans call Mozzarella (and occasionally cow-milk mozzarella or even the real stuff). It's not about authenticity, just quality.

>> No.14025084

Chef John's stuff always comes out banger and doesn't require any esoteric ingredients. If I'm ever in the mood for something, I'll check if Chef John has a recipe for it, then NYT Cooking, then someone else

>> No.14025112
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>> No.14025124

I've only used his inside out grilled cheese video and that was a revelation.

>> No.14025149

I fucked up this recipe and ended up eating a massive half-cooked doughy pizza. Turned me off of carbs for 2 weeks, and bassicly only ate meat and veggies to handle the carb-overdose.

I think it was because I used a glass-dish instead of the metal one he used.

>> No.14025169

Chef John doesn't use Contadina canned tomato sauce, therefore I cannot be confident in the salt content of his italian dishes


>> No.14025182

Sounds like it. I don't think glass works very well for pizza dough.
I didn't have his special pan but I used a 9.5"x14" metal pan thats also 3" deep. A cast iron pan would probably work

>> No.14025310

Cast iron will take a long time to warm up, so might have the same problem.

I made it in a Greenpan aluminium non stick roaster, which heats up very fast. It still needed 20 minutes at 275 degrees rather than 15 minutes.

>> No.14025410


I like Daddy Jack because he is unpretentious chef who seems like a culinary journeyman. He does things without worry too much about it being done the traditional way.

>> No.14026862

His Torrone recipe doesnt work well.

Im hoping his cheat demi glace recipe does when I make it.

>> No.14026908

His crab rangoon recipe was terrible but everything else I've made from his channel has turned out great.

>> No.14026912

You could always preheat your cast iron, could you not?

>> No.14026920

What was wrong with it? I'm watching the recipe and it seems fine.

>> No.14026961

I thought it seemed fine too...i just didnt like the taste.

>> No.14026980

That wasn't the question

>> No.14027083

Fair enough. It's way, way more crabby than the usual recipe.

>> No.14027452

That's what I though at first but then i tried again with half the amount and it still didn't taste right to me.