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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 818 KB, 796x768, Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 00.05.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14015738 No.14015738 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever eaten spaghetti sandwiches?

>> No.14015744

This poor hambeast looks like she hasn't missed a spaghetti sandwich in her entire life.

>> No.14015748 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14015801

i did out of the garlic bread i was also eating once, but cant say I set out to have a spagetti sandwich. it wasnt terrible

>> No.14015806

Do americans really

>> No.14015810

she's Canadian

>> No.14015817 [DELETED] 

canada is basically america with snow, not much of a difference and we own canada anyways

>> No.14015824

She's Canadian
Chantal Marie "foodie beauty"
Cope harder

>> No.14015829

t. mexican

>> No.14015831

Couldn't buy greenland though ehhh

>> No.14015832

Canadians will never know what it's like to be American. Christ I swear Canadians are worse than Mexicans.

>> No.14015855

Do you think this guy is on his phone all the time even when the camera's off?

>> No.14015889
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>> No.14015904

This is right beside the entrance to my building and I’ve never seen this guy, just the usual christian schizo with a loudspeaker.

>> No.14015993


>> No.14016077
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>> No.14016094

carbs upon carbs

>> No.14016112

Americans never cease to amaze

>> No.14016116


>> No.14016236

No, but I've eaten potato salad on toast.

It's guuuuddd.

>> No.14016265

she's so fat her eyebrows have gained weight

>> No.14016318

when i was 5y old i enjoyed plain spaghetti on bread.

>> No.14016372

what is it like?

>> No.14016377
File: 376 KB, 606x614, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so what made her so fat?
That 95% carb content or that 5% meat on the sketti?

>> No.14016387
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For me it's HungryFatChick

>> No.14016390

Your mom isnt it ?

>> No.14016409

Sorry, can't hear you over our universal health care.

>> No.14016431


>> No.14016439

Sorry I can't hear you over your gun-grabbing cuck blackface king

>> No.14016460

God damn I want this fat fuck to die so bad.

>> No.14016461

Eating copious amounts of food for several years. Starting a youtube channel for weight lose, realizing she got more views and money for feeder fetishist, therefore deciding to continue to eat herself to death despite several health problems and having her ovaries removed.

>> No.14016468

Enjoy knowing your tax dollars go towards keeping OP pic alive.

>> No.14016522

what has man done

>> No.14016530

Search for Chantal Sarault.

Check out kiwi-farms.

>> No.14016565

If you live in the US your tax dollars go towards keeping boomers alive while they fuck you in every election

Talk about being an emaciated cuck

>> No.14016572

look upon our works and despair

>> No.14016579
File: 1.07 MB, 960x689, absolute unit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got more views and money for feeder fetishist
Why is this shit so popular

>> No.14016593

someone like that sullies the honorable heritage of absolute units

>> No.14016597

Not gonna lie. I'll make a sub out of some leftover baked ziti if I have some and a hoagie roll and my god does it hit the spot.
Carbs baby

>> No.14016706

The moment I saw OP's pic in the catalog I knew I'd find you faggots.
I have spent years developing a fetish for imbeciles screeching out their pathetic copes for how shitter-shattered they are about the USA's existence and it has been one of the best things I have ever done.
Stay mad, your delicious tears will only contribute to my orgasms in the future.

>> No.14016709

based gibberish poster

>> No.14016781

>have you ever eaten spaghetti sandwiches?
It's the only way to eat left over spaghetti, except you butter the bread first and don't eat like a blackhole

>> No.14016833

i queefed

>> No.14016868
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his eyes are being engulfed by fat.

>> No.14016869

Memes aside, where did Amercan-Italian restaurants get the idea that bread is necessary as a side with pasta? The only side you need with a big plate of spaghetti and meatballs is a bowl of green salad.

>> No.14016886

I'm Italian, all restaurants give bread. Pasta is only a primo course.

>> No.14016899

Unironically yes. I didn't know anyone else did it too lol.

>> No.14016924


>> No.14016925

Yeah but I'm talking about Italian-American. Those places all serve heaping plates of pasta and meat as the main course, and some of them include unlimited garlic bread.

>> No.14016934

That's distinctly different since the components are made to be eaten together

>> No.14016947

she posts nudes on her twitter

>> No.14016948

Fucking yanks lol.

Small amount of bread... small amount of pasta... small amount of meat... small amount of seafood... small amount of ice cream... lots of wine...

>> No.14016951

Thats how real Italians eat because they dont live in the 3rd world anymore and can afford food

>> No.14016958

Southern Italy is 3rd world. I am from there.

>> No.14016965

I have zero history on how it came to be but if I had to guess it'd be because of religious views and available ingredients.
>Breaking bread around the table
>Also poor as shit so the bread is a welcome addition to a small portion
>Immigrants come to America
>Dishes of pasta grow to 3x the original size
>Bread gets more calorie-dense as cheese and butter get slathered on both pre and post bake
>Availability of ingredients cheap so they still make bank doing this

>> No.14016995

bread fills people up
bread is cheap

>> No.14017017

Fatty Cuntal!

Fat fuck cunt.

>> No.14017028

We use bread to clean up the sauce. In english it's like use bread as a shoe to pick up the sauce you cannot with a fork.

>> No.14017036

Mezzegiorno is based when is two Sicilies 2 electric boogaloo?

>> No.14017082
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no, but I have had spaghetti taos

>> No.14017480

The blonde from icarly exclusively fucks black guys.

>> No.14017627

But Dan "Fist up your can" Schneider isn't a black man. I think you're a liar

>> No.14017659

>Spaghetti sandwich
That's a one way ticket to diabetes

>> No.14017884

Fucking kek!

>> No.14017899

That was rape so it doesn't count.

>> No.14017905

yep, once for the meme

>> No.14017923

not diabetes, heart disease

>> No.14017946

She actually dislikes blacks. A well-known black athlete tried to romance her and she was super not into it

>> No.14017959

when do you think Chantal will die?

>> No.14017961


>> No.14017980
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my wife turned me on to spaghetti sandwiches. Throw that leftover spaghetti into a rectangular tupperware, let it chill overnight, then turn that bad boy over onto a plate and slice it into slabs. Put that onto some white bread with mayo and parmesan. Its my new guilty pleasure.

>> No.14017988

I give her 10 years if she keeps up her current habits. 5 if she starts heavily drinking.

>> No.14017994

That's pretty gross.. Why not just microwave the spaghetti on a plate? Add a few drops of tobasco or a drizzle of olive oil maybe some parmesan

>> No.14018067

I wish I had a mukbang mommy gf to take titanic turds on me

>> No.14018220

I live in japland and it's pretty common here. Every convenience store has a bunch of them on hotdog rolls. They look fucking disgusting, especially because Japanese pasta sauce is closer to ketchup than what I'm used to at home.

>> No.14018239


>> No.14018246

How is your system going to survive when Canadian boomers start to retire?

>> No.14018268

chinese money. better question is what's going to happen to canada once china finishes buying up the joint and the bat eaters don't have to listen to white liberals anymore

>> No.14018273

So not "into it" that she sucked his cock, let him fuck her in the ass and leak her nudes? Cope.

>> No.14018282

could you sissy faggots stop talking about black dicks for one god damn thread?

>> No.14018340

at my lowest, i've had one. those were dark times I dont reflect on very often.

>> No.14018465

She was with an NBA player for a short time and they did nothing together. She really didn't like him. She hasn't been with anyone else since, at least publicly

>> No.14018469

I've eaten soba noodle sandwiches so I could pretend I was in my anime.

>> No.14018471

I've eaten leftover pasta and sauce with bread, but never as a sandwich.

>> No.14018477

you are our mexico

>> No.14018491

The butter, meat and processed foods.

>> No.14018623

Ain't that the snake juice guy?

>> No.14018730

>they did nothing together
This level of Cope is off the charts. She gave up all her holes the first night, simp.

>> No.14018743

>mexico has a healthier economy and more rights than the U.S.
Not sure you're sure how the relationship works Leaf.

>> No.14018984


>> No.14019088

Not soon enough. Not saying this to be mean and I don't really wish her I'll, but she is past the point of no return and only exists to burden the public healthcare system

>> No.14019159

lel who even needs functioning insulin anyway?

>> No.14019508

>Mexicans have more rights then Americans
Don't say retarded things you know nothing about.

>> No.14019514

>The farms
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.14019538

When I was in high school marching band we would hold a spaghetti cookout for a fundraiser near a local grocery store. That was the first time I had ever heard of that sandwich. It's okay if the sauce has meat mixed into it, otherwise it's pretty awful and fattening.

>> No.14019539

ITT: We pretend we all eat completely clean diets and carbs are the devil

>> No.14019546

What is with you faggots advertising your board here. I see it all the time. No one wants to listen to you self righteous cunts think your better than everyone as you dox people for playing the same game as DSP or commenting on Amberlynn's youtube.

>> No.14019574

Ever wonder why your country is so poor compared to ours? ever wonder what it's like to not have up to 1/3rd of your income sucked away by the state?

>> No.14019581

Cananda in in americna

>> No.14019664


>> No.14020484

>she briefly dated a black guy for a month but they never fucked
Whatever helps you cope, dude.

>> No.14020496

I refuse to believe that Sam is anything other then a lipstick rug muncher.

>> No.14020574

What are you saying about Dan "she's prepubescent so I can cum insider" Schneider?

>> No.14020631

fuck off nazi tripfag

>> No.14020793

No but last week I had like a cup of pasta, can of and one potato in my entire pantry and for some reason I thought if I combined the two into one dish that ot would be at least somewhat ok. It was terrible

>> No.14020914

Texture sounds disgusting.

I have meat sauce with my spaghetti, so when I finish my spaghetti, I usually spoon the remainder of the meatsauce onto a piece of toast

>> No.14020918

That dude is 5'6" iirc

>> No.14021643

Yes, so delicious

>> No.14021681

Wrong, retard.

>> No.14021773
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>> No.14021972

Stop posting your fetishes on /ck/, Josh.

>> No.14022161

How is this any different than yakisoba pan or a 'chip butty?'

Also, she's Canadian.

>> No.14022223
File: 466 KB, 826x597, Capture+_2020-05-02-19-19-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of the time you can't see shit because it's all covered by fat. Its like sports illustrated nudity just with fat covering everything instead of sports balls.

>> No.14022229

Chantal noooooooooooooooooo
my foobey bloobley

>> No.14022248

I...didn't...need to know....or see this...

>> No.14022254

salty ass cannuck jannies

>> No.14022363

She only posts her real nudes on OF (or whatever simp platform she uses idk). Her page is not for the faint of heart.

>> No.14023752

Canada is in north America, Fatass. Google it.

>> No.14024171

That's fucking gross

If you do this I fucking hate you

>> No.14024172

what the fuck

>> No.14024179

>he doesn't make a sandwich out of every single dish put in front of him
How does it feel to be a subhuman?

>> No.14024205

based snake juice salesman

>> No.14024210

yeah right fuck the universal heath care. I'm paying alot of tax money and I'm not even using that service. And even if I need to use it I'll have to wait like an animal for months for some basic treatment. Canada is a shithole, if only I could move out to new-Hampshire..

>> No.14024231

damn nice jaba cosplay

>> No.14024310

Yes only because I’m poor and tired of eating spaghetti on it’s own

>> No.14024350

Coronavirus hits fat people really hard

>> No.14024437
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Not sandwich but on toast yes. Brits don't just eat beans on toast. They also have tinned spaghetti or spaghetti hoops on toast as well.

>> No.14024489
File: 105 KB, 1200x800, makaronopita-me-fyllo-kroustas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but my nan used to make a mean makaroni pie.

>> No.14024543
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fucking kek

>> No.14024549

Is it good?

>> No.14024745
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no idea, i just add anime to erry shitpost to annoy the normalfaggots

i mean, it looks gud tho

>> No.14024893
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I used to like this as a child. Then I tried it once as an adult after visiting Italy and learning about proper Italian food. It was horrifyingly bad.

>> No.14024935

>tinned spaghetti
Im horrified

>> No.14024991

We do eat bread + pasta but it's 80-100 grams of pasta, not a huge amount, and the bread (one slice, maybe 20 grams?) is used to pick up the leftover sauce - if any.
And not everyone does that, it's considered rude/something only poor people do.

>> No.14024999

Im hoping her haydurs die first, especially fatty gold.

>> No.14025006

I could eat 1000+ calories of white bread before feeling slightly full. Too calorie dense and not enough fiber, protein, water and fat.

Rice, on the other hand, keeps me way fuller.

>> No.14025014

When money was tight AND I was desperate, sure.

>> No.14025021
File: 55 KB, 900x810, D9D89BE3-9408-47A0-99EF-A1933256B8B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck you in every election
Lmao kill yourself bernie socialist retard. Suck my dick faggot

>> No.14025037

>Snapping pasta in half

Ofcourse a subhuman weeb would do that

>> No.14025040
File: 2.77 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20161104_102751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the time because I'm not poor

>> No.14025042

/ck/ is the only place people sperg about snapping spaghetti noodles in half.

>> No.14025049

This looks like pasta + cheese + meat (ham?), not just bread and pasta with nothing else

>> No.14025058

It's pasta, not noodles.

>> No.14025114
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>> No.14025497
File: 26 KB, 600x350, Flag_of_the_United_States_of_the_Ionian_Islands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it has pancetta and either feta or ricotta and realy thin filo pastry on the top and bottom, oven baked. Its a traditional recipe from the Ionian Islands, a consignment from the times of Venitian rule and the Septinsular Republic.

>> No.14026083

Imagine marrying trailer trash

>> No.14026127

Don't even think of it, leaf.

>> No.14026139

Urge to kill rising (in Minecraft)

>> No.14026835

>Such a fatass you can't comprehend others eat clean

>> No.14026867

he has an onlyfans accunt

his asshole is literally gigantic.

>> No.14027747

Only if you count putting the spaghetti on top of garlic bread.

>> No.14029289

too much pure carbs

>> No.14029296

No, not really. But have made lots of omelettes with spaghetti and garlic when I was poor and ignorant

>> No.14029304

It's actually slightly terrifying having watched and still watching what Nick has turned himself into.

It's like watching what happens to child stars as they age except that he was never any good.

>> No.14029323
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Anon, how do you know this info?

>> No.14029470

No but I've eaten spaghetti pizza a few times

>> No.14029493

If you were a starving African manlet from Senegal and you could get a green card for being her manservant for a year, would you do it?

>> No.14029502

a certain Kiwi Fruit Gardening forum

>> No.14029529

>So then this man faced golden lion bird stole a bible and hid all his archery supplies in it.
>holy shit thats a great story, lets put it on our flag, along with the union jack
spose it beats some gay stars

>> No.14029539

you mean Chinese gooseberry orchards?

>> No.14029558

formerly known as Quickie Chat

>> No.14029577
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I never understood feeder fetishists. Like food can be pretty and so can be chefs (nigella lawson please step on me mommy, pic related) But eating isn't a pretty thing to do. Its literally grinding things into a digestable paste with your mouth bones so you can easier draw out its nutrients later on.

But some rando be like: yeah I nut to that.

>> No.14029582

Is this shopped, please say it is. Why would she do this, plain stupid.

>> No.14029860


Some were leaked to Kiwifarms. Around page 60, if you're interested and have the stomach.

>> No.14029935
File: 662 KB, 588x589, teb1ztb37lfz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the lion of Venice(st. Marks lion) anon,it is the coat of arms and the flag of the Most Serene Republic of Venice™. Their rule much like in Crete also was very lax, they intermingled with the locals and brought great economic and cultural growth in both Crete and the Ionian Islands(and most importantly they where exposed to the renaissance movement something that most of continental Greece didnt as they where under Ottoman rule) . So even when both the French and then the English got contol of the Islands they still consedered themselves Grecovenetians (they even have their own grecoitalian dialect). Thus a Union Jack with the Lion of Venice .

>> No.14031489

Same, squishy white bread w butter.

But fuck s'ghetti

>> No.14031499

yes, but it was asian sweet-soy type of noodles

>> No.14031519
File: 51 KB, 1400x787, 'Merican Feminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are your white women so fucking disgusting? Don't they have any self respect?

>> No.14031563

you could fit a fist in that thing

>> No.14031604

>yakisoba pan
Just made my first one today. Shit’s pretty good.

>> No.14031864

that's probably what he's been doing.

>> No.14032349
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>> No.14032413

Not sandwiches but I always have buttered bread with spaghetti

>> No.14033261

I fry spaghetti on the stovetop and put it on some type of toasted bread.

>> No.14033282

Ask the rapist and he'll say otherwise

>> No.14033384

No lol. They fuck niggers and lap up propaganda like a dehydrated dog.

>> No.14033503


butter and meat are the only foods that don't make you fat

>> No.14034122

It is really good. I've never put the yakisoba I've made in bread, but having had it at other places it's not bad. I also recommend potato salad sandwiches. They are not bad either and also that's a thing in Japan.

>> No.14034202
File: 7 KB, 311x288, bustin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine a handy from those soft pudgy hands

>> No.14034212

one of the main arguments for the pointlessness of "saving" Western civilization, and just pushing it over the brink oneself.

>> No.14034361
File: 14 KB, 450x321, 1497189744974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I kid you not, spaghetti sandwiches are a tradition in my family, running back 3 generations.
Simply stated, make your bolognese spaghetti and put it on top of white bread spread with PEANUT BUTTER.
Toasting the bread is optional, but encouraged.
Next time you make spaget, please do not hesitate to try this.

>> No.14034377
File: 31 KB, 500x292, mediocre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's why he yells
Hard to hear him from way down there