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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14016475 No.14016475 [Reply] [Original]

Could you complete this challenge?

>> No.14016483

__ _________ ______?

>> No.14016485

that's just a typical lvl 1 obese person's dinner

>> No.14016503

Absolutely no problem though I would only do so if I were getting paid.

>> No.14016504

>four double cheeseburgers
>two large helpings of nuggets
>two large helpings of fries
>four sodas
>"small amount"
I get that your fat and all movieblob but holy fuck.

That said, I could probably manage it, though there better be something to dip those nuggets and fries in.

>> No.14016508

Easy as fuck.

I could eat two trays of that. Easily! Not even a challenge.

>> No.14016513

I feel like this challenge created by a european?

>> No.14016516

I think I could do it, but I would purge immediately afterwards to get the taste out of my mouth.

>> No.14016519

Don't need to pay me, I would even kill to eat this right now

>> No.14016524

Yeah sure but that’s a buttload of food and that guys a super retard for thinking that fast food isn’t “dense” when a it’s in fact the exact opposite.

>> No.14016527

there's no way I could eat all that in 90 minutes

I could barely even finish the soda, let alone like 30 nuggets

>> No.14016535

>fairly small amount for an average-sized person
fat fuck

>> No.14016538
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*silently approached your counter*

>> No.14016568

90 minutes is a long time

>> No.14016641

Simply eat it and then go in the bathroom and punch your uvula with the back of the tongue by making choking noises, vomit it all up. Get 3.5k.

But can someone who has done professional eating before give advice? I know that you have to drink water throughout the day while fasting so that the stomach stays stretched open. But is there a method that you should use to attack the food? Like, eat the solid food first?

>> No.14016647

How many times do we have to have this thread, faggot?

>> No.14016659

If I really tried I could kill that in 10 minutes.

>> No.14016662

Soda would be the only hard part but if I dumped vodka in it I would be gucci

>> No.14016668

I would not even be able to keep even a last tiny bite of it up for 90 minutes
not even 60 or 30...

Would destroy it within minutes

>> No.14016679

I finished a Trump meal once and thought I was going to pass out. I think a Chipman would be too much for me.

>> No.14016700

I think the technique is to go for proteins first then carbs, so in this case the burgs and nugs then the fries

>> No.14016705

is a rule you can't go pee?

4 dranks would do me in since I have a weak bladder

>> No.14016719

If I were allowed to puke afterwards, yes, I could do it.

>> No.14016724

No you have to run 2 miles afterwards without puking

>> No.14017322
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4 double cheese burgers
2 large fries
2 large nuggets
4 drinks
>fairly small amount for an average-sized person

>> No.14017335

I like binging on fast food occasionally with portions that size but they usually leave in stupor for two days. I can't understand how it's possible that for some people this is their diet.

>> No.14017380

i'd eat the food but i'm not downing 4 sodas that's fucking disgusting
few sips into the second can of coke and i wonder why i didn't just stop at one

>> No.14017385

Give me some 'chup and I'd go to town.

>> No.14017391

Speaking as a fatty fuck, people are underestimating how filling 20 nuggies are. I could do it but i'd want to die after.

>> No.14017400

for $3500
i figure after my butthole reconstruction I'll still have $500

>> No.14017409


>> No.14017418

I mean probably if I had a couple gallons of water too.

>> No.14017446

Psh nice appetizer kid.

>> No.14017450

Do Americans really...?

>> No.14017456

>I have a weak bladder
Show bobs

>> No.14017463

Americans will do anything for money. Are you familiar with reality TV? google 'fear factor'

>> No.14017496

The food probably yes, the sodas know.

You idiots have forgotten your physics and that liquids dont compress. Or you are turbofatasses.

>> No.14017510
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>> No.14017528

It must just taste like a salty sugary mushy mess in that all devouring maw he calls a mouth.

>> No.14017535

That's not even a challenge, would prefer if the burgers were swapped with big macs though.
Also >3 McDonald's threads on the front page
They really putting their advertisement money to work.

>> No.14018058

In an hour and half? Literally no problem. I might have to take a break to digest, but it's not an issue. The biggest problem would be the soda. I'm glad when they give you more than one drink for these challenges because I usually drink quite a bit, but even so four large sodas is gonna be a bit hard to get down comfortably.

>> No.14018080

Isn't Bob diabetic?
>white socks

>> No.14018430

i best 90% of the people in this thread saying they could "easily do it" wouldn't even make it 2/3rds of the way.

>> No.14018847

the state of americans LOL

>> No.14018914

They got an hour and a half though. That is plenty of time to eat that much

>> No.14019069

I'm a skeleton and the few times I go to a mcdonald I usually order half of that (a double cheese, large nuggets and fries, and a soda).
I would struggle with double the amount, especially soda which is quadrupled, but I think I can manage it without being an amerifat.
That's in a single go. if I have 90 minutes I can eat half of that immediately and half after an hour or so. There's the problem of food getting cold and dry, but if I can get them to cook me half tray now and half in 60 minutes it becomes a really easy challenge.

>> No.14019118

I could but the sodas are by far the hardest part of this meal to keep down, if all four of them are larges then you’re looking at a freaking gallon of soda that you need. I’m a fat fuck and even that’s way to much for me, but with the 90 minute time limit then I could probably manage

>> No.14019126

Those are fucking quarterpounders and not double cheeses.
Keep that in mind.

>> No.14019141

lmao what a disgusting fat slob you must be. enjoy your diabetic amputations starting in your 40s

>> No.14019177

The fuck does he mean by "would you"?
Who would turn down delicious free food AND the chance to win 3500?!

>> No.14019206

Never says it has to be soda, could easily be tea of water.

>> No.14019302

even if you’re not drinking cups of sugar you’re still trying to force a gallon of liquid down your throat on top of the rest of the meal

>> No.14019315

Make it 5 minutes for a challenge on an average person

>> No.14019711
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Bob "genocide all the mayonnaise ghouls" Chipman

>> No.14019762

I don't know what half the things on that bingo card mean.

>> No.14019863

dip bread and fries in drink till soggy

>> No.14020406

Honestly? Yes, though I'd probably feel quite poorly afterward. For three grand? Fuck it, bring it on I'll call in sick to work.

>> No.14020410

>4 cokes
absolutely not

>> No.14020417

lol easily and im not even fat.

>> No.14020421

Maybe. I've never tried to eat anywhere near that much food at once before, but I'd certainly try for $3,500.

>> No.14020965

/tv/ faggotry

>> No.14020986


>> No.14021001

Why $3500? Seems like a somewhat strange number.

>> No.14021004

You're not fooling anyone bitch tits.

>> No.14021049

I think it would be hard, but I could probably do it. I'm more worried about the pop than the food. That's a lot of liquid.

>> No.14021081

Nuggets and fries are childs play. The burgers will suck especially with the buns and the soda will be cloyingly nauseating. But it's very much achievable

>> No.14021086

Lemme check if I could by calculating the mass of the food available. IINM, that's:
four double quarter-pounders
two large orders of fries
two twenty-piece orders of chicky mcnuggies
four ________-size drinks

The burgers are a rough total of 980g or so.
The fries are a total of 300ish grams and the nuggets roughly 650g so the solid food is a total of about 1,93kg. I think I could eat that in 90 minutes, yes.

How much is in the drinks? If they're US large, that'd be about 2,34l of liquid if about a third the volume is assumed to be ice. If they're US mediums, that'd be about 1,64l. Either way, I don't think I'd be able to eat the food and drink the drinks in 90 minutes, no. I'm a slow drinker. I might try the challenge just for laughs, but I doubt I'd be able to finish it within the time frame provided.

>> No.14021088

In a heartbeat. We already sacrifice our health and dignity daily for money at jobs, might as well tack on a little more for way more than you'd ever earn in a day.

>> No.14021122

>more than you'd make in a day
What? That's under $1mil a year. Fuck, how poverty-stricken must one be to think a $900k salary is a lot of money? Like holy shit. You must be really, really poor. It's disgusting.

>> No.14021171

The sodas would kill me but the rest I could chow down on no problem.

>> No.14021245
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I could probably do it, unless the following happened:

>Eating the food at a steady pace
>Go to sip one of my four Cokes to wash it down
>Take a sip
>It's iced tea
>I have to guzzle down four large iced teas
>And they're not even sweetened

>> No.14021249

even as a fat fuck, I could manage it, but I wouldn't enjoy it

>> No.14021327

happened to me when ordering delivery at some fried chicken place and i just said "iced tea", wrongly assuming it would be sweetened. the absolute worst, almost ruined the meal

>> No.14021350

I need to see his pregnant belly

>> No.14021380

You really only need to do that in competitions against other people or when the time to eat is so short that chewing and swallowing cuts off precious seconds. With 90 minutes you could take your time, put on a movie and even grab a smoke break or 2. Idiot.

>> No.14021397

anyone who says no is lying

>> No.14021411

he's in shape, matt stonie is a speed eater and he's won many competitions

>> No.14021434

Fag or woman, either way NGMI. Just fast or work it off, you’re not a Roman hedonist.

>> No.14021479

>absorbing very poor quality trash is masculine
caput capapie
I mean I really don't care either way what some goofball thinks on 4chinz but what a weird thing to obsess over. You have a bulemic in the family or something?

>> No.14021501

Yeah but I'd feel like shit all day afterwords.

>> No.14021513

I absolutely could. I don't eat a lot of fast food or large portions regularly, but I could easily smash through that much in an hour and a bit. McDonalds is not very substantial.

>> No.14021524

I could get through the burgers alone in about five minutes. Give me an hour and a half to graze on that stuff and absolutely I could get it done.

>Soda is soooo hard to drink.

I had to stop getting 2 litres of soft drinks because I can easily put that away all at once.

>> No.14021531

Only if i could replace the coke with sprite

>> No.14021557

You say that as if the polo neck tshirt, terribly tied tie, chisel top autism slip ons, boutonniere, black in two different shades polyester suit, and red pocket square in a stupid little triangle aren't as slovenly and disgusting.

>> No.14021565

4 quarter pounders is only one real burger really

>> No.14021600

I'm no professional eater, but I have won a few competitions, even though I don't use a "technique". The usual way for most is to eat meat and cheese first, dip carbs in liquid, sipping some sweet liquid to offset the saltiness (normally you wouldn't but the drinks are part of the challenge) and then "smoothly" knock the drink back, ensuring not to gulp which can induce vomiting and massively "wastes" space due to introduction of air.

I prefer to just ravenously enjoy the food, making it spicy though tends to continuously increase eating rate for me.

>> No.14021606

I've eaten 40 with no trouble before and I was nauseous from hangover

>> No.14021640

That's just not entirely true, and is at best an Ideal gas style toy model. Besides they're not going at super sonic speeds, they can flow and break up, bread and fries are mostly air and the burgers can be massively reduced in volume.

Drinking what might be up to 4L of liquid is going to be pretty difficult though, the sugar certainly wont help, might be a good idea to knock one of the drinks back straight away to allow it to flow unimpeded. You have 90 minutes after all

>> No.14021646

Just piss in my mouth sweaty :)

>> No.14021966

Probably but I'd feel like shit afterward and probably having stomach problems at bed.

>> No.14021968

That's fucking easy, not pleasant of course, but easy

>> No.14021971


>> No.14022230

You know the average income in the US is like 40k right?

>> No.14022643

I’do it for $10 bucks

>> No.14022921

Impossible unless you're a pro eater.
Carbs + Shit ton of thick liquid will end your run real quick.

>> No.14023049

its only a problem if it IS sweetened

>> No.14023248

I could. I wouldn't.

>> No.14023460

Easy, this isn’t a challenge at all.

>> No.14023507

>small amount
no wonder efap calls him diabeeto.
if i take this challenge i wouldn't eat fast food nor drink soda for months after this

>> No.14024162

>she thinks people earn only 40k
Try 400k. And that's barely above the poverty line. Holy fuck, your posts must be the least fanciest thing I've seen in weeks. Your destitution sickens me.

>> No.14024243
