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14009482 No.14009482 [Reply] [Original]

/soup/ thread

Just made some creamy italian sausage and mushroom soup. Not my goto soup, but still very good. Definitely on the fatty side, but it's cold and rainy here, so it's what I need.
What are your favorite soups?

>> No.14009519

Loose recipe:
>saute chopped onion and carrot
>add sausage and sautee till it browns
>add celery
>salt, pepper, italian seasoning, whatever other herbs you like
>in a separate pan, sautee mushrooms in oil and a bit of butter, add a ton of garlic the last couple minutes, add to the main pot
>add either some flour or a warm water+starch mix to thicken and stir
>add enough water or broth to make it a soup
>add some milk or cream
>bring to a boil then simmer for an additional 20-30 minutes
>season to taste

>> No.14009694

Nobody here likes soup? Alright.

>> No.14009794

Looks tasty.
i think i gotta go with vegetable soup with elbow macaroni and beef added. Cant forget the cornbread either. Rip mimi

>> No.14009943

Shrimp bisque, Italian wedding, and old fashioned chicken noodle.

>> No.14009981

Looks pretty good. Would eat.

I'm more of stew, goulash and chili man. Hungarian goulash being my favorite.

>> No.14010096
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i have been blessed with a lot of ramen, what to i cook to make it worth while?

>> No.14010388

My mommy buys me ramen too, I dunk my tendies in em.

>> No.14011696

How do you cook hungarian goulash?

>> No.14011890

For me its French onion

>> No.14011909

I really like making chicken congee. I make a huge pot maybe once a month and eat it all week

>> No.14011974
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>> No.14012322


>> No.14012366

Korean Yukgaejang. Or Sullungtang.

For the nostalgia factor, a nice runny tomato soup with a grilled cheese.

>> No.14012434

I gotta try making some korean style soups, I've somehow never tried.

>> No.14012487

Korean soups/stews are super comfy in the winter. A favorite of mine is muguk

>> No.14013062

Cheddar broccoli soup is my craving when it's nice and chilly outside. I have trouble getting it to thicken though. I believe I fucked up when making the roux

>Throws in the butter
>Doesn't seem like enough
>Throws in flour anyway
>Realizes it's not enough
>Decides to add more flour like a complete retard after I already poured the fucking chicken stock in the roux and let boil

Came out chalky like a mother bitch but it was okayish. Someone told me about adding cornstarch but it made this weird clear gooey shit in my soup. Will try again later at some I guess

>> No.14013453

Potato, carrot, tomato, celery, onion and chicken.
Makes for a perfect winter warm-up.

>> No.14013464

Made veggie soup today and yesterday. Will be eating strictly this dish until I drop 40 pounds.
Contained onions, carrots, celery, cabbage, garlic, jalapeno, and salt. Would appreciate any more inspired ingredients for my veggie soup.

>> No.14013494


When done correctly, some of the best soup a person could have.

>> No.14013507

That's a bowl of pure grease and somehow you made the ingredients look like alien brains. Please kill yourself if you can't even make a fucking soup properly without being fat and retarded.

>> No.14013514

Mix cornstarch until all dissolved in a bit of COLD water before adding to thicken it up. Will stop it clumping into some pseudo-cum.

>> No.14013518

Would say potato but a lot of carbs so its your choice.
Anyway, got pretty much a whole veggie patch in there.

>> No.14013528
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Just had soup. I like how because I made it with broth I stewed beef tongue in, it turned out absurdly glossy.

>> No.14013677

I make soup pretty often, usually with some fresh soda bread.

Last soup I made was a fairly simple broccoli cream soup. On the off chance anyone is curious here's how I make it:

-first I make a roux: 3tbsp of flour and butter, then add 2 cups or so of milk to it(i use oat milk, it works fine, but real milk would probably taste better for most people) and set it aside. This will go in at the end

-Saute an onion or two and some celery in a pot
-add a few cloves finely chopped garlic
-add in your broccoli(I use the florets and the stems, they cook up perfectly fine), 3 cups or so of chicken or veg broth(I use veg, but chicken would probably taste better). Simmer covered for 15-20 mins.
-smash the broccoli with a potato masher (I don't like to mash too too much so the broccoli is still pretty chunky)
-add in the milk, and some salt and pepper.

I get 4 servings out of this, it's just as good for leftovers the next day.

>> No.14013703
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I make soup all of the time but it's with leftovers. I believe that's what soup should be, leftovers.
If it's not 'stone soup' I don't think it's real soup.
I always have enough bones around to make stock so I never use store-bought stock.

This soup is literally sitting on my stove. I woke up hungry and decided to heat up this batch which has been going for a week now. My lentils are starting to dissolve and the noodles are way past done but the flavor is developing nicely. The dissolved lentils have captured the fats that were floating on top.

It's still gelatinous when I pull it out of the fridge, that's how boney my stock is. I'll talk ad hoc stone soup with you all day my friend.

This soup has been about 2 weeks in the making and eating. I had about 3 gallons of it when I started this is what's left.

>> No.14014430


You don't need that much flour and you sure as hell don't need corn starch. Watch this Anon. I've made this several times.

Watch "SoulfulT How To Make Broccoli And Cheddar Cheese Soup" on YouTube

>> No.14014493


>> No.14014766
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Dog you're gonna kill yourself before you drop 40lbs. That's a terrible way to drop weight short term let alone long term. You're gonna be miserable eating the same thing every day and it won't last long term since you're not adjusting your long term eating habits.
Nah, it's actually delicious. Why are you so mad?
Found the irishman. Right on.
>If it's not 'stone soup' I don't think it's real soup.
Imagine being elitist about fucking soup of all things lol. Yikes.

>> No.14015036

Also I don't mean to insult your deliberate soup because you made it 'on purpose'. I'm poor so that's how I roll.
I really wish I had taken better pictures of my latest batch when it was in good condition. It was delicious then although probably not as good yours, however my soup has developed quite nicely, which really is my goal.
We're morally obligated to extract all of the nutrition we can from our food, which is fortunate since humans and cooking evolved to do exactly that.
There's got to be a culinary principle where some dishes don't reheat well, ie a pastry, whereas some are better, i.e. soup.
I've taken to reheating my pizza in a covered pan, brilliant.

I'm going to 'purposefully' make a broccoli cheese soup, since I had such success with my latest bechemel cheese sauce.

>> No.14015335

Just start fasting faggot. I water fast 3/4 days a week and have more leeway in what I eat on non fasting days. Lost over 20 lbs in a month. It also shrinks your stomach so you eat less.