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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, 1-Welcome.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14011028 No.14011028 [Reply] [Original]

This pandemic is b-bigger than any one country; it's truly global!
So let's m-make an international meal tonight, Anonymous!

Come have a delicious home cooked meal, prepared with love just for you <4

https://vocaroo.com/4w3tb6RcMBL (embed)

>> No.14011034
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 3-Ingredients.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for today's dish, we are going to make chicken tacos!
The ingredients that you'll need for this are as follows:
- 2 tsp chili powder
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1 tsp smoked paprika
- 1 tsp oregano
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
- 1 1/2 lbs chicken breast
- 1 tbsp canola oil

>> No.14011042
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 4-CombineChiliPowder.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pour the chili powder into a small bowl!
Please don't fuck up this step, it's pretty much the first one (aside from assembling the ingredients).

We'll b-be putting a bunch of ingredients in here, so stay tuned <4

>> No.14011057
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, 5-CombineCumin.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, it's the cumin's turn to be added to the mix!
So do that.

N-not much to say, but cumin is w-what makes tacos taste the way t-they do, so be sure to add plenty <4

>> No.14011064

Hola alice. Hope you are well

>> No.14011068

Right b-back at you, but I'm doing fine right now <4

>> No.14011070
File: 71 KB, 427x513, 1506227066240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Alice!

>> No.14011076
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 6-CombinePaprika.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to s-see you!

Next is the paprika! This will give the dish a smoky flavor.
I was supposed to use smoked paprika and didn't have that on hand.
So I didn't.

Use s-smoked if you have it!

>> No.14011081
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 7-CombineGarlic.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hokay, garlic powder time.
Dump that right in there.

N-not the most interesting instructions, I know.
But essential!

>> No.14011096
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 8-CombineSalt.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to add the salt!
I know it said "Kosher" but I didn't have that, so sea salt will do.

...plus /b/ doesn't like it when I use kosher salt.

>> No.14011102
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 9-CombinePepper.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepper time!
If you don't want you dish to be too spicy you can skip this step.
I won't judge you too harshly.

>> No.14011105

Sounds more like /pol/ would have the problem

>> No.14011109
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 10-CombineOregano.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd b-be surprised!

Before I forget, the oregano!
I totally almost forgot this in the dish, but remembered at the very last second!
So put that in the dish.

>> No.14011121


I want to rub my face all over your flat chest

>> No.14011126 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 693x598, kill the tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to trannies

>> No.14011130

On the land o lakes in the ingredients, did you hear they took the indian off the packaging? Muh racism. Native americans were ok with it, just not other peeps.
Do you think we have gone over the edge of political correctness alice?

>> No.14011131
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 11-SeasonChicken.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-my chest isn't flat, but okay.

I'm n-not a tranny, try again <4

Season the chicken liberally, and make sure you give it a good rub.
You w-wanna get all that seasoning into all the nooks and crannies of the chicken!

Yeah. Rub it nice and deep into that meat. Mmm <4

>> No.14011137 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 488x768, Alice pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011138

Anything less than a B cup is DFC to me
Too many fatties out there it's sad

>> No.14011144

pls pls pls give me a crumb of that poosi PLEASE

>> No.14011145

>not liking feminine penis

>> No.14011146

Allow me to say, thorougly based, good Sir, thoroughly based.

>> No.14011150
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 12-HeatOil.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I s-see...

Heat the oil in the pan!
This step is really easy and simple to show you.
Just pour the oil in and heat it over medium-high heat!

>> No.14011152

When I cook chicken for tacos, I usually dice it first, season, then cook, mostly out of habit desu. Does doing it in this order make it more tender or something?

>> No.14011157

imagine shooting your wad on this broad's portion of the dinner she made and making her eat it haha

>> No.14011167
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 13-CookChicken.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I d-doubt it!

Cook the chicken in the heated oil pan until each side is golden brown and the internal temp is 165F.
Make sure your chicken is safe to eat before taking it off the stove!

>> No.14011170

I'd rather just enjoy a nice meal with her.

Maybe talk about our days or whatever is on our mind. You know, that sort of thing.

>> No.14011175

I hope that isn't a teflon skillet, because goddamn.

>> No.14011177

It is anodized aluminium <4

>> No.14011182
File: 1.93 MB, 1280x720, 14-CutChicken.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carefully, w-without burning yourself and AFTER you wash your hands thoroughly dice the chicken into bite sized pieces.
You could alternatively choose to s-shred your chicken at this step in a large bowl, or with a stand mixer.

Any way it gets shredded, it doesn't matter; it'll taste the same <4

>> No.14011189
File: 208 KB, 1024x853, 1583922986411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that doesn't sound so bad but there's only one thing on my mind

>> No.14011194

show your penis to prove that you are not a man

>> No.14011196

I t-think your logic is somehow skewed...

>> No.14011198

>tranny cooks shit food and acts like a weebfag
your threads are cancer, kill yourself

>> No.14011201
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x720, 15-Gattai.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-sorry, not a tranny <4 prove I am and I'll leave forever~

GATTAI! Combine all your stuff on your tacos! I went with some mexican rice, and some cheese!
You can choose to do whatever you want, they're your tacos!

>> No.14011204

>international meal
>he makes the exact same pan fried chicken breast as last time
I guess basement dwelling losers have no borders.

>> No.14011205

Based. Let's gang rape him.

>> No.14011208

T-this is tacos, dear.

>> No.14011211

is that rice? what the fuck. you knucklehead. you screwball.

>> No.14011218

I like to fry up the tortillas a bit in a little canola oil, because im a fatass, but its also really good

>> No.14011219
File: 1.80 MB, 1280x720, 16-OrderUp.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll t-try it next time <4

Alright, all done!
Order up Anonymous! It's time to eat and I can't wait to enjoy this meal with you!
I really enjoyed this dish and will be making it again!

>> No.14011238

looks like some shit a single mother would post on facebook and proclaim herself wifey material. doesn't even look like you heated up the tortillas.

>> No.14011248

Mexicano here, you should think about using some onions, cilantro, and some corn tortillas! Heat up the corn tortillas on the stove directly over a flame and use some tongs to flip it over, This chicken sounds amazing though and with the onions cilantro and some lime juice I bet it's gonna be amazin!

>> No.14011250

I mean, I'd marry her. Not because of the tacos though.

>> No.14011252
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 17-Outro.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thank you for the constructive criticism <4

Thank you so much for coming to my thread and I hope to see you next time!
We've all g-got to stick together in these trying times, so I d-don't mind if you take your angry and frustration out on me, c-calling me tranny, my food bad, etc etc.
Even so, even if you say all that, I made this for you, to the best of my ability, so that you might feel a little less alone even in isolation.

I hope, if my actions cannot reach you, at least these words will. I love you, Anonymous.
With all the love in my infinite heart,

>> No.14011259

ok rape u later

>> No.14011263

whenever im at the mexican restaurant i ask for some limes to squeeze on everything

>> No.14011264

need a sharper knife babe

>> No.14011270

you skipped 2.


>> No.14011271

I've b-been sharpening my knives lately <4

T-that one wasn't shot for various reasons.
It got lost in production.

>> No.14011273

Did you just dump some of the San Fransisco treat on your tacos?

>> No.14011275

If your knife was sharp you wouldn't need to saw your way through the chicken.

>> No.14011285

thanks! it looks good <3

>> No.14011289

>I've b-been sharpening my knives lately <4
with what?

Get a good couple of sharpening stones and learn the proper technique.

Don't bother with sharpening devices.

>> No.14011291

I'm g-glad to hear it <4

W-with a sharpening stone from Japan <4
Since it's japanese steel.

>> No.14011295

finger my anus alice

>> No.14011311
File: 113 KB, 594x492, 2020-04-30 19_56_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well learning proper knife technique might help

thumb and forefinger should be on the blade, not the handle.

>> No.14011313

I'll t-take that into consideration <4 Thank you!

>> No.14011319
File: 36 KB, 314x557, 2020-04-30 19_57_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011331

You should have chopped up the chicken before cooking so that there would be more surface area for the seasoning to get on. Then you could have sprinkled the cheese on the chicken while it was in the pan and it would be melted when you put it on the tortillas.

>> No.14011336
File: 87 KB, 753x611, tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice, would you serve me your feminine benis on a white bedsheet, adorned with a pink bow?

>> No.14011338

does this atust make content for 4chan? what is with these threads anyways. the sign bullshit is so stupid. at least hold it with your right hand and do all of your cooking left handed like jack does

>> No.14011344

I'm n-not an autist, sorry <4

Good suggestion, t-thank you!

I d-don't have a penis.

>> No.14011345

holy shit you have absolutely no tits

>> No.14011349

C cups actually <4

>> No.14011367

not up for you to decide

>> No.14011369

maybe japanese C cups you weeb breastlet

>> No.14011371

C-correct, it's up to the bra companies.

I am h-half japanese, so I can't be a weeb.

>> No.14011408
File: 45 KB, 736x828, real_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be nice here. This was a lot of wasted time for something not that entertaining. You didn't really make anything except chicken. Tortillas take maybe 30 minutes to make from start to finish. You are a girl, so anons will give you attention but only out of a desire to fuck you. If you enjoy this, continue I guess. My two cents.

>> No.14011422

I'm n-not here for attention, and I d-do not enjoy this <4 I am here to help anonymous, who has expressed an inability to make even simple meals.

Which is why the meal is simple <4
It's educational, not entertaining.

>> No.14011429

Please stop posting these abhorrent threads.

>> No.14011431 [DELETED] 
File: 1.74 MB, 3024x4032, 1586601205236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep showing your poverty grade, worn off, teflon shit that you found in your neighbor's garbage?

>> No.14011436

It's n-not teflon coated, it's anodized aluminium <4
Why do you throw insults out without even taking a second glance to confirm what you are saying is correct?

Oh, because you don't care, you just want to hurl insults <4 Sorry, your trolling is like a light breeze...

>> No.14011443

D-don't like it, don't look.

>> No.14011458

I think an anon can figure out how to slap spices on a chicken breast and put it in a pan. YouTube can teach them if they can't. God knows that retards on that site have been making the "basics" to death. I doubt you hate doing this. This is probably the most attention you get all week if you post here.

>> No.14011462

Because he can't cook for shit. If it wasn't for the cringe attention whoring these threads would get 2 replies and they would say, "this is the shittiest OC thread I've seen in weeks" and, "a thread died for this".

>> No.14011464

And yet, t-they were not able to do so.
Sorry, but your lack of imagination isn't evidence <4

T-that said, I hate attention. I'm really happy m-my threads were slow tonight <4

>> No.14011472

>dumb flatchested tranny who can't even pass holds paper in front of their face while crying and denying it

>> No.14011478

Yeah, ok.
>hates attention
>posts thread
Attention isn't a bad thing. You need a boyfriend or something. Do you have friends?

>> No.14011485

Alice, I have never before felt an interest in people online, but there's something special about you.
Maybe it's the way you autistically type, using '<4' and fake stuttering in text.
Or maybe it's your agonizingly slow movements and drawn-out steps, like IT'S JUST FUCKING SEASONING YOU DUMB WHORE ADD THEM ALL IN THE SAME SHORT VIDEO!
Still, it could even be your clunky hand movements and malnourished appearance that make you look like a recent holocoaust escapee.
Ok you're probably tired of me gushing over you, and I bet you get this all the time, b-but...
*breathes in*
T-there! I said it! Please take my confession to heart.

>> No.14011489

never seen so much butthurt seething, keep it up op

>> No.14011511

C-correct <4 I do not want attention at all.
Sorry you can't grasp that <4

Try again~ This level of trolling is just sad.

>> No.14011532

Real talk, how many bodies are in your freezer right now?

>> No.14011547

just go donate to her on twitch -> https://www.twitch.tv/celtyplays

>> No.14011564

>tranny knows how to generate ass pain
checks out

>> No.14011574

>cant pass so hides face
>panders to footfags
>makes threads constantly

>> No.14011575

you're just jealous I had the confidence to confess my true feelings (love not lust) to alice-chan
and they aren't "bodies" they're dumb stinky nosy cats, who are thankfully free of their job, which is killing innocent beautiful birds (much like alice!)
if the neighbors didn't want them to end up in survival ration sausages, they should have kept them in the house

>> No.14011577

>those shoulders
>those hands
>that chest

>> No.14011593

>is a biological female
>has a doggo stream
>never seen you make any good OC lol

>> No.14011627 [DELETED] 
File: 565 KB, 927x1644, 1506878137012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but anon s-sorry I'm a biological f-female <4

>> No.14011636

Lol. Post your futanari mushroom on /b/!

>> No.14011638

This is what these brainless arthoe twitter sluts do for us incels, they bash us in public but deep down they just want to sautee us up some deliciously tender chicken. Never trust these people

unless they are willing to cook dinner for you desu:3

>> No.14011645

You die from aluminium poisoning.,..

>> No.14011648

at what point in your life did you decide to be a tranny?

>> No.14011650

that'd be harder to get from a pan than copper poisoning

>> No.14011652

Nice copy pasta

>> No.14011660

I'm not a tranny. Prove I am, and I'll leave forever.
Otherwise, don't write checks your evidence can't cash

>> No.14011663

>I'm s-sorry but I'm a biological female
Are you gonna do a flip and kill yourself like most trannies? I hope that yes, you disgrace is disgusting and you have no purpose on earth.

>> No.14011667

I'm not a tranny. Prove I am, and I'll leave forever.
Otherwise, don't write checks your evidence can't cash

>> No.14011669

Post poonany on /b/ then.

>> No.14011670

that adams apple you hide by turning your neck.

>> No.14011673

how can you prove that you're not a tranny?

>> No.14011676


>> No.14011679
File: 1.37 MB, 2102x3586, yourdad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011682

you, deserve to be removed from this board

>> No.14011691

yo faggot, prove that you're not a tranny

>> No.14011701

prove you're not a faggot

>> No.14011703

You m-made the claim, you need to back it up.

I d-don't have one, will post it after stream.

You m-made the claim, you need t-to back it up. I'm m-merely asserting the null hypothesis.

And yet, I w-will be back tomorrow <4

>> No.14011707
File: 134 KB, 1058x811, 20200501_030551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but anon you can't prove I'm a tranny because I'm a biological f-female, s-sorry

>> No.14011711

prove that you're not a tranny

>> No.14011712

The burden of proof l-lays on the one making the claim, which is you <4 Prove i am.

>> No.14011715

I don't care if you're a tranny I love you

>> No.14011716


>> No.14011718

chin facing forward please. last time you turned your head. also do it now. you dont need time to take an honest picture

>> No.14011719

You are a disgusting homosexual and you deserve the rope

>> No.14011724

L-literally streaming, so no.

I'm bisexual and female.

>> No.14011726
File: 69 KB, 640x640, VsRJYQp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have to add rice to my tacos? Rice doesn't add much to the flavor profile and rice is just empty calories anyway.

>> No.14011727

trip dubs checked
trip dubs checked
dubs checked
dubs checked
dubs checked

>> No.14011733

speak english, not that tranny moon speak

>> No.14011740


>> No.14011741

"post proof or close yer yap"
there, redneck'd it for yu

>> No.14011742

let's see. wide shoulders, adam's apple, massive trapps, flat chest yet wearing a bra, devoid of any muscle tone to try and hide your build beneath fat.
Also, having the attention and dedication to keep up this charade. Women just arent capable of this.

>> No.14011744

I'm sure your tits are nice. but that shirt doesn't do you any justice. Next time wear something a bit tighter, and a push-up bra is always a good idea.

>> No.14011746

No you are not a female and we know it, we can feel it.

>> No.14011747

mmm...still doesn't compute, ye tranny wanker

>> No.14011755

>wide shoulders
they aren't wide at all, are you retarded?
>adams apple
shes posted her neck before and doesn't have one
>flat chest
it isn't flat
>devoid of muscle tone
no she isn't? huh?

>> No.14011756

dayum. dubspilled.

>> No.14011757

need time to shop?

>> No.14011760


>> No.14011764


>> No.14011766

Is this really her :(

>> No.14011768
File: 99 KB, 1080x1080, 1565801601348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14011769
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-b-b-but anon I'm sorry I'm a biological female

>> No.14011774

it's, more like el creaturo, is streaming

>> No.14011781

that is not alice, no. That's just random pictures.

>> No.14011782

You are a very smart person, lime juice on damn near anything Mexican is heavenly!

>> No.14011784

Vomit inducing

You see this is why peolke hate incels.

>> No.14011787

he has a male frame
she turned he head. you realise it's quite easy to hide that way?
no shit, hrt does that
when women get toned, the fat in their breasts don't evaporate

>> No.14011790

given youve posted zero evidence, let alone proof, that shes a transgender, its pretty clear all you want to do is shit on a random person trying their best to help others out.
may I ask why? what do you gain? shes not responding and this does nothing to harm her; are you really that starved for entertainment you feel the need to cut someone else down rather than like, go play a video game?

>> No.14011791

Mexican Cuisine thread? Mexican Cuisine thread it is, post meat tacos

>> No.14011792
File: 118 KB, 1080x1316, 1567913715408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the op lol, this is why she hides her face

>> No.14011799

You give anons too much credit

>> No.14011803

no she doesn't lmao
>hour glass shape
>male frame
fuck off idiot

>> No.14011807

that is not op, no matter how much you want it to be. also thats a woman so are you admitting alice isn't a tranny?

>> No.14011810

I'm not here to prove a point, I'm here to be toxic, tranny lover

>> No.14011815

Last one isn't a tranny, just a cute biological female

>> No.14011817

/b/ is full of edgy 15 year olds who are racist because they think it's funny. Also /pol/ crossposters are thick as thieves over there

>> No.14011819

>crossdresses and takes drugs for attention
>pots end result online
>gets upset when people call him a tranny
also, her recipes suck ass. You find better shit on the side of a brand name box

>> No.14011821

Girl u need to learn some knife skills I was almost afraid youd cut yourself

Incels unite !

>> No.14011825

yes but why? do you seriously have no other form of entertainment?

>> No.14011831

prove it's a cross dresser idiot

>> No.14011832

What does any of this have to do with cooking? /ck/ is objectively the slowest board on 4chan, why the fuck are you fags so frustrated someone is posting?

>> No.14011833

>hour glass

>> No.14011837

why not? this is transient, once it's over I'll find something or someone else to entertain me

>> No.14011838

no it isn't lmao, go check out the fucking paper craft board

>> No.14011842

Why would it not be OP if it was on >her dog's instagram page? There's no other person on it that has been in multiple photos. Look for yourself: https://www.instagram.com/nanopup/

>> No.14011846

dubs checked

>> No.14011847

he's a man
he wears women's clothes

>> No.14011851

It's obviously a male bones structure

>> No.14011858

thats super sad

>> No.14011861

you're mom is sad

>> No.14011865
File: 143 KB, 322x187, checkmate_retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly because it isn't on her dogs instagram lmao.
this is what her dog looks like

>> No.14011871

She has more than one dog.

>> No.14011872

you are mistaken, that is a woman

>> No.14011879

so she only shows ONE dog on instagram and ONE on twitch? Yeah okay retard, that makes all the sense....in a fucked up delusion by a crazy person maybe
also, the instagram currently up has a creation date AFTER the instagram in the archives. she deleted it and someone else used the same name. This isn't rocket science.

>> No.14011880
File: 18 KB, 290x276, 1575220700966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011882
File: 270 KB, 2048x1365, bare-knuckle-fighting-championship-sherman-shewmaker-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated but Ima fight you
RULES: We both have 20 hp
Dubs does 4 damage
Trips does does 8 damage
Quints is an instakill
If one anon runs out of fighting reactions forfeits the fight and is a bitch

>> No.14011886
File: 64 KB, 1163x1280, stagecombat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you faggot

>> No.14011888

Yes, the pup I showed is named nano.
not the one you posted
because that isn't hers

>> No.14011891

the man frame doesn't lie

>> No.14011895
File: 20 KB, 300x169, 300px-Legend_Fighting_Championship_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You geh

>> No.14011898

thats an hourglass, traditionally known for being a female frame.

>> No.14011904

but in all honesty, fuck that tranny, but fuck you for the time being

>> No.14011908
File: 126 KB, 1024x784, 263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14011912
File: 8 KB, 300x168, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.14011922
File: 414 KB, 1000x766, 4-girl-and-boy-fighting-cartoon-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011930

fuck...down to 16 hp. but in all honesty, fuck that tranny

>> No.14011931
File: 764 KB, 1920x1080, oopsguesshe&#039;sasquare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an hourglass aint square. faggot doesnt resemble the third figure in pic related. he even wears baggy clothes to cover his man frame

>> No.14011934

if the op wants to clear it up they'll (you'll) have to post face. til then you're the lady I posted.

>> No.14011936
File: 64 KB, 804x535, GettyImages-970681494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011939

nah just because you say something doesn't mean its true lmao
good work harassing some random lady though, that's not weird at all

>> No.14011943
File: 16 KB, 232x217, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

square, more like reverse triagle

>> No.14011947

huh? Those clothes aren't even baggy are you fucking blind?
Like, seriously, this is the dumbest troll of all time

>> No.14011951
File: 13 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011954

Where did I harass anyone? Are you retarded?

>> No.14011959
File: 10 KB, 250x202, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011962
File: 171 KB, 1920x1080, 06k8SLIDfVnQcRPoKj1nvrT-1..v_1569492947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011964

I'm a chiropractor so I work a lot with the human body and I know really well how it is structured from male to female, I'm sorry to tell you that your "Alice" is not a girl but a male in his late 20's.

>> No.14011969

did I just witness an internet slap fight in this thread?

>> No.14011970
File: 8 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011973

you'd be wrong

>> No.14011978
File: 88 KB, 1300x1390, 3d-small-people-fighting-29234499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011981

>posting pictures from instagram onto 4chan
>claiming that they are of an OP poster who is hated
>not harassment


>> No.14011984

based. also post timestamped credentials. end this faggotry once and for all

>> No.14011990
File: 201 KB, 929x1080, two-boys-fighting-vector-21580815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close, yet so geh

>> No.14011993
File: 44 KB, 980x653, Fighting-630x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011998
File: 95 KB, 1100x773, 5c5adff3d7ab677663732d6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14012001


>> No.14012003

that girl is chubby the tranny in the OP is malnourished

>> No.14012005
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, WIN_20181122_21_21_09_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My neck isn't turned at all, it's at an angle <4
Jeez, p-people are so weird....

I'm n-not a tranny, nor am I malnourished <4

Sorry doc, you are just wrong <4

>> No.14012006

fuck this, I'm outta images, but y'all geh

>> No.14012014

I did not contact her nor did I direct anyone to contact her. I don't care what made up definition of harassment you go by.

>> No.14012020
File: 98 KB, 370x378, 1586323593018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hm, it would be that you've been indepdendently accused of this virtually every time you post. You possibly have built up an image that you have "anti-fans" who promote this theory but in reality the association is simply with the content of the threads: "did we ever found out if Alice is a tranny?" is simply one of the more memorable things about you.
I would guess from listening to your livestream that you're actually a woman with naturally high T. Simply to produce the voice I'm hearing your adam's apple would need to be a large enough resonator to produce the tone, this trait along with others pointed out definitively point to a trend of hormone balance and not gender per se.

In the end it's that your choice of Touhous, Alice, clashes with your actual nature which is more like Sakuya or Mokou.

>> No.14012021

this isn't made up, it's legal lmao
you are obviously putting her in harms way

>> No.14012023

nasty guy nails

>> No.14012028

Nice neck, perfect for choking you to death
Ugly thumb though, clean under your fingernails retard

>> No.14012032

we said to post your chin forward, you utter faggot. Also 2 years ago.
take a forward facing profile picture

>> No.14012037

>harms way
My ass.

>> No.14012038
File: 92 KB, 160x160, mpMKyqE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-sorry, I'm just not a man <4
I've p-posted my neck; no adams apple.

I d-don't think "argument from reverse popularity" is compelling at all.

I h-have no clue what you are even talking about. I clean my nails regularly.

Yes, and I did <4 T-that's forward dear, but alright then <4

>> No.14012048

Do you like black guys
You really look like you fuck black guys

>> No.14012053

>" it's at an angle"
so fucking turned. forward facing you faggot

>> No.14012068
File: 804 KB, 2304x1088, IMG_20200430_215427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no, it's facing forward. There's l-literally nothing to object to.

That said. Directly forward, close up <4

>> No.14012077
File: 737 KB, 2304x1088, IMG_20200430_215433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And b-backed out a bit.

So. Where's the adams apple? Can you admit you were literally just making things up now and apologize? <4

>> No.14012086
File: 15 KB, 390x283, 1570455391475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dirty guy nails

>> No.14012089

You are so pale

>> No.14012093

but why are you a tranny? but more importantly, why are you so geh that you decided to become a tranny?

>> No.14012097

Can I make you a necklace?

>> No.14012100

Alice, why don't you get a hotplate so you can record yourself actually cooking something on your trademark dirty blue tablecloth? I appreciate 10 webms of you pouring spices into a plastic bowl because I am a lonely 4chan person, but my heart yearns for something more. Heat, smoke, steam, action, etc.

>> No.14012102

nice job looking up and stretching the neck.

>> No.14012105

a pearl necklace? why are you geh?

>> No.14012112


>> No.14012114

you definitely have a bulge going on there. bet you gotta a second downstairs.

>> No.14012119

Thank you <4

I'm not <4

N-no thank you <4

It's n-not dirty dear.
But I'll see if I can maybe do that <4

I didn't stretch my neck, I l-literally leaned my head back so you can see.

I d-don't. It's literally flat. Try again.

I'm n-not a guy so, no <4

>> No.14012124

She will reply she doesn't have time because she make so many cooking video everyday

I told her once that she needs to improve her cinematography but she will always come up with an excuse

>> No.14012131

neck yourself faggot

>> No.14012132

but why are you a tranny? and why are you geh?

>> No.14012134

leaning your neck back is stretching it. jesus christ what's with you?

>> No.14012140
File: 92 KB, 960x720, 1588215458374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice is there any chance you can twitch by yourself ? Everything i watch your stream some loud dude keep talking :(

>> No.14012142

please wear sexy clothing, I am tired of Sweater Alice

>> No.14012146

why are you geh for being sexually attracted to trannies?

>> No.14012147

why is this attention whoring tranny allowed here

>> No.14012148

but then you'd see the man frame. cant have that now, can we?

>> No.14012152

I know, its like cooking with granny

But I think her bf doesn't want her to wear revealing clothing anymore

>> No.14012154
File: 253 KB, 400x400, 1553536227344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a video on your yt channel wearing a gimp suit with nipples showing
just post your pussy already if you want people to stop saying youre a tranny, what do you have to lose?

>> No.14012156
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 1-Welcome.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-not what I replied <4

I'm not.

It's n-not.

I d-do so on Fridays usually.

I'm g-going to do more cosplays soon.

I HATE attention.

I've l-literally posted like that before.
Stop reaching.

>> No.14012157

Alice is a tranny

>> No.14012160

this, we need to investigate to see if it's a post op pussy. also
why are you geh?

>> No.14012163

T-that is a catsuit, not a gimp suit. It's a cosplay.
I h-have no desire to post my nude body, so I w-won't.


>> No.14012167

but why are you a geh tranny?

>> No.14012171

Look at this disgusting homosexual attention whore

>> No.14012172

I'm n-not a tranny nor geh <4

>> No.14012174

I referred to you as a roastie earlier when talking about you with friends, Alice. I can't remember if I've said anything mean to you before in your threads for certain but I likely have. I'm not going to say sorry because doing that when there's a chance I'll do it again is the wrong thing to do. But I hope you believe me when I say I feel guilty and someday I'll get over whatever's wrong with me, be it anger or self-esteem issues or what, that makes me into a shitty person like this. Thanks for making these nice threads.

>> No.14012176

>i hate attention
>spamming the thread replying to everyone and posting videos of yourself
hurry up and join the 41% club before male pattern baldness kicks in, you are never going to pass

>> No.14012178

but why are you geh and a tranny?

>> No.14012180
File: 60 KB, 769x1024, 1588125093586m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen Alice, she has beautiful long dark hair

>> No.14012183

S-sorry, I hate attention <4

I h-hope you become a better person <4

I'm not spamming, try again <4

I'm not~

>> No.14012186

but why ar you geh or a tranny?

>> No.14012187

fucking hell youre bulimic. eat some food man

>> No.14012188

Look at these strong shoulders, even Mike Tyson is dreaming about having the same.

>> No.14012197

>eat some food man
ha...he said man to a tranny
but why are you geh? Also, why are you a tranny?

>> No.14012199

I'm not <4


I w-wish, my shoulders are slight and dainty as hell.

You already said that, you h-have to wait for me to reply man.

>> No.14012203

how are you get and a tranny?

>> No.14012208

Alice what kind of Asian food do you grow up eating , your parents taught you any dish ?

>> No.14012209


>> No.14012213

This is the most transexual thread I've seen on /ck/ OP deserve the rope for lying like that to everyone and to himself!

>> No.14012216

M-my favorite was fried yakitori and shrimp tempora <4

I'm a biological female, sorry <4

>> No.14012219

frame and those chewed up filthy fucking nails, yup it's a guy

>> No.14012222 [DELETED] 

is it safe to say that you're a tranny, and also geh?

>> No.14012223

No you are not a biological female

>> No.14012225

does this tranny honestly think it passes? it just looks like a twink, all the way down to the flamboyant gay mannerisms and movements

>> No.14012228

OP tell us more about yourself !

>> No.14012230
File: 651 KB, 2304x1088, IMG_20200430_221044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, not stretched <4 I kept my head level.
Hopefully this resolves all disputes and w-we can acknowledge I lack an adams apple and am a biological female <4

X to doubt that'll happen, but a girl can hope.

>> No.14012231

A massive amount of tofu, it turned him into a tranny.

>> No.14012234

it's tempura you tranny faggot. jive ass honkey

>> No.14012235

I hope I become a better person, too.

>> No.14012238

for a male, youre certainly skinny asfuck

>> No.14012239
File: 744 KB, 2304x1088, IMG_20200430_221056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a tranny, no adams apple <4

Try again.

>> No.14012245

>trying to prove you're a woman by showing off your complete lack of female secondary sexual characteristics
maybe you'll grow some tits if you keep taking girl pills

>> No.14012246

Look at this massive homo

>> No.14012247

how long did you spend practicing that silly wave in front of a mirror, trying and trying to replicate the look of a female? its just way too obvious tranny

>> No.14012249

Alice 3D, 1 out of 10, how would you rate yourself.

I imagine Alice is 7 or 8/10

>> No.14012250

I'm n-not male <4

I believe in you~

Thank you f-for the constructive criticism <4

I've already g-got tits, thank you <4

I'm n-not replicating anything <4


>> No.14012251
File: 137 KB, 960x576, 1586207141192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post a close up clothed pant shot to prove no bulge, browsing through your media i can see you've worn constantly revealing or slutty tight outfits.
I personally have not seen bulge yet in my research.
Also, the way you cross your legs in some clips would be difficult for any man.
Alright, now that I've seen you live in Jew York I've lost my interest. I won't drive that far just to plaster some egirl/trap.

>> No.14012254

It's REALLY odd, s-some people just said I don't post revealing ENOUGH clothing.


S-so who should I believe?

>> No.14012255

you still geh and a tranny
stupid ass honkey tranny betch

>> No.14012257

Guys can have almost invisible Adam's apple, like you. We know you are a man, we can feel it

>> No.14012259

you have nipples. tits have volume.

>> No.14012262

Have some confidence girl

>> No.14012269

if he had confidence he wouldn't be fishing for orbiters here

>> No.14012270

Sorry, I'm n-not <4

I'm n-not, and literally the thing people stated quite aggressively that I have, I do not <4

Try again~

I t-think I'm quite average.

I have volume, sorry <4

This is seriously not even hard to look up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCeZ2EtHRvA&list=PLyT82Ckr2Mb74Pw8ZJZ61o57Ax5sg3vZw&index=3


I'm a female and I d-do not want attention or orbiters <4 Sorry~

>> No.14012272

and here we are, in a tranny thread

>> No.14012273

Alice a she you rent free tranny lover

>> No.14012276

We should find him and give him a good beating that's what we do to trannies in good ol europe

>> No.14012280

I mention orbiters and they appear like magic.

>> No.14012282

Feel f-free to try <4 I'm not afraid of you~

Only orbiter here is you <4 You s-saw a thread you knew you wouldn't like but just HAD to post in.

>> No.14012286

you still a tranny and geh, geh and a tranny. this is eternal

>> No.14012293

i feel sorry for you tranny, i can tell you spent a lot of time practicing trying to move like an actual woman and mimic their mannerisms, but it just doesnt work like that. male bodies are differently proportioned so when we see you moving its obviously wrong

>> No.14012294

insane hapa tranny

>> No.14012297

I'm n-not, and you saying it won't make it true <4

Sorry, just a biological female <4 I'm proportioned like one too, provide evidence I'm not <4

I'd love to see your fridge math

Okay orbiter <4

>> No.14012300
File: 787 KB, 1435x1944, Screenshot_20200501-042741_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way Alice reply is so adorable, thats what a real girl will reply

>> No.14012304

still geh and a tranny

>> No.14012305

Those are C cups???

>> No.14012308

Prove it <4

H-hey, don't post that here! People w-will start circulating pictures again!

>> No.14012310
File: 18 KB, 256x256, pupinia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending my day off researching whether some avatar fag is a tranny or not
what am i doing with my life

>> No.14012313

our petitions dont matter. the only thing that does matter is proof. given that an adam's apple can be surgically removed and does not always have a genetic predisposition to show, your visible lack of one is not conclusive proof.
time stamped, full body nudes or gtfo

>> No.14012315

you prove it geh tranny

>> No.14012316

I'm n-not even posting with an avatar!

>> No.14012318
File: 37 KB, 541x414, EW1IF1TXkAA60xD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14012320

Post genitals with timestamp you disgusting faggot

>> No.14012321

Hey it was you who post the link ==

>> No.14012326

wish i could taste your taco alice, thanks baby keep up the good work

p.s. show your feet one day

>> No.14012329

Thanks, Alice.

>> No.14012330

you can see her feet in her twitch, I have seen it its not very pretty, kinda huge and long

>> No.14012335

eye, tranny feet

>> No.14012336

Exactly like man feet

>> No.14012338

>People w-will start circulating pictures again!
post em slut

>> No.14012340

I love you Alice, you truly have no clue how much I feel for you and wish that I could be your husband and we can have a family together. I always look for your threads every single day so I can cook along with you and imagine that you made it for me to eat and that we were enjoying a beautiful romantic dinner. I love the way you interact with people and you truly have a kind a blessed soul. You are also one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I love you and I truly hope the best for you.

>> No.14012341

Adams apple c-cannot be surgically removed without leaving a scar <4 Try again~

You are t-the one making the claim <4 Try again~

It's f-fine to look, just not to cap.



D-don't post in my thread, tripfag.

>> No.14012343

haha gay

>> No.14012345

Fucking cringe

>> No.14012346

in her twitch where? like in some past video archive or something?

>> No.14012353

id say her heet is off putting but her upper slim figure made up for it

>> No.14012355


>> No.14012358

>D-don't post in my thread, tripfag.
alright Alice I will stop calling you a tranny if you continue to BTFO tripfags, SupaHotFire from /tv/ is your next target

>> No.14012360

Its on most of her twitch, the camera is to show her dog mainly

>> No.14012362

Hello Xir Alice how did you convinced yourself so much that you are a woman?
>s-sorry I'm a biological female anon <4

>> No.14012367

imagine not reading
> (an adam's apple) does not always have a genetic predisposition to show, your visible lack of one is not conclusive proof"
time stamped, full body nudes or gtfo

>> No.14012368
File: 38 KB, 720x708, 1587870097458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im am going to jerk off to this and none of you can stop me

>> No.14012373

>the dude voice is louder then the streamer


>> No.14012374

Jesus, /tv/ is just LOUSY with them, honestly.

I l-look at my birth cert than look down and oh wow, I have a vagina!

Now fuck off <4

Imagine not reading <4
>Adams apple c-cannot be surgically removed without leaving a scar <4 Try again~

Now fuck off~

>> No.14012376

please stop

>> No.14012380

nice deflection
men can have a genetic predisposition not to show their adam's apple

>> No.14012381

so geh, so tranny

>> No.14012383

He literally can't post legit proof that he is a woman

>> No.14012386

Me too friend, I am going to picture my future wife's feet wrapped around my cock as the foreplay before I unzip her dick and go to pound town.

>> No.14012390

Nice deflection <4 I'm n-not a man, so try again <4

I p-posted the evidence that was asked of me <4 I'm n-not posting my nudes.

It's on you to prove I'm trans; burden of proof lies on those making the claim <4 Try harder~

>> No.14012392

>Poor OP making OC thread and got spit on

>> No.14012394

>yooo just post your face on 4channel
>yooo just post your pusi on a SFW board
>yooo just post your birth certificate and SS#

>> No.14012402



>> No.14012404

>Try harder
Don't like attention
Literally asking for attention

>> No.14012409
File: 55 KB, 346x322, 1587767034593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont ever reply to me again tripfag

>> No.14012411

absence of surgical scars is irrelevant. men can have a genetic disposition not to show their adam's apple.

>> No.14012415

so geh very tranny.
>not posting evidence

>> No.14012419

I'm asking f-for more effort, not more attention <4
Try harder~

It's n-not irrelevant at all <4 You are s-saying I had surgery on it, you c-can literally just Ctrl F man.

Try harder~

>> No.14012425

>try harder~
no...tranny geh, not posting evidence proving the opposite

>> No.14012426

I do what I want you anime loving faggot.
Like right now, I am triangulating beautiful Miss Alice's location and when I finally get it I will have what I want one way or another.

>> No.14012427

Try harder~

You w-won't, tripfag. Sorry.

>> No.14012430
File: 341 KB, 1288x827, Screenshot_20200501-044820_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even bother replying trolls? It just make your thread off topic and get banned

Reading your thread there's always 50% back and forth
>are you a tyranny
>no I'm not tranny

>> No.14012432

You don't get to say no to your husband sweetie. Remember your place and plan a good meal for me tomorrow.

>> No.14012433

> You are s-saying I had surgery on it
I said it was an option
I also said upon it being apparent that you didn't have any " men can have a genetic disposition not to show their adam's apple."

>> No.14012435

How did Michael Scott bag this? How did he let this go?

>> No.14012437

almost as geh as being a tranny

>> No.14012439

She's so smol everything about her is petite and cute, god I wish I knew her irl

>> No.14012440

More like 80

>> No.14012441

It's because he is a tranny

>> No.14012446


>> No.14012448

Relationship isn't purely about appearance kiddo

>> No.14012451

You are n-not my husband, sorry <4

I will be banned any way. M-might as well have some fun <4

T-that doesn't seem to add up with the literal posts in the thread <4 Shoulda asked for a different form of evidence~

Try again~

I'm around 102 pounds right now <4

I'm a /b/tard, triggering you is hilarious <4

>> No.14012458

Is op really a faggot? OP is always a faggot and this time he is also a tranny

>> No.14012459

tranny geh

>> No.14012469

S-sorry, I'm not <4

>> No.14012470

you don't act very troll tolerance on twitch tho, some dude says he was wanking once in chat and you literally got mad

>> No.14012475

I don't know what is the most disgusting
Alice is a tranny
Alice putting so much effort trying to convince himself that he is a woman

Your name should be Patricia like in split movie

>> No.14012478

I m-made a funny comment about that, I w-wasn't mad. lol.

I even said he can do that, but j-just nopt to tell me about it.

Prove I'm transgender <4 Go ahead~
I'll wait.

>> No.14012479

no, tranny is geh

>> No.14012485

Prove you are a real woman

>> No.14012490

Burden of proof l-lies on those making the claim <4 I'm m-merely asserting the null hypothesis.

Try again <4

>> No.14012492
File: 62 KB, 500x375, 1587769476316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night Alice, it was fun joining a live thread

>> No.14012500
File: 469 KB, 756x984, 508035 - alice_margatroid blonde_hair hairband hands heart purple_eyes ribbon short_hair smile touhou uro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*kisses cheek and tucks in* S-sleep well, love.

>> No.14012506

tranny love
refute that

>> No.14012509
File: 141 KB, 1079x1063, 1585869722467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im back and can maybe believe that this alice person is just an extremely autistic, ugly girl who was bullied a lot as a child (probably due to a grotesque physical appearance). i dont see evidence of bulge in any of the 19 videos i reviewed and some of the reactions they had to various jokes from their small assortment of crypto-orbiters were so retarded and over the top it that it reminds me of my super autistic step sister (and women in general, having a poor sense of humor).
i will not be calling alice a tranny faggot anymore (unless evidence to prove trannyhood should arise)

>> No.14012519

I h-have no clue what that even means.

I d-don't consider myself grotesque, w-wasn't bullied a lot, d-definitely not autistic, but if you f-find me ugly, that's on you not me <4

But glad to hear you changed your mind after seeing evidence <4 Very proud of you~

>> No.14012554

How did you self convinced yourself so much that you are a woman?

>> No.14012567

I l-look down and see I have a vagina <4

>> No.14012602
File: 113 KB, 990x990, 1570509125089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't necessarily believe you are ugly now, your are certainly at a healthy body weight which is not the average for most Americans in what I assume is your age range. I really don't know what you look like besides you own legs, a stomach and are considerably flat chested (which is attractive on european phenotypes and some east asians, so youre in the clear there). Rather I mean that the type of person that would go through the effort to stream to a small handful of people, create a Youtube channel while posting at the intervals that you do and (this is the most important one) create and regularly post under a persona on www.4channel.org is not usually a person that can be defined as socially well adjusted. I'm assuming you were either a military brat, had a discouraging experience in childhood or as I stated before we're simply an ugly duckling who was shunned from other girls and not given any attention by young boys and thus turned to anime, 4chan and other autistic activities.
I'm going to wait a few days, weeks or even months (so its difficult to discern who I am) and begin to track and collect data on you from your internet postings. I have been annoyed by your threads for a while and the mystery of your genitals and now that I have a few months before I can return to the monastery I will devote a small amount of my free time to unraveling this mystery so that these threads can either flourish or die. On behalf of all the normalfags on /b/ who lose one of their FB fap cuck celeb worship gay self exposed furry cub fetish waifu spam threads I swear it.
If you do not want me to proceed with this I will respect your wish but I would appreciate if in return you posted feet with timestamp.

>> No.14012609 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14012618
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I'm actually underweight, n-not a healthy weight.

Also, you have the time line wrong.
Here's me in 2011; I posted for nearly half a decade as Alice, until Anonymous basically demanded I make a twitch (when it was an up and coming service).

That s-said, I'm....quite well adjusted, and I t-think you are making assumptions or projecting. It s-sounds like if you are annoyed by threads you can easily hide, that w-would indicate a lack of "well adjustment", b-but that also would be highly speculative.

Why is it so hard to understand someone may have a desire to help Anonymous, and the determination to see that goal through?

>> No.14012640

You are just an attention seeking tranny
You are not here to help

>> No.14012645

Jeez you really are old, huh? Clearly much older than myself.
The post was satire don't worry about it, silly millennial.

>> No.14012657

I d-do not want attention, sorry <4
I am here to help Anonymous.

>> No.14012665

No you are not

>> No.14012677
File: 62 KB, 958x449, stand_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am <4 I've d-done so for nearly a decade now. Here's an example:

>> No.14013018


>> No.14013542

I hate this woman but when i think about how much I hate her my face turns red.
Why did you make me into a tsundere Alice?