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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, webby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13988640 No.13988640 [Reply] [Original]

Got my first ever charcoal grill. Any good advice for a noob. First thing I was going to make was burgers.

>> No.13988644

Don't put food on while there's still fire.

>> No.13988662

get a charcoal chimney, so much easier than trying to light charcoal plus no firelighters needed.

>> No.13988672

best advice is to have a cold one in your non dominant hand at all times while manning the grill

>> No.13988693
File: 113 KB, 630x407, EC9EDEE4-4C6D-412C-BC02-E34869B82A56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use natural lump charcoal, fuck briquettes
Grease the grates with a small oil soaked towel
When you close the lid it actually lowers the temperature, some shit about oxygen

>> No.13988854

Will do. I'll wait for them to coal up.
Thought about that, but the one I got is tailgate size, and the reviews act like since the grill is so small it heats up the coals pretty quick without it.
Good advice
>lump charcoal
Yeah, I've heard the regular bricks are ass. Is it still fine to use just a bit of lighter fluid?
I'll put peanut oil on the list
That makes sense.

>> No.13990335


>> No.13990393

I've had a couple of those over the years. They're really great for tailgates, camping, whatnot.

Keep in mind that there's not much space in there between your coal bed and the grille, so it will be hot as fuck. Easy to over-char stuff on the outside and raw in the middle. But after some experience you'll get it figured out pretty quickly. Have fun.

>> No.13990405

Alright, first off, don't listen to >>13988693
at all. Briquettes are excellent for the best constant heat as well as the amount of time they last while lit, but NEVER fuck with lighter fluid or match light, get a charcoal chimney and light it like that.

>> No.13990461

season it before you try to do too much with.
cook some bacon first, rub the grease around and run another quick burn.

>> No.13990477

not wrong, brown paper bags are super easy to get a fire going. lighter fluid is for crackers and niggers hangin from trees or burning crosses their front yards

>> No.13990507

you don't need a chimney, but it does help.
what's more diaponting is you fell for the weber meme.
you should have just got a cheap flat bottom grill.
parabolic cookers suck dicks.

>> No.13990517

You can ignite that charcoal by combining ammoina with clorox.

>> No.13990541

you need to add a lot of mustard to do this properly

>> No.13990586

Sounds good. I'll keep that in mind when I dose out the bricks.
I think it might depend on the quality of the bricks, but I'll probably experiment with both. Fuck quick light bricks though. I only plan on using a tiny bit of fluid mixed with news paper as a starter.
It was a gift for giving my wage slave job 10 years. It was the only good thing in the catalog. Free is free and Weber isn't bad.

>> No.13990599

I'll give this a try. Can I use pork belly instead?

>> No.13990626

well good, they aren't bad grills, they just arent, great. do some bacon first, and do some chicken thighs next. throw on some onions, and maybe have some boiled or nuked potatos handy. and a salad.... plus beer, a lot of beer.

>> No.13990639

pork belly will work fine

>> No.13990685

The tiny Weber's are pretty shit. Ok could never get the heat high enough it seemed. The airflow wasn't right. The big Weber's are bretty güd though.

>> No.13990688

Do you really have to season a charcoal grill or is this just some charcoal elitist meme?

>> No.13990724

it will help if you fire up super hot first and grease it up. not entirely necessary but...

>> No.13990746

you still want want to break it in with a first firing, any grill, to burn off any weird chemicals and sweat shop ball sweat might be in there

>> No.13990785
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What you need to learn is the secret of direct and indirect cooking. As others have said, get a charcoal chimney, they work perfectly. All you do is fill it up with charcoal, put some paper in the bottom, then light the paper and set it down. In 10 minutes or so you have perfect coals.

Lump charcoal, like this Anon said >>13988693 is better in my experience, just because it gets hotter and as such imparts more flavor. That said, briquettes are completely fine. You also want to add more briquettes as you cook if the grill starts to cool down too much. Also to close all the vents when you're finished so as to save as many remaining coals as you can for next time. Basically the more vents that are open, top and bottom, the more oxygen that can get into the drum to provide fuel for the fire. Thus increasing the heat.

But like I originally said, the secret to basic grilling is direct vs indirect heat, and knowing when to use each. Staring a steak over direct heat for instance and then finishing it off indirectly. Very important with chicken as well, to prevent burning. There's no need to oil the grate as some other anon suggested. Just oil the meat, and lastly you might want to think about investing in a weber basket, like pic related. They're great for sauteing vegetables. I like to mix sliced onions, diced bell pepper, mushrooms & minced garlic with some oil, salt, pepper and Mediterranean dried herbs, and then place them into the basket. They cook grate over the flame and then moved to indirect cooking and are a perfect side dish to any main.

You'll also want some gloves of course, a rake for moving the coals around is good also and if you can invest in a good thermometer like the Thermapen Mk4.


>> No.13990841

i didn't say oil the grate, i meant to say season the whole grill, like you a cast iron skillet.
otherwise, listen to this guy^^^ he has his boomer grilling face firmly stuck up his ass :)

>> No.13991041

make carne asada

>> No.13991362

I don't make foods with foreign names

>> No.13991864

Entirely a meme. For smokers, seasoning builds up a layer of grime that fills tiny gaps and help seal out air. For a GRILL it doesn't fucking matter at all. This thread is so full of false information and faggots with no clue what they're talking about it's hilarious.
t. competitive smoker

>> No.13991872

You should stick with clean burning, economical propane. Gives meat nice taste of meat.

>> No.13992724

Definitely plan on doing some chicken when I get better use to it.

>> No.13993341


> season whole grill

wat in the wat

>> No.13993351

Good choice.
My dad got me one of these when I got my first apartment.
Probably made burgers.

>> No.13994247

I think I picked up that same one for tailgating at Arrowhead. Little guy is a champ.

>> No.13994300


I'm a fan of flare ups, love the taste of char on my food, fire go whoosh and I go yes

>> No.13994315

> he doesn't like coq au vin

>> No.13994341
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Mongo like fire, mongo like whoosh, mongo like fire

>> No.13994347
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For what you paid for a Weber, you could have got pic related at Walmart. Best little grill I've had in years. Has a steel plate in the bottom that prevents burn-out.
Like a lot of people are saying, charcoal chimney is the best way to go, but in-grill lighting with fluid isn't bad either. The anti-lighter fluid fags just don't know you're supposed to wait till the flames die down. Also, do yourself a favor and get some wood chunks for smoking flavor. Mesquite is a must and pecan or hickory is good too depending on what you're cookin. Throw the chunks on as the flame dies down right before you spread the coals even. Natural lump charcoal is good but by its nature it's not as consistent as briquettes. Also, maintain airflow, that thing should be puffing smoke like an old freight train.

>> No.13994357
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>lighter fluid is for crackers and niggers
>you could have got pic related at Walmart.

>> No.13994362

also, keep a beer handy at all times. its refreshing and can be used to douse large flare-ups.

>> No.13994365
File: 618 KB, 2500x1668, grillflareup2500-5b3c39a746e0fb0037a95c74[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Food taste good hot

Fire hot

Fire make food hot

fire good!!!!

>> No.13994368
File: 99 KB, 859x516, propane_pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off hank

>> No.13994374
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>> No.13994385

Not the same one but Hank has a good OTR show from Florida.

>> No.13994388

It takes fucking FOREVER to cook stuff over charcoal. Assuming you've cooked on propane before, estimate doubling your cooking times on pretty much everything. On a propane grill you can throw some chicken breasts on for 6 or 7 minutes per side and have them done in about 15 minutes. I've never cooked chicken breasts in less than 30 minutes over coals.

>> No.13994393
File: 206 KB, 350x340, 1231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taste the meat, not the heat you pleb

>> No.13994405

u r mom was tastin my meat if you know what I mean

>> No.13994418

might as well throw it in the oven

>> No.13994445

You must be a fuckin retard then because coals can way hotter than a propane grill ever could.

>> No.13994494

>charcoal chimney
they creat an updraft thorugh the build, no matter how big/small your grill is they dont have that effect, which leads to a faster burn.

>> No.13995048
File: 6 KB, 381x178, 1579055680468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chimney is only for lighting the coals, you don't cook over it you fuckin assface.

>> No.13995100

if you decide to roast marshmallows do it at the beginning its much easier as opposed doing it after you cook your meal

>> No.13995105

after wasting a couple of years and a dozen or so steaks on pan searing memes for proper crusts, i switched back to charcoal and realized the best crust comes from charcoal and grease fueled flames

>> No.13995362

Eh, free is free.
Yeah I was double checking the seasoning thing. I know not to trust people here verbatim. It's not like it's a cast iron grill.
This I know.
Thank you for all the awesome info. I'll read up on direct and indirect. My grill might be too small for the basket, but I'll keep it in mind. Will look into that thermometer.
It's on the list
It was free grill. But yeah, you don't want to soak it in fluid. I definitely want to experiment with wood chips when I can.
Never had this problem unless the coals are basically dead.
Going to be a while before I'm confident with decent steak, but my cheat code is to use a bit of corse salt and rub and let it sit over night. The salt dries out the top part and makes searing easier. Just don't use a lot.

>> No.13995509
File: 181 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-04-27-17-08-50-797_compress69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting it together. Got some tools on order.

>> No.13995677

Probably would go therma pop as it seems still good enough without the extra specs.

>> No.13995742

Read the manual

>> No.13995779
File: 114 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-04-27-18-13-51-663_compress59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly rocket science.

>> No.13996394 [DELETED] 

use a chimney

>> No.13997305

Does using charcoal cost a lot more than gas grills?

>> No.13997510


>Specialty grill with delivery system
>Pay like $40 for propane
>Constant Fire hazard
>Paying for "safety" despite fire hazard

>It's a grill
>Throw the charcoal in
>Charcoal is like $10
>Light it on fire
>Cook your shit

Charcoal wins every time

>> No.13997514
File: 23 KB, 304x558, Gas kettle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have an older style gas weber
>has lava rocks inbetween the burner and grill

Best of both worlds.

>> No.13997523
File: 745 KB, 1742x1400, IMG_20200427_183733__01_copy_1742x1400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go all fancy for your first cook. Just get some meat you'd normally cook on your gas grill and do it on the charcoal. Here's what I did last night for dinner.

Get a chimney to light your charcoal, it makes it far easier. Google charcoal chimney and you'll see what I mean. For your first cook on a new bbq, cover everything in a light coat of cooking oil to season it.
Dump your charcoal on one side of the grill, leave vents full open and let it sit for a bit. It's best to let your bbq get nice and hot everytime you use it to kill off any germs. Then close your top vent 1/3 or 1/2 the way.
Whack your meat on the I direct side and leave it for a bit. Finish by grilling on the charcoal for a few second and WALA.

>> No.13997533

There's a pink Weber you can buy too. It's called Smoking Jill. It's half the size and makes single portion sandwiches.

>> No.13998716

Yeah, I'm just doing burgers and hot dogs until I get a thermometer. Better aquantied.
Dude, at that point you might has well just get one of those mini Japanese "grills". I can't see how useful or practical a grill below 14inches could be.

>> No.13998805

>Smoking Jill
Look into woodchips and smoking some bacon or something.
But not until you've got a handle on it just cooking.

>> No.13999099

Why does everyone keep suggesting bacon? I've never seen bacon cooked on the grill regularly, and I've never seen my dad do it. Wouldn't it just cause a lot of flare ups cause if all the grease?

>> No.13999259

Everything this anon said. Indirect vs direct and knowing how to cook using each is huuuuuge.

>> No.13999275

Fuck off hank.

>> No.13999291

smoking bacon means using indirect heat, no flareups because you do not put them over the coals.

>> No.13999905

This thread is a joke.
>OP is a retard for needing help with a fucking tailgate grill
>Everyone else itt is a retard for mentioning seasoning, smoking, etc on a fucking tailgate grill
This is a tiny grill meant for burgers and dogs and shit like that. You don't need to season it, you don't smoke meat in it, you don't use indirect heat in it. You put coals in it, light them however you want, and cook meat over them when they're hot. Jesus fucking Christ I've never seen so many faggots try to flex their bullshit "skills" so ostentatiously as in this thread for some idiot who wants to know how to use a fucking camping grill.

>> No.13999928


I just try to copy this guy

>> No.13999940

>I've never seen so many faggots try to flex their bullshit "skills" so ostentatiously as in this thread
you must be new here

>> No.14000143

use birch bark as a firestarter, forget all that liquid and briquette shit

>> No.14000145


>> No.14000183

could these small grills work for yakiniku or does that require an even smaller grill?

>> No.14000227
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No I've seen a lot before, but to me this is a special degree of pretentiousness.
>Charcoal bad
>Lighter fluid bad
>Set it up for smoking/indirect cooking
>Season it first
>Finger-fuck the air vents
The last 3 are especially baffling. The seasoning retards are just regurgitating shit they heard about regular-sized SMOKERS without understanding what is actually going on. The assholes suggesting smoking have obviously never used charcoal in their lives, otherwise they'd know that there's absolutely no way in hell to maintain 225-275 in a compartment that small (even if you use a single briquette the wood you use for smoke will overheat the fuck out of that tiny chamber). Same goes for indirect heating unless you want to cook something at like 500 degrees. If you use lighter fluid correctly it will burn off way before you add food to the grill, so the anti-lighter fluid dipshits are outing themselves as retards.

Seriously, this is worse than even the most obnoxious cast iron threads.

>> No.14000303

yes, they dont light fully anywhere near as quickly as trying to throw them in a pile in a grill. you want your coals to be up to temperature as quickly as possible to get to the actual grilling, and to not waste the charcoal by letting them burn more to wait for the rest of them to catch up. I hope you were merely pretending to be retarded

Hickory is king. get some hickory charcoal. its harder to light, so mix it with some normal briquettes

>> No.14000308

>near as quickly when*

>> No.14000322

to mitigate the space problem of too much applied heat, put the charcoals as far to one side as possible, and put the meat on the other side. adjust the distance of meat as you figure out how well its cooking and what you want it to be doing

>> No.14000339

>top 10 reasons why i season my cutting board NOT my meat :^)

>> No.14000345
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>> No.14000363

that thing is really small height-wise. should work just fine. i suppose you could get a smaller grill specifically for that, or depending on how often you intend on cooking that, it could be cheaper just to use more charcoal to generate more heat

>> No.14000366
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It's a good little cooker Use to do a whole chicken on my Smokey Joe. Sometimes with a bigger chicken, you have to push the lid down and break that chicken's back.

>> No.14000370

maybe i use too many wood chunks because im a noob, but those seem to be pretty expensive. granted, I'm mostly referring to a 4-5 hour smoke I did on a broken propane grill my roommate had that we converted to charcoal-only

>> No.14000380

do lava rocks have higher heat capacity than direct propane? you also need some tin foil to house your smoke wood, though thats not much of a problem

>> No.14000478

You must be ESL so I'll forgive your shitty reading comprehension. Please read my post again and realize I never said anything against using a chimney to light the coals. In fact, that's exactly what I supported in my post.

>> No.14000503

>you don't cook over it you fuckin assface.
i think you must have misread what you were replying to, then

>> No.14000721

I admit I did misunderstand your post, but only because it was written poorly.

OP, did you ever use that goddamn thing or is this thread just a bunch of pseuds circle-jerking for nothing?

>> No.14000744

>Is it still fine to use just a bit of lighter fluid
Sure, but it's not necessary if you use a chimney.

>> No.14001012
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That makes sense
Its my first time be nice :) I know I can't smoke meat in the traditional sense, but could try experimenting with wood chips just to impart flavor.
Looks good, but I know my grill isn't going to do well for ribs, let alone st. Louis style.
Definitely will try different wood charcoal.
I was thinking about doing that, since you can't really do the two sides version in that small space.
I plan on trying to cook small roasts in it and as you mentioned you can cook decent stuff if its small enough. I honestly prefer this size. When my brother got a regular charcoal grill, he hardly used it cause of how much charcoal was needed and he didn't cook family size cuts or high volumes of meat at once. I'm single and don't share food with roommates so something this size would be perfect.
I will use it. I put in an order for grill utensils(pic related), grate scraper and charcoal rake. Since Amazon packages for non essential items are slowed and work schedule, it'll be at most a couple weeks until I can sit down with it. I promise to post a thread while cooking so y'all can laugh when I burn shit.

>> No.14001085

Tools on order?? Its like 3 wingnuts my dude you better throw those instructions in the trash and put that thing together before I come fuck your gf.

>> No.14001111
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>reading comprehension

>> No.14001184
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>> No.14001283

Go big dick mode and use lighter fluid and a chimney. I do this all the time, they're ready fast as shit.
>B-but muh taste!
Nigger please. As several others have already said, lighter fluid burns completely away by the time your shit is ready to pour into the grill. If you taste lighter fluid you're doing it wrong.

>> No.14001369

Get a chimney starter. Do not use starter fluid. You don't need a huge pile of coals and for most cooking you are better off piling them on one side so you have a warm zone and a hot zone. It isn't all about searing the shit out of the food. Sometimes you want to use the warmer side and cook it slower only to sear at the end. Also get a good quick read thermometer.

If you got a Weber kettle you can also do slow cooking and smoking. Look into things like the snake method for a simple and reliable method for learning how to smoke meat.

>> No.14001385


Get starter fluid BUT NO CHIMNEY, put it directly on the food so you can get a nice blue rare going

>> No.14001907

>he didn't buy the jumbo joe

>> No.14002095

>I've never seen bacon cooked on the grill regularly, and I've never seen my dad do it. Wouldn't it just cause a lot of flare ups cause if all the grease?
I see it done all the time but you do it on the flat griddle, not the grill. Or on a griddle plate or something.

But I wasn't actually talking about cooking bacon, I was talking about smoking it after curing it. Your BBQ could also be used to make homemade bacon. It's an advanced project though, learn to cook with it reliably first.

>> No.14002230

A slab of pork belly is usually no less than 12" in it's shortest dimension. How the fuck do you expect him to smoke a piece of meat that takes up the entire grill surface? Where the hell do you put the source of smoke where it won't be directly under the meat? You ARE talking about cold smoking, right? Even one of those pellet tubes will raise the temp inside that tiny ass chamber past cold smoking temps.

Ok you bunch of faggots, this is tiny a 14" grill. Stop trying to apply methods meant for much larger rigs to this dinky fucking thing that's clearly not meant for anything other than basic grilling. OP is brand fucking new to this shit so telling him to do stuff like smoking/cold smoking is just setting him up for massive failure and he'll probably be turned off of the hobby forever because you faggots wanted to try and sound like pros on an anonymous Filipino knitting board.

>> No.14002258

>I see it done all the time but you do it on the flat griddle, not the grill. Or on a griddle plate or something.
So, NOT grilled? You're describing the equivalent of frying bacon in a cast iron/ss pan. Just because the pan/griddle is over a grill doesn't mean you grilled your bacon, asshole.
>Hey I put this Dutch oven over my coals to heat up my beans. Anyone want some grilled beans??!
Holy shit you are such an autistic aspergers fuckshit dingleberry, lmao @ your life.

>> No.14002350

you can cut an onion in half and use it to scrub the grill before you cook to clean it. then leave the onion on the grill for flavor.

>> No.14002447
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>It was a gift for giving my wage slave job 10 years
lol you too? I've worked at whole farts for about the same and I got two of these grills that I've never even unpackaged. One small one that I joke was an in car grill, one regular sized one that I'm tempted to set up tomorrow.

I've cooked with charcoal before, but without the charcoal chimney, or accelerants/soaked coal, what's the easiest, quickest way to light one of these fuckers up?

>> No.14002484

lol what tools are you missing to put together a mass produced grill?

Goddamn, you need to reevaluate your life.

>> No.14002500

Read the thread bitch, he meant tongs, spatula, etc. Sounds like you're the one who should evaluate xir life.

>> No.14002536

You right, sorry.

>> No.14002678

First time you grill burgers. Spread them out so you can learn where your hot spots are.

>> No.14002687

Season your grate like you would a cast iron pan. Also clean it after you use it every time!
You'd be surprised how much you can neglect your grill if you skip cleaning it "just this once"

>> No.14002691

If you decide to use lighter fluid instead of a chimney starter, let the lighter fluid soak into the coal and dry up. If you try to light the coals right after putting lighter fluid on it, the lighter fluid will burn out instantly and not light the coals.
If you let it soak into the coals, it'll stay ignited long enough to ignite the coals.

>> No.14002706

I forgive xe.

>> No.14002720

You only do that for cast iron grates, dummy! His grill comes with a stainless grate that should be cleaned of soot and grease between uses. Why is everyone itt so fucking stupid?

>> No.14002765

>Why is everyone itt so fucking stupid?
You should know this. You''re on 4chan, there is zero barrier of entry. You don't even need to know how to use fucking email. Think about that.

Also think about that any time you read anything on this shitty board. It's fucking garbage.

>> No.14002781
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>You should know this. You''re on 4chan, there is zero barrier of entry. You don't even need to know how to use fucking email. Think about that.
>Also think about that any time you read anything on this shitty board. It's fucking garbage.

>> No.14002788
File: 1.76 MB, 1814x3226, 142850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for proving my point without contributing anything to the conversation. GOOD JOB, BUDDY!!!


>> No.14002792
File: 40 KB, 251x425, hgrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks for proving my point without contributing anything to the conversation. GOOD JOB, BUDDY!!!

Sorry you got your fee fees hurt.

>> No.14002800
File: 94 KB, 935x894, gordon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't hurt my feelings. When do you think you'll stop behaving like a child?

>> No.14002957
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>Season the grate
Did you know that smokey joes come with stainless grates when you posted this? My money says you did, but your desire to sound like a pro (read: pseudointellectual) undermined your capacity to think critically and realize why that's a fucking stupid ass thing to say.

>> No.14003119
File: 93 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh shit a thread about grills, let me interject with some """protips""" that may or may not even apply to this particular situation in an attempt to establish some type of authority! I sure hope I don't make a complete ass of myself!

>> No.14003130

Meant to reply to this genius >>14002687

>> No.14003331

Well I wasn't fucking talking about cooking bacon, I was talking about smoking it.
Whilst all that is true, if you can do it in a wok then you can do it in a weber. It's only going to be easier.
I was talking about hot smoking but cold smoking would be much easier in a BBQ than anything anon would use if he didn't have a BBQ.

>> No.14003345

Although the barrier for entry is non-existent, there are genuinely knowledgeable people on the specialty boards. Sometimes you get really good information, you just have to filter it.

>> No.14003364

Webers are units of magnetic flux, Tesla*m^2 in SI units

>> No.14004344

You can also play dark souls with a guitar hero controller, that doesn't make it a good idea you fucking retard.

>> No.14004726


>> No.14004741

>Oh shit a post with missing information, let me interject with some """protips""" that may or may not even apply to this particular situation in an attempt to establish some type of authority! I sure hope I don't make a complete ass of myself!
You probably couldn't see the irony because of your autism
A normal human being would see the post and correct them. But your autistic bitterness made you project your inferiority complex instead.

>> No.14005116

Utter morons assblasted at being btfo. Many such cases!

>> No.14005124

In the gun community we have fudds. What's the grilling equivalent of a fudd? Because that's what this thread is full of.

>> No.14005150

I bet your mom is proud

>> No.14005159

What kind of fag shops at hope depot?