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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 635 KB, 2000x1034, brisket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13996321 No.13996321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is American barbecue the only palatable food made by white people?

>> No.13996325

Because you have the taste of an infant babby person

>> No.13996326

>made by white people

>> No.13996335

fucking awful bait jesus

>> No.13996340

95% of Michelin starred restaurants are run by white people.
What's a matter non-whites, can't afford it?

>> No.13996384

I've actually eaten at a michelin star restaurant before and while the desserts were great, the entrees were disappointing. I've had better food from a Mexican taco stand.

>> No.13996408

Why do brown people always have to talk about white people? It’s like some weird obsession where everything they do has to be about one upping whitey. It’s very odd and you should get some mental help op.

>> No.13996463

literally cave man tier food

>> No.13996469

Why are you retarded?

>> No.13996479

Yeah, when you grow up eating unseasoned chicken breast with mashed potatoes you might end up paying $70 for a meal because some culinary genious learned how to put salt on it.

>> No.13996494

It's incredible how angry non-whites, such as yourself, are that they weren't born white. You all have this deep seated insecurity.

>> No.13996497

Coming from the race that traveled across the ocean to live on a continent full of brown people so they could buy black people.

>> No.13996501

White people deserved all the land in the world, since we were the only ones to put it to use. We invented civilization, and you are lucky that we let you live in it.

>> No.13996512

Non-white race jokes:
>"haha medium rare chicken"
White race jokes:
>"kill all niggers, women, and jews"

On-Topic: Salt and pepper is not adequate seasoning for food.

>> No.13996517

which one? a lot of the cheaper one star places are bizarrely mediocre.

>> No.13996519
File: 47 KB, 720x960, 44258669_2199205540295034_2749173742574764032_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you

>> No.13996524

This is false

>> No.13996530

It's really not.

>> No.13996531

This whole post has nothing to do with what I said, keep seething darklet.

>> No.13996537
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>can't handle being told water isn't seasoning
>calls others jealous and insecure

>> No.13996538

Some french place which I forgot the name of. I got gigabaited into the michelin star meme by desperately single female food bloggers.

>> No.13996544

White people conquered the world to establish the spice trade. We literally invented using "spices" as seasoning. Every other race used "spices" as food preservatives.

>> No.13996550

How fat the mighty have fallen.

>> No.13996556

And now you don't even use them.

>> No.13996562

medium rare chicken and nyquil chicken were both niggers retard

>> No.13996563

Nah, that's just a meme non-white people to cope with the superiority of white people in...well, all fields and areas of life. No worries though man, it's healthy to let off steam to help you deal with your insecurities surrounding your racial identity.

>> No.13996567

The amount of history revisionist bullshit in this single post is appalling.

>> No.13996573

Idk about nyquil chicken but I'm pretty sure medium rare chicken was done by a white woman.

>> No.13996575

I'm sorry the truth revolts you so much. I suppose that is to be expected when all you've been taught in school is history viewed through the lens of Liberalism.

>> No.13996581 [DELETED] 
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Lol, the white cope is real. Like oh wow, the browns joke about the food and you get offended

>> No.13996585


Michelin Stars are a bad meme. Marco Pierre White pointed out that they don't mean shit when the people who are making judgment on food know less than the chef.

>> No.13996592

Why aren't you more grateful that we've allowed you into the civilizations we've built? You would still be living in a straw mud hit without our generosity.

>> No.13996602

You got sources for any of those claims you've made? Because none of it even makes sense from a logical perspective. You're telling me that no other non-European civilization used spices in food for flavoring before the 17th century, and that they only used spices to preserve food yet weren't wary that it could also be used to flavor it? Lmao seek therapy.

>> No.13996611

Holy shit white people BTFO go ahead and season those wounds before they get infected

>> No.13996671


The idea that white people don't season their food is too laughable to entertain. That being said, this:

>On-Topic: Salt and pepper is not adequate seasoning for food.

is also wrong. As a matter of fact, pepper is not even needed in most cases. Steamed asparagus, for example, need nothing but a little salt, and they're fantastic. Radishes and bell peppers not only need no salt, they literally need no cooking to be delicious. Bread needs only a bit of salted butter to be literally one of the best foods known to man. The same is true of potatoes, boiled or baked. Ham is basically pork, salt and time. It doesn't need anything else. Sauerkraut is cabbage, salt and time, it also doesn't need anything else. The fact of the matter is that, given proper cooking, the vast majority of ingredients need nothing but a little salt. The fact that you don't see that says more about your cooking skill than about european culinary traditions.

>> No.13996725

Lol I'm white. You're the one who has to go on damage control over unseasoned chicken.

>> No.13996730

>Bread needs only a bit of salted butter to be literally one of the best foods known to man
Do white people really

>> No.13996733 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 501x585, AD84249E-5B84-46A9-9908-668EDB45ADDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol I’m white

>> No.13996735

That pink is a little suspicious, but I'll cut you some slack, friend. Cook your meat thoroughly, only cavemen eat pink uncooked meat.

This message brought to you by the Food Safety Administration.

>> No.13996739

yeah white people really. Try it sometime, it's great. Bread and olive oil, too.

>> No.13996791

It's literally bread and fat. Of course I've tried it.

>> No.13996809

Rick Bayless is Mexican.

>> No.13996812

So you know then. Good.

>> No.13996815

All these minorities attacking white people. I mean I guess I get it. Oppression and whatever.

99.9999% of the time, we don't think about you guys at all.

>> No.13996840

absolutely based how will whites ever recover

>> No.13996870
File: 23 KB, 665x665, Biskits N Gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh *guffs* excuse me?

>> No.13997241

Because they stole it from Latinos like everything White people do.

>> No.13997598

Really good bait if you're 15 years old

>> No.13998038

Where are the pictures of bbq? Fuck you all.

>> No.13998064

bbq was stolen from native americans.

>> No.13998075

how do you steal the idea of cooking meat?

>> No.13998179

Sounds like you've, "RUINED YOUR TASTE BUDS"

>> No.13999047

>made by white people

>> No.13999066

>white people
BBQ is slave cuisine.

>> No.13999076

But American barbeque was invented by blacks from Memphis and Kansas City

>> No.13999080

one played out joke about food gets whitey so riled up he calls for genocide and breaks down the history of seasonsing and why we're all jealous brown subhumans for cracking the same jokes about horrible british/midwestern food

>> No.13999256

I had nothing to do with slavery
I get it, you're jealous
Get over it

>> No.13999260

>lol im white
Do you liked blacked

>> No.13999267

We live in their heads rent free, they just sit on twitter all day crying about the evil white man it must be exhausting
If they spent as much time working or doing something productive they could move out of government housing or get off food stamps

>> No.13999272 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 600x600, 1574455454961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White people

I think you might be confused.

>> No.13999279

Africa contributed to the greatest culinary invention of our time
The dirt cookie

>> No.13999281

>White people conquered the world to establish the spice trade. We literally invented using "spices" as seasoning. Every other race used "spices" as food preservatives.
Kek was Jesus white too?

>> No.13999299

Are minorities really so insecure that all they do is compare themselves to whites
I never think like that i feel bad for them

>> No.13999375

Probably why the food is usually disappointing.

>> No.13999389

This is true. It's like they are amazed when someone adds a little extra pepper to the food. Meanwhile it still manages to taste unremarkable.

>> No.13999401

Didn't rich white people stop using seasoning, because all the poor white people stopped using it? Now, it seems all whites have stopped using seasoning.

>> No.13999410

While I agree that salt is all you need at times, but I will be damned to think that's ALL you need to make it the best. Come on now.

>> No.13999578

I don’t think we can be too mad at non-whites for this joke. Let them have their seasoning. We literally have everything else. Whites are considered most desirable in dating circles by women of their own race for goodness sake. We’re pretty much responsible for civilisation and even the liberal whites that support minorities only do so out of pity. They don’t want to lift them up, they want negroes and shitters and spics as pets. It’s sad. Let them have their bbc jokes and “white people cant season food”. It’s all they’ll ever have.

>> No.13999597
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>> No.13999615

This is a good edit, saved

>> No.13999620

You're right, we can't cook. When are you headed back to whatever shithole you crawled out of?

>> No.13999648

well, which is it?

>> No.13999650
File: 162 KB, 631x647, 1566268123745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people source their food, particularly meat, well enough that it's not rotten and they need to season minimally because the quality of the food is the major flavor component
>shitskins frequently get disgusting, almost rotten meat that needs to be cooked forever and doused in spices to hide how awful the quality of the meat was and provide even a base level of palatability

really makes you think

>> No.13999654

This, white people are sensitive as fuck lol.

>> No.13999664

And which race are you? Please don’t say black because the word “police” or “n*gger” sends you people into ape frenzy, talking about sensitive

>> No.13999681

See how sensitive you get? Not even him but he's right.

>> No.13999703

Both technically. Look up any history of bbq. The sauce-based one we know today was primary invented by african slaves, using new world ingredients and certain slow cooking techniques borrowed from natives. Meat grilling and the seasoning styles, was/is common in africa, but the slow cooking wasn’t.

>> No.13999713

>white people white people white people
Gets tiring

>> No.13999721

By replying to me, that shows you’re also sensitive to what I said. See how pointless your reply was?

>> No.13999834

Not even whites consider you white so I don't think you want to go digging around this area bitch tits.

>> No.13999845

See how he can't stop replying? Sensitive af.

>> No.14000230

Still haven’t told me your race, you must be ashamed

>> No.14000276

100m dash

>> No.14000513


>> No.14000534

>made by white people

>> No.14000564

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.14000586

>I am brown and I don't like or want to be around white people
I hope that this sentiment is honestly expressed more frequently and we can slowly approach the amicable racial divorce of industrialized society.
We were never supposed to live together and it has remarkably worsened the lives of all involved.

>> No.14000616
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whiteboi can't handle bantz lol

>> No.14000889
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There was a guy a couple weeks back from bama that posted a thread about bbq. It was pretty fun thread, point is Americans make the best bbq. Black or white, best smoker I ever knew was a black guy,

>> No.14000917

shit poster said what?

>> No.14001022
File: 91 KB, 457x393, 1576874319239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck is it rare on the outside but overcooked in the middle?

>> No.14001028

smoke ring. Cunt faggot.

>> No.14001035


thats called a smoke ring. its a chemical reaction that happens when the smoke hits the moisture on the outer layer of meat. its a prized feature in competition and professional barbecue to a point where chefs in competitions will cheat and put special chemicals in their rub to artificially enhance the smoke ring.

>> No.14001042

>Getting worked up on a Chef Boyardee Wholesale Board

>> No.14001048

does it change the taste?

>> No.14001299
File: 60 KB, 750x423, 1588021035890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just honestly really tired of non-whites undermining and sewing dissent against the people who raised them to a level of civilization they would've never achieved on their own. It's obnoxious, and it's indicative of a South Africa situation where the people who built the society are killed, raped, and forced out by the people who contributed and built nothing.

It's not just bantz, it's the seed of a racial power struggle.

>> No.14001347
File: 16 KB, 425x282, 8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously blacks make BBQ too, the point is that it's the only food that wh*tes will put any effort into. putting effort any other food other than salted cooked meat is seen as "gay fag shit". same as in black culture

to be honest, bl*ck cuisine and wh*te cuisine is pretty much the same desu senpai

>> No.14001353

>where the people who stole things got what was coming to them
chickens coming home to roost is justice, no more no less

>> No.14001377
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So admit that your "jokes" about white people, are in fact, NOT jokes at all, but just the beginning of a murderous campaign against white people and white countries in an attempt destabilize them, genocide white people, and replace them in their own countries?

Good. Glad we're on the same page.
You're fucked by the way. The last time white people were collectively angry at a non-white race, we split the atom and atomized 90,000 people before breakfast.

>> No.14001380

kek your women like our blue eyes and large side of medium penises so in revenge you shit talk our food on /ck/

>> No.14001398

It's never "just banter" with the anti-whites who can't go three minutes without thinking about white people, they're legitimately hate-filled and mad enough to kill.

>> No.14001425

I think the person eating the food knows better than the chef if the food is good

>> No.14001431

neither can you apparently

>> No.14001432
File: 609 KB, 884x1195, a91.png_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am actually meeting with George Soros and Ilhan Omar next week at Antifa HQ to discuss our plans for the great purge. You were right all along.

>> No.14001439

lmao do you support robert mugabe too you fucking retard

>> No.14001447
File: 527 KB, 490x671, 5ccf86d7700adabce5f304c3ce0978d7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I support the dead president of Zimbabwe for president of South Africa

>this is wh*te ''''education''''

>> No.14001456

>immediately resorts to homophobia when threatened emotionally
how black of you

>> No.14001460

>this entire thread

>> No.14001476

>you can't talk about two different things at once, only one topic at a time
are you actually retarded dude
anyway unironically trying to "get back" at white people for apartheid in any country has always turned out terribly
wouldn't expect a homophobe to understand nonviolent, peaceful protest but that's just you being you

>> No.14001483

>wouldn't expect a homophobe
do you people actually think you can just call random people "racist homophobes" and have it stick because you're so used to being called those things you think it's what happens to everyone?

>> No.14001494

i am literally an entire married gay man but go off, retard
didn't actually call you racist either but I'm glad you admit to it

>> No.14001497
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You jest, but you still don't understand your part in the deception. You've been conditioned to hate white people, and you spread this hate to other non-whites and whites alike, some times jokingly, and some times with much more hatred and vitriol. The important aspect of this is the effect is has on white people who are not aware of the propaganda/deception against them. This consistent anti-white sentiment causes some degree of self-hatred/low self esteem and loss of faith in their culture or race among these white people. This effectively destroys our strong cultural heritage, while turning our own people against each other.

See, the non-white races aren't a threat to us directly, no. You can only destroy us by convincing us to destroy ourselves. You can't win a war against us, so you worm your way under the guise of immigration and outbreed us. You convince us to hate our race and heritage and replace it with your rudimentary equivalent which pales in comparison to the wonders and greatness my ancestors have achieved and preserved for thousands of years.

You are a cog in a much larger machine. You are a rat stealing from a kitchen, with no knowledge that you are spreading the plague to the owners of the house. Where will you go for your scraps when those in the house have all died from the plague that is your people?

>> No.14001498

screencapped for /r/AsABlackMan/

>> No.14001504

oh we're definitely a threat to you. case in point: your unhinged meltdown right here. rent free

>> No.14001506

please do
black people are constantly looking for reasons to justify their homophobia, you'll surely add fuel to the fire

>> No.14001509

this is embarrassing
please stop

>> No.14001510

>everyone I disagree with is black
yep, it's a flyover alright

>> No.14001515

This is what happens when racism is against the rules but jannies/mods wink at anti-white posts.

>> No.14001519

>(((I've been found out)))

>> No.14001521


no its just an aesthetic thing. international barbecue society gives a shit about it and bbq restaraunts care about it but Kansas City BBQ Society tells people not to judge based on the smoke ring because it's easy to artificially enhance.

>> No.14001523

swing and a miss
you also dont have to be black to use a specific subreddit
you are desperate at this point

nah you try again too

>> No.14001531

>it now tries to explain the insult back
you're a remarkably dim bulb, even by white standards

>> No.14001542

lmao you aren't even TRYING to hide your disdain for gay people anymore
keep digging that hole, buddy

>> No.14001550

Why do you believe that non-whites deserve to live in a society that another race and culture built? Not just that, because we've invited you to live in this society with us, but you insist that you don't want to live with us, you want us dead. We've given you so much, and this is your sentiment against us. We try to raise you to a level of civilization so we can all stand shoulder to shoulder and move forward into the future, and you can only focus on biting the hands that feeds, cutting the throat of people who invited you into their home, just so you can live in the ruins of what they built.

>> No.14001551


>> No.14001552

I'm white though
100% European blood

>> No.14001553

Not once you mentioned the hatred white people have for blacks. That right there paints your ill intentioned premise. You like the jew blood you have running through your veins are predisposed to decieve, lie and slander. This is why most whites hate you but go on keep on arguing in bad faith and let's see how it goes for you, retard.

>> No.14001556

>I look like an idiot now so I'll just scream homophobia

>> No.14001558

>(((I'm white though)))
And if you aren't, you are one of the self hating whites that has forgotten his culture and history and now works from the inside to destroy his race and society that I mentioned in an above.

>> No.14001562

Different Anon, but sodomites are abominations unto the LORD [Leviticus 18:22, Malachi 3:6]. God also hates sodomites as they're workers of iniquity (sin) [Psalms 5:5]. Why do you think Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed or why Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt?

>> No.14001571

>commit 50% of all violent crimes
>hurr durr why do they hate us?!?
We're just SO tired of your shit, and the fact that it NEVER improves.

>> No.14001605

Yeah ignore the times white people have destroyed what black people have created. Arguing in bad faith is why you and your fringe ideology are hated globally. Get a clue.

Also, this is /ck/. We discuss food not racism.

>> No.14001622

>We discuss food not racism.
You're right. Let's talk about the many cases in South Africa where blacks killed and ate white babies, children, and women after the end of apartheid. That's food right?

>> No.14001634

>*spouts racism*
>"okay no more racism now"

>> No.14001655

Oh indeed! Oh please, would you make a thread about this on /ck/?

>> No.14001663

So you condone what your racial brothers literal cannibalism of white people in South Africa? Perhaps that is exactly what you hope to happen against white people in Europe and America?

>> No.14001671

> the times white people have destroyed what black people have created
What times?

>> No.14001676

Oh so now you care about the violence in African-American communities as a result of hundreds of years of systemic racism and austerity. Neat.

>> No.14001677

>ITT: Insecure white people.

If any other race had something like this posted about them they would just scroll past it, thanks for confirming you're still by far the whiniest race guys.